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TOPIC | Islet's Clan Lore [WIP]
Welcome to the Islet

Every traveller knows that flight is never quiet.

Air rushes up to meet the wings, sets nearby growth alight with rustle, rings all that tinkles and clangs, and coaxes the shrill cry of life out of those with or without feathers. A steady, constant staccato strings it all together. The thumping, there for most our life, remains unnoticed outside times of great danger and excitement, or places of great silence.

This is such a place. The curved staircase down has swallowed the howl of the storm outside. Thick stone walls are partly sunken into the rocky ground, and the tiled roof must be well-insulated, since none of the tapping makes its way into the library.

Even the light does not sputter, for there is no fire. Instead, rows of peach crystals cling to the shelves, illuminating the paper whenever someone nears or flares their elemental power. At first glance, no book is out of place. However, at the entrance sits a small cart of tomes, all neatly stacked. An outside smell still clings to them.

Behind those stands a curved, dark marble counter. Curiously, one end holds a writing board, with a variety of bottled ink and a roll of pens within easy reach. A few shelves of blank and unfinished scrolls gives it the look of a small scriptorium.

Idly, you browse the works there. There are a few notepads too, full with slanting lines and crossed out sections. Claws linger briefly on "Personal Logbook" and " Gallery" before taking out another booklet.

Oh, wow.

Although all works are interesting, you settle on a nearby couch with an unfinished tome of clan lore.

A page flutters, breaking the silence.

Congratulations! You completed the achievement: Found the Archives! Sit down and have some tea. Points: 10. Earned: just now.

Welcome to the Islet

Every traveller knows that flight is never quiet.

Air rushes up to meet the wings, sets nearby growth alight with rustle, rings all that tinkles and clangs, and coaxes the shrill cry of life out of those with or without feathers. A steady, constant staccato strings it all together. The thumping, there for most our life, remains unnoticed outside times of great danger and excitement, or places of great silence.

This is such a place. The curved staircase down has swallowed the howl of the storm outside. Thick stone walls are partly sunken into the rocky ground, and the tiled roof must be well-insulated, since none of the tapping makes its way into the library.

Even the light does not sputter, for there is no fire. Instead, rows of peach crystals cling to the shelves, illuminating the paper whenever someone nears or flares their elemental power. At first glance, no book is out of place. However, at the entrance sits a small cart of tomes, all neatly stacked. An outside smell still clings to them.

Behind those stands a curved, dark marble counter. Curiously, one end holds a writing board, with a variety of bottled ink and a roll of pens within easy reach. A few shelves of blank and unfinished scrolls gives it the look of a small scriptorium.

Idly, you browse the works there. There are a few notepads too, full with slanting lines and crossed out sections. Claws linger briefly on "Personal Logbook" and " Gallery" before taking out another booklet.

Oh, wow.

Although all works are interesting, you settle on a nearby couch with an unfinished tome of clan lore.

A page flutters, breaking the silence.

Congratulations! You completed the achievement: Found the Archives! Sit down and have some tea. Points: 10. Earned: just now.

Duanwu will shamelessly eat your likes. Art by celaine.
Some day, there will be art here.
Wishlist | Lore [WIP] | Gallery | Archive
G1 sales thread here.
Harvest RaffleKeikoKat's Raffe

____ S O U R C E S
N A T U R A L__R E S O U R C E S
B E L I E F S__&__R E L I G I O N
T R A D E & C O N F L I C T


____ S O U R C E S
N A T U R A L__R E S O U R C E S
B E L I E F S__&__R E L I G I O N
T R A D E & C O N F L I C T

Duanwu will shamelessly eat your likes. Art by celaine.
Some day, there will be art here.
Wishlist | Lore [WIP] | Gallery | Archive
G1 sales thread here.
Harvest RaffleKeikoKat's Raffe
___. ___________________________________________________________

All BBC code by me.
___Please don't copy without credit.

Banner art by Nicole Gustafsson, edited by me.
___Please don't use without permission.

Broad Divider(tree trunk) & Trinket _ | 1 | 2 | 3 | _ by Neibolt.
___Please don't use without permission.

Trinket shaped badges _ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | _ by Renaiwom and by Aurax
for the LvA OOF Raffle.

Trinket shaped badges _ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | _ by CounterCats
for the LvA OOF Raffle.

Slim Divider(book shelve) | Long | Medium | Short | _ by CounterCats
for the LvA OOF Raffle.

Achievement generator by Mysticaly.

Sakura flowers by Mibella.


_________F L O R A _ & _ F A U N A_________


Flat Cypress, Vanilla Boat Orchid, Plum Tree, Small Sunset Chrysanthemum, Windblown Pine, Lotus, Wild Aether Cherry, Sunbeam Banyan, Athelas, Elanor, Rowan, White Mulberry, Elderberry edited by me.
___Please don't use without permission.

Giant Starwood Bamboo is Flight Rising art and was edited by me.
___Please don't use without credit.

Trillium by Mary Vaux Walcott, edited by me.
___Please don't use without credit.

Bracken by Emmy LYF (CC BY-SA 4.0), edited by me.
___Please don't use without credit.

Orchid of Dreams by Carol Woodin, edited by me.
___Please don't use without credit.

Still Giant Kelp by sockmonkeygerald.

Animated coliseum enemies by Myndris.

Animated, recolored coliseum enemies by Oranitha.

Animated, smaller sized coliseum enemies by Nyaseoki.

Animated Bleeding Heart Crow by Delamire.

Still Caressed Dragonhorn Coral by me.
___Please don't use without permission.

Still Black Sea Nettle by yascherritsa.

Deepsea Cucumber, Star Struck Field Chirper and Coarse Micro Deer edited by me.
___Please don't use without permission.

All other still familiars edited by me.
___Please don't use without credit.

___. ___________________________________________________________

All BBC code by me.
___Please don't copy without credit.

Banner art by Nicole Gustafsson, edited by me.
___Please don't use without permission.

Broad Divider(tree trunk) & Trinket _ | 1 | 2 | 3 | _ by Neibolt.
___Please don't use without permission.

Trinket shaped badges _ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | _ by Renaiwom and by Aurax
for the LvA OOF Raffle.

Trinket shaped badges _ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | _ by CounterCats
for the LvA OOF Raffle.

Slim Divider(book shelve) | Long | Medium | Short | _ by CounterCats
for the LvA OOF Raffle.

Achievement generator by Mysticaly.

Sakura flowers by Mibella.


_________F L O R A _ & _ F A U N A_________


Flat Cypress, Vanilla Boat Orchid, Plum Tree, Small Sunset Chrysanthemum, Windblown Pine, Lotus, Wild Aether Cherry, Sunbeam Banyan, Athelas, Elanor, Rowan, White Mulberry, Elderberry edited by me.
___Please don't use without permission.

Giant Starwood Bamboo is Flight Rising art and was edited by me.
___Please don't use without credit.

Trillium by Mary Vaux Walcott, edited by me.
___Please don't use without credit.

Bracken by Emmy LYF (CC BY-SA 4.0), edited by me.
___Please don't use without credit.

Orchid of Dreams by Carol Woodin, edited by me.
___Please don't use without credit.

Still Giant Kelp by sockmonkeygerald.

Animated coliseum enemies by Myndris.

Animated, recolored coliseum enemies by Oranitha.

Animated, smaller sized coliseum enemies by Nyaseoki.

Animated Bleeding Heart Crow by Delamire.

Still Caressed Dragonhorn Coral by me.
___Please don't use without permission.

Still Black Sea Nettle by yascherritsa.

Deepsea Cucumber, Star Struck Field Chirper and Coarse Micro Deer edited by me.
___Please don't use without permission.

All other still familiars edited by me.
___Please don't use without credit.

Duanwu will shamelessly eat your likes. Art by celaine.
Some day, there will be art here.
Wishlist | Lore [WIP] | Gallery | Archive
G1 sales thread here.
Harvest RaffleKeikoKat's Raffe
[img alt='Headcanon'][/img] [center][img alt='Object: Bottled substance, distilled mystery and a brain behind it, displayed in dull light through tedious arrangement. || Name: Renaiwom & Aurax || Origin: Islet Ruins, Library West Wing, Room 3284447 || Date: 5539/40/20 || Catalog No.: 48139610'][/img][/center] [center][font= cambria][size=3]The first chapter appears to be an encyclopedia of sorts. The small print makes it look tedious to read through. [b][i]For those who love immersion and loathe reading minutiae, it is advised to page [url=]ahead[/url].[/i][/b][/font][/size][/center] [columns] [LIST] [*][font= cambria][u][b]Dragons[/b][/u] [LIST] [*][font= cambria][b]Sizes[/b] [url=]Sizes are according to FR canon[/url], but with much smaller guardians and ridgebacks. Those are the same height as gaolers. Coatls and wildclaws are the size of pearlcatchers, while banescales are as tall as gaolers. [*][font= cambria][b]Appearance[/b] A dragon's appearance matches the canon art but naturally varies between individuals. This variation concerns anything written in the lore such as (their parent's) species/subspecies, their own birthplace and history, and lore-acknowledged mixed breeds, breedchanges, skins and silhouette scrolls. [*][font= cambria][b]Gender & species[/b] Dragons are their canon gender and species, unless their lore implies otherwise. Dragons are born breedchanged and gened unless their lore implies otherwise. (Some might grow into their (new) genes gradually or acquire them through an incident.) [*][font= cambria][b]Food[/b] Dragons eat according to the canon lore. They might choose to consume other food types voluntarily, but will have difficulty digesting the food and/or extracting the nutrients. There is a large chance for genetic fish allergy for non-fish-eating species and gluten or fructose allergy for non-plant-eating species. Meat and insects might cause digestive problems among herbivores and fish-eating species. [/LIST] [*][font= cambria][u][b]World Map[/b][/u] The [url=]canon map[/url] is an inaccurate (distorted and simplified) version of the real map. It is used to teach hatchlings important landmarks. [LIST] [*][font= cambria][b]Physics[/b] Sorneith's planet has a strong magnetic field that relies on magic instead of a heavy iron core. The planet has a core of dense magic, which, in its primal form, exerts little gravitational force. [url=]This center is surrounded by a layer of iron, nickel and silicates, with a terrestrial surface on top.[/url] Gravity is therefore significant lower than on earth. A thicker atmosphere protects inhabitants further from radiation, while making it easier to fly. The permutations of this 'malleable' magic core causes the activity of the volcano in the earth domain. [*][font= cambria][b]Flight Characteristics [u]WIP[/u][/b] Each elemental dominion offers a different climate, with local burdens and boons for its residents. Flights native to a domain usually develop biological or artificial ways to mitigate harmful status effects, and take advantage of beneficial ones. Over time, training and exposure to the ambient primal magic of said domain can help individuals from different flights develop similar adaptations and immunities. This effect is more prominent if applied early in their development. Most notably, eggs from non-native individuals will develop an elemental alignment akin to the ambient energies they are exposed to and, when kept in an energy-wise similar domain and raised by locals, often develop both mentally and physically like dragons with parents born the area. [emoji=arcane rune size=1] This domain has the richest ambient mana of all, with plentiful magical resources and magnetic compounds. Several ley-lines cross the land, so cities and clans are located to take advantage of these resources. However, this domain also sports the highest levels of radiation, with a fluctuating magnetic field and many radioactive elements spread over the land. High local mana concentrations and dormant biomagic genes often offset the effects of radiation for arcane-born dragons due to epigenetic inheritance. [emoji=earth rune size=1] This land offers the most rich and diverse mineral and ore deposits, some which are infused with qualities from the nearby arcane, plague, shadow and nature elements. Most clans are situated near such deposits and have developed intricate craftsmanship to make optimal use of the resources. Unfortunately, this infusion process is the result of the low mana concentrations in this region, caused by the low population, salted bedrock and brutal drought. This has led to rampant poverty in the nomadic clans and a dependence on aquifers or import, which depletes resources and magic further. Earthborn dragons are often hardy and may forgo water, rest and food for longer periods. Hatchlings of this land often produce and wield mana more efficiently, as their smaller reserves allow them to sense mana more precisely. Many are also natural born sensors, who may detect magic in retaining substances, such as minerals, water or creatures. [emoji=fire rune size=1] This realm offers the richest metal and sulphur deposits, which are crucial for many industries. Most clans are situated near such mines to feed both their forges and smiths. Despite their benefits, these volcanoes also produce a thick smog, which may change to scorching ash rain. Besides, burning underground coal deposits and a sweltering heat plagues the inhabitants. Fire-born dragons often possess insulating hides, climate regulating airways, and activated biomagic genes that focus on filtration or heat protection. Natural selection [emoji=ice rune size=1] This domain is the most frigid out of all due to its southern location. Most clans are thus situated near woods or one of the many large oil reservoirs under the ice. This realm produces physically hardy folk, who have thick, insulating hides and climate regulating airways similar to those born in the fire. Hatchlings often have thick pads on their hands and feet, sometimes even developing webbed feet in the course of their life to brace against snow. [emoji=light rune size=1]These plains and valleys offer rich, fertile soil and plentiful sun, which is ideally suitable as farmland. Additionally, it also contains the largest gold deposits in all of Sornieth. Hatchlings often develop thick eyelashes, manes and a second eyelid to protect them from the glare of the sun. Besides, most dragons here prize their eyesight, which causes them to have especially sharp sight. [emoji=lightning rune size=1]Most commonly known for its large deposits of copper and coal, this land is home to many engineers and technological advancements who make use of the raging storms in this domain by redirecting and storing the electrical charge. However, the same storms pose a danger to inhabitants, who often developed longer spines or horns with an insulated hide and a network of shallower veins to prevent electrocution. [emoji=nature rune size=1]Immunity against common venoms and toxins, limber build. [emoji=plague rune size=1] Resistance against diseases. One of the largest medicine producers due to the access to patients, testing facilities and strong biological antibiotica. [emoji=shadow rune size=1] Due to the sulfuric swamps, they possess large gas deposits. [emoji=water rune size=1] A lack of landbound flora and fauna in the shallows leads to high pressure and low biomass density areas in the depths. Rich in coral, peals, seashells, fish and and aquatic produce. [emoji=wind rune size=1] High velocity winds prevent the growth of trees and tall bushes in most places. Exports bamboo and rice. [*][font= cambria][b]Sorneith's Size[/b] Each medium-sized dragon needs roughly 20 hectares to survive. Considering the total number of dragons in Sorneith, this would mean at least 300 million ha of land. With the empty lair spaces, the vast stretches of unclaimed land and the infertile, or diseased soil, the total landmass of Sorneith, excluding the uncharted areas of the ice flight, would be approximately 7 billion hectares, which vastly exceeds the landmass of Asia. The planet on which Sorneith is located is roughly 1.5 times Earth's. [*][font= cambria][b]Orientation[/b] The [i]true north[/i] is oriented along a vector from the dripcave dregs to the everbloom gardens. However, magic warps the various energies in the world, such that dragons and tracking equipment perceive a different, [i]artificial north[/i], which is the one used in the canon map. The equator passes in between the lightning and light territories. [*][font= cambria][b]Shape[/b] Employing the [i]true north[/i] as discussed above, the earth and plague domains stretch further south, such that the equator runs through the earth realm. This places the arcane and wind dominions south of the fire flight. The ice territory is more-or-less circular shaped. Only the significantly colonized and populated parts are shown on the canon map. This flight is therefore a fair bit larger. All territories are also much wider from (the true) West to East than is shown on the FR map, with broader borderlands. This mainly concerns the flights arcane, shadow, and wind, but is also the case with most other flights. [*][font= cambria][b]Coliseum[/b] Coliseum venues are incredibly vast, uncharted domains in Sorneith with a very high magic concentration and abundant resources, but little to no residing dragon clans. [LIST] [*][font= cambria][b]Coliseum Activities[/b] Traditionally, dragons have fought their duels and tested their mettle in these places. Hence, the moniker: Coliseum Venue. Since this unregulated violence led to long war campaigns with (beast)clans, flights now mostly rely on diplomacy. Many offer their service and own crafts in return for goods with the residing population. Next to gathering in their own clan-territory, dragons may also require venue/region-specific permits to hunt, forage, or dig in coliseum-classified areas. These gathering contracts regulate the ecosystem, preventing deforestation and extinction.(Examples of endangered species are the [gamedb item=746], [gamedb item=910], [gamedb item=760], and [gamedb item=919].) Dragon craftsmen, intermediaries, or mercenaries frequent coliseum venues to maintain peace and bringing a swift end to any crimes and [url=]monster[/url] hordes in the area. They are good fighters and help eliminate those who have been consumed by the shade. [*][font= cambria][url=][b]Locations[/b][/url] [LIST] [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=1] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] A calm, endless stretch of highlands near the zephyr steppes. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=10] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] A gentle breadth of forest on the edge of the shrieking wilds. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=2] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] A sprawling forest that regrows swiftly due to the fertile ground. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=9] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] Seemingly unending dunes in the light territory near the tsunami flats. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=23] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] Infested forests on the border of the light, shadow and nature domains, near farmlands or orchards. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=20] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] Unclaimed and overgrown wilderness on the outskirts of Everbloom Gardens. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=3] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] This chasm in the Canyonwalks connects the Breach with the shadow domain. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=11] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] Tranquil lands leading the water to the singer's brook. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=21] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] Few trees dot the steppe, protected from the stormclouds by the canyon. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=18] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] Water near this cave is calm but soon turns turbulent and deep. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=4] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] Sprawled under the seemingly endless hewn city. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=5] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] On the very outskirts of the Hewn city, the ruins of a lab connects to many arena's. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=19] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] The borderlands between the Molten Scar and the Flontlock Furmaroles. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=15] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] Large stretch of uninhabited forest on the edge of the shrieking wilds. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=6] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] Large, unclaimed forest on the outer edges of the Snowsquall Tundra. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=16] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] On the edge of the arcane domain. The Snippers migrate here from the reaches. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=7] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] Where the Canyon the rock and weather becomes alike the Sunbeam Ruins. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=17] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] On the banks of the Styx, this used to be a thriving port town. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=12] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] Water and rot eats at the wood where gladekeeper's faith is barely practiced. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=13] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] Fringes of the Fishspine Reef, with the blessings of the windsinger. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=14] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] Sunk into the shifting sands, these are the remains of a former capital factory. [*][font= cambria][gamedb stage=22] [url=]Location[/url][size=5][color=transparent]|[/color][/size] The portal is in [url=][REDACTED BY ORDER OF THE OCULUS][/url]. [/LIST] [/LIST] [*][font= cambria][b]Clan territories[/b] Clans usually reside in a den, which can have a (number of) set or changing location(s). There are many nomadic clans, especially in the wind domain. In case of a changing location, common courtesy requires the travelling clan to ask permission before gathering, littering and passing through. Technically, these communities have no "clan territory". When it comes to dynasties with a set lair-location, the definition of "clan territory" may vary per region. Some covens claim a small domain as their own. Often, these lands are modest, remote or have defensible borders. If the territory is large or favorable(bountiful gathering and trade), multiple (beast)clans often lay claim on the same piece of land. Sometimes this area may be shared, with dragons profiting alongside each other. It is common for multiple covens to fish and hunt in the same river or forest. Many wind tribes have open borders, which allow travellers to cross multiple inter-clan perimeters with one licence. Other times, the dominant dynasties may take on several vassal states (or colonies) to rule over. The independence of thralls varies per region. In some cases, territory disputes may lead to (beast)clan-wars. There are also cases in which clan territory and/or members are scattered between many elemental domains. Such clans often have unique historical, doctrinal or economical reasons for doing so and are usually hard to identify and classify for out-clan members. [*][font= cambria][url=][b]Fairgrounds[/b][/url] The fairgrounds was originally a small joint venture between shadow and wind clans, made to showcase the variety of folk games in Sorneith. Floating on favorable higher winds, a handful of game-tents on sturdy kites made its round across Sorneith, spreading games, establishing a network between travelling troupes and gaining goodwill of many lairs. Soon, various travelling troupes joined, seeking to bolster their profits outside of the festival periods. Awareness and respect for fellow entertainers led to an exchange of practices and a standardization of how most games were executed. Most clans now refer to any substantial and standardized joy-making as 'visiting the fairground', while troupers use the term to coin the service they provide. The original carnival still exist today, floating above the water domain, as a city of bright, mushroom tents. Lightweight rebuildings of the Sorneith landmarks dot the venue to mark different games and events, a curious practice originating from the earth domain. Various bamboo kites and hot-air balloons occasionally set the impressive construction adrift. An argument can be made that the venture was wholly inspired by the fair surrounding the colonnades. However, historical research has shown that market to be traditionally trade-centered and harmonious in nature, which contrasts with the chaotic merry-making that characterizes the fairgrounds. Throughout the years, mutual acculturation has led to much resemblance between both fairs, which only serves to increasingly obscure the origins. The whole setup travels where ever the wind carries them, occasionally hovering above other domains. During festival times, part of the 'city' splits off, landing on solid ground to provide local merriment. On occasion, the multicultural fair is used as an informal meeting place for (dragon) ambassadors. Guests are offered a glass of punch upon arrival, which is definitely not spiked, no sir! [*][font= cambria][url=][b]Auction House[/b][/url] The auction house has evolved from a small exchange in a simple shopping district to a loud, sprawling marketplace. The original founders of the auction house now offer their services in the form of organization(each type of ware has its own section with additional stalls and trustworthy tenders for hire on the fly), insurance, protective security and courier service. In return they ask the merchant for a a share of the profit. Sellers and buyers are travelling in and out of this market day and night, as deliver goods to be hawked or set up their own stalls with curiosa. Dragons who choose to leave their clan frequent this exchange, offering their skills in trade for good company and a change of scenery. With Sorneith booming economy comes a large demand for labor. For this reason, it is customary for the adopting clan to pay the former clan generously as a gesture of respect and goodwill. This serves not only as compensation for depriving the old clan of their resources: It's also used to purchase any remaining contracts the dragon has with an old clan. For this reason clans demand more for older dragons. Older dragon might have many valuable skills, supply contracts, connections, fame and renown, which would make their aid invaluable. With this insight it is clear why clans are often willing to pay more for known bloodlines, rare beauty or skill and the rare lucky individual born with numbers aligned in their favor. Many clans are famous for raising dragons with particular temperaments and offer unique teachings. This allows them to acquire a variety of experts in exchange and brings opportunities for growth through apprenticeship and fostering. Parents frequently use the market to find suitable education, jobs and marriage partners for their hatchlings, who are usually primed for and genetically predisposed to certain skills and natures. Worried guardians generally ask extra compensation for the potential, training and sentimental costs. These prices are also used to determine the wealth and resources of the new clan, to ensure a better life for the hatchling. There are also many dragons on the market who are looking for clans in specific elemental domains. Usually their purpose is to serve specific deities, to bring blessings upon their offspring, and both old and new clans. On occasion, dragons with a criminal history will be sold cheaply into service as retribution, to signify the low opinion the clan has of them and their skills. However, lowered prices most often signify a lack of housing or stability within the clan. The lowered prices are an attempt to express gratitude to the receiving clan and mitigate the burden of rehabilitation and education. [*][font= cambria][b]Marketplace[/b] The marketplace is the original shopping center next to the auction house. Here, local businesses have thrived since the beginning of time, or so they brag. [/LIST] [*][font= cambria][u][b]Time[/b][/u] 1 month IRL = 2 years in FR. [LIST] [*][font= cambria][b]First to Third age[/b] Roughly a thousand years before the age of rising flights, the first Deities came into being. The First to Third age took place in a thousand years and events have since become folk lore of which the bards sing, or fallen into obscurity. [*][font= cambria][b]Festivals[/b] [url=]Elemental Holidays[/url] take place in their respective domains and are celebrated in a minor way in other domains. This means there is a celebration every 2 years. Celebrations takes up a whole 3 months, starting from the month of the elemental holiday. [i]Example:[/i] [LIST] [*][font= cambria][i]The Arcane flight has a major celebration each 24 years. This takes place near the core of the domain (the observatory). The celebrational activities, rituals and worship of the arcanist will heighten the energies of the land, making it easier to craft on arcane lands or with arcane energies. During the celebration, specific items are produced in the domain of the element. The Arcane celebration takes place during the whole of September, October and November.[/i] [*][font= cambria][i]Every other 2 years, (with one gap of 2 years for the NotN,) arcanites celebrate another element minorly. During this, the arcanites take out element-related trinkets to decorate the entrance of their home and celebrate with an abundance of food and element/lair specific festive activities. The trinkets remain during the whole celebration.[/i] [/LIST] [*][font= cambria][b]Night of the Nocturne (NotN)[/b] Takes a whole year to run its course. The phenomenon starts and ends when december comes. Dragons also use this time to remember the battle with the shade. [*][font= cambria][b]Other celebrations[/b] Warrior's Way is celebrated each 12 years, while minor events such as Talking like a Pirate day occur jokingly (as a story night and costume party for hatchlings) once every year and seriously (as described in the FR lore) every 24 years. A food-related event such as Sunparched Prowl takes place once every 4 years. [/LIST] [*][font= cambria][u][b]Magic & Religion[/b][/u] [LIST] [*][font= cambria][b]Magic[/b] Dragons and all other creatures are born with the capability to convert a certain type of ambient energy into other types of energies. This phenomenon is called by many different names, depending on the creature and clan, but is generally thought of as magic and mana. [*][font= cambria][b]Deities[/b] Deities take on a role similar to the Kami in Shinto religion. They are the result of energy flows in the universe, and like nature, they embody both the nurturing and destructive. Deities usually manifests in our world as phenomena, such as landscape, forces of nature or magic, but for people, in places and at times where the connection with the spirit world is strong, they might manifest as beings. Deities change and gain power based on the beliefs of their followers. They usually communicate through intermediaries, such as sprites, but may leave strong impressions in the form of (day)dreams or inexplicable phenomena. [*][font= cambria][b]Exalting[/b] Exalting is a mysterious happenance, in which dragons are 'spirited away' to the realm of gods. All exalted dragons have existed and need to consent before they are exalted. Dragons who are more able or skilled offer greater sacrifice and bring more fortune in the form of prosperity to their clan. As these individuals rarely return, some think of it as the death of the material body, which brings peace to the soul. None have figured out what exactly happens during the ceremony, as the individual must be left alone and unobserved, such that only the gaze of the deity may judge them. Some believe that sprites and golems are the spirits of exalted comrades. Death of a dragon physically through violence or disease outside of exalting is possible and generally thought of differently than exalting, although a body can be 'exalted' to a deity after death. Thus, clan wars in the mortal realm will often lead to increased worthship. [/LIST] [*][font= cambria][u][b]Dominance[/b][/u] A deity protects their followers and Sorneith with their elemental energies. When a dragon performs actions of worship and sacrifice (the highest sacrifice is offering an eternity of service and devotion: Exalting), a deity grows in power. Powerful deities flood the world with their energies, such that it falls into alignment with their blessings. This alignment takes place over several months, which explains the delay in dominance. When a flight is dominant, they have contributed in an exemplary way to the protection of Sorneith. Other elemental flights will offer them respect in turn, which often manifests as freely given treasure, discounts, and more lenience when it comes to gathering. [/LIST] [nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][/columns] [center][img alt=''][/img][/center]

Object: Bottled substance, distilled mystery and a brain behind it, displayed in dull light through tedious arrangement. || Name: Renaiwom & Aurax || Origin: Islet Ruins, Library West Wing, Room 3284447 || Date: 5539/40/20 || Catalog No.: 48139610
The first chapter appears to be an encyclopedia of sorts. The small print makes it look tedious to read through.

For those who love immersion and loathe reading minutiae, it is advised to page ahead.
  • Dragons
    • Sizes
      Sizes are according to FR canon, but with much smaller guardians and ridgebacks. Those are the same height as gaolers. Coatls and wildclaws are the size of pearlcatchers, while banescales are as tall as gaolers.
    • Appearance
      A dragon's appearance matches the canon art but naturally varies between individuals. This variation concerns anything written in the lore such as (their parent's) species/subspecies, their own birthplace and history, and lore-acknowledged mixed breeds, breedchanges, skins and silhouette scrolls.
    • Gender & species
      Dragons are their canon gender and species, unless their lore implies otherwise. Dragons are born breedchanged and gened unless their lore implies otherwise. (Some might grow into their (new) genes gradually or acquire them through an incident.)
    • Food
      Dragons eat according to the canon lore. They might choose to consume other food types voluntarily, but will have difficulty digesting the food and/or extracting the nutrients.
      There is a large chance for genetic fish allergy for non-fish-eating species and gluten or fructose allergy for non-plant-eating species. Meat and insects might cause digestive problems among herbivores and fish-eating species.
  • World Map
    The canon map is an inaccurate (distorted and simplified) version of the real map. It is used to teach hatchlings important landmarks.
    • Physics
      Sorneith's planet has a strong magnetic field that relies on magic instead of a heavy iron core. The planet has a core of dense magic, which, in its primal form, exerts little gravitational force. This center is surrounded by a layer of iron, nickel and silicates, with a terrestrial surface on top.
      Gravity is therefore significant lower than on earth. A thicker atmosphere protects inhabitants further from radiation, while making it easier to fly.

      The permutations of this 'malleable' magic core causes the activity of the volcano in the earth domain.

    • Flight Characteristics WIP
      Each elemental dominion offers a different climate, with local burdens and boons for its residents. Flights native to a domain usually develop biological or artificial ways to mitigate harmful status effects, and take advantage of beneficial ones. Over time, training and exposure to the ambient primal magic of said domain can help individuals from different flights develop similar adaptations and immunities. This effect is more prominent if applied early in their development. Most notably, eggs from non-native individuals will develop an elemental alignment akin to the ambient energies they are exposed to and, when kept in an energy-wise similar domain and raised by locals, often develop both mentally and physically like dragons with parents born the area.

      This domain has the richest ambient mana of all, with plentiful magical resources and magnetic compounds. Several ley-lines cross the land, so cities and clans are located to take advantage of these resources.
      However, this domain also sports the highest levels of radiation, with a fluctuating magnetic field and many radioactive elements spread over the land.
      High local mana concentrations and dormant biomagic genes often offset the effects of radiation for arcane-born dragons due to epigenetic inheritance.

      This land offers the most rich and diverse mineral and ore deposits, some which are infused with qualities from the nearby arcane, plague, shadow and nature elements. Most clans are situated near such deposits and have developed intricate craftsmanship to make optimal use of the resources.
      Unfortunately, this infusion process is the result of the low mana concentrations in this region, caused by the low population, salted bedrock and brutal drought. This has led to rampant poverty in the nomadic clans and a dependence on aquifers or import, which depletes resources and magic further.
      Earthborn dragons are often hardy and may forgo water, rest and food for longer periods. Hatchlings of this land often produce and wield mana more efficiently, as their smaller reserves allow them to sense mana more precisely. Many are also natural born sensors, who may detect magic in retaining substances, such as minerals, water or creatures.

      This realm offers the richest metal and sulphur deposits, which are crucial for many industries. Most clans are situated near such mines to feed both their forges and smiths.
      Despite their benefits, these volcanoes also produce a thick smog, which may change to scorching ash rain. Besides, burning underground coal deposits and a sweltering heat plagues the inhabitants.
      Fire-born dragons often possess insulating hides, climate regulating airways, and activated biomagic genes that focus on filtration or heat protection. Natural selection

      This domain is the most frigid out of all due to its southern location. Most clans are thus situated near woods or one of the many large oil reservoirs under the ice.
      This realm produces physically hardy folk, who have thick, insulating hides and climate regulating airways similar to those born in the fire. Hatchlings often have thick pads on their hands and feet, sometimes even developing webbed feet in the course of their life to brace against snow.

      These plains and valleys offer rich, fertile soil and plentiful sun, which is ideally suitable as farmland. Additionally, it also contains the largest gold deposits in all of Sornieth.
      Hatchlings often develop thick eyelashes, manes and a second eyelid to protect them from the glare of the sun. Besides, most dragons here prize their eyesight, which causes them to have especially sharp sight.

      Most commonly known for its large deposits of copper and coal, this land is home to many engineers and technological advancements who make use of the raging storms in this domain by redirecting and storing the electrical charge. However, the same storms pose a danger to inhabitants, who often developed longer spines or horns with an insulated hide and a network of shallower veins to prevent electrocution.

      Immunity against common venoms and toxins, limber build.

      Resistance against diseases. One of the largest medicine producers due to the access to patients, testing facilities and strong biological antibiotica.

      Due to the sulfuric swamps, they possess large gas deposits.

      A lack of landbound flora and fauna in the shallows leads to high pressure and low biomass density areas in the depths. Rich in coral, peals, seashells, fish and and aquatic produce.

      High velocity winds prevent the growth of trees and tall bushes in most places. Exports bamboo and rice.

    • Sorneith's Size
      Each medium-sized dragon needs roughly 20 hectares to survive. Considering the total number of dragons in Sorneith, this would mean at least 300 million ha of land.

      With the empty lair spaces, the vast stretches of unclaimed land and the infertile, or diseased soil, the total landmass of Sorneith, excluding the uncharted areas of the ice flight, would be approximately 7 billion hectares, which vastly exceeds the landmass of Asia.
      The planet on which Sorneith is located is roughly 1.5 times Earth's.
    • Orientation
      The true north is oriented along a vector from the dripcave dregs to the everbloom gardens. However, magic warps the various energies in the world, such that dragons and tracking equipment perceive a different, artificial north, which is the one used in the canon map.
      The equator passes in between the lightning and light territories.
    • Shape
      Employing the true north as discussed above, the earth and plague domains stretch further south, such that the equator runs through the earth realm. This places the arcane and wind dominions south of the fire flight.
      The ice territory is more-or-less circular shaped. Only the significantly colonized and populated parts are shown on the canon map. This flight is therefore a fair bit larger.

      All territories are also much wider from (the true) West to East than is shown on the FR map, with broader borderlands. This mainly concerns the flights arcane, shadow, and wind, but is also the case with most other flights.
    • Coliseum
      Coliseum venues are incredibly vast, uncharted domains in Sorneith with a very high magic concentration and abundant resources, but little to no residing dragon clans.
      • Coliseum Activities
        Traditionally, dragons have fought their duels and tested their mettle in these places. Hence, the moniker: Coliseum Venue.
        Since this unregulated violence led to long war campaigns with (beast)clans, flights now mostly rely on diplomacy. Many offer their service and own crafts in return for goods with the residing population.

        Next to gathering in their own clan-territory, dragons may also require venue/region-specific permits to hunt, forage, or dig in coliseum-classified areas. These gathering contracts regulate the ecosystem, preventing deforestation and extinction.(Examples of endangered species are the Skycat, Bone Fiend, Cog Frog, and Golden Idol.)

        Dragon craftsmen, intermediaries, or mercenaries frequent coliseum venues to maintain peace and bringing a swift end to any crimes and monster hordes in the area. They are good fighters and help eliminate those who have been consumed by the shade.
      • Locations
    • Clan territories
      Clans usually reside in a den, which can have a (number of) set or changing location(s). There are many nomadic clans, especially in the wind domain.

      In case of a changing location, common courtesy requires the travelling clan to ask permission before gathering, littering and passing through. Technically, these communities have no "clan territory".

      When it comes to dynasties with a set lair-location, the definition of "clan territory" may vary per region. Some covens claim a small domain as their own. Often, these lands are modest, remote or have defensible borders.

      If the territory is large or favorable(bountiful gathering and trade), multiple (beast)clans often lay claim on the same piece of land. Sometimes this area may be shared, with dragons profiting alongside each other. It is common for multiple covens to fish and hunt in the same river or forest. Many wind tribes have open borders, which allow travellers to cross multiple inter-clan perimeters with one licence.

      Other times, the dominant dynasties may take on several vassal states (or colonies) to rule over. The independence of thralls varies per region. In some cases, territory disputes may lead to (beast)clan-wars.

      There are also cases in which clan territory and/or members are scattered between many elemental domains. Such clans often have unique historical, doctrinal or economical reasons for doing so and are usually hard to identify and classify for out-clan members.
    • Fairgrounds
      The fairgrounds was originally a small joint venture between shadow and wind clans, made to showcase the variety of folk games in Sorneith. Floating on favorable higher winds, a handful of game-tents on sturdy kites made its round across Sorneith, spreading games, establishing a network between travelling troupes and gaining goodwill of many lairs.

      Soon, various travelling troupes joined, seeking to bolster their profits outside of the festival periods. Awareness and respect for fellow entertainers led to an exchange of practices and a standardization of how most games were executed. Most clans now refer to any substantial and standardized joy-making as 'visiting the fairground', while troupers use the term to coin the service they provide.

      The original carnival still exist today, floating above the water domain, as a city of bright, mushroom tents. Lightweight rebuildings of the Sorneith landmarks dot the venue to mark different games and events, a curious practice originating from the earth domain. Various bamboo kites and hot-air balloons occasionally set the impressive construction adrift.

      An argument can be made that the venture was wholly inspired by the fair surrounding the colonnades. However, historical research has shown that market to be traditionally trade-centered and harmonious in nature, which contrasts with the chaotic merry-making that characterizes the fairgrounds. Throughout the years, mutual acculturation has led to much resemblance between both fairs, which only serves to increasingly obscure the origins.

      The whole setup travels where ever the wind carries them, occasionally hovering above other domains. During festival times, part of the 'city' splits off, landing on solid ground to provide local merriment. On occasion, the multicultural fair is used as an informal meeting place for (dragon) ambassadors.

      Guests are offered a glass of punch upon arrival, which is definitely not spiked, no sir!
    • Auction House
      The auction house has evolved from a small exchange in a simple shopping district to a loud, sprawling marketplace.

      The original founders of the auction house now offer their services in the form of organization(each type of ware has its own section with additional stalls and trustworthy tenders for hire on the fly), insurance, protective security and courier service. In return they ask the merchant for a a share of the profit.

      Sellers and buyers are travelling in and out of this market day and night, as deliver goods to be hawked or set up their own stalls with curiosa.
      Dragons who choose to leave their clan frequent this exchange, offering their skills in trade for good company and a change of scenery. With Sorneith booming economy comes a large demand for labor. For this reason, it is customary for the adopting clan to pay the former clan generously as a gesture of respect and goodwill.

      This serves not only as compensation for depriving the old clan of their resources: It's also used to purchase any remaining contracts the dragon has with an old clan. For this reason clans demand more for older dragons. Older dragon might have many valuable skills, supply contracts, connections, fame and renown, which would make their aid invaluable.

      With this insight it is clear why clans are often willing to pay more for known bloodlines, rare beauty or skill and the rare lucky individual born with numbers aligned in their favor. Many clans are famous for raising dragons with particular temperaments and offer unique teachings. This allows them to acquire a variety of experts in exchange and brings opportunities for growth through apprenticeship and fostering.

      Parents frequently use the market to find suitable education, jobs and marriage partners for their hatchlings, who are usually primed for and genetically predisposed to certain skills and natures. Worried guardians generally ask extra compensation for the potential, training and sentimental costs.
      These prices are also used to determine the wealth and resources of the new clan, to ensure a better life for the hatchling.

      There are also many dragons on the market who are looking for clans in specific elemental domains. Usually their purpose is to serve specific deities, to bring blessings upon their offspring, and both old and new clans.

      On occasion, dragons with a criminal history will be sold cheaply into service as retribution, to signify the low opinion the clan has of them and their skills. However, lowered prices most often signify a lack of housing or stability within the clan. The lowered prices are an attempt to express gratitude to the receiving clan and mitigate the burden of rehabilitation and education.
    • Marketplace
      The marketplace is the original shopping center next to the auction house. Here, local businesses have thrived since the beginning of time, or so they brag.
  • Time
    1 month IRL = 2 years in FR.
    • First to Third age
      Roughly a thousand years before the age of rising flights, the first Deities came into being. The First to Third age took place in a thousand years and events have since become folk lore of which the bards sing, or fallen into obscurity.
    • Festivals
      Elemental Holidays take place in their respective domains and are celebrated in a minor way in other domains. This means there is a celebration every 2 years. Celebrations takes up a whole 3 months, starting from the month of the elemental holiday.
      • The Arcane flight has a major celebration each 24 years. This takes place near the core of the domain (the observatory). The celebrational activities, rituals and worship of the arcanist will heighten the energies of the land, making it easier to craft on arcane lands or with arcane energies. During the celebration, specific items are produced in the domain of the element. The Arcane celebration takes place during the whole of September, October and November.
      • Every other 2 years, (with one gap of 2 years for the NotN,) arcanites celebrate another element minorly. During this, the arcanites take out element-related trinkets to decorate the entrance of their home and celebrate with an abundance of food and element/lair specific festive activities. The trinkets remain during the whole celebration.
    • Night of the Nocturne (NotN)
      Takes a whole year to run its course. The phenomenon starts and ends when december comes. Dragons also use this time to remember the battle with the shade.
    • Other celebrations
      Warrior's Way is celebrated each 12 years, while minor events such as Talking like a Pirate day occur jokingly (as a story night and costume party for hatchlings) once every year and seriously (as described in the FR lore) every 24 years.
      A food-related event such as Sunparched Prowl takes place once every 4 years.
  • Magic & Religion
    • Magic
      Dragons and all other creatures are born with the capability to convert a certain type of ambient energy into other types of energies. This phenomenon is called by many different names, depending on the creature and clan, but is generally thought of as magic and mana.
    • Deities
      Deities take on a role similar to the Kami in Shinto religion. They are the result of energy flows in the universe, and like nature, they embody both the nurturing and destructive. Deities usually manifests in our world as phenomena, such as landscape, forces of nature or magic, but for people, in places and at times where the connection with the spirit world is strong, they might manifest as beings.
      Deities change and gain power based on the beliefs of their followers.
      They usually communicate through intermediaries, such as sprites, but may leave strong impressions in the form of (day)dreams or inexplicable phenomena.
    • Exalting
      Exalting is a mysterious happenance, in which dragons are 'spirited away' to the realm of gods. All exalted dragons have existed and need to consent before they are exalted. Dragons who are more able or skilled offer greater sacrifice and bring more fortune in the form of prosperity to their clan.
      As these individuals rarely return, some think of it as the death of the material body, which brings peace to the soul.
      None have figured out what exactly happens during the ceremony, as the individual must be left alone and unobserved, such that only the gaze of the deity may judge them.
      Some believe that sprites and golems are the spirits of exalted comrades.
      Death of a dragon physically through violence or disease outside of exalting is possible and generally thought of differently than exalting, although a body can be 'exalted' to a deity after death. Thus, clan wars in the mortal realm will often lead to increased worthship.
  • Dominance
    A deity protects their followers and Sorneith with their elemental energies.
    When a dragon performs actions of worship and sacrifice (the highest sacrifice is offering an eternity of service and devotion: Exalting), a deity grows in power. Powerful deities flood the world with their energies, such that it falls into alignment with their blessings. This alignment takes place over several months, which explains the delay in dominance.
    When a flight is dominant, they have contributed in an exemplary way to the protection of Sorneith. Other elemental flights will offer them respect in turn, which often manifests as freely given treasure, discounts, and more lenience when it comes to gathering.
Duanwu will shamelessly eat your likes. Art by celaine.
Some day, there will be art here.
Wishlist | Lore [WIP] | Gallery | Archive
G1 sales thread here.
Harvest RaffleKeikoKat's Raffe
[img alt='']WIP[/img]

At the edge of the Hoverview Vale lay its wildest lands, home to a diverse array of habitats. The Islet is one of the smaller floating enclaves.
With roughly 1000 hectare (10km^2) of surface area, it's just barely enough to feed 50 medium-sized dragons, or sustain many more smaller ones. Large to medium breeds are able to fly across the territory, bridging a little more than 200km in 2-4 hours.

It is situated on the outskirts of what local dragons call the Field or the Vale, where small wind-brought movements of other isles induce large fluctuations in the regional arcane forces.

This causes the Isle to rise and fall slightly daily, as well as experiencing larger altitude changes in cycles of approximately 314 days and 15 hours. This movement also means a fluctuating temperature. On occasion, this can cause a 10 °K difference (green area in the image below) from the temperatures on sea level(red area). In comparison, the amount of daylight hours does not differ from the East Arcane Sorneith time significantly enough to take into account. At most, sunrise differs a rough 4 minutes from sunrise on sea level. This is why the Islet inhabitants use two separate calendars: One denoting the local season and another to keep track of Sorneith's time, months and year.

The climate generally rotates through a mild Mediterranean summer, spring, autumn and winter, with mild, short winters and plenty of rain. Because this happens in a different rhythm than in the rest of Sorneith, overlap or divergence in seasons can cause a significant variety in seasonal temperatures. The effect is especially apparent in the south-east of the territory, as it faces the winds from the Starwood Strand.

Removed from the mainland, the local community here seems to live in an entirely different world. Even the skies seem different; blue mottled by the earthy pearl of the archipelago, Low clouds hanging within reach and sense of direction overwritten by the ancient magics that keep the clan afloat.


This magic is half of the reason why visitors are usually feel off-balance in their first days with the clan. Dragonkind (Even the type with vestigial wings) is blessed with keen instincts related to flight, but on the isle, most cues line up differently, bombarding the subconscious with contradictory information.

First off, nearby isles tend to obscure or imitate the moon, sun or stars. Rocks and isles higher up reflect the light, seemingly filling the sky with countless celestial bodies, while the heavens glow with a faded rosy hue, confusing the sense of time around dawn and dusk.

On top of this, there is a significant delay between the changing magnetic force and the minute movement of the land. The delay from isle to islands can differ too, making them unreliable landmarks. Besides, the isle's field automatically orients itself in the opposite manner to the local magnetic forces. This induces a confused sort of weightless vertigo, as magnetoception indicates the wrong direction, altitude or location a dragon should be at.

The subconscious then triggers the innate flight reflexes, causing hyper awareness of hearing, touch and smell, which makes the minute details stand out in a surrealistic way and causes visitors to tire quickly.

[img alt='']WIP[/img]

At the edge of the Hoverview Vale lay its wildest lands, home to a diverse array of habitats. The Islet is one of the smaller floating enclaves.
With roughly 1000 hectare (10km^2) of surface area, it's just barely enough to feed 50 medium-sized dragons, or sustain many more smaller ones. Large to medium breeds are able to fly across the territory, bridging a little more than 200km in 2-4 hours.

It is situated on the outskirts of what local dragons call the Field or the Vale, where small wind-brought movements of other isles induce large fluctuations in the regional arcane forces.

This causes the Isle to rise and fall slightly daily, as well as experiencing larger altitude changes in cycles of approximately 314 days and 15 hours. This movement also means a fluctuating temperature. On occasion, this can cause a 10 °K difference (green area in the image below) from the temperatures on sea level(red area). In comparison, the amount of daylight hours does not differ from the East Arcane Sorneith time significantly enough to take into account. At most, sunrise differs a rough 4 minutes from sunrise on sea level. This is why the Islet inhabitants use two separate calendars: One denoting the local season and another to keep track of Sorneith's time, months and year.

The climate generally rotates through a mild Mediterranean summer, spring, autumn and winter, with mild, short winters and plenty of rain. Because this happens in a different rhythm than in the rest of Sorneith, overlap or divergence in seasons can cause a significant variety in seasonal temperatures. The effect is especially apparent in the south-east of the territory, as it faces the winds from the Starwood Strand.

Removed from the mainland, the local community here seems to live in an entirely different world. Even the skies seem different; blue mottled by the earthy pearl of the archipelago, Low clouds hanging within reach and sense of direction overwritten by the ancient magics that keep the clan afloat.


This magic is half of the reason why visitors are usually feel off-balance in their first days with the clan. Dragonkind (Even the type with vestigial wings) is blessed with keen instincts related to flight, but on the isle, most cues line up differently, bombarding the subconscious with contradictory information.

First off, nearby isles tend to obscure or imitate the moon, sun or stars. Rocks and isles higher up reflect the light, seemingly filling the sky with countless celestial bodies, while the heavens glow with a faded rosy hue, confusing the sense of time around dawn and dusk.

On top of this, there is a significant delay between the changing magnetic force and the minute movement of the land. The delay from isle to islands can differ too, making them unreliable landmarks. Besides, the isle's field automatically orients itself in the opposite manner to the local magnetic forces. This induces a confused sort of weightless vertigo, as magnetoception indicates the wrong direction, altitude or location a dragon should be at.

The subconscious then triggers the innate flight reflexes, causing hyper awareness of hearing, touch and smell, which makes the minute details stand out in a surrealistic way and causes visitors to tire quickly.

Duanwu will shamelessly eat your likes. Art by celaine.
Some day, there will be art here.
Wishlist | Lore [WIP] | Gallery | Archive
G1 sales thread here.
Harvest RaffleKeikoKat's Raffe

The heart of the islet is dominated by central lakes, which are surrounded by mountain ranges to the north and the south-west. Rolling hills lay on the east, covered in orchards and framed by dense forests. Like arteries, rivers breathe life into the habitats, leaping from the soaring peaks into the rich land crouched below.

This lair is a formerly lost, 'untraceable' ancient library ruin + surrounding lands. Obscure is the event led to its detachment from bedrock (and subsequent drift to the location now), but current inhabitants attribute it to the second known destabilization of the magical fields that caused the hoverview vale to form.

Since the fields fluctuate, the islet rises and falls in altitude on a daily basis. Wind and tide also changes the exact location on the map. On top of that, flow of the ocean and air is inconsistent on the borders of the elemental lands. This means that my lair is not reachable through conventional navigation:

Because the relative position of islets among each other does not change much(more on the edges of the vale than in the center), one can still arrive here by following a route from one islet to another, starting at the oculus. This journey is mostly undertaken with skyships (the islet often rises out of the sea), but may also be travelled on seaships. The experienced Hoverview navigator takes care to move mostly by day, as to optimally observe the lay of the land from below.

This all serves to make my lair a perfect outpost for those who do not want to be found and those who want to explore the unthinkable.

In the fourth age, my progenitor Dune hatched near this islet, learning to speak and read from the maren clans who have scavenged many sunken artifacts and tablets from the seas underneath. Fen (other progen) dropped out of the skies on the land itself, so both ended up settling there. The resulting dragon clan then conditionally welcomed more and more (retired) outlaws, which means that my lair has a bunch of reformed villains, bounty hunters, space pirates and the like...


The heart of the islet is dominated by central lakes, which are surrounded by mountain ranges to the north and the south-west. Rolling hills lay on the east, covered in orchards and framed by dense forests. Like arteries, rivers breathe life into the habitats, leaping from the soaring peaks into the rich land crouched below.

This lair is a formerly lost, 'untraceable' ancient library ruin + surrounding lands. Obscure is the event led to its detachment from bedrock (and subsequent drift to the location now), but current inhabitants attribute it to the second known destabilization of the magical fields that caused the hoverview vale to form.

Since the fields fluctuate, the islet rises and falls in altitude on a daily basis. Wind and tide also changes the exact location on the map. On top of that, flow of the ocean and air is inconsistent on the borders of the elemental lands. This means that my lair is not reachable through conventional navigation:

Because the relative position of islets among each other does not change much(more on the edges of the vale than in the center), one can still arrive here by following a route from one islet to another, starting at the oculus. This journey is mostly undertaken with skyships (the islet often rises out of the sea), but may also be travelled on seaships. The experienced Hoverview navigator takes care to move mostly by day, as to optimally observe the lay of the land from below.

This all serves to make my lair a perfect outpost for those who do not want to be found and those who want to explore the unthinkable.

In the fourth age, my progenitor Dune hatched near this islet, learning to speak and read from the maren clans who have scavenged many sunken artifacts and tablets from the seas underneath. Fen (other progen) dropped out of the skies on the land itself, so both ended up settling there. The resulting dragon clan then conditionally welcomed more and more (retired) outlaws, which means that my lair has a bunch of reformed villains, bounty hunters, space pirates and the like...

Duanwu will shamelessly eat your likes. Art by celaine.
Some day, there will be art here.
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Harvest RaffleKeikoKat's Raffe
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Runestones are usually hoarded because of their effectiveness at trasmitting spells of a specific element. Therefore they serve as cornerstones of buildings and ways to extend and prolong one's range of magic. They are also used to anchor wards and long term spells.

Due to the magic instability, hatchlings will be born without an inborn sense of altitude, direction, up-down, which severely limits all kinds of flight. On top of this, the strong magic fluctuation has a high chance of displacing the hatchling's magic bond with Sorneith. This lack of post-birth-binding has a high chance of causing life-long seizures. Since the islanders strongly believe in choosing your own path in life (, including name, appearance and living conditions,) this callous 'crippling' of life is frowned upon. Therefore, eggs are not hatched on this islet. Instead, they are put up for adoption.

[img alt='']WIP[/img]

Runestones are usually hoarded because of their effectiveness at trasmitting spells of a specific element. Therefore they serve as cornerstones of buildings and ways to extend and prolong one's range of magic. They are also used to anchor wards and long term spells.

Due to the magic instability, hatchlings will be born without an inborn sense of altitude, direction, up-down, which severely limits all kinds of flight. On top of this, the strong magic fluctuation has a high chance of displacing the hatchling's magic bond with Sorneith. This lack of post-birth-binding has a high chance of causing life-long seizures. Since the islanders strongly believe in choosing your own path in life (, including name, appearance and living conditions,) this callous 'crippling' of life is frowned upon. Therefore, eggs are not hatched on this islet. Instead, they are put up for adoption.

Duanwu will shamelessly eat your likes. Art by celaine.
Some day, there will be art here.
Wishlist | Lore [WIP] | Gallery | Archive
G1 sales thread here.
Harvest RaffleKeikoKat's Raffe
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Most of the islet is covered in rich loamy soil and forested area, which first transitions into lush hills and then rocky shrubbery near the outskirts of the isle. The 'shores' are covered with tenacious greenery and moss, which creeps over the edges onto the cliffs that border the territory.
The very bottom of the isle is covered in hardy, water absorbing plants who can stand a salty dip into the ocean.
The middle of the island sports twin mountains. There, patches of piny taiga forest shifting into mountainous shrubbery, grasses and moss. The peaks are near barren, as the tips are covered in eternal snow.
Remarkably, the strong fluctuating magic has caused mutations: Ordinary variants now make use of magic to gain an edge, while magic dependant species have devised ways to survive with a unstable and limited powersource.

Shen, Kami

Flat Cypress
1:10 sized to non-captioned flora depictions.
The Flat Cypress or Bian Bai is a slow-growing evergreen tree native to the islet mountains. The bark appears a ropy grey or pale pinkish brown, and it has long, scaled and obtuse leaves. Throughout the ages, they have been prized for their distinct quality of mana-conductive and rot-resistance timber.
However, the folk here believe that there is something in the woods that makes them grow tall and rarely cut them down: Old forests are said to host spirits and kami which the locals worship. Irregular, mana-shifted echoes of creaking woods are attributed to them, as well as the mana-infused heightened fertility of the nearby grounds.
When the concentration of wild magic is high, these trees may also expel excess mana which they are unable to store. This creates the illusion of ghost-like flames or jumping light particles around the tree, which may travel up or down the trunk and branches depending on the distribution of ambient mana. Folklore explains these as dancing mountain gods in celebration, which herald good luck and plentiful harvests.
Out of all, the named spirits are especially powerful and dwell in the largest and oldest trees. Their repositories are distinguished through a thick hemp rope with paper streamers, which is wrapped around its trunk. Such an 'Enclosing Rope' is used to ward against evil entities and indicates that the bound space or object is sacred, ritually pure, inhabiting a spirit, or attractive to them.
Inhabitants only cut these trees to build shrines, as they provide critical nutrients for the soil, sustain species such as the Coarse Micro Deer, prevent soil erosion, significantly increase groundwater levels and infuse vital mana into the soil. As if to remind the lumberman, the islet cypress will release a blood-red sap when cut, which is said to bring curses upon those who dare to deprive Kami of their home.

Gui, Yurei

Orchid of Dreams
2:1 sized to non-captioned flora depictions.
Commonly known as the Orchid of Dreams or Corpse's Breath, the Monotropa Uniflora is a distant cousin of the Winterbelle. The entirety of this plant is a delicate and waxy translucent white, but some rare individuals may have a red internal blush or small black flecks.
Unlike most plants, they may be found in dark and dense forests due to their lack of chlorophyll. They do not photosynthesize. Instead, they are parasites, sapping nutrients from the Ghastly Emetic Russula, which typically grows on freshly diseased or rotting protein, but in its absence parasitizes nearby tree roots for its own nourishment. Uniflora roots are covered in cystidium, which pierce the mycelium hyphae for attachment.
Typically, their leaf-sheathed stems sprout in the days after summer rain. They rely on White Lace Honeybee to propagate, after which they form dry oval and capsule-like 'fruits' with slitted openings. Its ripening process causes the curved stem to straighten and wither to a brittle black. The rare circumstances for its growth, irregular propagation and its delicate structure makes this plant near impossible to cultivate, rare to sight, and difficult to study.
According to Tengu legends, disturbed spirits, often those without proper burial rites may be influenced by powerful emotions, which traps it in the mortal world and enables it to interact with the physical world. These ghosts are said to reside in the orchids and may only be laid to rest after spiritually cleansing the plant and performing the missing funeral rituals. White figures and floating flames have been spotted near these growths, with a recent recounting detailing a couple who passed in a landslide.
In traditional medicine, it is known as a nervine, but their use has been outlawed since the third age.

Yao, Bakemono

Lesser Starfall Book Swarm
The Lesser Starfall Book Swarm is a mana dependent variant of the common Book Hoard.
Most peculiarly, they burrow into the spines and covers of large tomes, breaking down thick paper for glucose and using the pages to steer their mana-fueled flight.
Originally bred by second-age cyber-mages for their potent mana-receptive abilities and data storage capability, parts of their stems may form structures similar to the body parts of dragons. Biologists consider this to be a remnant of ancient code.
Fortunately, wild elemental magics caused the few programmed specimen of burrowing tree to mutate before technological farms could be planted. Books developed increased magic and perceptive abilities, but the Lesser variant evolved rudimentary intelligence as well. Unlike its larger cousins, they are generally friendly if offered food, spells or mana. Older individuals are able to speak in multiple tongues.
Due to manaphotosynthesis and an omnivorous diet, books may make use of a tome for centuries, often using their malleable body to preserve the written text. With a social and curious nature, books love to show off writings on their tome to others and travel in small parliaments of two to ten individuals.
Books reach an age of maturity at 50 solar cycles. In their lifetime, they only flower thrice. This event only triggers after two books form a mana-sharing partnership through repeated wooing by both parents. Courtship may last a decade, during which books search for a suitable tome for their offspring and block access to the tome. Because their progeny may be crippled or mortally wounded by opening the tome or cracking its spine during germination, parents will seal the entrance to their seedling with other books and will guard it physically if needed. For his reason, progenitors will also choose a dusty tome, as it has a lesser chance of being perused.

Pink Chalcedony Shardspine Boar
Unlike what it seems, Pink Chalcedony Shardspine Boar is a parasitic vine at its core. The rare vine strangles the young tree that it grows on, merging its cell structure with that of the wood.
Unlike the Barkback Boar variant, the local crop increases its lifespan and mobility by utilizing crystalized sedimented mana, which it uses to provide and store magic saturating the air. However, this means that the seedlings needs both a young tree and a mana source within 5 meters of their roots to sprout. The harsh constraints prevent the majority seeds from reaching maturity, and has caused the vine to develop a unique set of defense mechanisms.
Curiously, their reproduction cycle will only start if their mana stores remain fully charged throughout late summer and autumn, which is the cause of high ambient mana. That autumn, the evergreen plant will exhibit deciduous traits, as their foliage turns peach and dehydrates. Simultaneously, the foliage takes on an aroma similar to basil and rosemary. This wards off herbivores and most insects, but attract birds such as the Bluefinned Bleeding Heart Crow, who uses this aromatic leafs as nesting material to appeal to mates. Due to the bird's choosiness and high mobility, the avians often become covered by the similarly fragrant pollen of multiple vines, which is sprayed from skyward facing pores when these leaves are removed.
As the birds land on the boar, pollen will often sprinkle on the mushroom-like pistils below, thus granting the next generation of vine the much needed genetic variety. After pollination, they migrate to areas with a high mana density. There they produce a berry-like fruit that taste like tomatoes. These contain nepetalactone and capsaicinoids when ripened, attracting feline consumers, who will often knead the spicy fruit to pulp and may spread the fruits to nearby trees and woodlands.

Huamu, Shokubutsu

Crystalspine Giant Kelp
Despite its appearance, kelp is technically not a plant but a species of algae. In the wild, they grow in dense kelp forests, which provide a myriad of marine creatures with food and shelter.
However, the Crystalspine Giant Kelp is not native to the starfall waters, but a second age Icefield import from its Tsunami cousin, which is further bred to grow well in colder sea currents. Maren uses a system of tree-like racks and buoys to span rope near the surface. This way, their cultivar is more exposed to the sun, giving it an even faster maturation rate and broader leaves than wild-found kelp.
Traditionally, Hypnotic Scallop and Pastel Scallop are raised alongside their harvest. Large but light, tiered nets are hung on the ropes, hidden under the canopy. These mollusks release nitrogen and phosphorus, which the crops need to grow. In return, the seaweed provides copious oxigen, which aids the development of the scallop.
Murkbottom Kelp is grown on the racks itself, where light is more sparse. Surface kelp is harvested at the end of spring and in early summer, before the water temperatures rise above 15 degrees celsius and giant Kelp starts to rot. To the East of the islet, clans will consume the Murkbottom variant throughout the year: Warmer currents half their seaweed season, which makes it more efficient to expand their fishing industry.
Due to their proficiency, maren sell their excess harvest to the inhabitants of the islet, who dry the kelp on sandy rock, well out of the reach of the capricats. When dry, the sand is shaken off and the kelp is either eaten locally or exported. Early houses may sport thatched roofs from dried kelp, which provides extraordinary watertight insulation.

Vanilla Boat Orchid
2:1 sized to non-captioned flora depictions.
The Vanilla Boat Orchid is a member of the Fragrant Orchid, which is crossed with the more common Cymbidium and the now extinct Qingdao Langhua.
As this family is one of the two largest families of flowering plants, they are often used in the Pox Consulate Wild Sanctum's plant pathology and disease epidemiology.
In the budding days of the alliance, researchers embarked on many joint efforts, one of which was to create a fly-attracting plant resistant to Starfall radiation.
However, due to the genetic similarities of the Fragrant orchid and Vanilla, the resulting breed was found to produce vanillin as well as anisaldehyde in its dehiscent capsule, which are key components of the vanilla aroma.
With their ability to mutate, as well as to manaphotosynthesise, the creators worried that it would outcompete local breeds, as well as become a cheaper alternative to the Vanilla Orchid, which is a key export of many gladevein clans.
Enterprising mirror pirates have since made their fears a reality, albeit a less terrifying one than projected: although they have driven the Hoverview Orchid (Qingdao Lanhua) to extinction, their penchance to mutate to meet specific purposes, has metaphorically locked its dna into a specific niche, effectively making it a poor competition for other plants. Additionally, it creates smaller and less fragrant pods than vanilla, which gain a distinct spicy wood-like smell when dried, making them unsuited for many traditional recipes.
Like the Cymbidium, this species is an evergreen perennial herbs, which produces many pale green or white blooms. The original breed is epiphytic and grows fastest on the roots of starwood trees, but Islet farmers keep a lithophytic variation, which allow them to grow these plants on crystal rocks, which are reused each year as mana-storage to facilitate the swift growth of their pods before the irregular winters strike.
In art, this flower is counted among the Four Gentlemen, which are symbols of traditional values, such as uprightness, purity, humility and perseverance amidst adversity. They are also part of the Four Season Flowers and are thus often depicted in Huaniaohua as representation of the spring season.
Local recipes often use the spice in conjunction with oranges and ginger to produce spiced chicken, orange cakes and black-sesame filled tangyuan.

Giant Starwood Bamboo
Further inland, Giant Starwood Bamboo Clusters form the occasional groves near the river. These grasses do not wilt and may live for hundreds of years, reaching heights that may dwarf a dragon. Like many other grasses, the internodal region of this plant is hollow. Instead, the vascular bundles run along the walls and often span the whole length of the shaft, which gives these poaceae their signature columnal shape.
This species belongs to the Running Bamboos, which are known to grow rapidly through underground rhizomes: These underground stems will 'run' perpendicular from the plant's own shoot, after which they sprout separate culms and roots from their nodes. This aggressive behavior has caused their seemingly uncontrollable spread during the first age, where they crossed the windswept plateau to what is now known as the Starfall Isles.
Second age ice fields then caused its retreat, as the species is native to tropical climates. The hardier species that survived this extinction all possess a wood-like strength and fine mana conductivity, which allows them to sense cold snaps and thus prepare their roots to survive the snow.
A single grove of the local strain will rarely produce flowers en-masse during the warm season, which is an unpredictable and taxing event that causes the death of the plant shortly after. Fortunately, these grove flowerings do not often synchronize, as they occur once every 60 to 120 years.
During and in the end of such events, the Islet inhabitants will celebrate the passing of such a grove with viewings, after which local lumberjacks will cut down and harvest the culms at dawn or dusk on a waning moon. Workers take care to harvest as much as possible prior to any subsequent rainfall, to produce high quality material, which is prized among weavers, battlebards and shipwrights. Lower quality stalks do not go to waste, as they are used as eco-friendly building materials.
Although the Islet is not able to sustain a consistent export of this material, local bamboo farmers and craftsmen rely on this crop and thus care for its shoots with dedication. Fresh shoots are therefore only used in celebratory dishes and are often served to signify the high status of the consumer amongst the Islet artisans.
Due to its status as a forbidden pleasure, dishes that use shoots gained much popularity, thus many cooks use imported pickled shoots and dried seeds from the windswept plateau. Examples of dishes are braised spring shoots, bamboo rice, or layered cakes. Fresh Bamboo Leaves are more freely harvested and are often used in local cuisine to wrap rice or deserts when steaming.
In art, this plant is counted among the Four Gentlemen, which are symbols of traditional values, such as uprightness, purity, humility and perseverance amidst adversity. Bamboo, with its plain, elegant and principled structure, specifically stands for integrity, uprightness, tenacity, and modesty. Both evergreen and Perennial, it is also referred to as one of the Three Friends of Winter, along with the pine and plum blossom. The crop is often depicted in Huaniaohua as a representation of the winter season.

Starburst Plum Tree branch
2:1 sized to non-captioned flora depictions.
Plum Trees, Ume or Lizi Shu are one of the oldest trees native to the Arcane domain. Modern historians theorize that they are the first fruit trees to be domesticated by starfall farmers, as the flowers are often depicted on stone tablets to denote first-age-clans.
Even their draconian name is derived from the ancient faen 'proumnon', which is believed to be a loanword from a long-lost preagean centaur dialect dialect. Furthermore, the tengu term of 'ume' predates the draconian by thousands of years, being a derivative of the word for 'sea', which is 'umi', and the serthis word for plum flowers; 'mei'. From all the fossilized pits, the oldest hail from a former river that used to flow to the east of the starwood strand, in the millennia before the third age.
More proof of its domestication can be found through the many 'wild' Starburst variants that are the descendents of primitive mana-accelerated cross-pollination experiments. These were used to produce large and juicy fruits, similar to the farm-bound variants.
In the islet forests, one of these ancient strains of 'wild' plum survives. Here, wild animals thrive off their fruits and inhabitants keep many of them in neat orchards for this very bounty. Plums need plenty of water to produce their fruit, so farmers carefully track the weather throughout winter and spring. Most fruits are eaten fresh, but others are dried to create prunes, made into jams, sauce called meijiang, juice, tea, or fermented into wine.
The purpose of each fruit depends on its ripeness when harvested. Trees flower around midwinter and produce firm, green fruits in the following month, which are used in syrups, compote and sour desserts. As the plum ripens, it turns yellow and sweet, which is when they are harvested for wine and are good for eating. As they ripen further, the fruit takes on a sweeter taste and mellower aroma. It also turns a deeper purple-blue and the flesh will also detach from the pit. This makes them ideal as a quick snack and perfect to make prunes, jams, and mild cakes.
Traditionally, locals salt or season their dried plums, common seasonings are ginger or chili. These prunes are often used to season gruel, baobing or ice. Pickled plum is commonly used as a topping for rice, while the sweet sauce is often used on poultry and other proteins.
Historically, the unripe smoked fruits were used as a herbal medicine or pickled before consumption. The first signs of fruit fermentation are dated around the end of the first age. This practise caused this group of hunter-gatherers to seek out sweeter fruit. Archaeologists speculate that these people planted the seeds of these fruits in an attempt to help spread sweeter variants. Many centaur researchers have since claimed this to be the doing of their species and often find theories that their specific herd and ancestors were the first to discover agriculture. However, historians tend to agree that the longneck are the ones who were behind both historical events.
In art, this plant is counted among the Four Gentlemen, which are symbols of traditional values, such as uprightness, purity, humility and perseverance amidst adversity. Plum blossoms, with its vibrancy amids the snow, specifically stands for hope, grace, tenacy, purity and the ephemerality of life. Both evergreen and Perennial, it is also referred to as one of the Three Friends of Winter, along with the pine and bamboo. Besides, it is also referred to as one of the Four Season Flowers, along with the orchid, lotus and the chrysanthemum. The crop is often depicted in Huaniaohua as a representation of the winter season.

Small Sunset Chrysanthemum
2:1 sized to non-captioned flora depictions.
The Small Sunset Chrysanthemums, Kiku or Juhua is a perennial herb which produces white or bright yellow flowers that look similar to a daisy. They bloom in early autumn.
The oldest records of this herb were recorded by the centaurs, who have cultivated this species as an herb and insecticide since before the first age. The plant is good for the heart and may be used to treat fevers, colds, headaches, dizziness and swelling. Besides, its flowers also contain pyrethrins, which impede the nervous systems of insects, inhibit female mosquitoes from biting and may repel insects and fish. Flowers are often ground up and mixed with oil to create a smooth and perfumed paste.
The golden color is also associated with gold by the tengu, which is why they are symbols of status, wealth and luck among their kin. In the second age, tengu florists therefore created a variety of subspecies that varied in flower shapes, colors and sizes.
The centaur traditionally use the herb to brew a liquor, which they consume on the ninth day of the ninth lunar cycle of the year, which is considered to be especially lucky. Among many other species, both the yellow and white flowers are often dried and boiled for tea, rice noodles, stir-fry or hot pots, and its leaves may be steamed or boiled as greens.
In art, this plant is counted among the Four Gentlemen, which are symbols of traditional values, such as uprightness, purity, humility and perseverance amidst adversity. White chrysanthemums, specifically stands for symbolize honesty, purity through adversity, thoughtfulness or grief. In contrast, the yellow variants are used by the tengu to indicate the right of rule and cheerfulness. Besides, it is also referred to as one of the Four Season Flowers, along with the orchid, lotus and the plum blossom. The crop is often depicted in Huaniaohua as a representation of the autumn season.

Windblown Pine
1:10 sized to non-captioned flora depictions.
Windblown Pine, or Feng Ru Song is one of the medium-sized conifer species on the islet, where they typically grow on rocky cliffs and sandy mountainsides.
Their bark has shallow fissures and their crown is flat-topped, with broadly spread branches, and long, needle-like leaves. Like many of their kind, they are monoecious and produce round cones in spring, which take around 20 lunar cycles to mature. Around autumn their seeds are dispersed by wind, but many are cracked out of their cone by the Bluefinned Bleeding Heart Crow and Spectre Serow.
The evergreen is commonly used for its lumber as Sanded Pine Planks, and may reach incredible ages of thousands of years, which has lend it the moniker: bringer of fire. Remarkably, the spiral growth seen in its branches, needles, and cones scales are often arranged in Fibonacci number ratios, which have puzzled biologists and psychologists in Sorneith. After all, the wind domain and its inhabitants are known to be the least orderly amongst their kin. Many thus speculate that their erraticness may originate from an orderly underlying pattern.
Pine needles are used to create insecticide, dye and tea. Honey or sugar is commonly added to the brew. The pulpwood of pine produces resins that contain vanillin and is used as medicine to treat internal ailments and respiratory diseases.
Both evergreen and Perennial, it is also referred to as one of the Three Friends of Winter, along with the bamboo and plum blossom. Together they symbolize the ideal gentleman as steadfast, persevering, and resilient.

2:1 sized to non-captioned flora depictions.
The Lotus or Lian is a perennial water plant that is often bemusedly called the Star-Touched-River-Lily, even though these plants differ in both leaves and flowers. For example, the lotus grows perfectly round, yet ruffled leaves, while the lily patch is flat, larger, pointed and has a notch. Besides, lily leaves float directly on the water, while lotus foliage hovers at least a flower's width above the surface. Notably, Lotus only grows in lakes or rivers that are over a wingspan deep, and are native to only the water, wind, arcane or earth domains. On the other hand, lilies can only be found in shallow water below half a wingspan deep and grow through the entirety of Sonreith. Lilies also produce an alkaloid called nupharin, which renders the whole plant poisonous to many beastclans. In contrast, the entirety of the lotus is edible for all Sorneith species.
Central to these disparities is what shapes the very essence of these two species: while the lily is moulded by water, the lotus is defined by drought. Adaptation to the flood plains on the borders of earth and arcane allows the unsprouted lotus seeds to remain dormant in dry silt, waiting thousands of years for rainfall. Once the ground rehydrates, they sprout to rise above the flood, signaling a productive season. Thus many associate these flowers with life and longevity. In this context it is easy to see why extraordinary plentiful numbers of petals are also seen as a sign of increased luck.
To increase its chance of survival, the flowers must be pollinated in time. Within their leaves, biomanacircuitry allows the plant to thermoregulate. The center keeps a pleasant room temperature, attracting natural pollinators such as the White Lace Honeybee.
Local gardeners may plant seeds in flooded fields with rich and loamy soil. According to customs, a rrop rotation with rice and vegetables is used. Runners and rhizomes are commonly harvested before the plant blooms, while leaves and flowers may be plucked multiple times during their budding or blooming. Nearly a year after planting the seed pods may be harvested for drying, which is commonly only done after the outside has turned dark.
The diversity of edible parts and textures gave rise to many dishes. Rhizones are crunchy and have a similar starchiness as potatoes and thus they are commonly fried or stir fried. Besides, they may also be used in soups and pickled in syrup or vinegar, or ground into flour.
Stems are treated as common greens and may be eaten raw, in soups or stir-fried, while leaves are used to wrap rice or steamed dishes, giving them an unique aroma. Interestingly, the flowers are separated into stamens and leaves to create two different teas.
Of the lotus, the seeds require the most work to harvest, as they must be kept dry and clean to prevent mold. They contain many proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins and components that are good for the heart and organs. Hence these seeds are an important ingredient in many moon cakes, wines and medicines.
In traditional art, the lotus is also known as a gentleman's flower, since it grows pure and unstained from the mud. The plant is symbolic for the upright, modest, harmonious, whole, loving and pure. As such, the fruit, flower and stalk are used to reference the past, present and future in such light.
Besides, it is also referred to as one of the Four Season Flowers, along with the orchid, chrysanthemum and the plum blossom. The crop is often depicted in Huaniaohua as a representation of the summer season.

Sunbeam Banyan
2:1 sized to non-captioned flora depictions.
The Sunbeam Banyan is a tropical Fig tree of medium height, native to the Sunbeam Ruins and Windswept Plateau. From a distance, this common conifer looks like a vibrantly green open fan. Below the wide canopy, numerous roots dig into the fringes of the eastern islet valleys, where the forests make way for river edges, craggy cliffs and swamps.
Some dragons may keep these trees on their rocky garden walls, so it may provide plenty of shade, an ornamental backdrop and sweet Sunbeam Figs.
Most curiously, this tree relies on the Protective Wasp, also called the Fig Wasp, to pollinate and fertilize their fruit. These wasps spend their larval stage inside the fruit. Only females produce wings and pollen pouches, as the males never leave the host. After mating for the females and filling their pollen pouches, males will chew a hole for them to escape from inside the fruit, after which they themselves will pass inside the fig. Using the enzyme ficin, the plant then digests and absorbs the insects inside. The female wasps, also named the pollinator wasps will then spend the following year protecting a White Lace Honeybee hive in exchange for their honey. This ensures her survival until spring, where she will force her way into the immature fruit to lay her eggs. This narrow passage often causes her to lose both wings and antenna, but allows her to lay her eggs in a mana-warmed incubation chamber, with plentiful nutrients. The mother will then pass away inside the chamber, leaving her offspring to continue this cycle.
The bark, roots and dried leaves of this plant are used in traditional medicine to alleviate pain and fever. These growth contain many substances that may prevent airway related ailments and aid with the removal of impurities from the body. Large fig trees are commonly associated with good fortunes and overflowing natural mana.

Wild Aether Cherry
3:1 sized to non-captioned flora depictions.
The Prunus Avium, Ying Tao Shu, Sakura or simply the Wild Aether Cherry is a flowering deciduous tree.
Most of the year, it is unassuming, with a medium-high statue, dark brown bark and ovoid leaves. However, the growth is one of the first to bloom a vibrant pastel pink in early spring, making it stand out in the forests of the Starwood Strand.
Mazzard is the dryad name for this tree, a term which they continue to use for many seedling cultivars.
Although the plant is slightly toxic, its ripe fruit, the Aether Cherries, is edible. The tart yet sweet taste makes it a favored ingredient in desserts, jams and liquors.

3:1 sized to non-captioned flora depictions.
Also named Yan Ling Cao or Birthroot, Trillium is a diverse species of perennial herb which is widespread in the dappled woodlands of Sorneith. The trio of leaves are large. Raised from the ground like a clover, a single three-petaled, star-shaped flower sprouts in the middle. On the Islet these are white, but variations of red and purple also occur in the wild.
The flowers are a beloved sight in spring, but they are not cultivated for ornamental purposes because it takes a plant ten full solar cycles to produce its first bloom, and plucking it will cause the cultivar to wither.
Trillium forms a symbiotic relationship with the Slender Ant: A clever distribution of pheromones urge ants to transports its fruits to their colony for consumption, but discard the seeds in the process, which causes the spread of this plant. On occasion, small mammals, birds and even Protective Wasp also consume these fruits, but the Spectre Serow and Fanged Fleetfoot Ampelope have a taste for the flowers itself, which has caused these plants to be a good indicator of Tigerblood Foo territory. Besides, some may use the average bloom encounters per year to plot and thus predict the export of the islet, as the rare Sunset Metallic Wood-Boring Beetle will consume the seeds itself when the mana density is low.
The plant is commonly used as coagulant or astringent, and is known to ease the birthing process for centaurs.

2:1 sized to non-captioned flora depictions.
Bracken, Pteridium, or Juecai is a genus of fern to which the Grove Fern and Ghost-Painted Fern belong. They are widespread over Sorneith and the Islet is no exception. Home to over a dozen fast-growing species, these edible ferns are a cornerstone of the Islet biome. The majority thrives in the moorlands, but many can be found in the forests and cold mountain sides as well.
Under the protection of a canopy, they tend to form dense thickets, which are a welcome sight to the tired traveller, as they provide both excellent bedding and food. Locals always consume them cooked, using them like vegetables. Fiddleheads are delicious in stir-fry, buns, soups and stews. Only a few species are pickled or dried, but traditionally, these must be kept for at least one solar cycle before they take on their signature flavor and are fit for consumption. Dried brackens are often sold in flat round bundles and may be used as a condiment on rice. Among all the Islet species, only the Ghost-Painted Fern produces significant amounts of ptaquiloside, which makes them the only species that are not suitable for pickling or drying. Others use the ferns as a source of potash, which is a key component in tanning, glass making, soaps and compost.
Historically, the fem is used as a binding rune in blood oaths, as the blood vessels in the cross section of a sliced stem consistently spells out the runes for 'the one', 'truth' or 'flesh'.

10:1 sized to non-captioned flora depictions.
Athelas, better known as the Kingsfoil, is a perennial flowering herb found in dry woodlands, or sandy soils. While common in the north, these herbs can be found throughout Sorneith, in patches that produce white blooms with many small leaves.
The tender foliage has a refreshing and sweet aroma which smells slightly different to each individual. For this reason, it is often used as flavoring in candy, teas and root beer. Traditionally, the leaves are dried, crushed and steeped to make a calming and strengthening tea.
Most remarkable are its antibacterial properties, its use as a universal antidote and its effectiveness as a counteragent to the shade. Therefore, it is one of the key components to Sorneith's healing potions. Because the plant seems to work best in the hands of those who are born with the weight of responsibility and have carried harsh and heavy burdens honorably throughout their life, it is often used in conjunction with voluntary self-poisoning to determine succession in monarchies and governance.
Historians agree that this plant it not native to Sorneith, as it has no genetically similar relatives.

2:1 sized to non-captioned flora depictions.
Elanor is a low-growing annual plant with large yellow, star-shaped blooms. They are native to the Viridian Labyrinth and the Sunbeam Ruins, where they have distant relatives like the Chickweed and Primrose. In the last century, inhabitants of the islet have kept some cuttings as a lucky ornamental flower.
Commonly these plants are kept outside on the windowsills as a predictor of the weather: Petals only open in presence of either sun or stars and blooms will close half an hour before precipitation is expected. This is a cunning evolutionary feature that allows them to present fresher blooms to insect pollinators, allowing them to gain the advantage of priority. Afterwards, they produce heavy fruiting bodies that bend their stem. Wind and rain are then allowed to disperse their seeds.
According to dryad folklore, the flowers were delivered by the ships of the children from the fringes of another realm. This is rumored to be a blessed land over the edge of the world, past the western seas. Elanor derives from the words 'el' and 'anor', which mean 'sun' and 'star'.

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Rowan, alternatively named the Quickbeam, Lamenting Fruit, Eye's Delight, Birdcatcher, Mountain Ash or Hua Qiu, is a deciduous shrub-like tree that grows on the islet mountains. Commonly thought to originate in the gladeveins, its most universal name can be traced back to the northern centaur dialect, in which 'raud-inan' is used to refer to the 'reddening' berries of this bush.
Curiously, the flowers of this plant bloom in clusters of fluffy white, but their berries may be either red or pure white depending on the species.
Raw berries may cause indigestion or kidney failure amongst mammals and large reptiles, but the toxin does not affect birds, who are the primary distributors of its seeds. However, heat neutralizes the poison, so dragon or beastclan foragers often use them in jams, wine and hot drinks.
In folklore the tree is often thought to protect travellers from malevolent beings and supposedly prevents wayfarers from getting lost. Because it is said to mark and guard the borders of realms, centaurs often place sprigs over windows and doors to ward off evil.

White Mulberry
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Morus alba, White mulberry, or Sangshu is a fast-growing flowering, deciduous tree species which thrive in the arcane-wind lands and grow plentiful in the warmer north-eastern plains of the islet. Spread over Sorneith are variants of this strain, which produce black or red fruits. Although these might seem similar to raspberries or blackberries, mulberries are entirely separate species that are closely related to the fig tree: Not only do they require a more temperate climate, but also the presence of a rain season to take root optimally.
Historically, the mulberry has been cultivated by tengu as feed for their silk worms. These avians make a long-lasting paper from its bark, which is used to keep track of lineages, historical events and religious scriptures. Mulberry branches are often harvested in autumn for this purpose, and the remaining stripped wood is typically steamed to make baskets.
Many starfall lairs also pluck mulberry leaves up to four times a year to produce tea, wine, beancurd and noodles. These leaves are a useful medicine to treat conditions that involve the airways, which its pollen may induce or exacerbate.
White mulberries have a refreshingly tart flavor, with a mild, lingering sweetness. These are widely used to treat digestive problems and remove parasites.

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Sambucus, Elderberry or Jie Gu Mu originates in the Gladeveins and thrive in the more temperate regions of the Starfall Isles.
The dense foliage consists of long leaves, blooms white in spring, and produces black or red fruits in autumn, which are just as poisonous to most beastclans and dragonkind as the rest of this plant unless cooked. However, Harpies, Tengu and other avians are immune to said poisons and will plant them as fast-growing ornamental hedges near their homes and farms.
Unsurprising is their apt use of this plant, as craftsmen harpies pioneered the modern maple tapping method and the basket dye through their innovative use of Sambucus wood and fruits.
In folk medicine, the uncooked seeds of this plant are typically used to forcefully purge much more sinister poisons, while the fruit juices are often used to cure infections.

Sky Poppy
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The Sky Poppy, Pure Papavler, Meconopsis, or Tian Yingsu is a short-lived herbaceous perennial which thrives on mountain sides. Alternatively named the Queen of Mountains, she thrives in cool temperatures, wet soil and shade, which differs from other members of the poppy family.
Known for its spectacular blooms in spring, the Tengu cultivate these as decorative flowers to symbolize rising victory through hardship. During times of war and illness these flowers dwindle, since many are unearthed to serve as painkiller, antipyretic and activators of the immune system.
The seeds of this flower do not have any of the above medicinal properties and may be crushed to produce oil. Most tengu consider these seeds to be lucky and therefore apply it to festive dishes and baked goods.
A handful of hoverview tengu clans keep ancient lineages of these flowers, which are seen as historical and cultural heritage. As a result, merchants and vandals who seek to help themselves to the blooms are scornfully referred to as 'poppy thieves' and are subjected to harsh tengu-regulated punishments when caught.

Stardew Orchids
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Stardew Orchids, also called Claynx Grass or Arcane Bladderwort, is a small, sub-aquatic plant found in shallow freshwater pools and sandy creeks in the lower reaches on the islet. Native to the plague-ridden borders of the Starwood Strand, the majority of its outer layer of cells is built to protect it from mold and rot.
However, this also prevents Bladderworth from absorbing nutrients through a root-system. Hence it has evolved luminescent blue flowers that mimic the faintly flickering light of protozoa and rotifers. Underneath the surface rests a vast web of miniscule vacuum-pulled pockets, also called 'bladders' or 'ears', are connected to fine trigger hairs. This combination effectively attracts and captures the larvae of mosquitoes, water-fleas and worms. Once a target is secured, the trap is sealed from the outside and the suffocating prey is submerged in antiseptic digestive fluids.
Said fluids also contain adipokinetic peptide hormones, which closely mimic those its prey releases when their energy reserves become depleted. In the resulting frenzied hunger, the trapped target will destroy remaining fungi and bacteria that may be harmful to the plant.
After digestion, the plant absorbs the nutrients and finishes sealing off the trap with protective cells, allowing it to detach from the plant. This makes the riverbeds of old Bladderwort Orchid colonies an invaluable library for aquatic genealogical study.
Therefore, digestive pocket findings often herald the arrival of enthusiastic biologists and biomedical experts, who seek to advance their respective fields.
Traditionally this plant is grown by maren as a bug-attractor and old strains are prized for their unique antiseptic properties.
Tengu have cultivated a terrestrial variant with similar properties, which thrives on the cliffs of the Reedcleft Ascent.

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Most of the islet is covered in rich loamy soil and forested area, which first transitions into lush hills and then rocky shrubbery near the outskirts of the isle. The 'shores' are covered with tenacious greenery and moss, which creeps over the edges onto the cliffs that border the territory.
The very bottom of the isle is covered in hardy, water absorbing plants who can stand a salty dip into the ocean.
The middle of the island sports twin mountains. There, patches of piny taiga forest shifting into mountainous shrubbery, grasses and moss. The peaks are near barren, as the tips are covered in eternal snow.
Remarkably, the strong fluctuating magic has caused mutations: Ordinary variants now make use of magic to gain an edge, while magic dependant species have devised ways to survive with a unstable and limited powersource.

Shen, Kami

Flat Cypress
1:10 sized to non-captioned flora depictions.
The Flat Cypress or Bian Bai is a slow-growing evergreen tree native to the islet mountains. The bark appears a ropy grey or pale pinkish brown, and it has long, scaled and obtuse leaves. Throughout the ages, they have been prized for their distinct quality of mana-conductive and rot-resistance timber.
However, the folk here believe that there is something in the woods that makes them grow tall and rarely cut them down: Old forests are said to host spirits and kami which the locals worship. Irregular, mana-shifted echoes of creaking woods are attributed to them, as well as the mana-infused heightened fertility of the nearby grounds.
When the concentration of wild magic is high, these trees may also expel excess mana which they are unable to store. This creates the illusion of ghost-like flames or jumping light particles around the tree, which may travel up or down the trunk and branches depending on the distribution of ambient mana. Folklore explains these as dancing mountain gods in celebration, which herald good luck and plentiful harvests.
Out of all, the named spirits are especially powerful and dwell in the largest and oldest trees. Their repositories are distinguished through a thick hemp rope with paper streamers, which is wrapped around its trunk. Such an 'Enclosing Rope' is used to ward against evil entities and indicates that the bound space or object is sacred, ritually pure, inhabiting a spirit, or attractive to them.
Inhabitants only cut these trees to build shrines, as they provide critical nutrients for the soil, sustain species such as the Coarse Micro Deer, prevent soil erosion, significantly increase groundwater levels and infuse vital mana into the soil. As if to remind the lumberman, the islet cypress will release a blood-red sap when cut, which is said to bring curses upon those who dare to deprive Kami of their home.

Gui, Yurei

Orchid of Dreams
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Commonly known as the Orchid of Dreams or Corpse's Breath, the Monotropa Uniflora is a distant cousin of the Winterbelle. The entirety of this plant is a delicate and waxy translucent white, but some rare individuals may have a red internal blush or small black flecks.
Unlike most plants, they may be found in dark and dense forests due to their lack of chlorophyll. They do not photosynthesize. Instead, they are parasites, sapping nutrients from the Ghastly Emetic Russula, which typically grows on freshly diseased or rotting protein, but in its absence parasitizes nearby tree roots for its own nourishment. Uniflora roots are covered in cystidium, which pierce the mycelium hyphae for attachment.
Typically, their leaf-sheathed stems sprout in the days after summer rain. They rely on White Lace Honeybee to propagate, after which they form dry oval and capsule-like 'fruits' with slitted openings. Its ripening process causes the curved stem to straighten and wither to a brittle black. The rare circumstances for its growth, irregular propagation and its delicate structure makes this plant near impossible to cultivate, rare to sight, and difficult to study.
According to Tengu legends, disturbed spirits, often those without proper burial rites may be influenced by powerful emotions, which traps it in the mortal world and enables it to interact with the physical world. These ghosts are said to reside in the orchids and may only be laid to rest after spiritually cleansing the plant and performing the missing funeral rituals. White figures and floating flames have been spotted near these growths, with a recent recounting detailing a couple who passed in a landslide.
In traditional medicine, it is known as a nervine, but their use has been outlawed since the third age.

Yao, Bakemono

Lesser Starfall Book Swarm
The Lesser Starfall Book Swarm is a mana dependent variant of the common Book Hoard.
Most peculiarly, they burrow into the spines and covers of large tomes, breaking down thick paper for glucose and using the pages to steer their mana-fueled flight.
Originally bred by second-age cyber-mages for their potent mana-receptive abilities and data storage capability, parts of their stems may form structures similar to the body parts of dragons. Biologists consider this to be a remnant of ancient code.
Fortunately, wild elemental magics caused the few programmed specimen of burrowing tree to mutate before technological farms could be planted. Books developed increased magic and perceptive abilities, but the Lesser variant evolved rudimentary intelligence as well. Unlike its larger cousins, they are generally friendly if offered food, spells or mana. Older individuals are able to speak in multiple tongues.
Due to manaphotosynthesis and an omnivorous diet, books may make use of a tome for centuries, often using their malleable body to preserve the written text. With a social and curious nature, books love to show off writings on their tome to others and travel in small parliaments of two to ten individuals.
Books reach an age of maturity at 50 solar cycles. In their lifetime, they only flower thrice. This event only triggers after two books form a mana-sharing partnership through repeated wooing by both parents. Courtship may last a decade, during which books search for a suitable tome for their offspring and block access to the tome. Because their progeny may be crippled or mortally wounded by opening the tome or cracking its spine during germination, parents will seal the entrance to their seedling with other books and will guard it physically if needed. For his reason, progenitors will also choose a dusty tome, as it has a lesser chance of being perused.

Pink Chalcedony Shardspine Boar
Unlike what it seems, Pink Chalcedony Shardspine Boar is a parasitic vine at its core. The rare vine strangles the young tree that it grows on, merging its cell structure with that of the wood.
Unlike the Barkback Boar variant, the local crop increases its lifespan and mobility by utilizing crystalized sedimented mana, which it uses to provide and store magic saturating the air. However, this means that the seedlings needs both a young tree and a mana source within 5 meters of their roots to sprout. The harsh constraints prevent the majority seeds from reaching maturity, and has caused the vine to develop a unique set of defense mechanisms.
Curiously, their reproduction cycle will only start if their mana stores remain fully charged throughout late summer and autumn, which is the cause of high ambient mana. That autumn, the evergreen plant will exhibit deciduous traits, as their foliage turns peach and dehydrates. Simultaneously, the foliage takes on an aroma similar to basil and rosemary. This wards off herbivores and most insects, but attract birds such as the Bluefinned Bleeding Heart Crow, who uses this aromatic leafs as nesting material to appeal to mates. Due to the bird's choosiness and high mobility, the avians often become covered by the similarly fragrant pollen of multiple vines, which is sprayed from skyward facing pores when these leaves are removed.
As the birds land on the boar, pollen will often sprinkle on the mushroom-like pistils below, thus granting the next generation of vine the much needed genetic variety. After pollination, they migrate to areas with a high mana density. There they produce a berry-like fruit that taste like tomatoes. These contain nepetalactone and capsaicinoids when ripened, attracting feline consumers, who will often knead the spicy fruit to pulp and may spread the fruits to nearby trees and woodlands.

Huamu, Shokubutsu

Crystalspine Giant Kelp
Despite its appearance, kelp is technically not a plant but a species of algae. In the wild, they grow in dense kelp forests, which provide a myriad of marine creatures with food and shelter.
However, the Crystalspine Giant Kelp is not native to the starfall waters, but a second age Icefield import from its Tsunami cousin, which is further bred to grow well in colder sea currents. Maren uses a system of tree-like racks and buoys to span rope near the surface. This way, their cultivar is more exposed to the sun, giving it an even faster maturation rate and broader leaves than wild-found kelp.
Traditionally, Hypnotic Scallop and Pastel Scallop are raised alongside their harvest. Large but light, tiered nets are hung on the ropes, hidden under the canopy. These mollusks release nitrogen and phosphorus, which the crops need to grow. In return, the seaweed provides copious oxigen, which aids the development of the scallop.
Murkbottom Kelp is grown on the racks itself, where light is more sparse. Surface kelp is harvested at the end of spring and in early summer, before the water temperatures rise above 15 degrees celsius and giant Kelp starts to rot. To the East of the islet, clans will consume the Murkbottom variant throughout the year: Warmer currents half their seaweed season, which makes it more efficient to expand their fishing industry.
Due to their proficiency, maren sell their excess harvest to the inhabitants of the islet, who dry the kelp on sandy rock, well out of the reach of the capricats. When dry, the sand is shaken off and the kelp is either eaten locally or exported. Early houses may sport thatched roofs from dried kelp, which provides extraordinary watertight insulation.

Vanilla Boat Orchid
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The Vanilla Boat Orchid is a member of the Fragrant Orchid, which is crossed with the more common Cymbidium and the now extinct Qingdao Langhua.
As this family is one of the two largest families of flowering plants, they are often used in the Pox Consulate Wild Sanctum's plant pathology and disease epidemiology.
In the budding days of the alliance, researchers embarked on many joint efforts, one of which was to create a fly-attracting plant resistant to Starfall radiation.
However, due to the genetic similarities of the Fragrant orchid and Vanilla, the resulting breed was found to produce vanillin as well as anisaldehyde in its dehiscent capsule, which are key components of the vanilla aroma.
With their ability to mutate, as well as to manaphotosynthesise, the creators worried that it would outcompete local breeds, as well as become a cheaper alternative to the Vanilla Orchid, which is a key export of many gladevein clans.
Enterprising mirror pirates have since made their fears a reality, albeit a less terrifying one than projected: although they have driven the Hoverview Orchid (Qingdao Lanhua) to extinction, their penchance to mutate to meet specific purposes, has metaphorically locked its dna into a specific niche, effectively making it a poor competition for other plants. Additionally, it creates smaller and less fragrant pods than vanilla, which gain a distinct spicy wood-like smell when dried, making them unsuited for many traditional recipes.
Like the Cymbidium, this species is an evergreen perennial herbs, which produces many pale green or white blooms. The original breed is epiphytic and grows fastest on the roots of starwood trees, but Islet farmers keep a lithophytic variation, which allow them to grow these plants on crystal rocks, which are reused each year as mana-storage to facilitate the swift growth of their pods before the irregular winters strike.
In art, this flower is counted among the Four Gentlemen, which are symbols of traditional values, such as uprightness, purity, humility and perseverance amidst adversity. They are also part of the Four Season Flowers and are thus often depicted in Huaniaohua as representation of the spring season.
Local recipes often use the spice in conjunction with oranges and ginger to produce spiced chicken, orange cakes and black-sesame filled tangyuan.

Giant Starwood Bamboo
Further inland, Giant Starwood Bamboo Clusters form the occasional groves near the river. These grasses do not wilt and may live for hundreds of years, reaching heights that may dwarf a dragon. Like many other grasses, the internodal region of this plant is hollow. Instead, the vascular bundles run along the walls and often span the whole length of the shaft, which gives these poaceae their signature columnal shape.
This species belongs to the Running Bamboos, which are known to grow rapidly through underground rhizomes: These underground stems will 'run' perpendicular from the plant's own shoot, after which they sprout separate culms and roots from their nodes. This aggressive behavior has caused their seemingly uncontrollable spread during the first age, where they crossed the windswept plateau to what is now known as the Starfall Isles.
Second age ice fields then caused its retreat, as the species is native to tropical climates. The hardier species that survived this extinction all possess a wood-like strength and fine mana conductivity, which allows them to sense cold snaps and thus prepare their roots to survive the snow.
A single grove of the local strain will rarely produce flowers en-masse during the warm season, which is an unpredictable and taxing event that causes the death of the plant shortly after. Fortunately, these grove flowerings do not often synchronize, as they occur once every 60 to 120 years.
During and in the end of such events, the Islet inhabitants will celebrate the passing of such a grove with viewings, after which local lumberjacks will cut down and harvest the culms at dawn or dusk on a waning moon. Workers take care to harvest as much as possible prior to any subsequent rainfall, to produce high quality material, which is prized among weavers, battlebards and shipwrights. Lower quality stalks do not go to waste, as they are used as eco-friendly building materials.
Although the Islet is not able to sustain a consistent export of this material, local bamboo farmers and craftsmen rely on this crop and thus care for its shoots with dedication. Fresh shoots are therefore only used in celebratory dishes and are often served to signify the high status of the consumer amongst the Islet artisans.
Due to its status as a forbidden pleasure, dishes that use shoots gained much popularity, thus many cooks use imported pickled shoots and dried seeds from the windswept plateau. Examples of dishes are braised spring shoots, bamboo rice, or layered cakes. Fresh Bamboo Leaves are more freely harvested and are often used in local cuisine to wrap rice or deserts when steaming.
In art, this plant is counted among the Four Gentlemen, which are symbols of traditional values, such as uprightness, purity, humility and perseverance amidst adversity. Bamboo, with its plain, elegant and principled structure, specifically stands for integrity, uprightness, tenacity, and modesty. Both evergreen and Perennial, it is also referred to as one of the Three Friends of Winter, along with the pine and plum blossom. The crop is often depicted in Huaniaohua as a representation of the winter season.

Starburst Plum Tree branch
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Plum Trees, Ume or Lizi Shu are one of the oldest trees native to the Arcane domain. Modern historians theorize that they are the first fruit trees to be domesticated by starfall farmers, as the flowers are often depicted on stone tablets to denote first-age-clans.
Even their draconian name is derived from the ancient faen 'proumnon', which is believed to be a loanword from a long-lost preagean centaur dialect dialect. Furthermore, the tengu term of 'ume' predates the draconian by thousands of years, being a derivative of the word for 'sea', which is 'umi', and the serthis word for plum flowers; 'mei'. From all the fossilized pits, the oldest hail from a former river that used to flow to the east of the starwood strand, in the millennia before the third age.
More proof of its domestication can be found through the many 'wild' Starburst variants that are the descendents of primitive mana-accelerated cross-pollination experiments. These were used to produce large and juicy fruits, similar to the farm-bound variants.
In the islet forests, one of these ancient strains of 'wild' plum survives. Here, wild animals thrive off their fruits and inhabitants keep many of them in neat orchards for this very bounty. Plums need plenty of water to produce their fruit, so farmers carefully track the weather throughout winter and spring. Most fruits are eaten fresh, but others are dried to create prunes, made into jams, sauce called meijiang, juice, tea, or fermented into wine.
The purpose of each fruit depends on its ripeness when harvested. Trees flower around midwinter and produce firm, green fruits in the following month, which are used in syrups, compote and sour desserts. As the plum ripens, it turns yellow and sweet, which is when they are harvested for wine and are good for eating. As they ripen further, the fruit takes on a sweeter taste and mellower aroma. It also turns a deeper purple-blue and the flesh will also detach from the pit. This makes them ideal as a quick snack and perfect to make prunes, jams, and mild cakes.
Traditionally, locals salt or season their dried plums, common seasonings are ginger or chili. These prunes are often used to season gruel, baobing or ice. Pickled plum is commonly used as a topping for rice, while the sweet sauce is often used on poultry and other proteins.
Historically, the unripe smoked fruits were used as a herbal medicine or pickled before consumption. The first signs of fruit fermentation are dated around the end of the first age. This practise caused this group of hunter-gatherers to seek out sweeter fruit. Archaeologists speculate that these people planted the seeds of these fruits in an attempt to help spread sweeter variants. Many centaur researchers have since claimed this to be the doing of their species and often find theories that their specific herd and ancestors were the first to discover agriculture. However, historians tend to agree that the longneck are the ones who were behind both historical events.
In art, this plant is counted among the Four Gentlemen, which are symbols of traditional values, such as uprightness, purity, humility and perseverance amidst adversity. Plum blossoms, with its vibrancy amids the snow, specifically stands for hope, grace, tenacy, purity and the ephemerality of life. Both evergreen and Perennial, it is also referred to as one of the Three Friends of Winter, along with the pine and bamboo. Besides, it is also referred to as one of the Four Season Flowers, along with the orchid, lotus and the chrysanthemum. The crop is often depicted in Huaniaohua as a representation of the winter season.

Small Sunset Chrysanthemum
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The Small Sunset Chrysanthemums, Kiku or Juhua is a perennial herb which produces white or bright yellow flowers that look similar to a daisy. They bloom in early autumn.
The oldest records of this herb were recorded by the centaurs, who have cultivated this species as an herb and insecticide since before the first age. The plant is good for the heart and may be used to treat fevers, colds, headaches, dizziness and swelling. Besides, its flowers also contain pyrethrins, which impede the nervous systems of insects, inhibit female mosquitoes from biting and may repel insects and fish. Flowers are often ground up and mixed with oil to create a smooth and perfumed paste.
The golden color is also associated with gold by the tengu, which is why they are symbols of status, wealth and luck among their kin. In the second age, tengu florists therefore created a variety of subspecies that varied in flower shapes, colors and sizes.
The centaur traditionally use the herb to brew a liquor, which they consume on the ninth day of the ninth lunar cycle of the year, which is considered to be especially lucky. Among many other species, both the yellow and white flowers are often dried and boiled for tea, rice noodles, stir-fry or hot pots, and its leaves may be steamed or boiled as greens.
In art, this plant is counted among the Four Gentlemen, which are symbols of traditional values, such as uprightness, purity, humility and perseverance amidst adversity. White chrysanthemums, specifically stands for symbolize honesty, purity through adversity, thoughtfulness or grief. In contrast, the yellow variants are used by the tengu to indicate the right of rule and cheerfulness. Besides, it is also referred to as one of the Four Season Flowers, along with the orchid, lotus and the plum blossom. The crop is often depicted in Huaniaohua as a representation of the autumn season.

Windblown Pine
1:10 sized to non-captioned flora depictions.
Windblown Pine, or Feng Ru Song is one of the medium-sized conifer species on the islet, where they typically grow on rocky cliffs and sandy mountainsides.
Their bark has shallow fissures and their crown is flat-topped, with broadly spread branches, and long, needle-like leaves. Like many of their kind, they are monoecious and produce round cones in spring, which take around 20 lunar cycles to mature. Around autumn their seeds are dispersed by wind, but many are cracked out of their cone by the Bluefinned Bleeding Heart Crow and Spectre Serow.
The evergreen is commonly used for its lumber as Sanded Pine Planks, and may reach incredible ages of thousands of years, which has lend it the moniker: bringer of fire. Remarkably, the spiral growth seen in its branches, needles, and cones scales are often arranged in Fibonacci number ratios, which have puzzled biologists and psychologists in Sorneith. After all, the wind domain and its inhabitants are known to be the least orderly amongst their kin. Many thus speculate that their erraticness may originate from an orderly underlying pattern.
Pine needles are used to create insecticide, dye and tea. Honey or sugar is commonly added to the brew. The pulpwood of pine produces resins that contain vanillin and is used as medicine to treat internal ailments and respiratory diseases.
Both evergreen and Perennial, it is also referred to as one of the Three Friends of Winter, along with the bamboo and plum blossom. Together they symbolize the ideal gentleman as steadfast, persevering, and resilient.

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The Lotus or Lian is a perennial water plant that is often bemusedly called the Star-Touched-River-Lily, even though these plants differ in both leaves and flowers. For example, the lotus grows perfectly round, yet ruffled leaves, while the lily patch is flat, larger, pointed and has a notch. Besides, lily leaves float directly on the water, while lotus foliage hovers at least a flower's width above the surface. Notably, Lotus only grows in lakes or rivers that are over a wingspan deep, and are native to only the water, wind, arcane or earth domains. On the other hand, lilies can only be found in shallow water below half a wingspan deep and grow through the entirety of Sonreith. Lilies also produce an alkaloid called nupharin, which renders the whole plant poisonous to many beastclans. In contrast, the entirety of the lotus is edible for all Sorneith species.
Central to these disparities is what shapes the very essence of these two species: while the lily is moulded by water, the lotus is defined by drought. Adaptation to the flood plains on the borders of earth and arcane allows the unsprouted lotus seeds to remain dormant in dry silt, waiting thousands of years for rainfall. Once the ground rehydrates, they sprout to rise above the flood, signaling a productive season. Thus many associate these flowers with life and longevity. In this context it is easy to see why extraordinary plentiful numbers of petals are also seen as a sign of increased luck.
To increase its chance of survival, the flowers must be pollinated in time. Within their leaves, biomanacircuitry allows the plant to thermoregulate. The center keeps a pleasant room temperature, attracting natural pollinators such as the White Lace Honeybee.
Local gardeners may plant seeds in flooded fields with rich and loamy soil. According to customs, a rrop rotation with rice and vegetables is used. Runners and rhizomes are commonly harvested before the plant blooms, while leaves and flowers may be plucked multiple times during their budding or blooming. Nearly a year after planting the seed pods may be harvested for drying, which is commonly only done after the outside has turned dark.
The diversity of edible parts and textures gave rise to many dishes. Rhizones are crunchy and have a similar starchiness as potatoes and thus they are commonly fried or stir fried. Besides, they may also be used in soups and pickled in syrup or vinegar, or ground into flour.
Stems are treated as common greens and may be eaten raw, in soups or stir-fried, while leaves are used to wrap rice or steamed dishes, giving them an unique aroma. Interestingly, the flowers are separated into stamens and leaves to create two different teas.
Of the lotus, the seeds require the most work to harvest, as they must be kept dry and clean to prevent mold. They contain many proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins and components that are good for the heart and organs. Hence these seeds are an important ingredient in many moon cakes, wines and medicines.
In traditional art, the lotus is also known as a gentleman's flower, since it grows pure and unstained from the mud. The plant is symbolic for the upright, modest, harmonious, whole, loving and pure. As such, the fruit, flower and stalk are used to reference the past, present and future in such light.
Besides, it is also referred to as one of the Four Season Flowers, along with the orchid, chrysanthemum and the plum blossom. The crop is often depicted in Huaniaohua as a representation of the summer season.

Sunbeam Banyan
2:1 sized to non-captioned flora depictions.
The Sunbeam Banyan is a tropical Fig tree of medium height, native to the Sunbeam Ruins and Windswept Plateau. From a distance, this common conifer looks like a vibrantly green open fan. Below the wide canopy, numerous roots dig into the fringes of the eastern islet valleys, where the forests make way for river edges, craggy cliffs and swamps.
Some dragons may keep these trees on their rocky garden walls, so it may provide plenty of shade, an ornamental backdrop and sweet Sunbeam Figs.
Most curiously, this tree relies on the Protective Wasp, also called the Fig Wasp, to pollinate and fertilize their fruit. These wasps spend their larval stage inside the fruit. Only females produce wings and pollen pouches, as the males never leave the host. After mating for the females and filling their pollen pouches, males will chew a hole for them to escape from inside the fruit, after which they themselves will pass inside the fig. Using the enzyme ficin, the plant then digests and absorbs the insects inside. The female wasps, also named the pollinator wasps will then spend the following year protecting a White Lace Honeybee hive in exchange for their honey. This ensures her survival until spring, where she will force her way into the immature fruit to lay her eggs. This narrow passage often causes her to lose both wings and antenna, but allows her to lay her eggs in a mana-warmed incubation chamber, with plentiful nutrients. The mother will then pass away inside the chamber, leaving her offspring to continue this cycle.
The bark, roots and dried leaves of this plant are used in traditional medicine to alleviate pain and fever. These growth contain many substances that may prevent airway related ailments and aid with the removal of impurities from the body. Large fig trees are commonly associated with good fortunes and overflowing natural mana.

Wild Aether Cherry
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The Prunus Avium, Ying Tao Shu, Sakura or simply the Wild Aether Cherry is a flowering deciduous tree.
Most of the year, it is unassuming, with a medium-high statue, dark brown bark and ovoid leaves. However, the growth is one of the first to bloom a vibrant pastel pink in early spring, making it stand out in the forests of the Starwood Strand.
Mazzard is the dryad name for this tree, a term which they continue to use for many seedling cultivars.
Although the plant is slightly toxic, its ripe fruit, the Aether Cherries, is edible. The tart yet sweet taste makes it a favored ingredient in desserts, jams and liquors.

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Also named Yan Ling Cao or Birthroot, Trillium is a diverse species of perennial herb which is widespread in the dappled woodlands of Sorneith. The trio of leaves are large. Raised from the ground like a clover, a single three-petaled, star-shaped flower sprouts in the middle. On the Islet these are white, but variations of red and purple also occur in the wild.
The flowers are a beloved sight in spring, but they are not cultivated for ornamental purposes because it takes a plant ten full solar cycles to produce its first bloom, and plucking it will cause the cultivar to wither.
Trillium forms a symbiotic relationship with the Slender Ant: A clever distribution of pheromones urge ants to transports its fruits to their colony for consumption, but discard the seeds in the process, which causes the spread of this plant. On occasion, small mammals, birds and even Protective Wasp also consume these fruits, but the Spectre Serow and Fanged Fleetfoot Ampelope have a taste for the flowers itself, which has caused these plants to be a good indicator of Tigerblood Foo territory. Besides, some may use the average bloom encounters per year to plot and thus predict the export of the islet, as the rare Sunset Metallic Wood-Boring Beetle will consume the seeds itself when the mana density is low.
The plant is commonly used as coagulant or astringent, and is known to ease the birthing process for centaurs.

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Bracken, Pteridium, or Juecai is a genus of fern to which the Grove Fern and Ghost-Painted Fern belong. They are widespread over Sorneith and the Islet is no exception. Home to over a dozen fast-growing species, these edible ferns are a cornerstone of the Islet biome. The majority thrives in the moorlands, but many can be found in the forests and cold mountain sides as well.
Under the protection of a canopy, they tend to form dense thickets, which are a welcome sight to the tired traveller, as they provide both excellent bedding and food. Locals always consume them cooked, using them like vegetables. Fiddleheads are delicious in stir-fry, buns, soups and stews. Only a few species are pickled or dried, but traditionally, these must be kept for at least one solar cycle before they take on their signature flavor and are fit for consumption. Dried brackens are often sold in flat round bundles and may be used as a condiment on rice. Among all the Islet species, only the Ghost-Painted Fern produces significant amounts of ptaquiloside, which makes them the only species that are not suitable for pickling or drying. Others use the ferns as a source of potash, which is a key component in tanning, glass making, soaps and compost.
Historically, the fem is used as a binding rune in blood oaths, as the blood vessels in the cross section of a sliced stem consistently spells out the runes for 'the one', 'truth' or 'flesh'.

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Athelas, better known as the Kingsfoil, is a perennial flowering herb found in dry woodlands, or sandy soils. While common in the north, these herbs can be found throughout Sorneith, in patches that produce white blooms with many small leaves.
The tender foliage has a refreshing and sweet aroma which smells slightly different to each individual. For this reason, it is often used as flavoring in candy, teas and root beer. Traditionally, the leaves are dried, crushed and steeped to make a calming and strengthening tea.
Most remarkable are its antibacterial properties, its use as a universal antidote and its effectiveness as a counteragent to the shade. Therefore, it is one of the key components to Sorneith's healing potions. Because the plant seems to work best in the hands of those who are born with the weight of responsibility and have carried harsh and heavy burdens honorably throughout their life, it is often used in conjunction with voluntary self-poisoning to determine succession in monarchies and governance.
Historians agree that this plant it not native to Sorneith, as it has no genetically similar relatives.

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Elanor is a low-growing annual plant with large yellow, star-shaped blooms. They are native to the Viridian Labyrinth and the Sunbeam Ruins, where they have distant relatives like the Chickweed and Primrose. In the last century, inhabitants of the islet have kept some cuttings as a lucky ornamental flower.
Commonly these plants are kept outside on the windowsills as a predictor of the weather: Petals only open in presence of either sun or stars and blooms will close half an hour before precipitation is expected. This is a cunning evolutionary feature that allows them to present fresher blooms to insect pollinators, allowing them to gain the advantage of priority. Afterwards, they produce heavy fruiting bodies that bend their stem. Wind and rain are then allowed to disperse their seeds.
According to dryad folklore, the flowers were delivered by the ships of the children from the fringes of another realm. This is rumored to be a blessed land over the edge of the world, past the western seas. Elanor derives from the words 'el' and 'anor', which mean 'sun' and 'star'.

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Rowan, alternatively named the Quickbeam, Lamenting Fruit, Eye's Delight, Birdcatcher, Mountain Ash or Hua Qiu, is a deciduous shrub-like tree that grows on the islet mountains. Commonly thought to originate in the gladeveins, its most universal name can be traced back to the northern centaur dialect, in which 'raud-inan' is used to refer to the 'reddening' berries of this bush.
Curiously, the flowers of this plant bloom in clusters of fluffy white, but their berries may be either red or pure white depending on the species.
Raw berries may cause indigestion or kidney failure amongst mammals and large reptiles, but the toxin does not affect birds, who are the primary distributors of its seeds. However, heat neutralizes the poison, so dragon or beastclan foragers often use them in jams, wine and hot drinks.
In folklore the tree is often thought to protect travellers from malevolent beings and supposedly prevents wayfarers from getting lost. Because it is said to mark and guard the borders of realms, centaurs often place sprigs over windows and doors to ward off evil.

White Mulberry
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Morus alba, White mulberry, or Sangshu is a fast-growing flowering, deciduous tree species which thrive in the arcane-wind lands and grow plentiful in the warmer north-eastern plains of the islet. Spread over Sorneith are variants of this strain, which produce black or red fruits. Although these might seem similar to raspberries or blackberries, mulberries are entirely separate species that are closely related to the fig tree: Not only do they require a more temperate climate, but also the presence of a rain season to take root optimally.
Historically, the mulberry has been cultivated by tengu as feed for their silk worms. These avians make a long-lasting paper from its bark, which is used to keep track of lineages, historical events and religious scriptures. Mulberry branches are often harvested in autumn for this purpose, and the remaining stripped wood is typically steamed to make baskets.
Many starfall lairs also pluck mulberry leaves up to four times a year to produce tea, wine, beancurd and noodles. These leaves are a useful medicine to treat conditions that involve the airways, which its pollen may induce or exacerbate.
White mulberries have a refreshingly tart flavor, with a mild, lingering sweetness. These are widely used to treat digestive problems and remove parasites.

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Sambucus, Elderberry or Jie Gu Mu originates in the Gladeveins and thrive in the more temperate regions of the Starfall Isles.
The dense foliage consists of long leaves, blooms white in spring, and produces black or red fruits in autumn, which are just as poisonous to most beastclans and dragonkind as the rest of this plant unless cooked. However, Harpies, Tengu and other avians are immune to said poisons and will plant them as fast-growing ornamental hedges near their homes and farms.
Unsurprising is their apt use of this plant, as craftsmen harpies pioneered the modern maple tapping method and the basket dye through their innovative use of Sambucus wood and fruits.
In folk medicine, the uncooked seeds of this plant are typically used to forcefully purge much more sinister poisons, while the fruit juices are often used to cure infections.

Sky Poppy
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The Sky Poppy, Pure Papavler, Meconopsis, or Tian Yingsu is a short-lived herbaceous perennial which thrives on mountain sides. Alternatively named the Queen of Mountains, she thrives in cool temperatures, wet soil and shade, which differs from other members of the poppy family.
Known for its spectacular blooms in spring, the Tengu cultivate these as decorative flowers to symbolize rising victory through hardship. During times of war and illness these flowers dwindle, since many are unearthed to serve as painkiller, antipyretic and activators of the immune system.
The seeds of this flower do not have any of the above medicinal properties and may be crushed to produce oil. Most tengu consider these seeds to be lucky and therefore apply it to festive dishes and baked goods.
A handful of hoverview tengu clans keep ancient lineages of these flowers, which are seen as historical and cultural heritage. As a result, merchants and vandals who seek to help themselves to the blooms are scornfully referred to as 'poppy thieves' and are subjected to harsh tengu-regulated punishments when caught.

Stardew Orchids
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Stardew Orchids, also called Claynx Grass or Arcane Bladderwort, is a small, sub-aquatic plant found in shallow freshwater pools and sandy creeks in the lower reaches on the islet. Native to the plague-ridden borders of the Starwood Strand, the majority of its outer layer of cells is built to protect it from mold and rot.
However, this also prevents Bladderworth from absorbing nutrients through a root-system. Hence it has evolved luminescent blue flowers that mimic the faintly flickering light of protozoa and rotifers. Underneath the surface rests a vast web of miniscule vacuum-pulled pockets, also called 'bladders' or 'ears', are connected to fine trigger hairs. This combination effectively attracts and captures the larvae of mosquitoes, water-fleas and worms. Once a target is secured, the trap is sealed from the outside and the suffocating prey is submerged in antiseptic digestive fluids.
Said fluids also contain adipokinetic peptide hormones, which closely mimic those its prey releases when their energy reserves become depleted. In the resulting frenzied hunger, the trapped target will destroy remaining fungi and bacteria that may be harmful to the plant.
After digestion, the plant absorbs the nutrients and finishes sealing off the trap with protective cells, allowing it to detach from the plant. This makes the riverbeds of old Bladderwort Orchid colonies an invaluable library for aquatic genealogical study.
Therefore, digestive pocket findings often herald the arrival of enthusiastic biologists and biomedical experts, who seek to advance their respective fields.
Traditionally this plant is grown by maren as a bug-attractor and old strains are prized for their unique antiseptic properties.
Tengu have cultivated a terrestrial variant with similar properties, which thrives on the cliffs of the Reedcleft Ascent.

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2:1 sized to non-captioned flora depictions.


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Harvest RaffleKeikoKat's Raffe

To thrive in this ever changing landscape, animals have evolved for ancient forests, soaring peaks, mystical marshlands and hostile coastlines. The islet has some of the most prolific environments in the Hoverview, which highlights its extremes and hides the primordial beasts that roam in its shadows. While leviathans loom in the deep, invisible eyes stalk the marshlands and clever tricksters mould the forests.
Natural selection has turned many to the seas and skies for sustenance. Others feed off mana and have evolved organs to store it when scarce, taming the whimsical weather and magnetic currents. Underneath the surface, ancient maren colonies coax the coral and use sacred sorcery to shape their cities and all life within.


An invertebrate, possessing an gelatinous body.


Caressed Dragonhorn Coral
The Caressed Dragonhorn Coral is, like many other corals, a colony of genetically identical polyps, which each excrete an exoskeleton near its base. Many generations of growth thus form the branch-like structures they are known for. Efficient mana consumption of this specific subspecies has allowed the polyps only near the ends of each branch to grow uncommonly large. Which give the illusion of the long and swaying fingers.
Although they are capable of catching krill with their stinging tentacles, most of their energy and nutrients are obtained through their symbiosis with the manaphotosynthesizing zooxanthellae. For this reason, they root near, but not directly under the islets, on the warm and shallow northeastern reaches, giving the Submerged Triangle its name. Curiously, a number of airships and vessels have disappeared here under inexplicable circumstances. Theories exist that attribute these disappearances to the corals, as polyps sense pressures of incoming waves and use instinctive spells to counteract the force of harsh currents. Scientists have recorded them launching large predators into the air to protect themselves from impact. However, they have not been able to test the magnitude of their abilities accurately due to the significant effect of unknown variables.
Smaller fish are able to approach the reef without issue, which enables these species to spawn under the reef. Here the sunlight is sparse and the calcified branches lay still and bare. In this way, this coral forms the foundation of this marine ecosystem.
Another creature that commonly dwells in these reefs is the Fallen Star, who consumes this polyp. They are in turn prey to the Tuxedo Urchin.
As local maren clans tend to overhunt the urchin for their poisonous tonics, prolonged wars always cause the decimation of reefs. This devastation to food supplies is why clans view the bright reds of a thriving reef as indicators of good luck and wealth. Most will therefore keep colonies on plates placed above their roofs. Additionally, branches of coral are hung on the tree-like racks of their kelp plantations.
Around the full moon in April, this polyp releases their pink gametes and sperm in clouds. These blizzards are reminiscent of a reversed flowerfall and are celebrated by locals with special dishes, communal viewings, dances and casual competitions. Many maren find partners during these events, as they often dress up to socialize and showcase their talents.


Black Sea Nettle
The islet waters are home to many jellyfish. In the cold waters, these giants thrive: currents herd prey into their tentacles and the high levels of ambient mana lends a surprising speed to their pulsating bell. These creatures start their life as planula larva, which develop into sedentary polyps resembling anemones, before reaching sexual maturity as a jellyfish.
Despite their complex life cycle, they reproduce swiftly and may exhibit highly aggressive behavior due to field fluctuations which have endangered many local fish populations when their numbers climb. Due to this, native maren use the Black Sea Nettle in negative connotations. One of their common sayings goes: Where Nettle thrives, others cannot, pointing to the need to weed out toxic cadgers. The False Guide, or Sea Globe, is not spared. Although it is exceedingly rare in these waters, the species is plentiful to the northeast of the oculus, and is synonymous with dishonesty and ineptness among the local maren, as many mistake its golden hue for the Sunset Butterflyfish, which dwells at the same depth.
Islet dragons therefore prioritize the jellyfish industry as part of their treaty, preserve biodiversity and take care not to overhunt the natural enemies of jellies, such as turtles.
Most commonly, the Black Sea Nettle, as well as others of their Phylum, are hunted as a local delicacy. By living in symbiosis with algae, starfall species have the ability to manaphotosynthesize. Coincidentally, this makes them an excellent source of vitamins for dragons such as mirrors, who lack the ability to both digest and absorb these safely or efficiently through a plant-based diet. Hence the Islet ships out crates of salted Nettle Bells and Nebula Delight to other Sorneith clans.
Traditionally, the maren eat the bell of the jellyfish raw as a salad or a noodle substitute. The epidermis and the mesoglea are naturally flavorless and have a crunchy, kelp-like texture that, after a julienne, takes on the taste of any sauce it is dipped in. Usually a windswept recipe is used, which consists of sesame oil, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, chili oil and ginger. Oral arms and tentacles are prepared separately and appear in many boiled, stir-fried or deep fried kitsune dishes. Moon Jellyfish and Disc Jellyfish have a firmer flesh, which is similar to, yet more delicate than squid. Thus they appear in many local soups.
Remarkable is the Nebula Floaters, which has a sweet taste due to its storage of glucose from manaphotosynthesis, but inability to release said stores freely. These are consumed raw or on sandwiches. Besides this, they may be sun dried after washing, marinating in rosewater, cinnamon, mint or fruit juice. This creates a faintly sweet and chewy candy with a texture similar to lokum.


An invertebrate, possessing a soft, unsegmented body and external shell.

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An invertebrate, possessing an exoskeleton.

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An invertebrate, possessing tube feet, a calcite skin and a five-part symmetrical body.

Deepsea Cucumber
For millennia, sea cucumbers have thrived in the shallow waters of the Submerged Triangle. Warmer temperatures make it an excellent home to at least 100 distinct Holothuroidea, nearly 5% of all categorized kinds in Sorneith. Just below their skin, they have a calcified endoskeleton, which some breeds may use as armor.
These flagship species are responsible for keeping the water clear and rich in minerals, which enables coral to thrive. They play a crucial role in nutrient cycling and bioturbation by churning up the soil, feeding off detritus, expelling clean sand and releasing calcium carbonate. For this reason, their maren name translates to Bringer of Prosperity.
Deepsea Cucumber is the most common among them, due to their immunity to many diseases and due to maren domestication in the second age. Bred in large aquaculture farms to resemble the Sea Hare, a common maren pet, many of these echinoderms live their adult life alongside maren. This keeps larger communities clean. Contrary to common expectations, they are also seen as a rare and celebratory delicacy by maren clans, which has led to their introduction into dragon cuisine.
Most commonly, freshly caught specimens are enjoyed raw, pickled or fried, while dried trepang is commonly rehydrated to be used in soups, stews and stir-fry.
They are known to contain substances that counteract ocean-borne diseases, to stimulate the production of maren antibodies, and to thin blood to aid the heart.
Due to the crucial role of sea cucumbers, there is a strict ban on fishing for all other islet echinoderms, with severe maren-regulated punishments.

Chordata, Pisces

A vertebrate. They are cold blooded, egg-laying and breathe through gills.

Chordata, Amphibia

A vertebrate. They are cold blooded, egg-laying and breathe through lungs when mature, but have an aquatic gill-breathing larval stage.

Chordata, Reptilia

A vertebrate. They are cold blooded, egg-laying and breathe through lungs.

Roratus Amphithere FRoratus Amphithere M
Commonly associated with the crispy chicken meme, the Roratus Pareidae, or Gliding Parrot Snake, is a species of Amphithere native to the Hoverview. Different from it's Rainsong cousin, the Ringlet Amphithere, they demonstrate extreme sexual dimorphism.
Males usually wear a bright emerald-jade with dark red to yellow wingtips, while females don ruby red or golden garbs. However, they only appear to be green. Under ultraviolet light, their hide and plumage turn a bright yellow. This is because they don't actually produce a blue pigment to form the green. Said hue is created by the way light waves interact with the keratin molecules. Remarkably, the genetic code for this structural color only appears on the Y-chromosome, a gene which simultaneously interferes with the expression of the red pigments that males consume.
After the islet orchards were established, researchers briefly thought the snakes were somehow interbreeding with the red variants near the oculus. Yet their wings lack the ability to cross such distances. For a while, Hoverview-grown crop was speculated to be able to strengthen wings and therefore lauded as a 'superfood' to mothers looking to strengthen their hatchling's flight.
Unfortunately, extensive study revealed that the local pareidae had simply been grazing on the imported Strawberry farms, which turned their sunny ocre into a flaming vermilion.
Although adults are known for their ear-ringing defensive scream and ability to mimic speech, their dull-colored hatchlings are entirely mute until they reach 1 year of age.
The roratus pareidae typically lays yearly clutches of two to five eggs in carefully selected tree hollows. Working in tandem, the pair presses clay around the opening partially sealing it with the prospecting mother inside. In the following season, the much more inconspicuously colored father will provide for his wife and newborn, pampering them with a surplus of fruits, nuts, buds and seeds. In this period, the mother will aggressively defend her nest, after which she will vacate the hollow. Both parents then stand guard against predators, as they attempt to lure out their young by placing food on lower branches, within gliding range. Daily checks while tasting the air informs them when the hollow is empty, at which point the parents will abandon all care for their brood.
Their feathers are often used as decorations by local tribes, and some galactic pirates are known to keep these diminutive serpents as witty pets.

Chordata, Aves

A vertebrate. They are warm blooded, egg-laying and breathe through lungs.

Dwarf Masked Gryphon
The Dwarf Masked Gryphon is the largest and most illusive airborne predator on the isles. This bird forms lifelong hunting and nesting pairs, which center their activities within a roughly fifty standard kilospan radius of their nest. These nests are lifelong collaborative projects that are initiated under the supervision of the birthparents.
Nest locations are carefully chosen, so food is well within flying range, often located in the treeline near the ocean: Although they may subside on small fish and fruits, their prey of choice is the formidable Barhide Cat Shark.
With its muscular tail, razorsharp hide and countless teeth, this shark has an unpredictable and lethal lunge. To hunt this shark, the bird has developed a thick, scaled hide and razor sharp talons, as well as sturdier bones and a more muscular build than its delta cousin. Due to this weight, their flight time is limited, so they hunt by kiting on the warm summer currents and by diving off hoverview cliffs.
Key to their strategy are their second eyelids, which allow them to see the surface of the water from a steeper angle. This means that they are able to target food from unexpected locations, in places other hunters cannot yet see. Once a selection of quarry is located, the gryphon will wait for a chance to drop into a dive, using its talons to strike a killing blow. If the fish remains alive, they use all four limbs to secure the fish in flight. Above land, the bird will drop and repeatedly stomp on the prey. They will also strike it with their bill, sometimes with the help of its partner. After it is sure of its demise, the bird will share their meal with their spouse as proof of its strength and devotion.
Dwarf gryphon mating rituals often feature an escalating showcase of their best hunting techniques. The final airborne dance includes a number of physically demanding challenges that measure and display the capabilities and fierce nature of both individuals. Mated gryphons will spend the years before their brood reaches adulthood teaching the fledgelings personal techniques. This caring nature is crucial for the survival of the species, as the gryphon will only produce two eggs each clutch and will only lay up to five times in their lifetime.
Dwarf gryphons may live up to 50 years of age and are often used in local art to symbolize harmony, fertility and devotion. Although the Redtail Gryphon cannot be fount on the islet, its inverted coloring led it to become a symbol of strive, death and betrayal in local arts.

Bluefinned Bleeding Heart Crow
The Smokeflame Magpie-Robin, or Bluefinned
Bleeding Heart Crow is a species of magpie that dwells to the southwest of the starfall isles and to the east of the southern icefield, near the crescendo. Unlike its larger cousin who typically inhabits the ashfall wastes and the scarred wasteland, this breed is stockier, with a darker coloration.
They sport a proportionally longer tail similar to a magpie, with long, narrow and pointed wings suited to long distance flight. The back, tail and the remiges have a faint purple-green iridescence, which lends this bird a shimmering, smoky appearance at dusk. Different from the males, the females have black rump plumage instead of red, with white patches reminiscent of the common magpie.
This omnivorous bird has a soft, eagle-like call and prefer coastal forests, with sparse and tall trees near the waterline, which make for easy takeoff. In their second solar cycle, they will flash their feathers in mating rituals and form monogamous pairs that stay together for a year. During which they raise a brood of five or six eggs in large, clay-sealed nests.
Researchers believe them to be among the most intelligent of the classified non-sapient-avians, as their nidopallium has the relative size of that of spirals. Many researchers have also observed elaborate social rituals, tool use, mirror self-recognition and the ability to count. Besides this, gangs in the wild develop unique and complex hunting strategies, which demonstrate advanced causal reasoning, imagination and prospection.
The rarity of this migratory magpie and its appearance in times of prosperity, have caused it to be seen as an omen of good fortune. Islet inhabitants may also refer to it as the Bird of Joy in reference to folklore tales from the Reedcleft Ascend.

Chordata, Mammalia

A vertebrate. They are warm blooded, and possess milk-producing mammary glands for feeding their young and breathe through lungs.


Tigerblood Foo
The Tigerblood Foo dwell where the land is most hidden and lay in ambush from within the foliage. The Foo on the Islet are middling-large, solitary creatures who are light on their feet and good climbers, so despite the bright coloring of their coat, they are rarely seen. Catching sight of one is seen as good luck. One has more chance of encountering them during dawn and dusk, near the central rivers and lakes. xxxxx

Pygmy Parda FPygmy Parda M
The rare Pygmy Parda are a sexually dimorphic and facultative herbivorous branch of the parda species, said to be the result of the genetic isolation and interbreeding of an ancient strain of the parda and king parda variants. The male is smaller in statue and develops a bright coloration, while the female retains her much deadlier markings.
To attract a mate, the male dances and chirps near a decorated nest. A dangerous venture, for a disinterested female will have him as her meal.
Nests with many Labradorite are favored. Not only as decoration, but also practical reasons, as the female will pulverize and consume some of these stones to aid the formation of her bright eggs.
This solitary creature forms pairs for the entirety of their short life and raises their brood on forested mountainsides. They are omnivores and signal their presence with thrilling chirps in the morning.

Tian Shan Spiral Capricat F Tian Shan Spiral Capricat M
Tian Shan Spiral Capricat are often sighted on the cliffs of the islet. This species lives on a diet of moss, fish, krill and bird eggs, and uses their excellent balance to scale the treacherous terrain. By spreading their limbs in freefall and adopting a diving position at the last moment, these cunning predators ensure their survival while knocking out large fish for their meals.
Unlike one would expect, the male capricats are more sociable, with smaller horns and statures: The solidary female gains her size, coloration, healing abilities and imposing crown by ingesting mana rich minerals. Their absorption ensures a vast lifespan, high fertility, a steeply increased chance of birthing healthy offspring, as well as surviving said birth, but the volatile nature of sedimented magic causes many consumers to perish before their maturity.
During the mating season, a solitary matriarch may select one or more mates, who will provide for and defend her plentiful brood. One nest commonly comprises of 10-20 kittens. After nursing her clutch to adulthood, the mother leaves her offspring. Females usually exit the nest before this abandonment, while males commonly form pounces among themselves after.
Due to the lack of competition for their niche and their unappetizing meat, capricats enjoy a relatively carefree life. Male capricats are one of the rare local species who engage in frequent lifelong group play for the sake of entertainment, the most cited examples being mud-sliding, stick catching, tag and hide-and-go-seek. Young capricats of both sexes participate in more practical play, such as play-fighting against each other or their parents, diving off cliffs and hygiene-related socialization.
The isolated development of learning behaviors means that the rambunctious capricat is often referenced when discussing feline evolution theory, much to the chagrin of senior researchers of pure sphinx blood.


Alstroemeria Fox
The Alstroemeria Fox is a misnomer, as this creature is closely related to the raccoon dog. It sports a small and compact body, and bushy tail. Most commonly, they are found lurking in the daytime marshlands of the islet. Their ability to break down bone-trapped nutrients lends it a fundamental role in the local ecosystem, as this native variant has a crocodilian jaw that lends it a crushing and festering bite. Typically, the opportunistic carrion eater only attacks when threatened, and is easily avoided due to their bright colors and yelp-like warning calls.
Remarkably, the creature lives in beneficial symbiosis with a mutated variant of Alstroemeria. This plant roots subdermally and supplies the fox with instinctive illusion magic, insect attracting nectar and access to manaphotosynthesis.
Adolescent foxes are solidary and drag rafts of branches with them to sunbathe and mark their territory. Throughout the year they work on building a reverse vase-shaped, Alstroemeria-marked nest in waterside trees. During winter they allow their oily coat to puff up with mana and hibernate in these structures, while in spring they aim to find mates with acceptable nests to raise their offspring.
Although slow on land, they are adept swimmers and a quick strikers. This species occasionally lurks in the forest lakes to trap prey from the much larger Foo. After the feline drives its catch into fox-muddied waters, the fox locks its jaws around their quarry's limb and twist their body into a retreating roll. The wounded prey is then surrendered to the Foo. This secures a good meal and a staunch ally, for this species prefers bones and offal and thus graciously waits for their much pickier ally to finish eating.


Small-Clawed Crested River Flight
The Small-Clawed Crested River Flight makes their home in the seaside caves under the islet. Although Riverflights are a widespread species, this breed is distinct from the pygmy and dwarf riverflight due to their nesting behavior.
Due to the safety of overhanging cliffs, this species only faces danger when feeding, specifically when leaving and entering the water. Under the waves, they are near impossible to catch, using both the hind legs and their fins to propel their torpedo-shaped body to up to 30 Sorneith standard wingspan an hour. However, their build makes them ungainly on dry land and easy prey for seals and sharks. To increase their chance of survival, they form bevys of 10-50 otters and communicate using over a dozen of distinct calls of yelps, whimpers and screams to alert others of danger from higher vantage points.
Such sizable loges are rarely seen due to the constraints of resources and hygiene, which are moderated by the many creatures who spawn in the caves and the tidal cleaning of their preferred latrine sites. These otters form monogamous pairs who mate in the frigid winter waters and build seagrass nests for their litter. These litters may consist of up to five pups, who become independent after two seasons.


Star Struck Field Chirper
The Star Struck Field Chirper subspecies is a small diurnal omnivore, which is closely related to the chipmunk. Named for the pink-blue iridescence of their feathers, these foragers primarily consume buds, fruit, seeds and nuts but are also known to eat grassy shoots, fungi, worms, insects, arthropods or bird eggs. Although primarily ground-dwelling, they may climb trees to obtain acorns and hazelnuts, which they cache in extensive underground burrows before their winter hibernation.
Late winter and spring are mating seasons. Like amphibians, reptiles and birds, Field Chirpers have a cloaca, which is used to remove waste and to reproduce. The females in polygynous scurries lay clutches of four or five leathery eggs, which are hatched, nursed and nurtured during the summer.
Male individuals possess venom glands located under a small spur-like claw on their hind feet. These become active during the three months after mating and are used to protect their partners and offspring from predators and other, submissive males. In this period the males use their kick to scratch, which causes swift and painful swelling.
Despite this, they are a common snack for many felines, birds or opportunistic omnivores. At dawn and dusk, they are most vulnerable, as both sexes will stand on their hind legs while chirping to socialize and obtain dominance.
Their meat is similar to that of Old World Rabbit or Black Orpington, with a faint sweet or nutty flavor when cooked.




Fanged Fleetfoot Ampelope
The Vampiric Spider-legged Goat, or Fanged Fleetfoot Ampelope is a common creature on the islet. Their name is a misnomer, as this mire-native herbivore is classified under the Hydropotinae and has more similarity to the common water deer than an ampelope. They have a preference for local rivers and swamps, in which their many legs offer increased mobility.
Curiously, this cervid has developed long canine teeth which protrude from the upper jaw. The tusks are larger on bucks and can be moved backwards when grazing. In aggressive encounters, the lower lip is drawn in to trust out the fangs.
Unlike common water deer, this genus is able to direct plague-elemental mana along their fangs, which increases the lethality of territory disputes among their kind. Due to this, fanged ampelope rarely engage in physical fights and form packs of 2 to 30 members, which are led by a dominant male and one or two dominant females.
Archeological studies indicate that this deer once ranged in a variety of climates, habitats stretching from the oculus to the blooming grove. However, the third age introduced a number of invasive species to the mires, such as the Mossy Cerdae and Poisonous Toridae. These contributed to the supposed extinction of the fanged ampelope.
Studies have shown that mana-rich environments of this era, paired with the strong evolutionary pressure of the contagion, may cause vestigial structures to go through evolutionary reversal within a relatively short time frame. In this species, the front limbs developed similar structures to to paired fins. This evolutionary process is mimicked by the Marsh Kelpie.
However, unlike the carnivorous kelpie, this herbivore was unable to develop a shortened digestive track, which would allow for a larger lungs. Their inability to take full advantage of the aquatic environment and the disadvantage of their fins in the surrounding wasteland steppes then led to the strengthening of the digits that formed the fins. Driven out of the central marshlands, small samples of this species survived on the waterside, their additional limbs allowing a small advantage in the treacherous mud plains.
As the remnants of this species retreated to the the Gladeveins mangroves and starfall seaside, the webbing between the hooves would retreat, leading to the first recordings of the fanged fleetfoot. It was presumed to have become extinct in the third age, but strains have survived in isolated ecosystems of the hoverview vale.

Coarse Micro Deer
The Spectre Serow, commonly named the Coarse Micro Deer, is a goat-antelope found in the snow-dappled mountains of the islet. These small ungulates have a dense and bristling coat, which hides their lean frame and surprising flexibility as they scramble up cliffs and trees. Both sexes have stubby, backward curving horns under their facial down to scrape off bark or moss, but they prefer to feed on evergreens, tree roots and arboreal fruit. To grip the frozen rock and wood, their hooves are split into long digits. Lanky hindquarters set on strong, flexible ankles allow them to grip the branches they traverse like a spider and leap great distances like the Squirrel Monkey, although they are more commonly mistaken for the Clawfoot Wallaby.
Although their squeaky growls do resemble the whimper of a primate, these animals are skittish, solitary creatures who only form family herds during the two years when they care for their young.
Even in groups, they disappear like ghosts: Their adorable features lend them incredible senses. This stealth is their only defense, as their bodies and fire magic is weak.
For this reason, this species does not mark their territory and bathes daily in mana heated springs or snow to remove distinctive scents. This bathing is a social affair, as multiple pairs will come together to thaw out frozen basins, shovel snow and groom each other. This prevents aggression during courtship and territory disputes and conserves energy.
Serow pairs are monogamous but spend the rest of their life separated.


To thrive in this ever changing landscape, animals have evolved for ancient forests, soaring peaks, mystical marshlands and hostile coastlines. The islet has some of the most prolific environments in the Hoverview, which highlights its extremes and hides the primordial beasts that roam in its shadows. While leviathans loom in the deep, invisible eyes stalk the marshlands and clever tricksters mould the forests.
Natural selection has turned many to the seas and skies for sustenance. Others feed off mana and have evolved organs to store it when scarce, taming the whimsical weather and magnetic currents. Underneath the surface, ancient maren colonies coax the coral and use sacred sorcery to shape their cities and all life within.


An invertebrate, possessing an gelatinous body.


Caressed Dragonhorn Coral
The Caressed Dragonhorn Coral is, like many other corals, a colony of genetically identical polyps, which each excrete an exoskeleton near its base. Many generations of growth thus form the branch-like structures they are known for. Efficient mana consumption of this specific subspecies has allowed the polyps only near the ends of each branch to grow uncommonly large. Which give the illusion of the long and swaying fingers.
Although they are capable of catching krill with their stinging tentacles, most of their energy and nutrients are obtained through their symbiosis with the manaphotosynthesizing zooxanthellae. For this reason, they root near, but not directly under the islets, on the warm and shallow northeastern reaches, giving the Submerged Triangle its name. Curiously, a number of airships and vessels have disappeared here under inexplicable circumstances. Theories exist that attribute these disappearances to the corals, as polyps sense pressures of incoming waves and use instinctive spells to counteract the force of harsh currents. Scientists have recorded them launching large predators into the air to protect themselves from impact. However, they have not been able to test the magnitude of their abilities accurately due to the significant effect of unknown variables.
Smaller fish are able to approach the reef without issue, which enables these species to spawn under the reef. Here the sunlight is sparse and the calcified branches lay still and bare. In this way, this coral forms the foundation of this marine ecosystem.
Another creature that commonly dwells in these reefs is the Fallen Star, who consumes this polyp. They are in turn prey to the Tuxedo Urchin.
As local maren clans tend to overhunt the urchin for their poisonous tonics, prolonged wars always cause the decimation of reefs. This devastation to food supplies is why clans view the bright reds of a thriving reef as indicators of good luck and wealth. Most will therefore keep colonies on plates placed above their roofs. Additionally, branches of coral are hung on the tree-like racks of their kelp plantations.
Around the full moon in April, this polyp releases their pink gametes and sperm in clouds. These blizzards are reminiscent of a reversed flowerfall and are celebrated by locals with special dishes, communal viewings, dances and casual competitions. Many maren find partners during these events, as they often dress up to socialize and showcase their talents.


Black Sea Nettle
The islet waters are home to many jellyfish. In the cold waters, these giants thrive: currents herd prey into their tentacles and the high levels of ambient mana lends a surprising speed to their pulsating bell. These creatures start their life as planula larva, which develop into sedentary polyps resembling anemones, before reaching sexual maturity as a jellyfish.
Despite their complex life cycle, they reproduce swiftly and may exhibit highly aggressive behavior due to field fluctuations which have endangered many local fish populations when their numbers climb. Due to this, native maren use the Black Sea Nettle in negative connotations. One of their common sayings goes: Where Nettle thrives, others cannot, pointing to the need to weed out toxic cadgers. The False Guide, or Sea Globe, is not spared. Although it is exceedingly rare in these waters, the species is plentiful to the northeast of the oculus, and is synonymous with dishonesty and ineptness among the local maren, as many mistake its golden hue for the Sunset Butterflyfish, which dwells at the same depth.
Islet dragons therefore prioritize the jellyfish industry as part of their treaty, preserve biodiversity and take care not to overhunt the natural enemies of jellies, such as turtles.
Most commonly, the Black Sea Nettle, as well as others of their Phylum, are hunted as a local delicacy. By living in symbiosis with algae, starfall species have the ability to manaphotosynthesize. Coincidentally, this makes them an excellent source of vitamins for dragons such as mirrors, who lack the ability to both digest and absorb these safely or efficiently through a plant-based diet. Hence the Islet ships out crates of salted Nettle Bells and Nebula Delight to other Sorneith clans.
Traditionally, the maren eat the bell of the jellyfish raw as a salad or a noodle substitute. The epidermis and the mesoglea are naturally flavorless and have a crunchy, kelp-like texture that, after a julienne, takes on the taste of any sauce it is dipped in. Usually a windswept recipe is used, which consists of sesame oil, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, chili oil and ginger. Oral arms and tentacles are prepared separately and appear in many boiled, stir-fried or deep fried kitsune dishes. Moon Jellyfish and Disc Jellyfish have a firmer flesh, which is similar to, yet more delicate than squid. Thus they appear in many local soups.
Remarkable is the Nebula Floaters, which has a sweet taste due to its storage of glucose from manaphotosynthesis, but inability to release said stores freely. These are consumed raw or on sandwiches. Besides this, they may be sun dried after washing, marinating in rosewater, cinnamon, mint or fruit juice. This creates a faintly sweet and chewy candy with a texture similar to lokum.


An invertebrate, possessing a soft, unsegmented body and external shell.

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An invertebrate, possessing an exoskeleton.

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An invertebrate, possessing tube feet, a calcite skin and a five-part symmetrical body.

Deepsea Cucumber
For millennia, sea cucumbers have thrived in the shallow waters of the Submerged Triangle. Warmer temperatures make it an excellent home to at least 100 distinct Holothuroidea, nearly 5% of all categorized kinds in Sorneith. Just below their skin, they have a calcified endoskeleton, which some breeds may use as armor.
These flagship species are responsible for keeping the water clear and rich in minerals, which enables coral to thrive. They play a crucial role in nutrient cycling and bioturbation by churning up the soil, feeding off detritus, expelling clean sand and releasing calcium carbonate. For this reason, their maren name translates to Bringer of Prosperity.
Deepsea Cucumber is the most common among them, due to their immunity to many diseases and due to maren domestication in the second age. Bred in large aquaculture farms to resemble the Sea Hare, a common maren pet, many of these echinoderms live their adult life alongside maren. This keeps larger communities clean. Contrary to common expectations, they are also seen as a rare and celebratory delicacy by maren clans, which has led to their introduction into dragon cuisine.
Most commonly, freshly caught specimens are enjoyed raw, pickled or fried, while dried trepang is commonly rehydrated to be used in soups, stews and stir-fry.
They are known to contain substances that counteract ocean-borne diseases, to stimulate the production of maren antibodies, and to thin blood to aid the heart.
Due to the crucial role of sea cucumbers, there is a strict ban on fishing for all other islet echinoderms, with severe maren-regulated punishments.

Chordata, Pisces

A vertebrate. They are cold blooded, egg-laying and breathe through gills.

Chordata, Amphibia

A vertebrate. They are cold blooded, egg-laying and breathe through lungs when mature, but have an aquatic gill-breathing larval stage.

Chordata, Reptilia

A vertebrate. They are cold blooded, egg-laying and breathe through lungs.

Roratus Amphithere FRoratus Amphithere M
Commonly associated with the crispy chicken meme, the Roratus Pareidae, or Gliding Parrot Snake, is a species of Amphithere native to the Hoverview. Different from it's Rainsong cousin, the Ringlet Amphithere, they demonstrate extreme sexual dimorphism.
Males usually wear a bright emerald-jade with dark red to yellow wingtips, while females don ruby red or golden garbs. However, they only appear to be green. Under ultraviolet light, their hide and plumage turn a bright yellow. This is because they don't actually produce a blue pigment to form the green. Said hue is created by the way light waves interact with the keratin molecules. Remarkably, the genetic code for this structural color only appears on the Y-chromosome, a gene which simultaneously interferes with the expression of the red pigments that males consume.
After the islet orchards were established, researchers briefly thought the snakes were somehow interbreeding with the red variants near the oculus. Yet their wings lack the ability to cross such distances. For a while, Hoverview-grown crop was speculated to be able to strengthen wings and therefore lauded as a 'superfood' to mothers looking to strengthen their hatchling's flight.
Unfortunately, extensive study revealed that the local pareidae had simply been grazing on the imported Strawberry farms, which turned their sunny ocre into a flaming vermilion.
Although adults are known for their ear-ringing defensive scream and ability to mimic speech, their dull-colored hatchlings are entirely mute until they reach 1 year of age.
The roratus pareidae typically lays yearly clutches of two to five eggs in carefully selected tree hollows. Working in tandem, the pair presses clay around the opening partially sealing it with the prospecting mother inside. In the following season, the much more inconspicuously colored father will provide for his wife and newborn, pampering them with a surplus of fruits, nuts, buds and seeds. In this period, the mother will aggressively defend her nest, after which she will vacate the hollow. Both parents then stand guard against predators, as they attempt to lure out their young by placing food on lower branches, within gliding range. Daily checks while tasting the air informs them when the hollow is empty, at which point the parents will abandon all care for their brood.
Their feathers are often used as decorations by local tribes, and some galactic pirates are known to keep these diminutive serpents as witty pets.

Chordata, Aves

A vertebrate. They are warm blooded, egg-laying and breathe through lungs.

Dwarf Masked Gryphon
The Dwarf Masked Gryphon is the largest and most illusive airborne predator on the isles. This bird forms lifelong hunting and nesting pairs, which center their activities within a roughly fifty standard kilospan radius of their nest. These nests are lifelong collaborative projects that are initiated under the supervision of the birthparents.
Nest locations are carefully chosen, so food is well within flying range, often located in the treeline near the ocean: Although they may subside on small fish and fruits, their prey of choice is the formidable Barhide Cat Shark.
With its muscular tail, razorsharp hide and countless teeth, this shark has an unpredictable and lethal lunge. To hunt this shark, the bird has developed a thick, scaled hide and razor sharp talons, as well as sturdier bones and a more muscular build than its delta cousin. Due to this weight, their flight time is limited, so they hunt by kiting on the warm summer currents and by diving off hoverview cliffs.
Key to their strategy are their second eyelids, which allow them to see the surface of the water from a steeper angle. This means that they are able to target food from unexpected locations, in places other hunters cannot yet see. Once a selection of quarry is located, the gryphon will wait for a chance to drop into a dive, using its talons to strike a killing blow. If the fish remains alive, they use all four limbs to secure the fish in flight. Above land, the bird will drop and repeatedly stomp on the prey. They will also strike it with their bill, sometimes with the help of its partner. After it is sure of its demise, the bird will share their meal with their spouse as proof of its strength and devotion.
Dwarf gryphon mating rituals often feature an escalating showcase of their best hunting techniques. The final airborne dance includes a number of physically demanding challenges that measure and display the capabilities and fierce nature of both individuals. Mated gryphons will spend the years before their brood reaches adulthood teaching the fledgelings personal techniques. This caring nature is crucial for the survival of the species, as the gryphon will only produce two eggs each clutch and will only lay up to five times in their lifetime.
Dwarf gryphons may live up to 50 years of age and are often used in local art to symbolize harmony, fertility and devotion. Although the Redtail Gryphon cannot be fount on the islet, its inverted coloring led it to become a symbol of strive, death and betrayal in local arts.

Bluefinned Bleeding Heart Crow
The Smokeflame Magpie-Robin, or Bluefinned
Bleeding Heart Crow is a species of magpie that dwells to the southwest of the starfall isles and to the east of the southern icefield, near the crescendo. Unlike its larger cousin who typically inhabits the ashfall wastes and the scarred wasteland, this breed is stockier, with a darker coloration.
They sport a proportionally longer tail similar to a magpie, with long, narrow and pointed wings suited to long distance flight. The back, tail and the remiges have a faint purple-green iridescence, which lends this bird a shimmering, smoky appearance at dusk. Different from the males, the females have black rump plumage instead of red, with white patches reminiscent of the common magpie.
This omnivorous bird has a soft, eagle-like call and prefer coastal forests, with sparse and tall trees near the waterline, which make for easy takeoff. In their second solar cycle, they will flash their feathers in mating rituals and form monogamous pairs that stay together for a year. During which they raise a brood of five or six eggs in large, clay-sealed nests.
Researchers believe them to be among the most intelligent of the classified non-sapient-avians, as their nidopallium has the relative size of that of spirals. Many researchers have also observed elaborate social rituals, tool use, mirror self-recognition and the ability to count. Besides this, gangs in the wild develop unique and complex hunting strategies, which demonstrate advanced causal reasoning, imagination and prospection.
The rarity of this migratory magpie and its appearance in times of prosperity, have caused it to be seen as an omen of good fortune. Islet inhabitants may also refer to it as the Bird of Joy in reference to folklore tales from the Reedcleft Ascend.

Chordata, Mammalia

A vertebrate. They are warm blooded, and possess milk-producing mammary glands for feeding their young and breathe through lungs.


Tigerblood Foo
The Tigerblood Foo dwell where the land is most hidden and lay in ambush from within the foliage. The Foo on the Islet are middling-large, solitary creatures who are light on their feet and good climbers, so despite the bright coloring of their coat, they are rarely seen. Catching sight of one is seen as good luck. One has more chance of encountering them during dawn and dusk, near the central rivers and lakes. xxxxx

Pygmy Parda FPygmy Parda M
The rare Pygmy Parda are a sexually dimorphic and facultative herbivorous branch of the parda species, said to be the result of the genetic isolation and interbreeding of an ancient strain of the parda and king parda variants. The male is smaller in statue and develops a bright coloration, while the female retains her much deadlier markings.
To attract a mate, the male dances and chirps near a decorated nest. A dangerous venture, for a disinterested female will have him as her meal.
Nests with many Labradorite are favored. Not only as decoration, but also practical reasons, as the female will pulverize and consume some of these stones to aid the formation of her bright eggs.
This solitary creature forms pairs for the entirety of their short life and raises their brood on forested mountainsides. They are omnivores and signal their presence with thrilling chirps in the morning.

Tian Shan Spiral Capricat F Tian Shan Spiral Capricat M
Tian Shan Spiral Capricat are often sighted on the cliffs of the islet. This species lives on a diet of moss, fish, krill and bird eggs, and uses their excellent balance to scale the treacherous terrain. By spreading their limbs in freefall and adopting a diving position at the last moment, these cunning predators ensure their survival while knocking out large fish for their meals.
Unlike one would expect, the male capricats are more sociable, with smaller horns and statures: The solidary female gains her size, coloration, healing abilities and imposing crown by ingesting mana rich minerals. Their absorption ensures a vast lifespan, high fertility, a steeply increased chance of birthing healthy offspring, as well as surviving said birth, but the volatile nature of sedimented magic causes many consumers to perish before their maturity.
During the mating season, a solitary matriarch may select one or more mates, who will provide for and defend her plentiful brood. One nest commonly comprises of 10-20 kittens. After nursing her clutch to adulthood, the mother leaves her offspring. Females usually exit the nest before this abandonment, while males commonly form pounces among themselves after.
Due to the lack of competition for their niche and their unappetizing meat, capricats enjoy a relatively carefree life. Male capricats are one of the rare local species who engage in frequent lifelong group play for the sake of entertainment, the most cited examples being mud-sliding, stick catching, tag and hide-and-go-seek. Young capricats of both sexes participate in more practical play, such as play-fighting against each other or their parents, diving off cliffs and hygiene-related socialization.
The isolated development of learning behaviors means that the rambunctious capricat is often referenced when discussing feline evolution theory, much to the chagrin of senior researchers of pure sphinx blood.


Alstroemeria Fox
The Alstroemeria Fox is a misnomer, as this creature is closely related to the raccoon dog. It sports a small and compact body, and bushy tail. Most commonly, they are found lurking in the daytime marshlands of the islet. Their ability to break down bone-trapped nutrients lends it a fundamental role in the local ecosystem, as this native variant has a crocodilian jaw that lends it a crushing and festering bite. Typically, the opportunistic carrion eater only attacks when threatened, and is easily avoided due to their bright colors and yelp-like warning calls.
Remarkably, the creature lives in beneficial symbiosis with a mutated variant of Alstroemeria. This plant roots subdermally and supplies the fox with instinctive illusion magic, insect attracting nectar and access to manaphotosynthesis.
Adolescent foxes are solidary and drag rafts of branches with them to sunbathe and mark their territory. Throughout the year they work on building a reverse vase-shaped, Alstroemeria-marked nest in waterside trees. During winter they allow their oily coat to puff up with mana and hibernate in these structures, while in spring they aim to find mates with acceptable nests to raise their offspring.
Although slow on land, they are adept swimmers and a quick strikers. This species occasionally lurks in the forest lakes to trap prey from the much larger Foo. After the feline drives its catch into fox-muddied waters, the fox locks its jaws around their quarry's limb and twist their body into a retreating roll. The wounded prey is then surrendered to the Foo. This secures a good meal and a staunch ally, for this species prefers bones and offal and thus graciously waits for their much pickier ally to finish eating.


Small-Clawed Crested River Flight
The Small-Clawed Crested River Flight makes their home in the seaside caves under the islet. Although Riverflights are a widespread species, this breed is distinct from the pygmy and dwarf riverflight due to their nesting behavior.
Due to the safety of overhanging cliffs, this species only faces danger when feeding, specifically when leaving and entering the water. Under the waves, they are near impossible to catch, using both the hind legs and their fins to propel their torpedo-shaped body to up to 30 Sorneith standard wingspan an hour. However, their build makes them ungainly on dry land and easy prey for seals and sharks. To increase their chance of survival, they form bevys of 10-50 otters and communicate using over a dozen of distinct calls of yelps, whimpers and screams to alert others of danger from higher vantage points.
Such sizable loges are rarely seen due to the constraints of resources and hygiene, which are moderated by the many creatures who spawn in the caves and the tidal cleaning of their preferred latrine sites. These otters form monogamous pairs who mate in the frigid winter waters and build seagrass nests for their litter. These litters may consist of up to five pups, who become independent after two seasons.


Star Struck Field Chirper
The Star Struck Field Chirper subspecies is a small diurnal omnivore, which is closely related to the chipmunk. Named for the pink-blue iridescence of their feathers, these foragers primarily consume buds, fruit, seeds and nuts but are also known to eat grassy shoots, fungi, worms, insects, arthropods or bird eggs. Although primarily ground-dwelling, they may climb trees to obtain acorns and hazelnuts, which they cache in extensive underground burrows before their winter hibernation.
Late winter and spring are mating seasons. Like amphibians, reptiles and birds, Field Chirpers have a cloaca, which is used to remove waste and to reproduce. The females in polygynous scurries lay clutches of four or five leathery eggs, which are hatched, nursed and nurtured during the summer.
Male individuals possess venom glands located under a small spur-like claw on their hind feet. These become active during the three months after mating and are used to protect their partners and offspring from predators and other, submissive males. In this period the males use their kick to scratch, which causes swift and painful swelling.
Despite this, they are a common snack for many felines, birds or opportunistic omnivores. At dawn and dusk, they are most vulnerable, as both sexes will stand on their hind legs while chirping to socialize and obtain dominance.
Their meat is similar to that of Old World Rabbit or Black Orpington, with a faint sweet or nutty flavor when cooked.




Fanged Fleetfoot Ampelope
The Vampiric Spider-legged Goat, or Fanged Fleetfoot Ampelope is a common creature on the islet. Their name is a misnomer, as this mire-native herbivore is classified under the Hydropotinae and has more similarity to the common water deer than an ampelope. They have a preference for local rivers and swamps, in which their many legs offer increased mobility.
Curiously, this cervid has developed long canine teeth which protrude from the upper jaw. The tusks are larger on bucks and can be moved backwards when grazing. In aggressive encounters, the lower lip is drawn in to trust out the fangs.
Unlike common water deer, this genus is able to direct plague-elemental mana along their fangs, which increases the lethality of territory disputes among their kind. Due to this, fanged ampelope rarely engage in physical fights and form packs of 2 to 30 members, which are led by a dominant male and one or two dominant females.
Archeological studies indicate that this deer once ranged in a variety of climates, habitats stretching from the oculus to the blooming grove. However, the third age introduced a number of invasive species to the mires, such as the Mossy Cerdae and Poisonous Toridae. These contributed to the supposed extinction of the fanged ampelope.
Studies have shown that mana-rich environments of this era, paired with the strong evolutionary pressure of the contagion, may cause vestigial structures to go through evolutionary reversal within a relatively short time frame. In this species, the front limbs developed similar structures to to paired fins. This evolutionary process is mimicked by the Marsh Kelpie.
However, unlike the carnivorous kelpie, this herbivore was unable to develop a shortened digestive track, which would allow for a larger lungs. Their inability to take full advantage of the aquatic environment and the disadvantage of their fins in the surrounding wasteland steppes then led to the strengthening of the digits that formed the fins. Driven out of the central marshlands, small samples of this species survived on the waterside, their additional limbs allowing a small advantage in the treacherous mud plains.
As the remnants of this species retreated to the the Gladeveins mangroves and starfall seaside, the webbing between the hooves would retreat, leading to the first recordings of the fanged fleetfoot. It was presumed to have become extinct in the third age, but strains have survived in isolated ecosystems of the hoverview vale.

Coarse Micro Deer
The Spectre Serow, commonly named the Coarse Micro Deer, is a goat-antelope found in the snow-dappled mountains of the islet. These small ungulates have a dense and bristling coat, which hides their lean frame and surprising flexibility as they scramble up cliffs and trees. Both sexes have stubby, backward curving horns under their facial down to scrape off bark or moss, but they prefer to feed on evergreens, tree roots and arboreal fruit. To grip the frozen rock and wood, their hooves are split into long digits. Lanky hindquarters set on strong, flexible ankles allow them to grip the branches they traverse like a spider and leap great distances like the Squirrel Monkey, although they are more commonly mistaken for the Clawfoot Wallaby.
Although their squeaky growls do resemble the whimper of a primate, these animals are skittish, solitary creatures who only form family herds during the two years when they care for their young.
Even in groups, they disappear like ghosts: Their adorable features lend them incredible senses. This stealth is their only defense, as their bodies and fire magic is weak.
For this reason, this species does not mark their territory and bathes daily in mana heated springs or snow to remove distinctive scents. This bathing is a social affair, as multiple pairs will come together to thaw out frozen basins, shovel snow and groom each other. This prevents aggression during courtship and territory disputes and conserves energy.
Serow pairs are monogamous but spend the rest of their life separated.

Duanwu will shamelessly eat your likes. Art by celaine.
Some day, there will be art here.
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Harvest RaffleKeikoKat's Raffe

With mystical mountains and vast valleys of untamed nature, the arcane domain is often overlooked in the technical field. However, the wild opportunities of emerging industries is best navigated with the help of arcane mages, with their ancient knowledge and curious culture, they are key players in the mana-technical domains.

In the past few years, Sorneith industries have experienced exponential growth. These advancements have led to rapid urbanization and rising disposable incomes among the clans in the hoverview vale. Many clans have capitalized on the demand on mages and manatechnological savants. Their adaptiveness, innovation and resources have propelled them to the head of powerful industries, which are in the domains of Manabiogenesis technology, Mobility, Potion and manatablet synthesis, Mana conservation arrays and Communication.

With mystical mountains and vast valleys of untamed nature, the arcane domain is often overlooked in the technical field. However, the wild opportunities of emerging industries is best navigated with the help of arcane mages, with their ancient knowledge and curious culture, they are key players in the mana-technical domains.

In the past few years, Sorneith industries have experienced exponential growth. These advancements have led to rapid urbanization and rising disposable incomes among the clans in the hoverview vale. Many clans have capitalized on the demand on mages and manatechnological savants. Their adaptiveness, innovation and resources have propelled them to the head of powerful industries, which are in the domains of Manabiogenesis technology, Mobility, Potion and manatablet synthesis, Mana conservation arrays and Communication.
Duanwu will shamelessly eat your likes. Art by celaine.
Some day, there will be art here.
Wishlist | Lore [WIP] | Gallery | Archive
G1 sales thread here.
Harvest RaffleKeikoKat's Raffe