@Lompy i can host!

TOPIC | Nest Network 3.4

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@deeproar @luciferase @mangotangomagpie @dimness @lucja5 @volur @soulsaurora @waveswept @inkedmyths @krok @perfectoranges @airbuddy @ebonixi @seacat @linza @babyoaf @musicalmaladies @crescentstar711 @eikai @goldfishceleri @cherenkov @baph0met @lunaragk @accal1a @bxy26 @alexeii @gourami @alwaystheview @dripdragon @sonjmir @azarein @diavolo @dragoncalypso26 @riverview @medaprincess @echomirage @moonlitfox @lyrule @shellfie @reifukai @ostrichsilver @okcomputer @lunedd @reshiramu @pinkpantheress @mitraxti @bubblyostrich
May I borrow a Water nest please? =)
May I borrow a Water nest please? =)
@deeproar @luciferase @mangotangomagpie @dimness @lucja5 @volur @soulsaurora @waveswept @inkedmyths @krok @perfectoranges @airbuddy @ebonixi @seacat @linza @babyoaf @musicalmaladies @crescentstar711 @eikai @goldfishceleri @cherenkov @baph0met @lunaragk @accal1a @bxy26 @alexeii @gourami @alwaystheview @dripdragon @sonjmir @azarein @diavolo @dragoncalypso26 @riverview @medaprincess @echomirage @moonlitfox @lyrule @shellfie @reifukai @ostrichsilver @okcomputer @lunedd @reshiramu @pinkpantheress @mitraxti @bubblyostrich
May I borrow a Water nest please? =)
May I borrow a Water nest please? =)
@emotionaltree @namelessnekomata @baylinheth @ivanbraginski @9th @changgwi @violentviolet77 @raneinspane @lroh @sanguinary @xri0t @cryptidpossum @crystalnight98 @abyssalgear @jaypaw @luvdisc @nightmarejudge @datedchicken @duckvack @jashykins @dreamerreader21 @unicat129 @aazhie @boughkeeper @mahogi @mopholus @marine @3idolon @beardad @mothmoth @peepsnibbles @scintillia @spacebear @banhana @primordial @shadowwolfdeath @amlin @softfrogger @qutrub @mimyk @wrath @happyfox @negatory @monaku @zuna @rottingelk @cheystar @exocutionn @panarow @crimsonforecasts
In need of the following please:
Plague nest 2
In need of the following please:
Plague nest 2
@emotionaltree @namelessnekomata @baylinheth @ivanbraginski @9th @changgwi @violentviolet77 @raneinspane @lroh @sanguinary @xri0t @cryptidpossum @crystalnight98 @abyssalgear @jaypaw @luvdisc @nightmarejudge @datedchicken @duckvack @jashykins @dreamerreader21 @unicat129 @aazhie @boughkeeper @mahogi @mopholus @marine @3idolon @beardad @mothmoth @peepsnibbles @scintillia @spacebear @banhana @primordial @shadowwolfdeath @amlin @softfrogger @qutrub @mimyk @wrath @happyfox @negatory @monaku @zuna @rottingelk @cheystar @exocutionn @panarow @crimsonforecasts
In need of the following please:
Plague nest 2
In need of the following please:
Plague nest 2
@brevityis @mynra @raivus @oktobearfest @isilenian @kibeth @aviana @twilightblue @valflame @meadbhb @rainilith @jelonek @taurelia @lightheart125 @limey @lucentmoth @bundroid @shatapatrika @vrine @sikora @dramabomb2k22 @silverhands @northerncryptid @nyabewithyou @origingiratina @rowdy @ptolemyii @blackreshiram @gba @bladesfire @naizaka @darklord1765 @phoenixashes @solanceae @indigoravenir @rosewalker @dragontammerz @daymare @flamingfoxy @noimcastiel
Hi Fire! I'd like a single nest to hatch on the 12th (nested on the 7th) please. FOUND
Hi Fire! I'd like a single nest to hatch on the 12th (nested on the 7th) please. FOUND
@brevityis @mynra @raivus @oktobearfest @isilenian @kibeth @aviana @twilightblue @valflame @meadbhb @rainilith @jelonek @taurelia @lightheart125 @limey @lucentmoth @bundroid @shatapatrika @vrine @sikora @dramabomb2k22 @silverhands @northerncryptid @nyabewithyou @origingiratina @rowdy @ptolemyii @blackreshiram @gba @bladesfire @naizaka @darklord1765 @phoenixashes @solanceae @indigoravenir @rosewalker @dragontammerz @daymare @flamingfoxy @noimcastiel
Hi Fire! I'd like a single nest to hatch on the 12th (nested on the 7th) please. FOUND
Hi Fire! I'd like a single nest to hatch on the 12th (nested on the 7th) please. FOUND
I can host!
Might be a few hours before I can accept a cr, bc I have to leave for work soon, but it'll definitely be accepted before rollover :>
I can host!
Might be a few hours before I can accept a cr, bc I have to leave for work soon, but it'll definitely be accepted before rollover :>
I can host!
Might be a few hours before I can accept a cr, bc I have to leave for work soon, but it'll definitely be accepted before rollover :>
I can host!
Might be a few hours before I can accept a cr, bc I have to leave for work soon, but it'll definitely be accepted before rollover :>
@ROOKKsan @Darkness352 I can take all 4 nests as long as u don't mind them hatching a day or so late! Sometimes I forget :')
@ROOKKsan @Darkness352 I can take all 4 nests as long as u don't mind them hatching a day or so late! Sometimes I forget :')
@silverrain11 @mobulidae @jeevas @froot4ever @snoringhyena @taivus @tomoko10 @lumosthelight @runesister @xemriss @cosmicpeach @verby @hyddenchyld @rogueknight @are @thalassarche @shaezybazey @fairyforestking @shinjitaro @lesaya @sense @tenuit @bluerider @laeyein @arsenopyrite @skystorm7 @saeliran @griminal @runasutaru @ayrmel @sirchicken @renkinjutsushis @ketchum @tossico @infinity @bnemesis @pandakitty1 @harbinger @pricklygoose @ariete @gay4dragonz @boatbud @nevertwice @cinnamonwillows @angoraheart @feliday @inukii @telsemm10 @seclusion @kiseikune @jun0 @cawfee @dynne @avifors @bee141 @quilliper @spiritfeather @planttkid @rusalkii @hermitbirb @minkpelt @mewk @czarcasm @mochu @timidfantasy @derpwolf @chlorine @clowning @sulliedhalcyon @bottlestreet @gaze @firlex @ethras @veracity @cyx @luminarylynx @kursedcurtain @cxptainthree @sennethe @pastellight @motheroffurbies @akirokai @aykii @lexusss @ryvin @walmartradio @berliethebee @fover @chronicles
Looking for 4 light nests. Will tip! Thank you!
All found! Thanks everybody!
All found! Thanks everybody!
@silverrain11 @mobulidae @jeevas @froot4ever @snoringhyena @taivus @tomoko10 @lumosthelight @runesister @xemriss @cosmicpeach @verby @hyddenchyld @rogueknight @are @thalassarche @shaezybazey @fairyforestking @shinjitaro @lesaya @sense @tenuit @bluerider @laeyein @arsenopyrite @skystorm7 @saeliran @griminal @runasutaru @ayrmel @sirchicken @renkinjutsushis @ketchum @tossico @infinity @bnemesis @pandakitty1 @harbinger @pricklygoose @ariete @gay4dragonz @boatbud @nevertwice @cinnamonwillows @angoraheart @feliday @inukii @telsemm10 @seclusion @kiseikune @jun0 @cawfee @dynne @avifors @bee141 @quilliper @spiritfeather @planttkid @rusalkii @hermitbirb @minkpelt @mewk @czarcasm @mochu @timidfantasy @derpwolf @chlorine @clowning @sulliedhalcyon @bottlestreet @gaze @firlex @ethras @veracity @cyx @luminarylynx @kursedcurtain @cxptainthree @sennethe @pastellight @motheroffurbies @akirokai @aykii @lexusss @ryvin @walmartradio @berliethebee @fover @chronicles
Looking for 4 light nests. Will tip! Thank you!
All found! Thanks everybody!
All found! Thanks everybody!
@etheric @kippytops @dimespin @midnighttiger @lyrelore @fallingxfeather @gothicdraki @elijahkujo @ashenink @dementeddracon @beepsheep @tskumoyuuma @knotinthecoffin @astudyinpanda @aimaelsecaller @gakito @9volt @sonagon @nightmarearchie @hexaneharpy @utibooty @furbyteeth444 @lucks @ivorygames @teasoftime @finnamony @razzamatazz @mydiamond @royalties @zelds @solarphoenix22 @barelybitter @scales25 @azuratc @rayvee @yuukari @cindertail @ostoserottelija @zi11a @unicorncrazy @sky09 @queenvi @avimour @furbyteeth444 @theodemoine @emersis @ikevenon @dawnfire13 @tthheeoo @princeykitten @freshmilk @silentspecters @kyeran @maliha @virulent @machintruc1 @riverstar32 @loonrider @failedsimulacrum @polarisminor @dryicicle @urgecide @peridevil @poufkin @infenza @tactify @fablesky @vairasmythe @thehighlandslady @iluvowlhouse @loristarjar @awkwardtrash @fireywings @koutarou @bxsmxth @ramattra @barbarafett @spamtoon @ablindtiger @etherea
@deeproar @luciferase @mangotangomagpie @dimness @lucja5 @volur @soulsaurora @waveswept @inkedmyths @krok @perfectoranges @airbuddy @ebonixi @seacat @linza @babyoaf @musicalmaladies @crescentstar711 @eikai @goldfishceleri @cherenkov @baph0met @lunaragk @accal1a @bxy26 @alexeii @gourami @alwaystheview @dripdragon @sonjmir @azarein @diavolo @dragoncalypso26 @riverview @medaprincess @echomirage @moonlitfox @lyrule @shellfie @reifukai @ostrichsilver @okcomputer @lunedd @reshiramu @pinkpantheress @mitraxti @bubblyostrich
[s]I am looking for two arcane nests and one water nest! [emoji=arcane rune size=1][emoji=arcane rune size=1][emoji=water rune size=1][/s] all found thank you!!
@etheric @kippytops @dimespin @midnighttiger @lyrelore @fallingxfeather @gothicdraki @elijahkujo @ashenink @dementeddracon @beepsheep @tskumoyuuma @knotinthecoffin @astudyinpanda @aimaelsecaller @gakito @9volt @sonagon @nightmarearchie @hexaneharpy @utibooty @furbyteeth444 @lucks @ivorygames @teasoftime @finnamony @razzamatazz @mydiamond @royalties @zelds @solarphoenix22 @barelybitter @scales25 @azuratc @rayvee @yuukari @cindertail @ostoserottelija @zi11a @unicorncrazy @sky09 @queenvi @avimour @furbyteeth444 @theodemoine @emersis @ikevenon @dawnfire13 @tthheeoo @princeykitten @freshmilk @silentspecters @kyeran @maliha @virulent @machintruc1 @riverstar32 @loonrider @failedsimulacrum @polarisminor @dryicicle @urgecide @peridevil @poufkin @infenza @tactify @fablesky @vairasmythe @thehighlandslady @iluvowlhouse @loristarjar @awkwardtrash @fireywings @koutarou @bxsmxth @ramattra @barbarafett @spamtoon @ablindtiger @etherea
@deeproar @luciferase @mangotangomagpie @dimness @lucja5 @volur @soulsaurora @waveswept @inkedmyths @krok @perfectoranges @airbuddy @ebonixi @seacat @linza @babyoaf @musicalmaladies @crescentstar711 @eikai @goldfishceleri @cherenkov @baph0met @lunaragk @accal1a @bxy26 @alexeii @gourami @alwaystheview @dripdragon @sonjmir @azarein @diavolo @dragoncalypso26 @riverview @medaprincess @echomirage @moonlitfox @lyrule @shellfie @reifukai @ostrichsilver @okcomputer @lunedd @reshiramu @pinkpantheress @mitraxti @bubblyostrich
I am looking for two arcane nests and one water nest! 

all found thank you!!
@deeproar @luciferase @mangotangomagpie @dimness @lucja5 @volur @soulsaurora @waveswept @inkedmyths @krok @perfectoranges @airbuddy @ebonixi @seacat @linza @babyoaf @musicalmaladies @crescentstar711 @eikai @goldfishceleri @cherenkov @baph0met @lunaragk @accal1a @bxy26 @alexeii @gourami @alwaystheview @dripdragon @sonjmir @azarein @diavolo @dragoncalypso26 @riverview @medaprincess @echomirage @moonlitfox @lyrule @shellfie @reifukai @ostrichsilver @okcomputer @lunedd @reshiramu @pinkpantheress @mitraxti @bubblyostrich

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