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TOPIC | Your Dragon's Opinion on the One Above
@FallingUnder [url=][img][/img][/url] An orange spiral with a cat hiding under his hind leg came to a stop, large emerald eyes gazed at the female spiral in front of him giving her a hint of confusion before speaking up " I do adore your enthusiasm for animals, perhaps a few cats? "


An orange spiral with a cat hiding under his hind leg came to a stop, large emerald eyes gazed at the female spiral in front of him giving her a hint of confusion before speaking up " I do adore your enthusiasm for animals, perhaps a few cats? "

@Popzy [url=][img][/img][/url] The gentlemanly copper Spiral, accompanied by a fluffy orange feline, waves eagerly and does a little spin in the air. "A pleasant day to you and your little companion! A friend to cats is always a friend of mine-- if you will." His own cat purrs, as if to signal his agreement!


The gentlemanly copper Spiral, accompanied by a fluffy orange feline, waves eagerly and does a little spin in the air. "A pleasant day to you and your little companion! A friend to cats is always a friend of mine-- if you will." His own cat purrs, as if to signal his agreement!
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] "cats ay?" a white pearlcatcher in a pearl colored cloak approaches cautiously "ah, its only one. *sigh* does that cat of yours stay still?" the pearlcatcher hugs her gem tight as if she was protecting it "if yes then i will not mind, if no i will have to beam it, or if you want i could just kill it normally" she looks as if she was going to pounce on it but then scurries off. "cheerio fellow spiral and farewell to your tabby" she storms off like she is upset but you see her disappear into the distance [/center]
"cats ay?" a white pearlcatcher in a pearl colored cloak approaches cautiously "ah, its only one. *sigh* does that cat of yours stay still?" the pearlcatcher hugs her gem tight as if she was protecting it "if yes then i will not mind, if no i will have to beam it, or if you want i could just kill it normally" she looks as if she was going to pounce on it but then scurries off. "cheerio fellow spiral and farewell to your tabby" she storms off like she is upset but you see her disappear into the distance
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[center]@Squiddyana [url=][img][/img][/url] "Now, that is that any way to act against someone you don't know? Let alone their beloved pet?" A smooth, baritone voice chided as a brightly colored Gaoler stepped near the pearlcatcher. His movements fluid, almost lazy, but with a small frown decorating his muzzle. A small satchel bouncing at her side with each step. "Cats are creatures of nature, of course they move. But that's no reason to threaten them! Give the small fuzzball a chance, I assure you they're typically quite lovable creatures," She nodded to the small feline, "I understand your protectiveness, but that is no way to greet someone in polite conversation. It can be quite rude, you know."[/center]


"Now, that is that any way to act against someone you don't know? Let alone their beloved pet?" A smooth, baritone voice chided as a brightly colored Gaoler stepped near the pearlcatcher.
His movements fluid, almost lazy, but with a small frown decorating his muzzle. A small satchel bouncing at her side with each step.

"Cats are creatures of nature, of course they move. But that's no reason to threaten them! Give the small fuzzball a chance, I assure you they're typically quite lovable creatures," She nodded to the small feline, "I understand your protectiveness, but that is no way to greet someone in polite conversation. It can be quite rude, you know."
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[center]@Wubblee [url=][img][/img][/url] "I like your attitude sir!" A friendly-looking blue Fae chimed, swirling his cloaked body into the air next to the brightly-coloured Gaoler.

"I like your attitude sir!" A friendly-looking blue Fae chimed, swirling his cloaked body into the air next to the brightly-coloured Gaoler.
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used to be SoullessRogue/SoullessARMY
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@scared [url=][img][/img][/url] Thalias thinks Rogue's apparel looks heavy! But also rather impressive.


Thalias thinks Rogue's apparel looks heavy! But also rather impressive.
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@lemfolis [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]"Well, aren't you a dear"[/b] Khaleesi grins at the Thalias, recognizing that shine in his eyes as he looks at her mounds of shiny wares. Her arms-opened acceptance of his oddities have NOTHING to do with the money she's about to make, nonononono, that would be silly...!!! ahahahahaahhaah
"Well, aren't you a dear" Khaleesi grins at the Thalias, recognizing that shine in his eyes as he looks at her mounds of shiny wares. Her arms-opened acceptance of his oddities have NOTHING to do with the money she's about to make, nonononono, that would be silly...!!! ahahahahaahhaah
@Domini [url=][img][/img][/url] [i]"Ah... That's a scary lady" The mirror murmured, but quickly stopped himself. He didn't meant to stare at Imperial and Guardian's interactions, but being in seclusion and only coming out to stockpile resources have made his already dull social etiquette even worse. Also, you [b]do not[/b] backtalk a merchant. You [b]never[/b] backtalk a merchant.[/i] (From the onset, an awkward Mirror is side-eyeing the golden Guardian, he looks like he wanted to say something, but just as a word might just escape him, he quickly swallowing it down)
"Ah... That's a scary lady"
The mirror murmured, but quickly stopped himself. He didn't meant to stare at Imperial and Guardian's interactions, but being in seclusion and only coming out to stockpile resources have made his already dull social etiquette even worse.

Also, you do not backtalk a merchant. You never backtalk a merchant.

(From the onset, an awkward Mirror is side-eyeing the golden Guardian, he looks like he wanted to say something, but just as a word might just escape him, he quickly swallowing it down)
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[center] @Fishingneko [url=][img][/img][/url] The female Guardian observed the weary acting mirror with muted amusement, her head tilted slightly as if she were listening to something. "Hello there, quite an interesting place this is here no? Care to join me dragon watching? It's much more fun than one thinks'' She offered, calling out to him from where she sat a little ways away, patting the ground next to her as she spoke.[/center]

The female Guardian observed the weary acting mirror with muted amusement, her head tilted slightly as if she were listening to something.
"Hello there, quite an interesting place this is here no? Care to join me dragon watching? It's much more fun than one thinks'' She offered, calling out to him from where she sat a little ways away, patting the ground next to her as she spoke.
Singing between the trees
Signature is a wip :)
@FallingUnder [url=][img][/img][/url] Scruffy cheerfully trots up to the guardian, holding a book in her mouth. She can tell that this dragon is a wise one. She drops the book she was carrying and barks to gain the guardian's attention, bowing as a sign of respect. She grabs a nearby stick and begins painstakingly writing in the dirt with it. Once she's done she drops the stick and takes a step away revealing a single word. "Hello!"


Scruffy cheerfully trots up to the guardian, holding a book in her mouth. She can tell that this dragon is a wise one.

She drops the book she was carrying and barks to gain the guardian's attention, bowing as a sign of respect.

She grabs a nearby stick and begins painstakingly writing in the dirt with it. Once she's done she drops the stick and takes a step away revealing a single word.

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