Whisperlight Hatchery • New Hatchlings!
Banhana's Clan
thomas real
Clan Info
My pixel art banner is by suippupupu
The coat of arms adopt is by nennathriel
I don't accept random friend requests, sorry! If we have talked somewhere before/are mutuals in tumblr and I still decline your friend requests please send me a message I probably didn't just recognise your username haha
Recent Comments
Thank you for nesting my dragons^_^
Just wanted to come say that I LOVE Nalle! I was browsing dragons for sale and came upon him through one of his hatchlings, I'm so glad someone else has a retired pirate chef tundra just like me... ; w;
It's been a while but I just started playing again, and you were one of the reasons for that! I hope you are well!!
Thanks for taking my Fathom in x
Amor (#75822072) was on the front page, absolutely stunning!!
Amor graced the front page!!
Mystica (#61556074) was on the front page :3
2 eggs!
I entirely agree with you about that!! <3
Thank you Sorry for my delay in answering!
#94885106 missed in AH for 75g but I'd love to buy him if you relist- just hoping you're not about to train/exalt!
Thank you for the birthday wishes! I hope you had a great one.
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