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TOPIC | What is the worst trait about you?
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Let's see... I get angry very easily anymore and half the time I want to punch a wall or just anything really LOL. Often times I have a tendency to come to the worst conclusion about certain things which sends me into a downward spiral of despair and I wish I'd just CHILL. I'm very antisocial compared to how I used to be years ago so I'm scared of going out in public. I prefer to go out later at night when there's less people around. I wish I could just get over my fear of people because it's held me back from getting a job for so long. Tbh even just posting in the forums is hard for me nowadays but it's definitely easier for me to talk online to people I don't know vs irl.

I could probably keep going on about bad traits I have cries
Let's see... I get angry very easily anymore and half the time I want to punch a wall or just anything really LOL. Often times I have a tendency to come to the worst conclusion about certain things which sends me into a downward spiral of despair and I wish I'd just CHILL. I'm very antisocial compared to how I used to be years ago so I'm scared of going out in public. I prefer to go out later at night when there's less people around. I wish I could just get over my fear of people because it's held me back from getting a job for so long. Tbh even just posting in the forums is hard for me nowadays but it's definitely easier for me to talk online to people I don't know vs irl.

I could probably keep going on about bad traits I have cries
One thing - I'm super lazy with life and RP's and I tend to procrastinate
One thing - I'm super lazy with life and RP's and I tend to procrastinate
MV1Iakt.png they/them | 18 | artist | INTP | FR+2 MV1Iakt.png
I can't form bonds with others. I'm an incredibly distrusting individual and find befriending people at best tedious, at worst downright terrifying. I'm well aware of these severe trust issues however and am doing my best to try and combat them.

But in the meantime the only person I trust is my best friend.
I can't form bonds with others. I'm an incredibly distrusting individual and find befriending people at best tedious, at worst downright terrifying. I'm well aware of these severe trust issues however and am doing my best to try and combat them.

But in the meantime the only person I trust is my best friend.
*slides in on a wheely chair*

Well, I'm incredibly good at procrastination. Obviously, that has been rather inconveniencing in many, many situations, and it's something I struggle with daily (and paired with my want to just sleep, eat, and be on my phone all day? ugh). But then I'll have these random spikes of energy and I'll just do everything in like, a day, and then I'll go back to laying on the floor and watching youtube. It's an odd cycle.
*slides in on a wheely chair*

Well, I'm incredibly good at procrastination. Obviously, that has been rather inconveniencing in many, many situations, and it's something I struggle with daily (and paired with my want to just sleep, eat, and be on my phone all day? ugh). But then I'll have these random spikes of energy and I'll just do everything in like, a day, and then I'll go back to laying on the floor and watching youtube. It's an odd cycle.
[quote name="OracleOreo00" date=2017-06-28 13:17:54] 2 things. 1# I get so attached to people extremely quickly. Like it's a problem. I forget that some people aren't as attached to me as I am to them and when they hurt me in any way I feel like I've been punched. I know it's ridiculous but it's true. 2# I can't handle criticism. That's it. I cannot handle it. I can handle gentle criticism, but harsh criticism I'll want to roll up in a ball and die. Or I get very defensive. [/quote] i can relate to this so much There are so many bad traits about me so here's a[s] few[/s]: -I'm impatient -I apologize too much. My friends and parents make me give them a quarter everytime I say sorry but it's become a reflex for me now and as stupid as it sounds- it's quite hard to stop. -I drag out things so I'm the most annoying person to hold conversations with. -I'm lucky if I get more than 6 hours of sleep every night -I'm more comfortable talking to strangers than my own family Yeah.
OracleOreo00 wrote on 2017-06-28:
2 things. 1# I get so attached to people extremely quickly. Like it's a problem. I forget that some people aren't as attached to me as I am to them and when they hurt me in any way I feel like I've been punched. I know it's ridiculous but it's true.

2# I can't handle criticism. That's it. I cannot handle it. I can handle gentle criticism, but harsh criticism I'll want to roll up in a ball and die. Or I get very defensive.
i can relate to this so much

There are so many bad traits about me so here's a few:

-I'm impatient -I apologize too much. My friends and parents make me give them a quarter everytime I say sorry but it's become a reflex for me now and as stupid as it sounds- it's quite hard to stop. -I drag out things so I'm the most annoying person to hold conversations with. -I'm lucky if I get more than 6 hours of sleep every night -I'm more comfortable talking to strangers than my own family

When challenged by Matsuoka Rin to a relay, the loser must commit Swimpuku
Okay, you guys. This is seriously something I've wanted to rant about for awhile. I have NO clue what's wrong with me but I'm literally the most emotional human being I know. I just cry, all the time. If I'm scared, angry, sad, happy, /anything/. I just cry. It's embarrassing and annoying, and Ill do it at school and work. I don't want to cry, it just happens. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. It makes me literally hate myself.
Okay, you guys. This is seriously something I've wanted to rant about for awhile. I have NO clue what's wrong with me but I'm literally the most emotional human being I know. I just cry, all the time. If I'm scared, angry, sad, happy, /anything/. I just cry. It's embarrassing and annoying, and Ill do it at school and work. I don't want to cry, it just happens. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. It makes me literally hate myself.


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I have a lot of issues but mental health issues cant be helped so ill say

I have a lot of issues but mental health issues cant be helped so ill say

I get distracted way too easily. It's mostly a problem with school work (I've got Spanish and English summer work to finish but here I am), but even with entertainment and things I actually want to do, my attention is often snatched by something else, and whoops I've got like 384 ideas and projects half-completed and scattered around my room.

I also have no clue what compels my friends and family to hang out with me??? Like... how am I intriguing or amusing to you??? You would get more entertainment out of watching paint dry??? Why do you keep trying to argue otherwise????????? I mean, I guess there's gotta be something, but I'm just a nerd who dorks around on her computer and stares off into space for inordinate amounts of time. I don't have a lot of cool things going for me here.
I get distracted way too easily. It's mostly a problem with school work (I've got Spanish and English summer work to finish but here I am), but even with entertainment and things I actually want to do, my attention is often snatched by something else, and whoops I've got like 384 ideas and projects half-completed and scattered around my room.

I also have no clue what compels my friends and family to hang out with me??? Like... how am I intriguing or amusing to you??? You would get more entertainment out of watching paint dry??? Why do you keep trying to argue otherwise????????? I mean, I guess there's gotta be something, but I'm just a nerd who dorks around on her computer and stares off into space for inordinate amounts of time. I don't have a lot of cool things going for me here.
I'm aro/ace
So give me some space
And flirt with somebody else
*finger guns*
Though I am incredibly stubborn and prone to disobeying rules, I'd have to say my worst trait is my low amount of confidence with the things I do.

No, no. I'm not saying I'm not a confident person. I'm actually extremely confident with myself, though I may dislike some features and quirks I have, I embrace every aspect of me. I don't let other people's opinions or social-norms effect me and I just do what I want. Heck, I cosplay every day, regardless of where I am because I enjoy it and I don't really care much if others don't.

But my confidence with things I do? Zip, null nodda. Where as I'm the kind of person to say what I want/do what I want/act how I want and feel good all the while, if I even so much as think about posting some sort of art online, whether it be drawings or writing, I freak the heck out. I hate my drawing, I hate my writing, I hate my baking. Nothing I do is good enough to me. And when I do actually let people see what I make, the entire time I'm cursing myself for doing so. For example, I made an AO3 account and posted a Gravity Falls fic on it. 54 hits, but no comments. So, naturally, I can only assume the people who've read it hate it. I actually feel so strongly that this is the case and that I'm embarrassing myself by keeping it up, that I want to delete it! Doesn't matter that my improvement in these areas has improved a lot, I still don't think I'm good enough at any of it.
Though I am incredibly stubborn and prone to disobeying rules, I'd have to say my worst trait is my low amount of confidence with the things I do.

No, no. I'm not saying I'm not a confident person. I'm actually extremely confident with myself, though I may dislike some features and quirks I have, I embrace every aspect of me. I don't let other people's opinions or social-norms effect me and I just do what I want. Heck, I cosplay every day, regardless of where I am because I enjoy it and I don't really care much if others don't.

But my confidence with things I do? Zip, null nodda. Where as I'm the kind of person to say what I want/do what I want/act how I want and feel good all the while, if I even so much as think about posting some sort of art online, whether it be drawings or writing, I freak the heck out. I hate my drawing, I hate my writing, I hate my baking. Nothing I do is good enough to me. And when I do actually let people see what I make, the entire time I'm cursing myself for doing so. For example, I made an AO3 account and posted a Gravity Falls fic on it. 54 hits, but no comments. So, naturally, I can only assume the people who've read it hate it. I actually feel so strongly that this is the case and that I'm embarrassing myself by keeping it up, that I want to delete it! Doesn't matter that my improvement in these areas has improved a lot, I still don't think I'm good enough at any of it.


Everything. There are no redeeming qualities to my personality, lol.

But the worst I'd have to say is I tend to get like... bitter/salty/sad over really, really stupid things and it takes me forever to snap myself out of it, even though I know I'm being incredibly dumb and irrational.
Everything. There are no redeeming qualities to my personality, lol.

But the worst I'd have to say is I tend to get like... bitter/salty/sad over really, really stupid things and it takes me forever to snap myself out of it, even though I know I'm being incredibly dumb and irrational.
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