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Hello! (っ´ސު`c) It's nice to meet you all! I'm Talo/Hannamae/whatever floats your boat.

I'm going on fourth year in college (Art Ed major) and I enjoy wearing my krispy kreme shirt to the gym, dry humor, puns, cowboys, super heroes, and buggering my cat Soy Sauce.

Also I have a softspot for the manga Loveless and anime's DRRR and Wolf's rain (any of those fans left??)

Over and out! /runs to class

(P.S -- @Drathir cyeah Gorrilaz! /highfives)
Hello! (っ´ސު`c) It's nice to meet you all! I'm Talo/Hannamae/whatever floats your boat.

I'm going on fourth year in college (Art Ed major) and I enjoy wearing my krispy kreme shirt to the gym, dry humor, puns, cowboys, super heroes, and buggering my cat Soy Sauce.

Also I have a softspot for the manga Loveless and anime's DRRR and Wolf's rain (any of those fans left??)

Over and out! /runs to class

(P.S -- @Drathir cyeah Gorrilaz! /highfives)
Don't think I've introduced myself anywhere, so I suppose I'll do it here.

I'm mewhaku, same as anywhere else you'll see this name. Haven't had any doppelgangers around online. I'm on tumblr (run a personal and then a dragon art related blog), Deviantart, and on Youtube my name is different if you're curious but that's due to my first account getting hacked and losing my name.

As for my interests they mainly relate to various fantasy novels/series, mythology, paleontology, gaming, writing, and philosophy.
I'm currently going into my third year of college with a double major in Philosophy and English. Hope to one day become a college professor, but in general teaching would be fine too. Just as long as I help people learn and also to help them love learning!

I like some anime/manga too, but mostly Ghibli films and series such as Mushishi or Natsume's Book of Friends. Pokemon is my favorite video game series, although from time-to-time I try my hand at Shin Megami Tensei. That's a difficult series if there ever was one. Generally monster-catching series are great joys to play for me. I'll also soon be receiving the newest Animal Crossing installment. Nice to meet you all.
Don't think I've introduced myself anywhere, so I suppose I'll do it here.

I'm mewhaku, same as anywhere else you'll see this name. Haven't had any doppelgangers around online. I'm on tumblr (run a personal and then a dragon art related blog), Deviantart, and on Youtube my name is different if you're curious but that's due to my first account getting hacked and losing my name.

As for my interests they mainly relate to various fantasy novels/series, mythology, paleontology, gaming, writing, and philosophy.
I'm currently going into my third year of college with a double major in Philosophy and English. Hope to one day become a college professor, but in general teaching would be fine too. Just as long as I help people learn and also to help them love learning!

I like some anime/manga too, but mostly Ghibli films and series such as Mushishi or Natsume's Book of Friends. Pokemon is my favorite video game series, although from time-to-time I try my hand at Shin Megami Tensei. That's a difficult series if there ever was one. Generally monster-catching series are great joys to play for me. I'll also soon be receiving the newest Animal Crossing installment. Nice to meet you all.
Hi! I'm rae, an artist that has been drawing dragons since before....pretty much anything else. I have a webcomic called Overlord of Ravenfell which is a fantasy parody about an evil overlord who fails at being evil(and yes, there's a dragon in it, ahaha). My DA username is raerae.

I read a lot of manga, watch a lot of anime, and play a lot of video games. My current loves are Magi: Labyrinth of Magic, Slayers, anything by Clamp, No. 6, Natsume Yuujincho/Natsume's Book of Friends, and other stuff. I'm currently playing Ni no Kuni, but my favorite game is Breath of Fire III.
Hi! I'm rae, an artist that has been drawing dragons since before....pretty much anything else. I have a webcomic called Overlord of Ravenfell which is a fantasy parody about an evil overlord who fails at being evil(and yes, there's a dragon in it, ahaha). My DA username is raerae.

I read a lot of manga, watch a lot of anime, and play a lot of video games. My current loves are Magi: Labyrinth of Magic, Slayers, anything by Clamp, No. 6, Natsume Yuujincho/Natsume's Book of Friends, and other stuff. I'm currently playing Ni no Kuni, but my favorite game is Breath of Fire III.
@AthkoreOmnirok Yay, another Avatar fan! ^.^

@rae Oh my gosh, I read a few pages of that comic of yours. XD That's hilarious, and really well drawn! :D (I wish I could draw, oh well. XD)
@AthkoreOmnirok Yay, another Avatar fan! ^.^

@rae Oh my gosh, I read a few pages of that comic of yours. XD That's hilarious, and really well drawn! :D (I wish I could draw, oh well. XD)
A light blue Fae dragon lying down surrounded by pink flower petals. She is wearing a pink daisy cabbie, and holds a pink rose in her mouth.
Hello! I'm Foggeh, a rather new user here on Flight Rising. I've been here for a few days, three at the most and so far am really enjoying myself here.

My interests mostly revolve around animals and nature, my favorite animal being the wolf. I am also quite a fan of reading books and playing around with computers or electronics.

I am currently in high school, finishing up my secondary 4 (grade 10) in only a few weeks. I'll be finishing up my last year of high school next year before heading off to Cegep.

Soo, yeah, that's a bit about me XD
Hello! I'm Foggeh, a rather new user here on Flight Rising. I've been here for a few days, three at the most and so far am really enjoying myself here.

My interests mostly revolve around animals and nature, my favorite animal being the wolf. I am also quite a fan of reading books and playing around with computers or electronics.

I am currently in high school, finishing up my secondary 4 (grade 10) in only a few weeks. I'll be finishing up my last year of high school next year before heading off to Cegep.

Soo, yeah, that's a bit about me XD
I am 3 hours ahead of Flight Rising time
hello :D -derp smiley face here-
I am AnotherPokemon~
I'm a female and live in the USA .3.
I enjoy anime unless the plot is bad .-. if its a bad plot just.. no..-3- no.. .w. drawings idm so much gets a good laugh once and awhile!~ I am very friendly but also very hyperactive and sometimes it makes people hate me VwV BUT~ that is just how I am.
I found this site through a friend who has gotten me addicted to it but I lover her anyways-w-
I suffer from OCD .-. Bi-polar swings~ and the d word.. .-. dork- I mean Depression XD it might not seem like I do but I get sad randomly and fast and often need medication to keep it in check :3
I love listening to anything people have to say if it is a rant I will sit and listen but I will try not to agree with you if it is a person .w.
I love pokemon, mlp, old cartoons, drawing, and my pet birdy Jade~!
hello :D -derp smiley face here-
I am AnotherPokemon~
I'm a female and live in the USA .3.
I enjoy anime unless the plot is bad .-. if its a bad plot just.. no..-3- no.. .w. drawings idm so much gets a good laugh once and awhile!~ I am very friendly but also very hyperactive and sometimes it makes people hate me VwV BUT~ that is just how I am.
I found this site through a friend who has gotten me addicted to it but I lover her anyways-w-
I suffer from OCD .-. Bi-polar swings~ and the d word.. .-. dork- I mean Depression XD it might not seem like I do but I get sad randomly and fast and often need medication to keep it in check :3
I love listening to anything people have to say if it is a rant I will sit and listen but I will try not to agree with you if it is a person .w.
I love pokemon, mlp, old cartoons, drawing, and my pet birdy Jade~!
So, I'm IndigoRyu but please just tell me Ryu.

I am a dracologer, that means I have studied them for many years in the past. ^^
Well... I like to play video games, listening to musik (especially symphonic metal) and I'm a collector of art. Lately I began to play E-guitar and I also try
to draw manga scetches (since I'm a fan of Animes).
My passion for art and for dragons made me decide to join Flight Rising.

Oh, before I forget... I'm from Germany so don't blame me if my speach sounds weird... :>
So, I'm IndigoRyu but please just tell me Ryu.

I am a dracologer, that means I have studied them for many years in the past. ^^
Well... I like to play video games, listening to musik (especially symphonic metal) and I'm a collector of art. Lately I began to play E-guitar and I also try
to draw manga scetches (since I'm a fan of Animes).
My passion for art and for dragons made me decide to join Flight Rising.

Oh, before I forget... I'm from Germany so don't blame me if my speach sounds weird... :>
Free in mind and true in heart... A long journey awaits me.
Hello all, I'm Thirteenz, occasionally better known as Tataudu or ZE. I'm an artist and kind of a hobo sometimes, and sometimes I feel like I'm the only dude who plays on these sorts of websites, but you gotta have hobbies, right?
I like gross stuff, body modifications (Arguably comes under the former header), Art - obviously, Dark Electronica, and finding new ways to waste lots of time.
The skins/accents stuff really sold me on joining this website, and though I am broke (such is the art trade), I have been spending a lot of time on just... playing with colours.

I was actually brought here by an amassment of posts pertaining to this site by the owner of Valenth, which got me curious enough to poke my nose in.
I'm also Australian and seem to have developed a habit of browsing forums in the hours between midnight and 7am, so I don't expect much legibility from myself.
Hello all, I'm Thirteenz, occasionally better known as Tataudu or ZE. I'm an artist and kind of a hobo sometimes, and sometimes I feel like I'm the only dude who plays on these sorts of websites, but you gotta have hobbies, right?
I like gross stuff, body modifications (Arguably comes under the former header), Art - obviously, Dark Electronica, and finding new ways to waste lots of time.
The skins/accents stuff really sold me on joining this website, and though I am broke (such is the art trade), I have been spending a lot of time on just... playing with colours.

I was actually brought here by an amassment of posts pertaining to this site by the owner of Valenth, which got me curious enough to poke my nose in.
I'm also Australian and seem to have developed a habit of browsing forums in the hours between midnight and 7am, so I don't expect much legibility from myself.
...That's right — Lay down — Play dead — Be dead...
I'm new (as in this is my second day) - awkwardly I'm here because my friend begged me to join rather than 'I actually really like dragons'.

I'm 21, and I strictly shouldn't be on here right now considering that I have a week left at college and I have 4 assignments left to complete D':

Aside from selling my soul to education I play video games, watch films and tv shows... invest a lot of time keeping my dog happy, read, etc etc x3 I also waste a lot of my life on tumblr so I don't really have time to do anything else xD
I'm new (as in this is my second day) - awkwardly I'm here because my friend begged me to join rather than 'I actually really like dragons'.

I'm 21, and I strictly shouldn't be on here right now considering that I have a week left at college and I have 4 assignments left to complete D':

Aside from selling my soul to education I play video games, watch films and tv shows... invest a lot of time keeping my dog happy, read, etc etc x3 I also waste a lot of my life on tumblr so I don't really have time to do anything else xD
signature by Latias
[quote name="Thirteenz" date="2013-06-11 13:32:38" url="main.php?p=mb&board=gend&page=2&id=37819#45011"] I'm also Australian and seem to have developed a habit of browsing forums in the hours between midnight and 7am, so I don't expect much legibility from myself.[/quote] Don't worry - I also have this problem. Except I'm from London. I just tend to sleep from 4-5am to around 4pm, hence why my posts are usually a bit asdfghkl
I'm also Australian and seem to have developed a habit of browsing forums in the hours between midnight and 7am, so I don't expect much legibility from myself.

Don't worry - I also have this problem. Except I'm from London. I just tend to sleep from 4-5am to around 4pm, hence why my posts are usually a bit asdfghkl
signature by Latias
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