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TOPIC | What is the worst trait about you?
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*Note: this is not like a mean thing. It's kind of your the worst trait. Example, I am very angry, all the time*

Ugh.. so, finally! I've actually kind of wanted to make this for a long time, i just didn't have the guts. But, oh well.

So, the worst thing about me is I can get really jealous, REALLY jealous. One time, my 3 year old cousin came round and she started getting everything she wanted. She was getting super attached to my mother and i got so mad. I sometimes feel like i should just give her my soul, because honestly. I have to give her some part of everything i own.. I am a very envious person.. But i can't exactly tell my cousin that i hate the fact she's hogging my mum. Because she's 3..
*Note: this is not like a mean thing. It's kind of your the worst trait. Example, I am very angry, all the time*

Ugh.. so, finally! I've actually kind of wanted to make this for a long time, i just didn't have the guts. But, oh well.

So, the worst thing about me is I can get really jealous, REALLY jealous. One time, my 3 year old cousin came round and she started getting everything she wanted. She was getting super attached to my mother and i got so mad. I sometimes feel like i should just give her my soul, because honestly. I have to give her some part of everything i own.. I am a very envious person.. But i can't exactly tell my cousin that i hate the fact she's hogging my mum. Because she's 3..
Angry Squish Roll]/b]Z1OhMta.png
I can't say everything about me is perfect but I think the worst trait about me is the fact that I'm not really feminine.

I don't like makeup or cars or fashion or anything that typical girls like, and my school is full of those typical girls so it's really hard to connect with any. I'm not masculine at all so I don't click with any guys, either. It's pretty hard for me to make friends that way, and while I tell myself that I'm fine with the small amount I have now, sometimes I just wish I was a typical girl, you know?
I can't say everything about me is perfect but I think the worst trait about me is the fact that I'm not really feminine.

I don't like makeup or cars or fashion or anything that typical girls like, and my school is full of those typical girls so it's really hard to connect with any. I'm not masculine at all so I don't click with any guys, either. It's pretty hard for me to make friends that way, and while I tell myself that I'm fine with the small amount I have now, sometimes I just wish I was a typical girl, you know?
[quote name="Naegiri" date=2017-06-28 12:56:31] I can't say everything about me is perfect but I think the worst trait about me is the fact that I'm not really feminine. I don't like makeup or cars or fashion or anything that typical girls like, and my school is full of those typical girls so it's really hard to connect with any. I'm not masculine at all so I don't click with any guys, either. It's pretty hard for me to make friends that way, and while I tell myself that I'm fine with the small amount I have now, sometimes I just wish I was a typical girl, you know? [/quote] Wow, same. I can't even put on the simplest makeup. Nobody taught me this.(because I've never asked) And I hate skirts. And I'm not a tomboy either. However, I have long hair and childish face (one lady has mistaken me for 12 year old, I'm 17 :P). Back on the topic: [s]everything[/s] [b]jk[/b] If I were a sin, I would be Sloth. Yep. I don't even do things I (presumably) enjoy. I just rot in my room. Not only this, but my thinking is pretty lazy too. I'm really simple.
Naegiri wrote on 2017-06-28:
I can't say everything about me is perfect but I think the worst trait about me is the fact that I'm not really feminine.

I don't like makeup or cars or fashion or anything that typical girls like, and my school is full of those typical girls so it's really hard to connect with any. I'm not masculine at all so I don't click with any guys, either. It's pretty hard for me to make friends that way, and while I tell myself that I'm fine with the small amount I have now, sometimes I just wish I was a typical girl, you know?

Wow, same. I can't even put on the simplest makeup. Nobody taught me this.(because I've never asked) And I hate skirts. And I'm not a tomboy either. However, I have long hair and childish face (one lady has mistaken me for 12 year old, I'm 17 :P).

Back on the topic:
everything jk

If I were a sin, I would be Sloth. Yep. I don't even do things I (presumably) enjoy. I just rot in my room. Not only this, but my thinking is pretty lazy too. I'm really simple.
Oh no.
2 things. 1# I get so attached to people extremely quickly. Like it's a problem. I forget that some people aren't as attached to me as I am to them and when they hurt me in any way I feel like I've been punched. I know it's ridiculous but it's true.

2# I can't handle criticism. That's it. I cannot handle it. I can handle gentle criticism, but harsh criticism I'll want to roll up in a ball and die. Or I get very defensive.
2 things. 1# I get so attached to people extremely quickly. Like it's a problem. I forget that some people aren't as attached to me as I am to them and when they hurt me in any way I feel like I've been punched. I know it's ridiculous but it's true.

2# I can't handle criticism. That's it. I cannot handle it. I can handle gentle criticism, but harsh criticism I'll want to roll up in a ball and die. Or I get very defensive.
Well, this seems relevant right now:

One: I'm rather impulsive, all around. I try to think before I do, but when I'm sad or frustrated, I lash out in dumb ways. For example, today, I flipped off one of my coworkers without even thinking. She saw, it was a thing. I rarely use the Bird, but exterior stressors in the moment caused me to lash out. That wasn't right of me... but neither is being impulsive when upset. xP

Second: I chew on things for too long. I over worry and think and make myself paranoid. I'm happy that it keeps me on my toes, but I can't rely on a danger sense when things go poorly. I'm working, though counseling, to change this behavior.

Combined, the upset-impulsiveness and the paranoia don't do me any favors. That said, everyone has their battles. We're able to move past our own short comings with work. That's what I intend to do... or rein them in at least.
Well, this seems relevant right now:

One: I'm rather impulsive, all around. I try to think before I do, but when I'm sad or frustrated, I lash out in dumb ways. For example, today, I flipped off one of my coworkers without even thinking. She saw, it was a thing. I rarely use the Bird, but exterior stressors in the moment caused me to lash out. That wasn't right of me... but neither is being impulsive when upset. xP

Second: I chew on things for too long. I over worry and think and make myself paranoid. I'm happy that it keeps me on my toes, but I can't rely on a danger sense when things go poorly. I'm working, though counseling, to change this behavior.

Combined, the upset-impulsiveness and the paranoia don't do me any favors. That said, everyone has their battles. We're able to move past our own short comings with work. That's what I intend to do... or rein them in at least.
MqCJPfH.png Stef

More text here eventually
My separation anxiety for sure. It's horrible because I have daily battles with myself because I cannot come across as clingy or almost borderline abusive because people have their own lives that do not center around me and my worrying. It's... So very hard, to be honest, because I need someone to talk to almost 24/7, which is why the internet is so great because I can always find someone to chat with and that helps a lot! But my friends are the best people.

I'm hoping to get treatment soon, but man it is not easy trying to maintain healthy relationships with this issue. At least I have friends I can be open with about it who do not get angry at me for having the feelings and instead help me work past them, etc, because they know while I can't help having the feelings, I can sure as heck work to not act on them!

But I wish I didn't have it at all ahhhhhh

(At least it does some positive things for me, like giving me a high level of loyalty to my friends)
My separation anxiety for sure. It's horrible because I have daily battles with myself because I cannot come across as clingy or almost borderline abusive because people have their own lives that do not center around me and my worrying. It's... So very hard, to be honest, because I need someone to talk to almost 24/7, which is why the internet is so great because I can always find someone to chat with and that helps a lot! But my friends are the best people.

I'm hoping to get treatment soon, but man it is not easy trying to maintain healthy relationships with this issue. At least I have friends I can be open with about it who do not get angry at me for having the feelings and instead help me work past them, etc, because they know while I can't help having the feelings, I can sure as heck work to not act on them!

But I wish I didn't have it at all ahhhhhh

(At least it does some positive things for me, like giving me a high level of loyalty to my friends)
"There is no terminal called End in your life!"
Sym6.png Blue // they/he Sym5.png

Sym5.png Goals and Link DirectorySym6.png
What ISN'T the worst trait about me?

I have a short temper, I'm blunt, I'm inappropriate when it isn't necessary, I'm such a perfectionist that one tiny mistake is the end of the world for me, and I'm such a human doormat that I'd rather please someone else than stand up for myself.
What ISN'T the worst trait about me?

I have a short temper, I'm blunt, I'm inappropriate when it isn't necessary, I'm such a perfectionist that one tiny mistake is the end of the world for me, and I'm such a human doormat that I'd rather please someone else than stand up for myself.
Hey, friendly reminder to drink water, stretch, and take a short break if you can. Stay healthy! Also, don't forget about any chores or tasks you might be putting off.
My social anxiety. I'm very socially awkward around new people, and I have a hard time making friends. I'm "that one quiet kid" in my class and it's a little embarrassing. I feel pathetic being the one that nobody really knows or talks to.

Next year is my senior year, my last year of school, so I'm going to attempt to make some friends this time, and make it count. I just hope I can get over the anxiety when I start to face adulthood. I'm absolutely terrified of working & having a job, but I know I'll have to do it eventually. :/
My social anxiety. I'm very socially awkward around new people, and I have a hard time making friends. I'm "that one quiet kid" in my class and it's a little embarrassing. I feel pathetic being the one that nobody really knows or talks to.

Next year is my senior year, my last year of school, so I'm going to attempt to make some friends this time, and make it count. I just hope I can get over the anxiety when I start to face adulthood. I'm absolutely terrified of working & having a job, but I know I'll have to do it eventually. :/
19 // infp // ravenclaw // scorpio

I'm only on here when I'm procrastinating homework ahahahhahahafdshfjkdfg
im always salty/bitter

im always salty/bitter

I have synesthesia 6kglit91v0.gif
oh wow i have so many to choose from.

i guess i'd say my worst trait is that i always keep people at a distance. even though i get lonely and upset because i don't have a lot of friends, nor do i have any close friends, i also make it hard for anyone to really get to know me. i never talk about my actual problems or feelings with my friends, and i just generally have a lot of social anxiety.
oh wow i have so many to choose from.

i guess i'd say my worst trait is that i always keep people at a distance. even though i get lonely and upset because i don't have a lot of friends, nor do i have any close friends, i also make it hard for anyone to really get to know me. i never talk about my actual problems or feelings with my friends, and i just generally have a lot of social anxiety.
fr +2
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