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Sadly, no. There is no way to hide a thread at all, not even by blocking the poster, as you can still see its title on the forums. There have been several threads in the Suggestions forum asking for a change to this.


Obelisk dragons are modern breeds, and can use any gene that isn't labeled an Ancient gene. So, yes, Python and Morph will work for them.

Sadly, no. There is no way to hide a thread at all, not even by blocking the poster, as you can still see its title on the forums. There have been several threads in the Suggestions forum asking for a change to this.


Obelisk dragons are modern breeds, and can use any gene that isn't labeled an Ancient gene. So, yes, Python and Morph will work for them.

Robin Nightmares
they/them/theirs | FR Time +0

+[Wasteland Radio Hatchery]+
feleV0g.png PmVLgRx.png

ah, I didn't actually know that blocking didn't block the thread entirely! now I better understand all those suggestions to revamp the block system-

thank you for your response!

ah, I didn't actually know that blocking didn't block the thread entirely! now I better understand all those suggestions to revamp the block system-

thank you for your response!
74055311.png gYzuoZS.png
@NightmareJudge @LouckyKoneko omg i dont know why my brain was registering an obelisk as an ancient breed smh!! thank you both though sm, i had forgotten which genes were drops anyway :X [emoji=heart size=1]
@NightmareJudge @LouckyKoneko
omg i dont know why my brain was registering an obelisk as an ancient breed smh!! thank you both though sm, i had forgotten which genes were drops anyway :X
Hmmm does your scavenging level increase the chances of higher rarity items? Also, where is the best coli to grind for eggs?
Hmmm does your scavenging level increase the chances of higher rarity items? Also, where is the best coli to grind for eggs?

Higher scavenging levels gives you a chance at higher rarity items, but afaik it only adds items to the pool, and does not actually increase your overall chance of getting higher rarity items.

If you're grinding for eggs, just pick a venue you like that you can one-shot monsters in. The drop rate is so low that you're better off focusing on something else (e.g. fodder training or boss grinding) and hoping it'll drop while you do the other thing.

Higher scavenging levels gives you a chance at higher rarity items, but afaik it only adds items to the pool, and does not actually increase your overall chance of getting higher rarity items.

If you're grinding for eggs, just pick a venue you like that you can one-shot monsters in. The drop rate is so low that you're better off focusing on something else (e.g. fodder training or boss grinding) and hoping it'll drop while you do the other thing.

For the coli egg grind, it actually depends on what kind of unhatched egg you're looking for, I think. Unhatched Arcane Egg drops from 3 monsters each in the Crystal Pools and Waterway, while Unhatched Shadow Egg drops from 3 monsters in Ghostlight Ruins. Check the Game Database comments for each egg to see which egg is dropped from the most monsters in which venue.

For the scavenging question, I actually thought that because more items are unlocked as you level up, rare items that are available at lv 1+ are more likely to drop simply because your item pool is smaller at low levels. However, I don't have any numbers to back that up.

edit: ninja'd again~!

For the coli egg grind, it actually depends on what kind of unhatched egg you're looking for, I think. Unhatched Arcane Egg drops from 3 monsters each in the Crystal Pools and Waterway, while Unhatched Shadow Egg drops from 3 monsters in Ghostlight Ruins. Check the Game Database comments for each egg to see which egg is dropped from the most monsters in which venue.

For the scavenging question, I actually thought that because more items are unlocked as you level up, rare items that are available at lv 1+ are more likely to drop simply because your item pool is smaller at low levels. However, I don't have any numbers to back that up.

edit: ninja'd again~!
Anim-spiral.gifx lore clan
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xcorgi with feather pen
Not sure if it's ok to ask this, since it's not FR...but any suggestions on how to get Discord savvy in a hurry? So many players/flights are using it for FR purposes, and I'm completely at sea...

*I'll delete the ? if not appropriate

Not sure if it's ok to ask this, since it's not FR...but any suggestions on how to get Discord savvy in a hurry? So many players/flights are using it for FR purposes, and I'm completely at sea...

*I'll delete the ? if not appropriate

@BunnySox Try DMing someone from Discord hub threads for a rundown on how the site works!
Here's a short version: You have your text chats with one person, usually friends. It's literally online texting. You can make group chats with other people too, but it's not organized all that much. Servers, you can organize "rooms" to talk about specific subjects. There are also "roles", granting access to specific parts of the server if you so choose. "Mods" and "admins" are moderators of a server, keeping topics and people in check.
Question of my own:
If those of the Arcane flight are called Arcanites, what are the names for the other 10 flights?
@BunnySox Try DMing someone from Discord hub threads for a rundown on how the site works!
Here's a short version: You have your text chats with one person, usually friends. It's literally online texting. You can make group chats with other people too, but it's not organized all that much. Servers, you can organize "rooms" to talk about specific subjects. There are also "roles", granting access to specific parts of the server if you so choose. "Mods" and "admins" are moderators of a server, keeping topics and people in check.
Question of my own:
If those of the Arcane flight are called Arcanites, what are the names for the other 10 flights?
Call me Nova!
FR +2

Plague: Germs
Earth: Pebbles
Fire: Embers
Light: Acolights
Wind: Windies
Nature: Sapling/Greenbeans
Lightning: Sparks
Ice: Icicles/Snowflakes for newer players
Water: Droplets
Shadow: Shadowlings/Goop

Plague: Germs
Earth: Pebbles
Fire: Embers
Light: Acolights
Wind: Windies
Nature: Sapling/Greenbeans
Lightning: Sparks
Ice: Icicles/Snowflakes for newer players
Water: Droplets
Shadow: Shadowlings/Goop
I want to live in Theory. Everything works there.

Have you checked the Gem MP for Gene and Breed scrolls before buying an AH listing from me ending in 5g?

There's been some coli updates so this info may be out of date but the most recently tested info says the Training Fields has the highest chance of eggs per hour.

By "eggs per hour" it's more like an average of 2.82 per 100 hours. That means you could spend 3 hours a day for a month and still end up with 0 eggs.

Or you could spend that amount of time training/leveling adults. With an optimally statted Mire Flyer you could spend a little more than 1/3 the time in the Mire and end up with 9 million.

9 million treasure buys a lot of eggs.

There's been some coli updates so this info may be out of date but the most recently tested info says the Training Fields has the highest chance of eggs per hour.

By "eggs per hour" it's more like an average of 2.82 per 100 hours. That means you could spend 3 hours a day for a month and still end up with 0 eggs.

Or you could spend that amount of time training/leveling adults. With an optimally statted Mire Flyer you could spend a little more than 1/3 the time in the Mire and end up with 9 million.

9 million treasure buys a lot of eggs.
I want to live in Theory. Everything works there.

Have you checked the Gem MP for Gene and Breed scrolls before buying an AH listing from me ending in 5g?
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