@Tserin I can host two of your Light nests today OR all 3 tomorrow if you're willing to wait?
TOPIC | CFCE (private nest exchange) OPEN
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[quote=Lightning CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Stormcatcher Scrap Metal Welding][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@Alyssane, @Bluebb, @castti, @DangerousSanity, @djurabeast, @Fangurl, @glibcrayon, @Jaspernoir, @LonesomePaws2, @LunarSinsChaos, @Meemzer, @MerlinOfAvalon, @minnarr, @NovaSeagull22, @penantiomers, @protocanines, @queerqueg, @thesunsfullmoon, @towershield, @xuliana[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @Zaratyst[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote]
I'm looking for a lightning nest! I can bribe you with food, friends, or strange substances from the bottom of my cauldron! (I also have random clothing items if that's your fancy.)
Lightning CFCE Hosts wrote:
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@Alyssane, @Bluebb, @castti, @DangerousSanity, @djurabeast, @Fangurl, @glibcrayon, @Jaspernoir, @LonesomePaws2, @LunarSinsChaos, @Meemzer, @MerlinOfAvalon, @minnarr, @NovaSeagull22, @penantiomers, @protocanines, @queerqueg, @thesunsfullmoon, @towershield, @xuliana Flight moderator: @Zaratyst Please host for current CFCE members only! |
I'm looking for a lightning nest! I can bribe you with food, friends, or strange substances from the bottom of my cauldron! (I also have random clothing items if that's your fancy.)
[quote=Ice CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Furry Icewarden Puppet][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@Axqu, @Croissants, @Fulminare, @GentleGentoo, @inkwardlychaotic, @Itarille, @Kalia, @KaylenAldanae, @LeviathanDemon, @Ochiba, @Rhowyn, @RubescentClaret, @Sabaari, @StarryComet, @That1DireWolf, @Tserin, @winterbright[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote]
Looking for 1 Ice nest. They're ready to breed now, but after rollover is also fine. Please let me know what type of food you'd like, or if you'd like me to throw a Strange Chest at you instead.
Ice CFCE Hosts wrote:
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@Axqu, @Croissants, @Fulminare, @GentleGentoo, @inkwardlychaotic, @Itarille, @Kalia, @KaylenAldanae, @LeviathanDemon, @Ochiba, @Rhowyn, @RubescentClaret, @Sabaari, @StarryComet, @That1DireWolf, @Tserin, @winterbright Flight moderator: @ Please host for current CFCE members only! |
@Addmon I have a free ice nest, I can breed today. Would love a strange chest or seafood if possible <3
@Addmon I have a free ice nest, I can breed today. Would love a strange chest or seafood if possible <3
Winter | she/they | FR+0
♦ Southern Lights Hatchery & Ice Nests ♦ Clan Lore Thread |
[quote=Lightning CFCE Hosts][/quote]
Looking for a Lightning nest, please let me know if you'd prefer food (+ what type) or a random gift![/s]
Lightning CFCE Hosts wrote:
Looking for a Lightning nest, please let me know if you'd prefer food (+ what type) or a random gift!
[quote=Water CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Unhatched Water Egg][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@Aava, @AzaRein, @beanutbutter, @BubblyOstrich, @Dangerpuddle, @DeepflowManah, @EmeraldCreatures, @EnglishRose, @Fayo, @Fendwellr, @Halcandra, @Jessaboo, @Kaixin, @Kataracts, @MermaidCove, @NuovoSangue, @Plushieee, @RedWind, @Soulsaurora, @torreywolf, @Zaratyst[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote]
Looking for 1 water nest for today. Let me know what type of food you'd prefer.
Water CFCE Hosts wrote:
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@Aava, @AzaRein, @beanutbutter, @BubblyOstrich, @Dangerpuddle, @DeepflowManah, @EmeraldCreatures, @EnglishRose, @Fayo, @Fendwellr, @Halcandra, @Jessaboo, @Kaixin, @Kataracts, @MermaidCove, @NuovoSangue, @Plushieee, @RedWind, @Soulsaurora, @torreywolf, @Zaratyst Flight moderator: @ Please host for current CFCE members only! |
looking for a couple nests today! let me know what food you'd like
[quote=Earth CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Deepearth Geode][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@Britty, @Cervius, @Coward, @CRT, @dandelionfires, @fantasygill, @fearfax, @Felspring, @FeralChimera, @furbyworm, @Inverness, @Kiln, @LadyBee, @NewtBrainedMin, @Ophestra, @RabbitSpirit, @reliquiaen, @sublimevoide, @TigersMane, @Wyll[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @Pennywhistle[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote]
[quote=Ice CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Ice Runestone][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@Axqu, @Croissants, @Fulminare, @GentleGentoo, @inkwardlychaotic, @Itarille, @Kalia, @KaylenAldanae, @LeviathanDemon, @Ochiba, @Rhowyn, @RubescentClaret, @Sabaari, @StarryComet, @That1DireWolf, @Tserin, @winterbright[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote]
looking for a couple nests today! let me know what food you'd like
Earth CFCE Hosts wrote:
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@Britty, @Cervius, @Coward, @CRT, @dandelionfires, @fantasygill, @fearfax, @Felspring, @FeralChimera, @furbyworm, @Inverness, @Kiln, @LadyBee, @NewtBrainedMin, @Ophestra, @RabbitSpirit, @reliquiaen, @sublimevoide, @TigersMane, @Wyll Flight moderator: @Pennywhistle Please host for current CFCE members only! |
Ice CFCE Hosts wrote:
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@Axqu, @Croissants, @Fulminare, @GentleGentoo, @inkwardlychaotic, @Itarille, @Kalia, @KaylenAldanae, @LeviathanDemon, @Ochiba, @Rhowyn, @RubescentClaret, @Sabaari, @StarryComet, @That1DireWolf, @Tserin, @winterbright Flight moderator: @ Please host for current CFCE members only! |
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