Hi my name is Deandrew nice to meet you, after playing this game for awhile now I can say this game is pretty fun and relaxing to play. :) Hope one day this game because a app game or become even bigger in the future.
Hydras or Godzilla type dragons be cool in the game.
Anyway just wanted to say that my goal for this game is to breed my wolf's and sell the baby dragon the loving keepers that will keep them because I'm more interested in seeing what other players can create an do with my hatchling :) . Because I believe y'all can do some amazing breedings and stuff with my hatchlings in this game more than me :) .
So if u want a baby dragon from me in the future just message me or if u just want to chat you can to .
Happy breedings and good year
I'm probably going to need more room in the future but no worry's I'm gonna get that done myself when I have time to keep playing :)
If y'all like flight rising and dogs there a game called lorewolf it basically like flight rising but dog y'all would love it to.
Hydras or Godzilla type dragons be cool in the game.
Anyway just wanted to say that my goal for this game is to breed my wolf's and sell the baby dragon the loving keepers that will keep them because I'm more interested in seeing what other players can create an do with my hatchling :) . Because I believe y'all can do some amazing breedings and stuff with my hatchlings in this game more than me :) .
So if u want a baby dragon from me in the future just message me or if u just want to chat you can to .
Happy breedings and good year
I'm probably going to need more room in the future but no worry's I'm gonna get that done myself when I have time to keep playing :)
If y'all like flight rising and dogs there a game called lorewolf it basically like flight rising but dog y'all would love it to.