
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | Flight Life Expectancy
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I know the breeds have their own life expectancies as a general range, but what if the dragon's element had a play in that as well? Like a Fire Guardian VS a Water Guardian, where the Water Guardian is expected to live just a bit longer.

Of course it wouldn't be too much, and not a fact that no Fire Guardian would ever luve longer, but still interesting to think about.
I know the breeds have their own life expectancies as a general range, but what if the dragon's element had a play in that as well? Like a Fire Guardian VS a Water Guardian, where the Water Guardian is expected to live just a bit longer.

Of course it wouldn't be too much, and not a fact that no Fire Guardian would ever luve longer, but still interesting to think about.
Plague causes the lowest life expectancy, and I’m willing to bet nature isnt as far behind as some might think.
Plague causes the lowest life expectancy, and I’m willing to bet nature isnt as far behind as some might think.
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I wonder if earth could either have dragons that live the longest or live short lives. I think excavation even for an earth dragon can be a dangerous thing so who's to say. Arcane might also be pretty short too, their magic seems a little unstable.
I wonder if earth could either have dragons that live the longest or live short lives. I think excavation even for an earth dragon can be a dangerous thing so who's to say. Arcane might also be pretty short too, their magic seems a little unstable.
Idk about specific flights but I do know that elemental magic can play a role in a dragon's lifespan! It raises questions about which magics might be more volatile than others and prone to overflowing.
Lore-wise they can and do grow old and die. Barring injury, accident, or illness, they do this three ways:
  • They lose magic over time until they have none left and they die. This is rare, but dragons who leak magic tend to die early, after only a handful of years. A healthy dragon who wasn’t magic-deficient from birth has the potential to be critically injured magically, in which case they may begin a decline and die a few years later, the length of time depending on how much magic potential they had to start with before they began losing the ability to replentish it.
  • They maintain a consistent and healthy level of magic and their bodies are the limiting factor, aging and eventually giving out. This is considered the norm, and is health and breed-dependent.
  • They grow in power as they age, until they have so much magic in them that their physical bodies can’t contain it. They will then perish, and the magic they accumulated returns to the world. Once a dragon reaches a certain threshhold of magic, they expire quickly. Until that point, there’s a span between the healthy levels of magic and burn-out that actually extends the lifespan of the dragon. (but if they keep growing past this, the dragon is going to magically explode.) Magically strong dragons have the potential to live the longest, but that potential is very rarely realized. They burn-out brilliantly, and serve as cautionary tales for young drakes.
(link to quote)

I might have to disagree with ARandoPerso; I'd say that since the core value of the Plague and Nature elements is to survive, they are most likely to have long lifespans because they are actively finding ways to ensure that happens while learning from the mistakes of those who failed. However, the harshness of Plague could mean that the weakest perish quickly, and that would certainly bring down the average life expectancy.

It's also interesting to consider what magic a dragon is designed to contain. Since Guardians were made by the Tidelord, it would make sense for water Guardians to live the longest, as their biology was intended to do well in an aquatic environment. Meanwhile Tundras of the fire element would probably have the lowest life expectancy compared to Tundras of other elements considering the possibility of heat stroke with all that fur!
Idk about specific flights but I do know that elemental magic can play a role in a dragon's lifespan! It raises questions about which magics might be more volatile than others and prone to overflowing.
Lore-wise they can and do grow old and die. Barring injury, accident, or illness, they do this three ways:
  • They lose magic over time until they have none left and they die. This is rare, but dragons who leak magic tend to die early, after only a handful of years. A healthy dragon who wasn’t magic-deficient from birth has the potential to be critically injured magically, in which case they may begin a decline and die a few years later, the length of time depending on how much magic potential they had to start with before they began losing the ability to replentish it.
  • They maintain a consistent and healthy level of magic and their bodies are the limiting factor, aging and eventually giving out. This is considered the norm, and is health and breed-dependent.
  • They grow in power as they age, until they have so much magic in them that their physical bodies can’t contain it. They will then perish, and the magic they accumulated returns to the world. Once a dragon reaches a certain threshhold of magic, they expire quickly. Until that point, there’s a span between the healthy levels of magic and burn-out that actually extends the lifespan of the dragon. (but if they keep growing past this, the dragon is going to magically explode.) Magically strong dragons have the potential to live the longest, but that potential is very rarely realized. They burn-out brilliantly, and serve as cautionary tales for young drakes.
(link to quote)

I might have to disagree with ARandoPerso; I'd say that since the core value of the Plague and Nature elements is to survive, they are most likely to have long lifespans because they are actively finding ways to ensure that happens while learning from the mistakes of those who failed. However, the harshness of Plague could mean that the weakest perish quickly, and that would certainly bring down the average life expectancy.

It's also interesting to consider what magic a dragon is designed to contain. Since Guardians were made by the Tidelord, it would make sense for water Guardians to live the longest, as their biology was intended to do well in an aquatic environment. Meanwhile Tundras of the fire element would probably have the lowest life expectancy compared to Tundras of other elements considering the possibility of heat stroke with all that fur!
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Oh, interesting topic! Based purely on intuition, I think the ranking could go something like this (from shortest to longest life expectancy): [emoji=ice rune size=1] > [emoji=wind rune size=1] > [emoji=water rune size=1]* > [emoji=plague rune size=1] > [emoji=earth rune size=1] > [emoji=fire rune size=1]* > [emoji=shadow rune size=1] > [emoji=light rune size=1]* > [emoji=lightning rune size=1] * > [emoji=nature rune size=1] > [emoji=arcane rune size=1] > [emoji=beastclan rune size=1]* My reasoning: [emoji=ice rune size=1] - Ice flight is generally centered around preserving things, so why wouldn't Icewarden make his kin live a long time? [emoji=wind rune size=1] - A long life = a lot of time to explore Sornieth; Wind is generally portrayed as carefree / without worries - dragons from wind most likely don't have to worry about stress impacting their lifespan [emoji=water rune size=1] - Not entirely sure about this placement; long life = a lot of prophecies to witness? more secrets? [emoji=plague rune size=1] - A lot of them do end up passing young, failing to withstand disease, but those who develop immunity probably thrive longer by Plaguebringer's design - keep in mind this is mostly supported by the fact that Plague is a magical element in Sornieth (they would be much lower if they didn't have magical abilities) [emoji=earth rune size=1] - Perhaps average, mostly based on where they live - could maybe be considered pioneers (settling down first in areas no dragons have settled before); could switch with Ice -> Earth flight is mostly about keeping track of history, so it would make sense Earthshaker made his kin live longer than the rest; [emoji=fire rune size=1] - Unsure, but I'd reckon they go hand in hand with Plague dragons, albeit only slightly lower; Fire flight is usually portrayed as determined and passionate [emoji=shadow rune size=1] - If they fully follow Shadowbinder's teachings, they do love their pranks and causing mischief; might get themselves into trouble if their target is not so understanding [emoji=light rune size=1] - Significantly lowered on account of their domain housing Luminax; otherwise, would score somewhere next to Wind [emoji=lightning rune size=1] - If low magical ability = lower life expectancy, then here's where I would place lightning dragons (note: without auguments - they could perhaps lenghten it by using auguments + enhancements; something something innovation) [emoji=nature rune size=1] - A little bit morbid reason... good fertilizer for plants [emoji=arcane rune size=1] - They do outnumber a lot of other flights, sure, but as an another comment stated, their magic might be unstable (pair that with the fact that they have... a lot of it) [emoji=beastclan rune size=1] - No natural magic; seeing as most of them are humanoids, they probably could live up to 100 years. I say could - we aren't entirely sure what their habits are / how they live, what their culture is. Tentatively putting them at the end. Conclusion: Arcane Faes most likely have the shortest lifespan of all (Flight rising wise) dragons. Feel free to make modifications to my list above! Like I said, I'm mostly going off gut feelings + emotions and not purely analitical evidence.
Oh, interesting topic!
Based purely on intuition, I think the ranking could go something like this (from shortest to longest life expectancy):
> > * > > > * > > * > * > > > *

My reasoning:
- Ice flight is generally centered around preserving things, so why wouldn't Icewarden make his kin live a long time?
- A long life = a lot of time to explore Sornieth; Wind is generally portrayed as carefree / without worries - dragons from wind most likely don't have to worry about stress impacting their lifespan
- Not entirely sure about this placement; long life = a lot of prophecies to witness? more secrets?
- A lot of them do end up passing young, failing to withstand disease, but those who develop immunity probably thrive longer by Plaguebringer's design - keep in mind this is mostly supported by the fact that Plague is a magical element in Sornieth (they would be much lower if they didn't have magical abilities)
- Perhaps average, mostly based on where they live - could maybe be considered pioneers (settling down first in areas no dragons have settled before); could switch with Ice -> Earth flight is mostly about keeping track of history, so it would make sense Earthshaker made his kin live longer than the rest;
- Unsure, but I'd reckon they go hand in hand with Plague dragons, albeit only slightly lower; Fire flight is usually portrayed as determined and passionate
- If they fully follow Shadowbinder's teachings, they do love their pranks and causing mischief; might get themselves into trouble if their target is not so understanding
- Significantly lowered on account of their domain housing Luminax; otherwise, would score somewhere next to Wind
- If low magical ability = lower life expectancy, then here's where I would place lightning dragons (note: without auguments - they could perhaps lenghten it by using auguments + enhancements; something something innovation)
- A little bit morbid reason... good fertilizer for plants
- They do outnumber a lot of other flights, sure, but as an another comment stated, their magic might be unstable (pair that with the fact that they have... a lot of it)

- No natural magic; seeing as most of them are humanoids, they probably could live up to 100 years. I say could - we aren't entirely sure what their habits are / how they live, what their culture is. Tentatively putting them at the end.

Conclusion: Arcane Faes most likely have the shortest lifespan of all (Flight rising wise) dragons.

Feel free to make modifications to my list above! Like I said, I'm mostly going off gut feelings + emotions and not purely analitical evidence.
FR time +9
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Arcane dragons could magic their way to eternal life, though perhaps not all have perfected it.
Arcane dragons could magic their way to eternal life, though perhaps not all have perfected it.
The most beautiful moment of life
I feel like earth dragons would have the longest life expectancy while plague dragons would have the shortest.
I feel like earth dragons would have the longest life expectancy while plague dragons would have the shortest.
- G1s for sale
- LF any combo of abyss, copper, spruce and other dream g1s
little lore tidbit, imps have highly variable lifespans with some living centuries and others dying of old age in their 20s
between this, emperors and being abandoned by your god, being an imp seems like a living hell
little lore tidbit, imps have highly variable lifespans with some living centuries and others dying of old age in their 20s
between this, emperors and being abandoned by your god, being an imp seems like a living hell
you guys are wrong about plague having shorter life spans in my opinion. it's the flight that's all about survival. they live long all messed up. also why I think the whole "hurrg plague doesn't like undead" is dumb because they care about survival above all else why should be a zombie exclude thgat. we shouldn't care about things being natural. we aren't the. nature flight

anyway back on topic, lightning and arcane probably have the shortest life spans because of the evils of capitalism and having a god that's a giant overgrown adhd child that caused two apocalypses on purpose(the is positive I love this that ******)
you guys are wrong about plague having shorter life spans in my opinion. it's the flight that's all about survival. they live long all messed up. also why I think the whole "hurrg plague doesn't like undead" is dumb because they care about survival above all else why should be a zombie exclude thgat. we shouldn't care about things being natural. we aren't the. nature flight

anyway back on topic, lightning and arcane probably have the shortest life spans because of the evils of capitalism and having a god that's a giant overgrown adhd child that caused two apocalypses on purpose(the is positive I love this that ******)
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i'm not someone who usually considers lore implications so this is pretty cool, all though it did make me think of the sims for some reason... so imagine we get adventure mode but it's basically the sims with dragons
i'm not someone who usually considers lore implications so this is pretty cool, all though it did make me think of the sims for some reason... so imagine we get adventure mode but it's basically the sims with dragons
officer, i drop kicked that child in self defense
fr +17 • she / her
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