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TOPIC | Necrolocke
gonna continue a necrolocke I paused for personal reasons
gonna continue a necrolocke I paused for personal reasons
Redesigning signature sorry for the mess
@fakejeremy I think it's perfectly fine to treat Skellington the trial dragon as separate from The Necromancer you choose to give the 'earned through Necrolocke' designation to. So my advice would be to choose a new Abbie Necro (if you'd like) to register as earned through Necrolocke. Skellington can't be run through Necrolocke again, unfortunately, since he isn't starting out at lvl 1, but you could pick a new trial dragon to represent him to try and earn that Necroservus designation and then register him 'properly'. It's a bit of a shell game but it's an option. Whatever you decide you can run by me here and we can get the registrations sorted. I've marked Mycelium Madness as open to interaction [emoji=firework size=1]
@fakejeremy I think it's perfectly fine to treat Skellington the trial dragon as separate from The Necromancer you choose to give the 'earned through Necrolocke' designation to. So my advice would be to choose a new Abbie Necro (if you'd like) to register as earned through Necrolocke. Skellington can't be run through Necrolocke again, unfortunately, since he isn't starting out at lvl 1, but you could pick a new trial dragon to represent him to try and earn that Necroservus designation and then register him 'properly'. It's a bit of a shell game but it's an option.

Whatever you decide you can run by me here and we can get the registrations sorted.

I've marked Mycelium Madness as open to interaction
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@fakejeremy @counterklock @Zarteicha @Dreadwing @skimmersing @Skrymer @/NotMothman

Sorry to drag you all into a room without forewarning but just wanted to collect all the current Necrolockes open to interaction in one place (though @/Dreadwing is not currently running a Necrolocke). Y'all are great writers with lore that shreds the heart strings and clearly more heartbreak needs to be passed. Please let me know if you'd like to change to interaction status of your Necrolocke!

@fakejeremy @counterklock @Zarteicha @Dreadwing @skimmersing @Skrymer @/NotMothman

Sorry to drag you all into a room without forewarning but just wanted to collect all the current Necrolockes open to interaction in one place (though @/Dreadwing is not currently running a Necrolocke). Y'all are great writers with lore that shreds the heart strings and clearly more heartbreak needs to be passed. Please let me know if you'd like to change to interaction status of your Necrolocke!

@@@mHwnQKP.png @@@ 3idolon.gif
i keep forgetting to ask you to make mine open to interaction lol (doesn’t matter rn as Lilith failed her trials)
i keep forgetting to ask you to make mine open to interaction lol (doesn’t matter rn as Lilith failed her trials)
+3 FRT
Forums lurker
Collector of old dragons
Lore clan!

Unfortunately, Aride's Necrolocke run is over (he failed the second trial by instant death in the Woodland Path), so it's no longer open for interaction. ^^

Also, the new rules sound really interesting, I will definitely try a new run later!
Unfortunately, Aride's Necrolocke run is over (he failed the second trial by instant death in the Woodland Path), so it's no longer open for interaction. ^^

Also, the new rules sound really interesting, I will definitely try a new run later!
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Anyone's still welcome to post in mine and just LET ME KNOW in your post that you have one running too so I can return it (or I will blank out and just smile and nod lol). I can't use the interaction as mine was a speedrun, but I still enjoy comments, and can totally work in IC responses if you like!
Anyone's still welcome to post in mine and just LET ME KNOW in your post that you have one running too so I can return it (or I will blank out and just smile and nod lol). I can't use the interaction as mine was a speedrun, but I still enjoy comments, and can totally work in IC responses if you like!
@NotMothman @Skrymer Updated!
@NotMothman @Skrymer Updated!
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Oh! Can't wait to try some lockes' with the new rules. Still trying to validate Saqqara and man WP is a pain in the butt.
Oh! Can't wait to try some lockes' with the new rules. Still trying to validate Saqqara and man WP is a pain in the butt.
@3idolon I have... a number of questions as I start running Aberrations through Necrolocke and also playing with the updated rules. Please forgive me if any of these have obvious answers ^^;; I get hung up on not wanting to accidentally cheat the system/disrespect the spirit in which the game is made/played. 1. To my understanding, using a representative dragon for an existing necromancer's pre-Trials form and taking that avatar through the Trials via Necrolocke is okay/acceptable. Do you consider it acceptable to try this multiple times to validate an existing necromancer as a Necrolocke necromancer, or should it only be one shot per character to have them be Necrolocked? (Example: My necro Yungast had a shockingly successful Necrolocke run via a stand-in dragon. My servus Naught's first Necrolocke run ended in death, but her second stand-in dragon succeeded at being servus'd. Does Naught then count as a Necrolocke Servus or no, since she didn't live through the first run? Both dragons existed as necromancer/servus prior to Necrolocke being a thing, hence the backwards validation.) [quote]Distracted Aberrations can attempt the trials again after one day, however they must start over from the beginning on Day 1.[/quote] 2A. Does this mean start over on Day 1 of Trial 2 (if they're in the middle of Trial 2 when they get distracted) or Day 1 of Trial 1? I think the answer is Trial 1 but I wanted to confirm. 2B. Confirming my understanding of the logic: on Normal mode, losing H/L in Trial 2 or 3 and restarting in Trial 1 is harmless unless there's an Ambush+Black Slime or (if speedrunning with Crim) a Plague stone during Trial 1, right? (Just want to make sure I'm not missing some other risk factor.) [quote]If your Aberration is already a Necromancer, you may play three rounds of Higher or Lower and only need a single success to stay on task.[/quote] 3A. Is this valid for any necromancer or only a Necrolocke-earned necromancer? 3B. Is that only those of necromancer rank (not servus, not ghoul, etc)? (I'm running a necromancer and a servus through multiple Trials, so it's relevant to my interests...) 4. Related to first question but may have a different answer: If I'm running my necromancer-colored-and-gened Aberration through her Trials, as herself, and she dies in Coli, do I kill off her character/Exalt her, consider her a non-Necrolocke necromancer, or can I try a second run from the beginning with a stand-in dragon to "validate" her as a Necrolocke necromancer? (I am currently running an Aberrant Necro through the 'locke and am Terrified of losing her, but I don't want to accidentally cheat if something does happen and trying again's not within the spirit/rules of the game...) 5. What is the benefit to playing Hard Mode voluntarily? (Other than bragging rights and pride, I mean. Is there any mechanical or Council benefit?) [quote]Optional fun rule: If your dragon passes all three trials and becomes a Necromancer, consider re-creating your Faith or Determination dragon, or both, into its Necroservus.[/quote] 6. If we did this, would the F/D Servus count as a Necrolocke-validated Servus? 7. If we have a non-'locke necromancer we're trying to validate through a Necrolocke run, do we need to keep throwing in items to Baldwin until we get the correct eye to match our existing necromancer, or can we just start with a stand-in dragon as that eye type? [quote]Uncommon eyes - Advantage during the Trial of Infection (first trial): A dragon with Uncommon eyes is more susceptible to Mother’s Touch. -- Your sign from Mother can come from Pinkerton OR Swipp. -- The same difficulty rules for Pinkerton also apply for Swipp. -- You can check Swipp for signs from Mother multiple times a day.[/quote] 8. If speedrunning with Uncommon eyes, each of Crim's trades counts as a "day" in Trial 1. Do Swipp trades count as additional "days" or freebies, since they'd be freebies if not speedrunning? [s]okay I feel bad for asking so much I'm done now[/s] Thank you so much! [s]sorry for taking this much time[/s]

I have... a number of questions as I start running Aberrations through Necrolocke and also playing with the updated rules. Please forgive me if any of these have obvious answers ^^;; I get hung up on not wanting to accidentally cheat the system/disrespect the spirit in which the game is made/played.

1. To my understanding, using a representative dragon for an existing necromancer's pre-Trials form and taking that avatar through the Trials via Necrolocke is okay/acceptable. Do you consider it acceptable to try this multiple times to validate an existing necromancer as a Necrolocke necromancer, or should it only be one shot per character to have them be Necrolocked?

(Example: My necro Yungast had a shockingly successful Necrolocke run via a stand-in dragon. My servus Naught's first Necrolocke run ended in death, but her second stand-in dragon succeeded at being servus'd. Does Naught then count as a Necrolocke Servus or no, since she didn't live through the first run? Both dragons existed as necromancer/servus prior to Necrolocke being a thing, hence the backwards validation.)

Distracted Aberrations can attempt the trials again after one day, however they must start over from the beginning on Day 1.

2A. Does this mean start over on Day 1 of Trial 2 (if they're in the middle of Trial 2 when they get distracted) or Day 1 of Trial 1? I think the answer is Trial 1 but I wanted to confirm.

2B. Confirming my understanding of the logic: on Normal mode, losing H/L in Trial 2 or 3 and restarting in Trial 1 is harmless unless there's an Ambush+Black Slime or (if speedrunning with Crim) a Plague stone during Trial 1, right? (Just want to make sure I'm not missing some other risk factor.)

If your Aberration is already a Necromancer, you may play three rounds of Higher or Lower and only need a single success to stay on task.

3A. Is this valid for any necromancer or only a Necrolocke-earned necromancer?

3B. Is that only those of necromancer rank (not servus, not ghoul, etc)? (I'm running a necromancer and a servus through multiple Trials, so it's relevant to my interests...)

4. Related to first question but may have a different answer: If I'm running my necromancer-colored-and-gened Aberration through her Trials, as herself, and she dies in Coli, do I kill off her character/Exalt her, consider her a non-Necrolocke necromancer, or can I try a second run from the beginning with a stand-in dragon to "validate" her as a Necrolocke necromancer? (I am currently running an Aberrant Necro through the 'locke and am Terrified of losing her, but I don't want to accidentally cheat if something does happen and trying again's not within the spirit/rules of the game...)

5. What is the benefit to playing Hard Mode voluntarily? (Other than bragging rights and pride, I mean. Is there any mechanical or Council benefit?)

Optional fun rule: If your dragon passes all three trials and becomes a Necromancer, consider re-creating your Faith or Determination dragon, or both, into its Necroservus.

6. If we did this, would the F/D Servus count as a Necrolocke-validated Servus?

7. If we have a non-'locke necromancer we're trying to validate through a Necrolocke run, do we need to keep throwing in items to Baldwin until we get the correct eye to match our existing necromancer, or can we just start with a stand-in dragon as that eye type?

Uncommon eyes - Advantage during the Trial of Infection (first trial): A dragon with Uncommon eyes is more susceptible to Mother’s Touch.

-- Your sign from Mother can come from Pinkerton OR Swipp.
-- The same difficulty rules for Pinkerton also apply for Swipp.
-- You can check Swipp for signs from Mother multiple times a day.

8. If speedrunning with Uncommon eyes, each of Crim's trades counts as a "day" in Trial 1. Do Swipp trades count as additional "days" or freebies, since they'd be freebies if not speedrunning?

okay I feel bad for asking so much I'm done now Thank you so much! sorry for taking this much time
jt3PpxV.png demi.png 3YxKysb.png
@serpentscribe [quote=1]Do you consider it acceptable to try this multiple times to validate an existing necromancer as a Necrolocke necromancer, or should it only be one shot per character to have them be Necrolocked?[/quote] You can try multiple times! Trial dragons don't have to be turned into Necros (i.e. they can appear in the Hall of Honor in their non-necro form). So turning your Trial dragon into a specific Necro is completely at your discretion and there are no Necrolocke rules that apply. [quote=2a]I think the answer is Trial 1 but I wanted to confirm.[/quote] Yes, start all the way over at Trial 1 [quote=2a]on Normal mode, losing H/L in Trial 2 or 3 and restarting in Trial 1 is harmless unless there's an Ambush+Black Slime or (if speedrunning with Crim) a Plague stone during Trial 1, right?[/quote] Becoming distracted is always harmless and isn't related to insta-kill events (which in Aberrations mean going to Baldwin instead) [quote=3a]Is this valid for any necromancer or only a Necrolocke-earned necromancer?[/quote] Good question. Hmm. Originally it was intended to mean Necrolocke-earned only, but on further reflection it makes sense to apply to Necro-gened Aberrations as well. The advantage is countered by the risk of needing to exalt your Necro Abie. [quote=3b]Is that only those of necromancer rank (not servus, not ghoul, etc)?[/quote] Yes, only those of Necromancer rank have an advantage in H/L [quote=4] If I'm running my necromancer-colored-and-gened Aberration through her Trials as herself, and she dies in Coli, do I kill off her character/Exalt her, consider her a non-Necrolocke necromancer, or can I try a second run from the beginning with a stand-in dragon to "validate" her as a Necrolocke necromancer?[/quote] The hardcore answer is that you kill her off/Exalt her, however it's against ToS to tell people what to do with their dragons. The less extreme answer is that she is simply no longer allowed to be validated by Necrolocke and she may not start over because she's "died". That being said, if you run a 'normal' Trial dragon afterwards that is successful and then say you are validating this 'completely unrelated what are you talking about?' Aberration Necro I'll allow it but will look sideways at you for circumventing the spirit of the rules XD [quote=5]What is the benefit to playing Hard Mode voluntarily?[/quote] It's completely for bragging rights, in the same way that there's really no benefit to a trial dragon to choose to sit closer to the Wrymwound but they might choose to do it anyway. That being said, I really like the idea of a Council benefit. I'll look in to implementing that in the next CPC update. A dragon who's proved themselves that way could expect to see benefits in their Council standing. [quote=6]If we did this, would the F/D Servus count as a Necrolocke-validated Servus?[/quote] It would not and would just be for fun. [quote=7]If we have a non-'locke necromancer we're trying to validate through a Necrolocke run, do we need to keep throwing in items to Baldwin until we get the correct eye to match our existing necromancer, or can we just start with a stand-in dragon as that eye type?[/quote] Hard core rules would say that your final validated Necro shouldn't have eyes that weren't earned through Necrolocke. But practically speaking, if you're backwards validating an existing Necro, it's ok for eye rules to apply to the Necrolocke attempt only. [quote=8]Do Swipp trades count as additional "days" or freebies, since they'd be freebies if not speedrunning?[/quote] They count as freebies and a possible way to circumvent insta-kill results from Crim if you get lucky. Hope that helps!
1 wrote:
Do you consider it acceptable to try this multiple times to validate an existing necromancer as a Necrolocke necromancer, or should it only be one shot per character to have them be Necrolocked?

You can try multiple times! Trial dragons don't have to be turned into Necros (i.e. they can appear in the Hall of Honor in their non-necro form). So turning your Trial dragon into a specific Necro is completely at your discretion and there are no Necrolocke rules that apply.

2a wrote:
I think the answer is Trial 1 but I wanted to confirm.

Yes, start all the way over at Trial 1

2a wrote:
on Normal mode, losing H/L in Trial 2 or 3 and restarting in Trial 1 is harmless unless there's an Ambush+Black Slime or (if speedrunning with Crim) a Plague stone during Trial 1, right?

Becoming distracted is always harmless and isn't related to insta-kill events (which in Aberrations mean going to Baldwin instead)

3a wrote:
Is this valid for any necromancer or only a Necrolocke-earned necromancer?

Good question. Hmm. Originally it was intended to mean Necrolocke-earned only, but on further reflection it makes sense to apply to Necro-gened Aberrations as well. The advantage is countered by the risk of needing to exalt your Necro Abie.

3b wrote:
Is that only those of necromancer rank (not servus, not ghoul, etc)?

Yes, only those of Necromancer rank have an advantage in H/L

4 wrote:
If I'm running my necromancer-colored-and-gened Aberration through her Trials as herself, and she dies in Coli, do I kill off her character/Exalt her, consider her a non-Necrolocke necromancer, or can I try a second run from the beginning with a stand-in dragon to "validate" her as a Necrolocke necromancer?

The hardcore answer is that you kill her off/Exalt her, however it's against ToS to tell people what to do with their dragons. The less extreme answer is that she is simply no longer allowed to be validated by Necrolocke and she may not start over because she's "died". That being said, if you run a 'normal' Trial dragon afterwards that is successful and then say you are validating this 'completely unrelated what are you talking about?' Aberration Necro I'll allow it but will look sideways at you for circumventing the spirit of the rules XD

5 wrote:
What is the benefit to playing Hard Mode voluntarily?

It's completely for bragging rights, in the same way that there's really no benefit to a trial dragon to choose to sit closer to the Wrymwound but they might choose to do it anyway. That being said, I really like the idea of a Council benefit. I'll look in to implementing that in the next CPC update. A dragon who's proved themselves that way could expect to see benefits in their Council standing.

6 wrote:
If we did this, would the F/D Servus count as a Necrolocke-validated Servus?

It would not and would just be for fun.

7 wrote:
If we have a non-'locke necromancer we're trying to validate through a Necrolocke run, do we need to keep throwing in items to Baldwin until we get the correct eye to match our existing necromancer, or can we just start with a stand-in dragon as that eye type?

Hard core rules would say that your final validated Necro shouldn't have eyes that weren't earned through Necrolocke. But practically speaking, if you're backwards validating an existing Necro, it's ok for eye rules to apply to the Necrolocke attempt only.

8 wrote:
Do Swipp trades count as additional "days" or freebies, since they'd be freebies if not speedrunning?

They count as freebies and a possible way to circumvent insta-kill results from Crim if you get lucky.

Hope that helps!
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