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I found this place via tumblr, and I&#039;m really liking it so far. It helps that I have a thing for big, bulky dragons [Guardians! <3] and dragons with several pairs of wings [Arcanist! <33]. I also really really love reptiles; I wanna get a ball python when I finally move out of my parents&#039; house, haha.

Anyways, I&#039;m an 18-year-old female artist person thing that likes to play games.

You can find me on dA, furaffinity, tumblr, etc, by the name of moondevourer as well, so please call me something related to that. Or Mána, since my username is technically a translation of Mánagarmr.


I found this place via tumblr, and I&#039;m really liking it so far. It helps that I have a thing for big, bulky dragons [Guardians! <3] and dragons with several pairs of wings [Arcanist! <33]. I also really really love reptiles; I wanna get a ball python when I finally move out of my parents&#039; house, haha.

Anyways, I&#039;m an 18-year-old female artist person thing that likes to play games.

You can find me on dA, furaffinity, tumblr, etc, by the name of moondevourer as well, so please call me something related to that. Or Mána, since my username is technically a translation of Mánagarmr.

Hello, I&#039;m Thorn! I&#039;m from New Zealand, in my first year at university; and I&#039;m a member of the Lightning flight.

Um...yeah. Nice to be here!
Hello, I&#039;m Thorn! I&#039;m from New Zealand, in my first year at university; and I&#039;m a member of the Lightning flight.

Um...yeah. Nice to be here!
hello friends i am here
i&#039;m chi I talk too much and usually don&#039;t think before i do it whoops
I too found this place via tumblr and am pleased by how small it is
I like a lot of things a little bit too fervently so if I start crying about Castiel or something just, y&#039;know
smack me and I&#039;ll shut up

@Nayexus you like off and homestuck and spg there is no escaping me now (⊙‿⊙❀)
hello friends i am here
i&#039;m chi I talk too much and usually don&#039;t think before i do it whoops
I too found this place via tumblr and am pleased by how small it is
I like a lot of things a little bit too fervently so if I start crying about Castiel or something just, y&#039;know
smack me and I&#039;ll shut up

@Nayexus you like off and homestuck and spg there is no escaping me now (⊙‿⊙❀)
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I&#039;m Marisa, though I also go by Rebel Mel on the interweb. I&#039;m 20 years old and live in an actual podunk part of California. I&#039;m an artist and writer primarily, and my first loves are my original creations, but I also adore GoT, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Legend of Zelda, LotR, Assassin&#039;s Creed, and Star Trek, among other things. You can find me on dA and tumblr by the name of rebel-mel.

I also really like lightning and storms.
I&#039;m Marisa, though I also go by Rebel Mel on the interweb. I&#039;m 20 years old and live in an actual podunk part of California. I&#039;m an artist and writer primarily, and my first loves are my original creations, but I also adore GoT, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Legend of Zelda, LotR, Assassin&#039;s Creed, and Star Trek, among other things. You can find me on dA and tumblr by the name of rebel-mel.

I also really like lightning and storms.
August, here. 19, I come from the south to haunt people with greasy food and obnoxious accents. I enjoy writing, art history, and gritty westerns. And dragons, too.

You can find me on tumblr as seven-thunders.
August, here. 19, I come from the south to haunt people with greasy food and obnoxious accents. I enjoy writing, art history, and gritty westerns. And dragons, too.

You can find me on tumblr as seven-thunders.
|| tumblr ||
Hullo! I&#039;m OfaBetterName, obviously, but feel free to call me any nicknames. I enjoy RPing, but while my dragon profiles aren&#039;t done yet, feel free to hit me up for one, private or otherwise. Or just message me in general.
Hullo! I&#039;m OfaBetterName, obviously, but feel free to call me any nicknames. I enjoy RPing, but while my dragon profiles aren&#039;t done yet, feel free to hit me up for one, private or otherwise. Or just message me in general.
I just joined a couple of days ago and so far.. I am enjoying myself. My full net name is TheChosenDarkness, sadly.. it was over 16 characters long. So, feel free to call me Dark, Darkness, and/or TCD. I will respond to any of it. =]
I just joined a couple of days ago and so far.. I am enjoying myself. My full net name is TheChosenDarkness, sadly.. it was over 16 characters long. So, feel free to call me Dark, Darkness, and/or TCD. I will respond to any of it. =]
Hi there, I&#039;m Lucid. People commonly call me Lu, though. Or Lubird.

I&#039;m an artist, and am in college and studying with a degree in fine arts but I hope to transfer to another college and study animation. I like a lot of music and I like to dance like a fool when no one&#039;s watching.

I like splicing animals into fantasy critters and I really like dragons. I&#039;m still trying to get a grip of this site, it&#039;s confusing me.

I play many pet sites although I&#039;m only active on a few right now. I found out about FR in the tumblr aywas tag.

I&#039;m a moderator and artist over on the pet site called Aramii but that site is pretty quiet and has been for a while so I don&#039;t think any of you would know what that site is but if you do, I happen to be Slystream over there so if you know me, it&#039;s an odd but nice coincidence to meet you here.

uuuuuuh. I think that&#039;s all I&#039;ve got to say for now!
Hi there, I&#039;m Lucid. People commonly call me Lu, though. Or Lubird.

I&#039;m an artist, and am in college and studying with a degree in fine arts but I hope to transfer to another college and study animation. I like a lot of music and I like to dance like a fool when no one&#039;s watching.

I like splicing animals into fantasy critters and I really like dragons. I&#039;m still trying to get a grip of this site, it&#039;s confusing me.

I play many pet sites although I&#039;m only active on a few right now. I found out about FR in the tumblr aywas tag.

I&#039;m a moderator and artist over on the pet site called Aramii but that site is pretty quiet and has been for a while so I don&#039;t think any of you would know what that site is but if you do, I happen to be Slystream over there so if you know me, it&#039;s an odd but nice coincidence to meet you here.

uuuuuuh. I think that&#039;s all I&#039;ve got to say for now!
Selling pre-made Skins!
*waves at the screen like a total derp*

Hello all my names Kyuuna but you may call me Ky or Kyuu. I&#039;m a Grimmjow fangirl who literally found this site only an hour prior to this message I think. So I&#039;m totally new here, and wondering if I was just lucky to have a male Guardian wander his happy way into my cave with my lil lady Guardian XD.
*waves at the screen like a total derp*

Hello all my names Kyuuna but you may call me Ky or Kyuu. I&#039;m a Grimmjow fangirl who literally found this site only an hour prior to this message I think. So I&#039;m totally new here, and wondering if I was just lucky to have a male Guardian wander his happy way into my cave with my lil lady Guardian XD.
Hey all! I&#039;m Icebomb, or Josh. :) Legend of the Seeker, Doctor Who, Smallville, and Game of Thrones are among my favorite shows. Spyro the Dragon was my first video game which sparked my love for Dragons. The Sword of Truth series are my favorite books. Nice to meet you all!
Hey all! I&#039;m Icebomb, or Josh. :) Legend of the Seeker, Doctor Who, Smallville, and Game of Thrones are among my favorite shows. Spyro the Dragon was my first video game which sparked my love for Dragons. The Sword of Truth series are my favorite books. Nice to meet you all!
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