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TOPIC | What is the worst trait about you?
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I'd have to say my greed. Sure, I'm aware of it so I have some control. When I feel it coming, I admit to it on spot, in the moment.
Another one is me shutting people out I suppose. Especially when I'm feeling down and out.
I'd have to say my greed. Sure, I'm aware of it so I have some control. When I feel it coming, I admit to it on spot, in the moment.
Another one is me shutting people out I suppose. Especially when I'm feeling down and out.
Don't mind me, I'm here for fun.
Instagram: @faildachan
Reptile Mom in real life

I feel like I'm way too fragile to survive in this world. I can't stand loud or muffled noises, broken objects (and even the word broken makes me feel a bit queasy), criticism, or sudden movements.
I feel like I'm way too fragile to survive in this world. I can't stand loud or muffled noises, broken objects (and even the word broken makes me feel a bit queasy), criticism, or sudden movements.
*pulls out the list* letS SEE HERE

In all seriousness, I think it's my envy that makes me so bad. Like, I get jealous and angry so easily. Don't get me wrong, I'll be really happy when something good happens to my friends, I'll be one of the first to celebrate. But there is something inside of me that wishes I could be that good or that celebrated. My very very low self-confidence doesn't help here either. I can't see anything I do in a positive light tbh.
*pulls out the list* letS SEE HERE

In all seriousness, I think it's my envy that makes me so bad. Like, I get jealous and angry so easily. Don't get me wrong, I'll be really happy when something good happens to my friends, I'll be one of the first to celebrate. But there is something inside of me that wishes I could be that good or that celebrated. My very very low self-confidence doesn't help here either. I can't see anything I do in a positive light tbh.
fr time+3
I'm way to shy and I overthink things way too much(thanks to anxiety), which causes me to be extremely socially awkward/anxious. So I'm hard to approach and get to know because I can't make a conversation for the life of me.
I am pretty sure I'm too sensitive. I cry a lot, and mostly over small things which is really embarrassing and immature.
I'm unmotivated and I procrastinate and do nothing way more than I should.
I'm way to shy and I overthink things way too much(thanks to anxiety), which causes me to be extremely socially awkward/anxious. So I'm hard to approach and get to know because I can't make a conversation for the life of me.
I am pretty sure I'm too sensitive. I cry a lot, and mostly over small things which is really embarrassing and immature.
I'm unmotivated and I procrastinate and do nothing way more than I should.
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I always feel super awkward when I talk to people. Like... when I talk to anyone I don't know super well I feel really awkward and I feel like I'll say something wrong any second. This happens both in real life and on the internet, but even more so in real life. I don't have much of a chance to think over what I'm saying and I don't like it at all. 90% of the time I'm really quiet and people tend to ignore me, which is 100% fine with me, I prefer not talking because it just feels strange. I used to talk all the time too, but now I just keep my mouth shut most of the time. I have one friend at school, but that's fine with me because she's really the only person at school I feel comfortable talking with. When I talk to most other people I feel like an idiot.

I especially feel uncomfortable talking to people who don't seem to dislike me because I feel like if I open my mouth too much they'll start to hate me and I seriously hate that thought.

And when I do talk to people, afterwards I feel stupid. This may come from the fact that several times I talk and then people actually literally seem to hate me. (Once there was this one guy I talked to in one class and he gave me a note that called my really rude things. I didn't even read the entire note because the teacher saw him showing me the note before I had a chance and it was still upsetting.) And a couple of other people I've talked too where absolute jerk to me as well.

And even on Flight Rising I think over what I say a lot and it's to the point where I write out full in-depth responses and I erase it and decide not to comment on the thread. A couple people have messaged me on here with some friendly message, I respond back, they talk to me for a bit, and then after a couple messages they stop talking to me and I feel like I said something wrong.
I always feel super awkward when I talk to people. Like... when I talk to anyone I don't know super well I feel really awkward and I feel like I'll say something wrong any second. This happens both in real life and on the internet, but even more so in real life. I don't have much of a chance to think over what I'm saying and I don't like it at all. 90% of the time I'm really quiet and people tend to ignore me, which is 100% fine with me, I prefer not talking because it just feels strange. I used to talk all the time too, but now I just keep my mouth shut most of the time. I have one friend at school, but that's fine with me because she's really the only person at school I feel comfortable talking with. When I talk to most other people I feel like an idiot.

I especially feel uncomfortable talking to people who don't seem to dislike me because I feel like if I open my mouth too much they'll start to hate me and I seriously hate that thought.

And when I do talk to people, afterwards I feel stupid. This may come from the fact that several times I talk and then people actually literally seem to hate me. (Once there was this one guy I talked to in one class and he gave me a note that called my really rude things. I didn't even read the entire note because the teacher saw him showing me the note before I had a chance and it was still upsetting.) And a couple of other people I've talked too where absolute jerk to me as well.

And even on Flight Rising I think over what I say a lot and it's to the point where I write out full in-depth responses and I erase it and decide not to comment on the thread. A couple people have messaged me on here with some friendly message, I respond back, they talk to me for a bit, and then after a couple messages they stop talking to me and I feel like I said something wrong.
Well, I'm not all that great at talking to people, but everyone around me insists I'm fine, so I don't think it's as big as I thought it was.

I guess my biggest issue is that I can be kind of self-centered. You'd figure having low self-esteem would make you less selfish, but it really means you just obsess over yourself even more. And when that happens, it makes it harder for me to notice if someone else needs help.
Well, I'm not all that great at talking to people, but everyone around me insists I'm fine, so I don't think it's as big as I thought it was.

I guess my biggest issue is that I can be kind of self-centered. You'd figure having low self-esteem would make you less selfish, but it really means you just obsess over yourself even more. And when that happens, it makes it harder for me to notice if someone else needs help.
lll.gif She/her l 15 l Resident Music/Book Dork
hey man, i totally feel you : ( i was going to come here and write something similar. that's not cool that people act like that in real life, and i have the same problem with people on fr/online in general. since i get it, i realize that saying "don't worry about it" probably isn't going to help, but you seem totally chill and cool and i'd try not to worry about it, like posting stuff on here. cheers!

as for myself:
i have a lot of flaws/worst traits but i think the worst one is my inability to form/keep friendships. hahaha i have no friends? because i don't know how to talk to people. like i literally mean i have no friends -- i don't mean it in a "i have a few friends" way. i mean... i literally have no friends. online or offline? like i have acquaintances but i have... no friends.
really haven't in awhile and even then for 4+ years i had only one friend (online of course)
i think that stems from some of my other problems, including my social anxiety? i've literally had it since i was a baby (i was a baby that was self conscious about crying. i literally would not cry as a baby because i didn't want attention directed at me. and i was terrified of other kids as a toddler because i didn't know how to act around them), and it's gotten okay to the point that i can interact with like customers and stuff at work, but i still feel perpetually awkward. and have difficulty interacting with coworkers. and i have no concept of like what friends do and stuff so i like... don't even know where to begin to try and make friendships. hm.

OH and i saw someone else's post on here, i'll totally springboard off of that. i'm "that" combination of perfectionist/procrastinator too like uhh. when i was in school i'd literally leave everything off for the last minute and panic and try to make everything great. i normally succeeded, but i always stressed myself out LOL
hey man, i totally feel you : ( i was going to come here and write something similar. that's not cool that people act like that in real life, and i have the same problem with people on fr/online in general. since i get it, i realize that saying "don't worry about it" probably isn't going to help, but you seem totally chill and cool and i'd try not to worry about it, like posting stuff on here. cheers!

as for myself:
i have a lot of flaws/worst traits but i think the worst one is my inability to form/keep friendships. hahaha i have no friends? because i don't know how to talk to people. like i literally mean i have no friends -- i don't mean it in a "i have a few friends" way. i mean... i literally have no friends. online or offline? like i have acquaintances but i have... no friends.
really haven't in awhile and even then for 4+ years i had only one friend (online of course)
i think that stems from some of my other problems, including my social anxiety? i've literally had it since i was a baby (i was a baby that was self conscious about crying. i literally would not cry as a baby because i didn't want attention directed at me. and i was terrified of other kids as a toddler because i didn't know how to act around them), and it's gotten okay to the point that i can interact with like customers and stuff at work, but i still feel perpetually awkward. and have difficulty interacting with coworkers. and i have no concept of like what friends do and stuff so i like... don't even know where to begin to try and make friendships. hm.

OH and i saw someone else's post on here, i'll totally springboard off of that. i'm "that" combination of perfectionist/procrastinator too like uhh. when i was in school i'd literally leave everything off for the last minute and panic and try to make everything great. i normally succeeded, but i always stressed myself out LOL
I am easily intimidated and frightened. When I get this way, my brain shuts down and my instinct is to flee. This makes it hard to function as a normal, responsible adult sometimes.
I am easily intimidated and frightened. When I get this way, my brain shuts down and my instinct is to flee. This makes it hard to function as a normal, responsible adult sometimes.
Oh gee...
What to pick haha?
I think my worst trait is probably that I have a bad habit of hating myself. But then I try to fix that and only end up hating myself for hating myself...its a vicious cycle.
Oh gee...
What to pick haha?
I think my worst trait is probably that I have a bad habit of hating myself. But then I try to fix that and only end up hating myself for hating myself...its a vicious cycle.
8RAJoZx.gif +3 hours FR time
Sometimes I think everything, but that's not true. I have a lot of good qualities, but my biggest negative trait is that I never take anything seriously. Everything is a huge joke to me, because it's a defense mechanism. I poke fun at myself, at my friends, at everybody, because I hate how insecure I am. :'D If I build the walls and hurt myself first, no one can ever hurt me ~
Sometimes I think everything, but that's not true. I have a lot of good qualities, but my biggest negative trait is that I never take anything seriously. Everything is a huge joke to me, because it's a defense mechanism. I poke fun at myself, at my friends, at everybody, because I hate how insecure I am. :'D If I build the walls and hurt myself first, no one can ever hurt me ~
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