Interacting with: Runesoul (@
These two were certainly interesting, that he could confirm without any further analysis. With the doorknob appearing to both have quite the mouth as well as the attitude. Seeing as it was quite clearly distracting her from getting her thoughts together with considerably crude jokes.
“Apologies, but it seems she left you here to focus on not fulfilling that ‘clumsy’ comment. I can do this for you however..”
Lumincelle lightly grasped the handle of the doorknob before placing him in a more upright position, just enough to see both a slight peak of the inside of the dusty and unused lair as well as the outside if he used his eyes to glance. He was just close enough to the doorway where it was highly unlikely another dragon or hatchling would wander over and start messing with him.
“It seems your humor can be quite enjoyable in certain settings, but it doesn’t seem entirely appropriate for the current situation. I do appreciate you for introducing me to her and yourself.”
Interacting with: Runesoul (@
These two were certainly interesting, that he could confirm without any further analysis. With the doorknob appearing to both have quite the mouth as well as the attitude. Seeing as it was quite clearly distracting her from getting her thoughts together with considerably crude jokes.
“Apologies, but it seems she left you here to focus on not fulfilling that ‘clumsy’ comment. I can do this for you however..”
Lumincelle lightly grasped the handle of the doorknob before placing him in a more upright position, just enough to see both a slight peak of the inside of the dusty and unused lair as well as the outside if he used his eyes to glance. He was just close enough to the doorway where it was highly unlikely another dragon or hatchling would wander over and start messing with him.
“It seems your humor can be quite enjoyable in certain settings, but it doesn’t seem entirely appropriate for the current situation. I do appreciate you for introducing me to her and yourself.”
[color=#110b29]Interacting with Salem @SephyAthredon123
Ilnae refocused her eyes to the trees in front of her. It had gotten loud, so she had made her way to the outside of the growing chaos. She'd lost herself for longer than she had anticipated, but it was still noisy, so there was no harm done.
As the world came back into sharper clarity, it rubbed against her senses uncomfortably. The conversations of the other dragons resonated in the ground and made her bones ache. The songs and noises of the woods grated against her raw eardrums. The wide, blue sky was almost painful against her lidless eyes.
Ilnae didn't realize she was being spoken to until Gaoler's question was half-finished. Bits of hair fell over her eyes as she craned her neck around...
And met face-to-face with red blood eyes.
A hundred thoughts pulsated through her skull. If her face was real, it would have paled. As it was, she only looked mildly taken aback. Yes she knew that name. By the thorns, she knew it.
Her molars scraped across each other as she adjusted her jaw, all but inaudible, but to Ilnae's weathered ears, it may as well have been thunder.
She had thought it had been longer. Shorter? Time had bled into itself after she emerged. The only clear things were what had happened before. A woven bed, the darkness seeping under the door, the shattering of all her hopes and dreams.
Ilnae realized she must've looked like a idiot just sitting there, and shook herself out. The persistent ache in her chest made itself known and dissipated as she tried to cough up any noise she could. Her voice was hoarse and breathy when she spoke.
"Wh- What?"

Interacting with Salem @SephyAthredon123
Ilnae refocused her eyes to the trees in front of her. It had gotten loud, so she had made her way to the outside of the growing chaos. She'd lost herself for longer than she had anticipated, but it was still noisy, so there was no harm done.
As the world came back into sharper clarity, it rubbed against her senses uncomfortably. The conversations of the other dragons resonated in the ground and made her bones ache. The songs and noises of the woods grated against her raw eardrums. The wide, blue sky was almost painful against her lidless eyes.
Ilnae didn't realize she was being spoken to until Gaoler's question was half-finished. Bits of hair fell over her eyes as she craned her neck around...
And met face-to-face with red blood eyes.
A hundred thoughts pulsated through her skull. If her face was real, it would have paled. As it was, she only looked mildly taken aback. Yes she knew that name. By the thorns, she knew it.
Her molars scraped across each other as she adjusted her jaw, all but inaudible, but to Ilnae's weathered ears, it may as well have been thunder.
She had thought it had been longer. Shorter? Time had bled into itself after she emerged. The only clear things were what had happened before. A woven bed, the darkness seeping under the door, the shattering of all her hopes and dreams.
Ilnae realized she must've looked like a idiot just sitting there, and shook herself out. The persistent ache in her chest made itself known and dissipated as she tried to cough up any noise she could. Her voice was hoarse and breathy when she spoke.
"Wh- What?"
Wishlist -->
[size=4][font=times new roman]Hoarfrost | He/Him
Open to interactions[/center]
[size=4][font=times new roman]Hoarfrost yawns, the nearby chattering had only increased each moment that passed. The Flame Tree branch he was sleeping on was pretty comfortable but he won't be able to sleep soundly with all the noise from the other aspects. "Time to find another place then", he grumbled to himself.
He opened his eyes only to find himself [i]not[/i] sleeping on a Flame Tree branch and [i]not[/i] in the Inner Realm but rather in a pretty forest that he recognized as the Starwood Strand. There's also unfamiliar dragons just below that is the source of the noise, he most likely sleep-walked into a clan's territory. This situation should be concerning to Hoarfrost but oh well, he'll find his way back eventually, sleep is priority.
Hoarfrost lets himself glide down, a light frost forming on the grass as he makes contact with the ground. He lays on the ground a bit, yawns, then continues to drowsily float in a random direction to find another sleeping spot.
Hoarfrost | He/Him
Open to interactions
Hoarfrost yawns, the nearby chattering had only increased each moment that passed. The Flame Tree branch he was sleeping on was pretty comfortable but he won't be able to sleep soundly with all the noise from the other aspects. "Time to find another place then", he grumbled to himself.
He opened his eyes only to find himself not sleeping on a Flame Tree branch and not in the Inner Realm but rather in a pretty forest that he recognized as the Starwood Strand. There's also unfamiliar dragons just below that is the source of the noise, he most likely sleep-walked into a clan's territory. This situation should be concerning to Hoarfrost but oh well, he'll find his way back eventually, sleep is priority.
Hoarfrost lets himself glide down, a light frost forming on the grass as he makes contact with the ground. He lays on the ground a bit, yawns, then continues to drowsily float in a random direction to find another sleeping spot.
[item=Unicorn Guise]
[img alt=""][/img]
[item=rainbowfeather thief]
([i]Interracting with:[u] Everyone in and near the clan clearing[/u][/i])
Ru Pride heard the hustle and bustle of the camp coming to life as the sun rose, knowng he must address them shortly.
But he couldn't go out there looking like [i]this![/i]
A brush of his fur, styling of his hair and getting all fabulous for the day, and he was ready!
[b]"Goooooooood morning, everypony!!"[/b] Ru Pride exclaimed as he exited the tent he'd set up on the large rocks in the center. [b]"A stunning day for all of us to enjoy the magic and whimsy that is to SLAY!~
I'm your Godfather, Ru Paul, and host this lovely destination. It seems we have a wonderful group for this week!"[/b]
(Interracting with: Everyone in and near the clan clearing)
Ru Pride heard the hustle and bustle of the camp coming to life as the sun rose, knowng he must address them shortly.
But he couldn't go out there looking like this!
A brush of his fur, styling of his hair and getting all fabulous for the day, and he was ready!
"Goooooooood morning, everypony!!" Ru Pride exclaimed as he exited the tent he'd set up on the large rocks in the center. "A stunning day for all of us to enjoy the magic and whimsy that is to SLAY!~
I'm your Godfather, Ru Paul, and host this lovely destination. It seems we have a wonderful group for this week!"
Astrid emerged from the undergrowth to face the source of the chorus of voices. She'd elected to take a bit of a leisurely wander while Tibjir was busy conversing with dragons from another clan - it wasn't really her business, and besides, it gave her an opportunity to explore beyond the beaten trails of the beautiful Starwood Strand. What she hadn't been expecting to find was another small gathering in a clearing she didn't recognise. She'd perhaps strayed a little too far, but now she was more curious than worried about being lost.
No sooner than she'd strode into the clearing to investigate, the colourful tundra announced his presence - his jubilant greeting seemed to be addressed to the whole gathering, and she couldn't help but feel she had somehow just been invited into it. Tibjir would be alright, she had time to wander for a while - so she sat down (a little awkwardly) near the tree line and smiled back at the dragon stood proudly on the rocks.
As she scanned the clearing, taking a mental note of all the new faces she figured she might need to familiarise herself with, a small coatl stood at the side of a Sparkling Capricorn, both of them also gazing around at the new scenery, caught her eye.
"Hi," she said, clearing her throat as she tentatively approached the hatchling and her familiar. "I'm Astrid. You okay? And, uh, do you have any idea where we are?"
Astrid emerged from the undergrowth to face the source of the chorus of voices. She'd elected to take a bit of a leisurely wander while Tibjir was busy conversing with dragons from another clan - it wasn't really her business, and besides, it gave her an opportunity to explore beyond the beaten trails of the beautiful Starwood Strand. What she hadn't been expecting to find was another small gathering in a clearing she didn't recognise. She'd perhaps strayed a little too far, but now she was more curious than worried about being lost.
No sooner than she'd strode into the clearing to investigate, the colourful tundra announced his presence - his jubilant greeting seemed to be addressed to the whole gathering, and she couldn't help but feel she had somehow just been invited into it. Tibjir would be alright, she had time to wander for a while - so she sat down (a little awkwardly) near the tree line and smiled back at the dragon stood proudly on the rocks.
As she scanned the clearing, taking a mental note of all the new faces she figured she might need to familiarise herself with, a small coatl stood at the side of a Sparkling Capricorn, both of them also gazing around at the new scenery, caught her eye.
"Hi," she said, clearing her throat as she tentatively approached the hatchling and her familiar. "I'm Astrid. You okay? And, uh, do you have any idea where we are?"
- Mercury
- He/It/Xey
- Lover of aethers
- Collector of everything
[center][color=#4d160a][size=4][b][font=Century Gothic] Salem [/size][/b][/color][/center][/font]
[center][size=3][font=Century Gothic] Interacting with Ilnae @TrueTerror [/size][/center][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][size=3]
Salem wasn't sure if the surprise was out of confusion or because the name seemed familiar to her. Suddenly she felt a little embarrassed for asking. That entire clan is dead. There were no survivors.
Sheepishly, she took a small step back.
[color=#4d160a][b] "I am sorry. Cassian is an Imperial I..." [/b][/color] [i]loved [/i] [color=#4d160a][b]"... used to know. I thought you looked like someone from his clan." [/b][/color]
Salem wasn't the type for introductions, but she felt obligated to introduce herself now that they were in a conversation together.
[color=#4d160a][b] "My name is Salem. This lynx by my side is my companion, Jinx." [/b][/color] She gestured her head down at the Lynx. Jinx didn't seem too keen on approaching the Imperial.
Salem wasn't sure if the surprise was out of confusion or because the name seemed familiar to her. Suddenly she felt a little embarrassed for asking. That entire clan is dead. There were no survivors.
Sheepishly, she took a small step back.
"I am sorry. Cassian is an Imperial I..." loved "... used to know. I thought you looked like someone from his clan."
Salem wasn't the type for introductions, but she felt obligated to introduce herself now that they were in a conversation together.
"My name is Salem. This lynx by my side is my companion, Jinx." She gestured her head down at the Lynx. Jinx didn't seem too keen on approaching the Imperial.
Hypnos has my Wishlist!
Interacting with: [b]Open![/b]
Shin snapped back into consciousness with a jolt, his eyes- formerly bathed in darkness and straining to peer through- blinking furiously in the sudden light. The second he was bale to focus on his surroundings, he immediately shot off the ground, his many wings flapped frantically, beating against the ground and scattering void-black feathers like a panicked chicken.
His head whipped to and fro, taking in the unfamiliar sights like they were the last thing he'd ever see. Plush green grass, a wide open sky full of stars and twinkling lights, glowing trees that hum and shimmer with innate magical tampering... oh boy. Oh no. No, no, this had to be a mistake. Sure, he was always a little drained whenever he traveled by shadow, but to pass out in the middle of unfamiliar territory? He was practically asking to be scorched into oblivion for trespassing, or- or stepped on by some unruly brute, or shadows forbid [i]eaten alive[/i]-
No. No, stop. Shin clutched his head and allowed himself to float to the ground, gently yet unsteadily, like a falling feather. Thinking like that won't get anyone anywhere, he just had to take stock of what he knew and had on his person.
On thing was for sure: This was [i]not[/i] the Murkbarrow Close.
The trees glowed similarly to the mushroom colonies of home, but they didn't carry with them the gentle silence and steadiness of Shadow bioluminescence. These trees, they emitted a low, almost imperceptible hum that reverberated through the ground, a droning sound akin the Stormcatcher's powerlines, and their glow pulsed and glinted as if unstable. That, mixed with the stars during the day and the rainbow of lights, not to mention all the strange rocks and... hm. Where those floating islands?
Shin cursed his lack of worldly knowledge. He guessed this was Arcane territory, but he'd never ventured this close, so he had no idea where, exactly, he'd ended up.
This meant he'd have to (Shin shuddered)... ask for help. Hngh...
[i]Hopefully,[/i] He mused as he took flight once more, thsi time with more stability. [i]I'll find a nicer... preferably smaller, or quieter, or non-Light dragon nearby...[/i]
Interacting with:
Shin snapped back into consciousness with a jolt, his eyes- formerly bathed in darkness and straining to peer through- blinking furiously in the sudden light. The second he was bale to focus on his surroundings, he immediately shot off the ground, his many wings flapped frantically, beating against the ground and scattering void-black feathers like a panicked chicken.
His head whipped to and fro, taking in the unfamiliar sights like they were the last thing he'd ever see. Plush green grass, a wide open sky full of stars and twinkling lights, glowing trees that hum and shimmer with innate magical tampering... oh boy. Oh no. No, no, this had to be a mistake. Sure, he was always a little drained whenever he traveled by shadow, but to pass out in the middle of unfamiliar territory? He was practically asking to be scorched into oblivion for trespassing, or- or stepped on by some unruly brute, or shadows forbid
eaten alive-
No. No, stop. Shin clutched his head and allowed himself to float to the ground, gently yet unsteadily, like a falling feather. Thinking like that won't get anyone anywhere, he just had to take stock of what he knew and had on his person.
On thing was for sure: This was
not the Murkbarrow Close.
The trees glowed similarly to the mushroom colonies of home, but they didn't carry with them the gentle silence and steadiness of Shadow bioluminescence. These trees, they emitted a low, almost imperceptible hum that reverberated through the ground, a droning sound akin the Stormcatcher's powerlines, and their glow pulsed and glinted as if unstable. That, mixed with the stars during the day and the rainbow of lights, not to mention all the strange rocks and... hm. Where those floating islands?
Shin cursed his lack of worldly knowledge. He guessed this was Arcane territory, but he'd never ventured this close, so he had no idea where, exactly, he'd ended up.
This meant he'd have to (Shin shuddered)... ask for help. Hngh...
Hopefully, He mused as he took flight once more, thsi time with more stability.
I'll find a nicer... preferably smaller, or quieter, or non-Light dragon nearby...
Interacting with: Open
Smoksho woke up to Embertail screeching loudly. "I know, I know, there are dragons you don't know here, but you'll get used to it." he said. "Hungry?"
"SCREE!" the gryphon shrieked. "Scree? SKREE KREE!"
Smoksho climbed out of bed and started getting food for them both. He was startled by a loud crash outside. [i]What was that? Probably just some random hatchling knocking something over.[/i] He ignored it and went back to what he was doing.
But [i]who[/i] was doing that? Whoever it was, they were making a ruckus and Smoksho didn't like it. He [i]tried[/i] to to focus on preparing food, but the noise was [i]extremely[/i] annoying.
A few minutes later, a dragon walked into the building. Smoksho didn't know them yet. That was expected; he had only been here a few days. "Who are you?" he asked. "You're interrupting our breakfast."
Interacting with: Open
Smoksho woke up to Embertail screeching loudly. "I know, I know, there are dragons you don't know here, but you'll get used to it." he said. "Hungry?"
"SCREE!" the gryphon shrieked. "Scree? SKREE KREE!"
Smoksho climbed out of bed and started getting food for them both. He was startled by a loud crash outside.
What was that? Probably just some random hatchling knocking something over. He ignored it and went back to what he was doing.
who was doing that? Whoever it was, they were making a ruckus and Smoksho didn't like it. He
tried to to focus on preparing food, but the noise was
extremely annoying.
A few minutes later, a dragon walked into the building. Smoksho didn't know them yet. That was expected; he had only been here a few days. "Who are you?" he asked. "You're interrupting our breakfast."
[b][font=candara][color=#4a0450][size=5]Interacting with:[/color] [size=5]Shin ( @WyvernTales )[/size][/font][/b]
Kor circled the clearing in the woods as he descended in altitude, looking for the safest and least-disruptive place to land. He was weary, having foregone sleep overnight in favor of making it back to camp in time for the morning gathering, but also the happiest he'd been in a while. The parchment letter in his satchel was an imperceptible amount of weight to carry compared to the massive bulk of his body and equipment, and yet to him it was the most important thing he carried, and by far the highlight of his recent trip into town.
He touched down gracefully (as gracefully as an armored behemoth can, that is.) betwixt the trees a short distance from the gathering space and began to plod his way back to his current home. In the drake's eagerness to get back to his personal quarters and open his mail he failed to even notice the comparatively miniscule speck of a dazed fae among the leaflitter in his path.

Interacting with: Shin ( @WyvernTales )
Kor circled the clearing in the woods as he descended in altitude, looking for the safest and least-disruptive place to land. He was weary, having foregone sleep overnight in favor of making it back to camp in time for the morning gathering, but also the happiest he'd been in a while. The parchment letter in his satchel was an imperceptible amount of weight to carry compared to the massive bulk of his body and equipment, and yet to him it was the most important thing he carried, and by far the highlight of his recent trip into town.
He touched down gracefully (as gracefully as an armored behemoth can, that is.) betwixt the trees a short distance from the gathering space and began to plod his way back to his current home. In the drake's eagerness to get back to his personal quarters and open his mail he failed to even notice the comparatively miniscule speck of a dazed fae among the leaflitter in his path.
[color=#a69fa2]She / Her
Interacting With: Astrid (@StratosPhantom)[/color][/center]
Reverie looked up at the blue-and-purple Skydancer, who also seemed to be lost. "Uhh... no... I dunno... I think this is the Starwood Strand?" she scratched her head, looking rather sheepish, then promptly cheered up. "Nice to meet you, miss Astrid! I'm Reverie, and this is Daydream! Are you lost too? I kinda just wandered about and saw dragons here! Have you seen Big Sis Pol? She's a blue Skydancer about your height! Or maybe Aunty Ava?"
(Somewhere in the Windswept Plateau, Ava sneezed at being called "Aunty". Polaris was [i]older[/i] than her, for the Windsinger's sake.)
Daydream looked rather... exasperated with Reverie's bright-eyed enthusiasm at openly spilling everything about herself to complete strangers, so it nudged her protectively before gesturing to the loud and bright Tundra putting on a show. Reverie turned to look at it, then at the sight, then tilted her head.
"And... uh... do you know what's [i]that[/i]?" she finished off her barrage of questions.
Reverie looked up at the blue-and-purple Skydancer, who also seemed to be lost. "Uhh... no... I dunno... I think this is the Starwood Strand?" she scratched her head, looking rather sheepish, then promptly cheered up. "Nice to meet you, miss Astrid! I'm Reverie, and this is Daydream! Are you lost too? I kinda just wandered about and saw dragons here! Have you seen Big Sis Pol? She's a blue Skydancer about your height! Or maybe Aunty Ava?"
(Somewhere in the Windswept Plateau, Ava sneezed at being called "Aunty". Polaris was
older than her, for the Windsinger's sake.)
Daydream looked rather... exasperated with Reverie's bright-eyed enthusiasm at openly spilling everything about herself to complete strangers, so it nudged her protectively before gesturing to the loud and bright Tundra putting on a show. Reverie turned to look at it, then at the sight, then tilted her head.
"And... uh... do you know what's
that?" she finished off her barrage of questions.