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TOPIC | The Warrior Cat Clan Game Rebooted
[center]----- [emoji=butterfly size=1]-[b][i]MOTHCLAN[/i][/b]-[emoji=butterfly size=1] ----- Year 6 | Moon 75 / 3 | Leafbare [emoji=bare tree size=1] -- Event roll : 51 - A large group of dark grey clouds cover the skies, and there's heavy downpour. A flood rushes from the near river, tearing don parts of the camp that will have to be remade. Luckily, Everyone survived. [b]Mudstripe[/b] helped [b]Tallfeather[/b] get out of the camp with the kits, And [b]Tallfeather[/b] cant help but admit, that was pretty sweet. [b]Sparkpaw and Kestrelpaw[/b] are old enough to be warriors! Cranestar evaluates the two cats. [b]Sparkpaw [/b]has been found worthy of gaining her warrior title, and is named [b] Sparkbreeze. Kestrelpaw[/b] is also found worthy of gaining his name along with his sister, and is named [b]Kestrelwing.[/b] There is no other news this moon. ----- Notes / Lore : I need a new cat to join or sum so all my cats aren't related lol [/center]

Year 6 | Moon 75 / 3 | Leafbare
Event roll : 51
A large group of dark grey clouds cover the skies, and there's heavy downpour. A flood rushes from the near river, tearing don parts of the camp that will have to be remade. Luckily, Everyone survived. Mudstripe helped Tallfeather get out of the camp with the kits, And Tallfeather cant help but admit, that was pretty sweet.

Sparkpaw and Kestrelpaw are old enough to be warriors! Cranestar evaluates the two cats. Sparkpaw has been found worthy of gaining her warrior title, and is named Sparkbreeze. Kestrelpaw is also found worthy of gaining his name along with his sister, and is named Kestrelwing.

There is no other news this moon.
Notes / Lore : I need a new cat to join or sum so all my cats aren't related lol

Year Three, Moon One. Current Season: Leafbare.
Event Roll: 9, 3 - Predator Attack!; 72, 4 - Kits on the Way.
In the middle of the night, a hungry badger finds it's way to the Birchclan camp and attacks the clan! Being the only cat in the nursery, alone, Willowspin is targeted by the badger and is killed before most of the clan can even wake up. Fueled with anger and grief, Aurapaw instinctively attacks the badger despite Plumpaw trying to stop her. At this point, the rest of the clan is awake, and some start to attack the badger. Though it is ultimately Wishwillow, along with Aurapaw, who manage to chase off the badger- but not before sustaining injuries, too severe to be healed despite both of the doctors' best efforts.

Noblewish is absolutely devastated by the loss of his best friend, and rumors spread throughout the camp that he's been considering leaving Birchclan. Creekwind, in deep grief over the loss of his mate and one of his kits, has been seen talking to the tom. Birchclan can only hope that the tom can convince the young warrior to stay.

Despite the somber mood in the clan, Snowglare announces that she is pregnant thanks to a surrogate. The clan is overjoyed, but understand when Snowglare wants to continue her warrior duties until she has to move into the nursery.

Willowspin, Aurapaw and Wishwillow have passed and ascended to the ranks of Starclan. Snowglare is pregnant with kits!

first krestelpaw, now aurapaw. these apprentices have some really bad luck.
also BOTH of the willows? i really liked willowspin, and i had stuff planned for wishwillow. poor creekwind. poor noblewish. i feel especially bad for noblewish.

Year Three, Moon One. Current Season: Leafbare.
Event Roll: 9, 3 - Predator Attack!; 72, 4 - Kits on the Way.
In the middle of the night, a hungry badger finds it's way to the Birchclan camp and attacks the clan! Being the only cat in the nursery, alone, Willowspin is targeted by the badger and is killed before most of the clan can even wake up. Fueled with anger and grief, Aurapaw instinctively attacks the badger despite Plumpaw trying to stop her. At this point, the rest of the clan is awake, and some start to attack the badger. Though it is ultimately Wishwillow, along with Aurapaw, who manage to chase off the badger- but not before sustaining injuries, too severe to be healed despite both of the doctors' best efforts.

Noblewish is absolutely devastated by the loss of his best friend, and rumors spread throughout the camp that he's been considering leaving Birchclan. Creekwind, in deep grief over the loss of his mate and one of his kits, has been seen talking to the tom. Birchclan can only hope that the tom can convince the young warrior to stay.

Despite the somber mood in the clan, Snowglare announces that she is pregnant thanks to a surrogate. The clan is overjoyed, but understand when Snowglare wants to continue her warrior duties until she has to move into the nursery.

Willowspin, Aurapaw and Wishwillow have passed and ascended to the ranks of Starclan. Snowglare is pregnant with kits!

first krestelpaw, now aurapaw. these apprentices have some really bad luck.
also BOTH of the willows? i really liked willowspin, and i had stuff planned for wishwillow. poor creekwind. poor noblewish. i feel especially bad for noblewish.

Year 1 - Moon 10 - Season Leafbare 1/3 - Doc

Roll - 10

-It's not long after Beaverpaw has returned to camp that he wants to return to the Twolegplace. Not to stay, but to rescue his friend Fern. She was enthralled with his stories of Clan life while he was there and he knew she would want to come with him, unfortunately she was locked inside when he made his escape. With the sneakiest cats as his patrol, Beaverpaw led them back to his former prison and they made it out with Fern in tow. She was made an apprentice and given the name Fernpaw and the mentor Bearlight.

-Blackpaw, Wolfpaw, and Beaverpaw are to be made warriors. Rosestar had initially wanted Beaverpaw to wait another moon due to his absence, but his brave rescue mission more than made up for it. Blackpaw is now Blackmoon, Wolfpaw is Wolfthunder, and Beaverpaw is Beaverleap.

-Due to her old age, Lakestreak has sadly passed away. Her mate Goldenflight found her that way upon waking up one morning. Goldenflight takes comfort in the fact that her beloved Lakestreak was surrounded by love until the end.

brb while I bawl my eyes out

Year 1 - Moon 10 - Season Leafbare 1/3 - Doc

Roll - 10

-It's not long after Beaverpaw has returned to camp that he wants to return to the Twolegplace. Not to stay, but to rescue his friend Fern. She was enthralled with his stories of Clan life while he was there and he knew she would want to come with him, unfortunately she was locked inside when he made his escape. With the sneakiest cats as his patrol, Beaverpaw led them back to his former prison and they made it out with Fern in tow. She was made an apprentice and given the name Fernpaw and the mentor Bearlight.

-Blackpaw, Wolfpaw, and Beaverpaw are to be made warriors. Rosestar had initially wanted Beaverpaw to wait another moon due to his absence, but his brave rescue mission more than made up for it. Blackpaw is now Blackmoon, Wolfpaw is Wolfthunder, and Beaverpaw is Beaverleap.

-Due to her old age, Lakestreak has sadly passed away. Her mate Goldenflight found her that way upon waking up one morning. Goldenflight takes comfort in the fact that her beloved Lakestreak was surrounded by love until the end.

brb while I bawl my eyes out
@Warrior Cats Clan Game Daily Reminder

Here's your daily reminder to update your clans today if you would like to but haven't already!
@Warrior Cats Clan Game Daily Reminder

Here's your daily reminder to update your clans today if you would like to but haven't already!
Goop (SpiritMaask Adopt (link))
Year 10 / Moon 5 / Newleaf
Sunclan Times
News from the Wise and Corageous

Roll: 28

A border patrol consisting of Hopeshard, Slightstrike, and Skyfrost come across a gray cat on the Sunclan border. Slightstrike and Skyfrost challenge and hiss at the cat before Hopeshard leaps in front of them. Hopeshard identifies the cat as Coal, a Sunclan warrior who went missing when he did. The four cats go to camp while Coal tells Hopeshard what they've been up to. They tell him that they've been looking for Frostheart all of these moons, but after a run-in with a strange cat with stars in their fur who told them to wait, they have decided to wait in Sunclan for Frostheart to come back. Hopeshard tells them that they've done the right thing, and relays this message to the clan. The clan welcomes Coal back warmly!

Berrylight announces that she is pregnant with Stagleap's kits!

Mothmist has been crushing hard on Moonwatcher for a moon now, and her feelings are only getting stronger.


It wild to see cats that I've had since they were kits reaching retirement age. I feel like a parent watching their children grow and mature. I remember when Cloudstar was wondering whether Braveclaw liked her back, and look at her now! I remember when most of Henfeather's siblings were still alive, and she had to take care of Minnowsplash and Basilsight after Ravenlight died.

In fact, it's only been a few months.

Year 10 / Moon 5 / Newleaf
Sunclan Times
News from the Wise and Corageous

Roll: 28

A border patrol consisting of Hopeshard, Slightstrike, and Skyfrost come across a gray cat on the Sunclan border. Slightstrike and Skyfrost challenge and hiss at the cat before Hopeshard leaps in front of them. Hopeshard identifies the cat as Coal, a Sunclan warrior who went missing when he did. The four cats go to camp while Coal tells Hopeshard what they've been up to. They tell him that they've been looking for Frostheart all of these moons, but after a run-in with a strange cat with stars in their fur who told them to wait, they have decided to wait in Sunclan for Frostheart to come back. Hopeshard tells them that they've done the right thing, and relays this message to the clan. The clan welcomes Coal back warmly!

Berrylight announces that she is pregnant with Stagleap's kits!

Mothmist has been crushing hard on Moonwatcher for a moon now, and her feelings are only getting stronger.


It wild to see cats that I've had since they were kits reaching retirement age. I feel like a parent watching their children grow and mature. I remember when Cloudstar was wondering whether Braveclaw liked her back, and look at her now! I remember when most of Henfeather's siblings were still alive, and she had to take care of Minnowsplash and Basilsight after Ravenlight died.

In fact, it's only been a few months.

LGBT+  Progress Queer

Nonbinary They/She
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Year 10 - Moon 117 – Leaf-fall (3/3)
  • A sudden snowfall makes prey hard to find for the clan cats, leading to an unexpected prey shortage. However, a few of the warriors brave the snow in order to find just enough food for the clan to scrap by!
  • Among the cats that went out hunting was Perchpaw. Codsplash and Froststar were more than impressed with his bravery and loyalty to his clan. So, once the snow clears and prey is running well again, Froststar grants him the name Perchtooth!
  • As the warriors hunt for food, Dawnpaw finds herself sneaking off to the water fall again and again. Eventually, Rabbitspot notices and followers her! When she reaches the waterfall, he confronts her, causing her to explain the weird things that had been happening there. He decides to hear her out, and after resting there himself finds himself face to face with Rowanpaw, one of his kits that died many moons ago! He is obviously overwhelmed and spends the next few days processing what he saw. Nevertheless, he eventually decides that because this discovery, Dawnpaw should receive her healer name and grants her the name Dawnfall. Additionally, he and Dawnfall decide to call the waterfall the Moonfall from now on. Even so, he hesitates to tell Froststar about their discovery, especially because she is so stressed about the upcoming leaf-bare.

Lore Bits/Notes:
Perch, or at least North American perch, actually have very small teeth, so the name Perchtooth probably isn't as complimentary as you might think it is.
Also, I haven't quite decided if Froststar will receive some extra lives from Starclan or if I should wait for the next leader. I guess we'll just have to wait to find out!

@/pandakitty1 It's been almost 4 months, believe it or not!
Year 10 - Moon 117 – Leaf-fall (3/3)
  • A sudden snowfall makes prey hard to find for the clan cats, leading to an unexpected prey shortage. However, a few of the warriors brave the snow in order to find just enough food for the clan to scrap by!
  • Among the cats that went out hunting was Perchpaw. Codsplash and Froststar were more than impressed with his bravery and loyalty to his clan. So, once the snow clears and prey is running well again, Froststar grants him the name Perchtooth!
  • As the warriors hunt for food, Dawnpaw finds herself sneaking off to the water fall again and again. Eventually, Rabbitspot notices and followers her! When she reaches the waterfall, he confronts her, causing her to explain the weird things that had been happening there. He decides to hear her out, and after resting there himself finds himself face to face with Rowanpaw, one of his kits that died many moons ago! He is obviously overwhelmed and spends the next few days processing what he saw. Nevertheless, he eventually decides that because this discovery, Dawnpaw should receive her healer name and grants her the name Dawnfall. Additionally, he and Dawnfall decide to call the waterfall the Moonfall from now on. Even so, he hesitates to tell Froststar about their discovery, especially because she is so stressed about the upcoming leaf-bare.

Lore Bits/Notes:
Perch, or at least North American perch, actually have very small teeth, so the name Perchtooth probably isn't as complimentary as you might think it is.
Also, I haven't quite decided if Froststar will receive some extra lives from Starclan or if I should wait for the next leader. I guess we'll just have to wait to find out!

@/pandakitty1 It's been almost 4 months, believe it or not!
Goop (SpiritMaask Adopt (link))
[center][emoji=flowering tree size=1][size=7][font=Cursive][color=#007011]Forestclan[/size][/font][/color][emoji=flowering tree size=1] [size=5][color=#009416]Year 7 - Moon 89 - greenleaf (2/3)[/color][/size] [b]Roll: 33[/b][/center] A light Whitecough was spread through the clan, but luckily it didn't got to Greencough as the medcats treated the sick cats well. Flutterpaw and Tulippaw are now warriors, [b]Flutterwing[/b] and [b]Tulipfern[/b]. Squirrelfur is happy that Blizzardclaw is here to see their kits become warriors. [b]Pureshine[/b] was taken away to an unfamiliar tom in the clan, who she later figured out as [b]Fluffycloud[/b]. She keeps the feeling to herself for now. [b]Fogstar[/b] decided to talk to [b]Rainsplash[/b] about her feelings, but before she could, Rainsplash took the chance faster and offered if they could try being mates. In the end, Fogstar agreed, giving it a try. [b]Acornleaf[/b] had moved on to the nursery.
Year 7 - Moon 89 - greenleaf (2/3)
Roll: 33

A light Whitecough was spread through the clan, but luckily it didn't got to Greencough as the medcats treated the sick cats well.

Flutterpaw and Tulippaw are now warriors, Flutterwing and Tulipfern. Squirrelfur is happy that Blizzardclaw is here to see their kits become warriors.

Pureshine was taken away to an unfamiliar tom in the clan, who she later figured out as Fluffycloud. She keeps the feeling to herself for now.

Fogstar decided to talk to Rainsplash about her feelings, but before she could, Rainsplash took the chance faster and offered if they could try being mates. In the end, Fogstar agreed, giving it a try.

Acornleaf had moved on to the nursery.
LohCDcp.png ytkEBod.png
Year 2 - Moon 16 - greenleaf (1/3)
Roll: 6

3 loners, Wren, Sundial, and Cinder, were found by the border, and they asked to join the clan. Wisteriastar agreed to let them in, and the three took their names: Wrenshine, Daywing, and Cindershade.

Thawflight began to crush on Brindletail, but he isn't sure if being mates with her would keep his warrior duty away.

Blackpaw and Firpaw are skilled and talented enough to be warriors: Blackflower and Firwish! Ravenfrost is proud for her kits to be warriors now.

Frostkit is now an apprentice, Frostpaw! Her mentor will be Lilytuft. Rainstorm and Quailfur were excited to have their only kit as an apprentice, while Frostpaw was tired of the overprotection and was happy to move into the apprentice's den.

After having a fall from the tree and almost breaking her foot for permanent, Sorrelberry decided to retire as an elder. The clan took respect to this, and Sorrelberry looked a bit regretful as she moved into the elder's den with Blazespark, who looked annoyed.

Cedarglow finally confessed to Lilytuft about how much they cared about her, and Lilytuft agreed to be mates, as long as they would stay safe! Meanwhile, unfortunately, Blueflower failed to catch Duskfoot's attention.

So sorry for the delay! I was super busy, but I'll (probably) make some more updates from now on!
May I claim Steel please? Thank you!
Year 2 - Moon 16 - greenleaf (1/3)
Roll: 6

3 loners, Wren, Sundial, and Cinder, were found by the border, and they asked to join the clan. Wisteriastar agreed to let them in, and the three took their names: Wrenshine, Daywing, and Cindershade.

Thawflight began to crush on Brindletail, but he isn't sure if being mates with her would keep his warrior duty away.

Blackpaw and Firpaw are skilled and talented enough to be warriors: Blackflower and Firwish! Ravenfrost is proud for her kits to be warriors now.

Frostkit is now an apprentice, Frostpaw! Her mentor will be Lilytuft. Rainstorm and Quailfur were excited to have their only kit as an apprentice, while Frostpaw was tired of the overprotection and was happy to move into the apprentice's den.

After having a fall from the tree and almost breaking her foot for permanent, Sorrelberry decided to retire as an elder. The clan took respect to this, and Sorrelberry looked a bit regretful as she moved into the elder's den with Blazespark, who looked annoyed.

Cedarglow finally confessed to Lilytuft about how much they cared about her, and Lilytuft agreed to be mates, as long as they would stay safe! Meanwhile, unfortunately, Blueflower failed to catch Duskfoot's attention.

So sorry for the delay! I was super busy, but I'll (probably) make some more updates from now on!
May I claim Steel please? Thank you!
[center][b][size=5]AspenClan[/size][/b][/center] ------- [center][emoji=flowering tree size=1]Year 1 / Moon 6 / Green-Leaf (3/3)[emoji=flowering tree size=1][/center] ------- [center][b]Event Roll: 14[/b][/center] Stoneleap leads a patrol out to mark out the borders with Creekcry, Beefang and Brookpaw. While walking along the border they run into a group of cats, huddled just past the scent marker. Stonestep is wary as he speaks to them but hesitantly lets them across when they say they wanted to join the clan. They spoke about hearing how there was a clan out in the forest that worked together to survive and they thought that it sounded nicer than the colony that they had been living in so they had made an escape. When they get back to camp Stonestep brings them over to Crowstar who speaks in low whispers to the cats and the deputy before leaping onto high rock. With a meeting called, all available cats emerge and sit in the clearing. He announces the newcomers and they nod their heads in greeting. Two of them accept clan names and are given the names [b]Sagewhisker[/b] and [b]Ivyleaf[/b] while the third one asked to keep her name as it was, [b]Lily[/b]. The clan greets them as they move to settle in. Next Crowstar calls Sablepaw forward who looks at him with a shocked gaze. Dawnpaw gives her sister's head a quick lick before shoving her forward, pride filling her gaze. Crowstar announces that she is ready to become a warrior and gives her the name [b]Sablewing [/b]for her speed and ease in hunting and providing. Reedshine looks at her with pride as she thanks him before returning to her sister. While they are happy there is still a melancholy hanging around them, wishing their mother could be here for this moment. ----- [center][b]Notes[/b][/center] Year 1: - Maplepatch, Gorseflight, and Rainpebble go missing on a hunting patrol (moon 1) - Oakstorm and Larkkit fall ill (moon 2) - Larkkit makes a speedy recovery and the clan welcomes Spruce. Lichenstripe gives birth to Stormkit and Mothkit (moon 3) - Fernclaw, Bramblefur lose their lives and Crowstar loses one of his lives in a battle with a rouge group over food. Oakstorm is declared well enough to return to his den. (moon 4) -Willowleap goes to talk to StarClan and is granted knowledge and skills. Larkpaw, Jaypaw, and Brookpaw were apprenticed to Creekcry, Clouleap and Poppyleg (moon 5) - Sagewhisker, Ivyleaf and Lily join the clan. Sablewing is given her warrior name. (moon 6)

Year 1 / Moon 6 / Green-Leaf (3/3)

Event Roll: 14

Stoneleap leads a patrol out to mark out the borders with Creekcry, Beefang and Brookpaw. While walking along the border they run into a group of cats, huddled just past the scent marker. Stonestep is wary as he speaks to them but hesitantly lets them across when they say they wanted to join the clan. They spoke about hearing how there was a clan out in the forest that worked together to survive and they thought that it sounded nicer than the colony that they had been living in so they had made an escape.

When they get back to camp Stonestep brings them over to Crowstar who speaks in low whispers to the cats and the deputy before leaping onto high rock. With a meeting called, all available cats emerge and sit in the clearing. He announces the newcomers and they nod their heads in greeting. Two of them accept clan names and are given the names Sagewhisker and Ivyleaf while the third one asked to keep her name as it was, Lily. The clan greets them as they move to settle in.

Next Crowstar calls Sablepaw forward who looks at him with a shocked gaze. Dawnpaw gives her sister's head a quick lick before shoving her forward, pride filling her gaze. Crowstar announces that she is ready to become a warrior and gives her the name Sablewing for her speed and ease in hunting and providing. Reedshine looks at her with pride as she thanks him before returning to her sister. While they are happy there is still a melancholy hanging around them, wishing their mother could be here for this moment.

Year 1:

- Maplepatch, Gorseflight, and Rainpebble go missing on a hunting patrol (moon 1)

- Oakstorm and Larkkit fall ill (moon 2)

- Larkkit makes a speedy recovery and the clan welcomes Spruce. Lichenstripe gives birth to Stormkit and Mothkit (moon 3)

- Fernclaw, Bramblefur lose their lives and Crowstar loses one of his lives in a battle with a rouge group over food. Oakstorm is declared well enough to return to his den. (moon 4)

-Willowleap goes to talk to StarClan and is granted knowledge and skills. Larkpaw, Jaypaw, and Brookpaw were apprenticed to Creekcry, Clouleap and Poppyleg (moon 5)

- Sagewhisker, Ivyleaf and Lily join the clan. Sablewing is given her warrior name. (moon 6)
[center]----- [emoji=butterfly size=1]-[b][i]MOTHCLAN[/i][/b]-[emoji=butterfly size=1] ----- Year 6 | Moon 54 / 4 | Newleaf [emoji=four leaf clover size=1] -- Event roll : 73 - An enemy clan attacks on Mothclan's border! They infiltrated the camp, and killed Batkit, but due to the medicine cat's Starclan blessing, Spidercreek barley made it out alive, and now she has a deep cut across her face, from one cheek to the other. Shrewleaf predicts it will take five moons to heal fully, but this moon she will survive. Mudstripe helps Tallfeather bury Batkit with Sheepwhisker, and comforts her while she winces. Spidercreek gave a blessing to Batkit, but was unable to attend her burial due to her condition. There is good news, though! Mottledrose is pregnant with him and Tansyclaw's second litter of kits! He'll give birth in 3 moons! BUT WAIT! Hawkpaw and Mosspaw have reached the age of 10 moons, so they are both eligible to get their warrior names! Hawkpaw has earned her name due to her great combat skills during the battle, helping defend the camp. Cranestar names her Hawkblood due to said combat skills. Cranestar evaluates Mosspaw, and she too has earned her warrior name due to helping heal her clanmates during the battle. She is named Mosspetal. BUT WAIT- Batkit was just too late, as her sister, Orchidkit is named Orchidpaw, and is apprenticed to Wrenstone ----- Notes / Lore : -The Spidercreek family has bad luck -Mottledrose is mtf trans btw ^^ -Yippee more babies!! -MORE WARRIORS TOO HOORAY [/center]

Year 6 | Moon 54 / 4 | Newleaf
Event roll : 73
An enemy clan attacks on Mothclan's border! They infiltrated the camp, and killed Batkit, but due to the medicine cat's Starclan blessing, Spidercreek barley made it out alive, and now she has a deep cut across her face, from one cheek to the other. Shrewleaf predicts it will take five moons to heal fully, but this moon she will survive.

Mudstripe helps Tallfeather bury Batkit with Sheepwhisker, and comforts her while she winces. Spidercreek gave a blessing to Batkit, but was unable to attend her burial due to her condition.

There is good news, though! Mottledrose is pregnant with him and Tansyclaw's second litter of kits! He'll give birth in 3 moons!

BUT WAIT! Hawkpaw and Mosspaw have reached the age of 10 moons, so they are both eligible to get their warrior names! Hawkpaw has earned her name due to her great combat skills during the battle, helping defend the camp. Cranestar names her Hawkblood due to said combat skills. Cranestar evaluates Mosspaw, and she too has earned her warrior name due to helping heal her clanmates during the battle. She is named Mosspetal.

BUT WAIT- Batkit was just too late, as her sister, Orchidkit is named Orchidpaw, and is apprenticed to Wrenstone
Notes / Lore :
-The Spidercreek family has bad luck
-Mottledrose is mtf trans btw ^^
-Yippee more babies!!