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TOPIC | What are y'all reading?
The Terror by Dan Simmons.
Been meaning to pick it up for a while, finally started reading it on a work contract.
I'm not very far in but characterization is interesting so far. Sailor brain very much enjoys the fact the author gives a lat and long position on each chapter heading, it's a nice authentic touch.

next book I'm intending to read is Massacre of Mankind by Stephen Baxter because I grew up with the musical War of the Worlds and it apparently leans heavily on that canon but also officially licensed fanfiction? Yes please.
The Terror by Dan Simmons.
Been meaning to pick it up for a while, finally started reading it on a work contract.
I'm not very far in but characterization is interesting so far. Sailor brain very much enjoys the fact the author gives a lat and long position on each chapter heading, it's a nice authentic touch.

next book I'm intending to read is Massacre of Mankind by Stephen Baxter because I grew up with the musical War of the Worlds and it apparently leans heavily on that canon but also officially licensed fanfiction? Yes please.
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I draw things!
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I'm reading [i]The Four Agreements[/i] by don Miguel Ruiz. I cry through the whole book. I actually read from the beginning through The First Agreement before and cried both times. If anyone else has read it, let me know if you had that reaction, too. [emoji=guardian sad size=1] It was recommended to me. It's a very short book. I recommend it if you're into spirituality or psychology at all. Especially if you're interested in mysticism, shamanism, comparative mythology, comparing world religions, American Indian, or indigenous Mexican beliefs. Every page is printed in full-color in the 15th Anniversary Edition. This edition is hard to find, but I managed to snag a few. You may be able to find it at your library.
I'm reading The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz. I cry through the whole book. I actually read from the beginning through The First Agreement before and cried both times.

If anyone else has read it, let me know if you had that reaction, too.

It was recommended to me. It's a very short book. I recommend it if you're into spirituality or psychology at all. Especially if you're interested in mysticism, shamanism, comparative mythology, comparing world religions, American Indian, or indigenous Mexican beliefs.

Every page is printed in full-color in the 15th Anniversary Edition. This edition is hard to find, but I managed to snag a few. You may be able to find it at your library.
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How Much Brain Do We Really Need? by Alexis Willett and Jennifer Barnett

It's a cool little medical book that makes reference of early human ancestors and relatives. Also helps sate my hunger to find out why Phineas Gage managed to freaking live.
How Much Brain Do We Really Need? by Alexis Willett and Jennifer Barnett

It's a cool little medical book that makes reference of early human ancestors and relatives. Also helps sate my hunger to find out why Phineas Gage managed to freaking live.
Nothing by Janne Teller.

If you read Lord of the Flies, its in the same taste... only much more cruel because its about human nature and you cant write a book about human nature without some cruelty

Also, its a little different from LotF because there are actually girls in this book, they aren't on a uninhabited island, and they're all 14/15 instead of 5-12
Nothing by Janne Teller.

If you read Lord of the Flies, its in the same taste... only much more cruel because its about human nature and you cant write a book about human nature without some cruelty

Also, its a little different from LotF because there are actually girls in this book, they aren't on a uninhabited island, and they're all 14/15 instead of 5-12

Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton !! As someone who's only seen the last movie in the series, I'm really enjoying the book so far!! I went into it knowing very little about the franchise and I'm already hooked on it.
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton !! As someone who's only seen the last movie in the series, I'm really enjoying the book so far!! I went into it knowing very little about the franchise and I'm already hooked on it.
I actually finally caught up with Chainsaw Man by Fujimoto Tatsuki, awaiting the next chapter as I type this.

Absolutely adore everything about it, it's got a lot of gore though so please don't put yourself through that if you can't handle it.

Kobeni and Power are top tier, same with the War Devil
I actually finally caught up with Chainsaw Man by Fujimoto Tatsuki, awaiting the next chapter as I type this.

Absolutely adore everything about it, it's got a lot of gore though so please don't put yourself through that if you can't handle it.

Kobeni and Power are top tier, same with the War Devil
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The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman

It's about a librarian who works for a central library - central to all worlds/universes, that is. She goes on missions to retrieve special books for the library to save. She uses a magical library language that helps her open locks, turn on fire hydrants to avoid enemies, etc. It's a lot of fun!
The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman

It's about a librarian who works for a central library - central to all worlds/universes, that is. She goes on missions to retrieve special books for the library to save. She uses a magical library language that helps her open locks, turn on fire hydrants to avoid enemies, etc. It's a lot of fun!
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currently reading darkness of dragons by tui t. sutherland, currently on my 2nd reread of the entire wings of fire franchise :D
currently reading darkness of dragons by tui t. sutherland, currently on my 2nd reread of the entire wings of fire franchise :D
they/them it/its
Other than the 30+ tabs of Schitt's Creek fanfiction I have open, I recently bought "House of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewski.

Don't really know much about it as I bought it on a whim and after minimal research, and I've only read the introduction so far, but it's interesting. Format-breaking things are usually cool, so I'm looking forward to seeing it play out.
Other than the 30+ tabs of Schitt's Creek fanfiction I have open, I recently bought "House of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewski.

Don't really know much about it as I bought it on a whim and after minimal research, and I've only read the introduction so far, but it's interesting. Format-breaking things are usually cool, so I'm looking forward to seeing it play out.
Just finished the webcomic Sword Interval. Pretty cool.
Just finished the webcomic Sword Interval. Pretty cool.