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TOPIC | Religion
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Well I'm a Deist, haven't met many others...
Well I'm a Deist, haven't met many others...

booS p r i g g a n

booooThe results of hard work always seem like luck, but know you've earned every bit of your success.
hatchery coli services goals
My parents were never religious, so I grew up without religion. For a long time, I considered myself an atheist, but now I'd consider myself agnostic. Sometimes I do wonder if there is something out there greater than humanity, some kind of mysterious force in the universe, but I don't exactly believe in a god. Unless you'd consider a god some kind of amorphous energy. I don't know, but I can't really say either way whether I believe in a god or not. Science, however, is something I definitely do trust because it's logical and makes sense to me. I think it's silly to not 'believe' in things like evolution because there's evidence of it and it makes a lot of sense, but that's just me.

When I was younger, I believed in the idea of a heaven, but now that I'm older, I just don't know. I personally think reincarnation would be nice, even though life can be hard, just because I overall like being alive even with its problems and would hate to leave it. I worry a lot about dying because I'm afraid it'll just be like going into a dreamless sleep and never waking again. I mean, I love sleeping, but I don't want to never feel anything ever again. I just can't convince myself to believe in an afterlife or reincarnation, but I really, really want to because the alternative terrifies me.

So;dr: Agnostic who trusts science more than religion and wants to believe in an afterlife or reincarnation but can't logically justify it.
My parents were never religious, so I grew up without religion. For a long time, I considered myself an atheist, but now I'd consider myself agnostic. Sometimes I do wonder if there is something out there greater than humanity, some kind of mysterious force in the universe, but I don't exactly believe in a god. Unless you'd consider a god some kind of amorphous energy. I don't know, but I can't really say either way whether I believe in a god or not. Science, however, is something I definitely do trust because it's logical and makes sense to me. I think it's silly to not 'believe' in things like evolution because there's evidence of it and it makes a lot of sense, but that's just me.

When I was younger, I believed in the idea of a heaven, but now that I'm older, I just don't know. I personally think reincarnation would be nice, even though life can be hard, just because I overall like being alive even with its problems and would hate to leave it. I worry a lot about dying because I'm afraid it'll just be like going into a dreamless sleep and never waking again. I mean, I love sleeping, but I don't want to never feel anything ever again. I just can't convince myself to believe in an afterlife or reincarnation, but I really, really want to because the alternative terrifies me.

So;dr: Agnostic who trusts science more than religion and wants to believe in an afterlife or reincarnation but can't logically justify it.
qvTNuJR.pnglogo16_zps302d6ac7.png Utter Phasma Trash

I've been raised Christian my whole life, but I am much more open-minded than a lot of others. I mean, the main message of the Bible is love; I don't understand why so many Christians are filled with hate. :(

And my stance on science? It's the study of His creation. Simple as that. (Don't really believe in evolution or that the earth is millions of years old, though.)

I've been raised Christian my whole life, but I am much more open-minded than a lot of others. I mean, the main message of the Bible is love; I don't understand why so many Christians are filled with hate. :(

And my stance on science? It's the study of His creation. Simple as that. (Don't really believe in evolution or that the earth is millions of years old, though.)

When it comes to death I know just how you feel. The way I think of it is it won't bother me because I won't know I'm dead.

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.”

- Mark Twain

Also about the agnostic thing, there are theist, and there are atheist. There are gnostics and there are agnostics. I am an atheist because I don't believe in a god. I am also agnostic because I don't claim to know for a fact that there isn't some kind of god. I know the greeks gods aren't real, the abrahamic god and so on. But something that stared the universe? I have no clue.

An agnostic atheist does not believe in a god but says it is possible that there could be a creator

A gnostic atheist says there is no god and I know this for a fact.

An agnostic theist believes in a god or gods and says it is possible no gods exist.

A gnostic theist believes in a god or gods and say I know this for a fact.

When it comes to death I know just how you feel. The way I think of it is it won't bother me because I won't know I'm dead.

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.”

- Mark Twain

Also about the agnostic thing, there are theist, and there are atheist. There are gnostics and there are agnostics. I am an atheist because I don't believe in a god. I am also agnostic because I don't claim to know for a fact that there isn't some kind of god. I know the greeks gods aren't real, the abrahamic god and so on. But something that stared the universe? I have no clue.

An agnostic atheist does not believe in a god but says it is possible that there could be a creator

A gnostic atheist says there is no god and I know this for a fact.

An agnostic theist believes in a god or gods and says it is possible no gods exist.

A gnostic theist believes in a god or gods and say I know this for a fact.
I think I fall under satanism. Not LaVey satanism which is the atheistic type.

I really look up to the angel of light and everything he stands for. I'm abhorred by the christian version of heaven.

I dont reallys subscribe to it literally, but I do think it's a great figurative and idealistic point of view.

Though I /do/ believe in demons and the occult. Ghosts too. I believe in magic, but not the supernatural kind. the more biological psychological kind.
I think I fall under satanism. Not LaVey satanism which is the atheistic type.

I really look up to the angel of light and everything he stands for. I'm abhorred by the christian version of heaven.

I dont reallys subscribe to it literally, but I do think it's a great figurative and idealistic point of view.

Though I /do/ believe in demons and the occult. Ghosts too. I believe in magic, but not the supernatural kind. the more biological psychological kind.
@Nimrodel I'm Jewish, been all my life, been Bar Mitzvah'd and confirmed (I'm reform jewish) and I could try and tell you a bit about it if you wanna send me a PM!

On that note, I'm more traditionally Jewish now, as I like their values and most of Jewish beliefs, but my belief in a god or higher power is very shaky. Agnostic/traditional Jewish I guess then ;;
@Nimrodel I'm Jewish, been all my life, been Bar Mitzvah'd and confirmed (I'm reform jewish) and I could try and tell you a bit about it if you wanna send me a PM!

On that note, I'm more traditionally Jewish now, as I like their values and most of Jewish beliefs, but my belief in a god or higher power is very shaky. Agnostic/traditional Jewish I guess then ;;
ellis, he/him
haikyuu, kpop, ffxiv
always buying oc art
previously erichthonios!
Christian, pretty firmly and surely. I've been all over the denominational landscape, and actually have an MDiv.

Christian, pretty firmly and surely. I've been all over the denominational landscape, and actually have an MDiv.

AGNOSTIC AF....okai leaning towards "atheist af" but still....
AGNOSTIC AF....okai leaning towards "atheist af" but still....
[quote name="Chronosplit" date=2015-09-10 08:22:02] Ag- gold Agnostic. To be specific agnostic theist, I sometimes shift between that and Atheism. Actually neither are religions but beliefs. But I think OP is looking for beliefs. Used to be C. [/quote] *my chemist is coming out...oh noes* Ag is silver not gold *this is a pet peeve so mucho sorry*
Chronosplit wrote on 2015-09-10:
Ag- gold Agnostic. To be specific agnostic theist, I sometimes shift between that and Atheism.

Actually neither are religions but beliefs. But I think OP is looking for beliefs.

Used to be C.

*my chemist is coming out...oh noes* Ag is silver not gold *this is a pet peeve so mucho sorry*
@Interitum yes that is like the most adorable story ive ever heard tbh and second idk where you got the thought that god hates people for sexuality or anything in that matter he loves everyone now im not saying i believe in him 100% but you know i'm in a youth group and i go every friday and honestly the people there are some of the nicest ive ever met even thought there religious and take it seriously they are still normal human beings so i dont think god is a bad person i just think the world has made him out to be this evil person who hates everything witch he really inst also you can have your thoughts dont get me wrong but this is just what i think.
@Interitum yes that is like the most adorable story ive ever heard tbh and second idk where you got the thought that god hates people for sexuality or anything in that matter he loves everyone now im not saying i believe in him 100% but you know i'm in a youth group and i go every friday and honestly the people there are some of the nicest ive ever met even thought there religious and take it seriously they are still normal human beings so i dont think god is a bad person i just think the world has made him out to be this evil person who hates everything witch he really inst also you can have your thoughts dont get me wrong but this is just what i think.
Read my book! (it is under development and the grammar and continuity aren't all there yet)
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