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TOPIC | Religion
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This is just a post for people who want to share their beliefs, or talk about why they chose the religion they're in. You can also just post a letter for what religion you're in, I put a key below. Please ping me for additions to the list. Thank you.

C- Christianity

About me: Currently I am agnostic, but I was formerly a Christian. I was baptized Episcopalian as a baby, which is a chill version of Christian (no weird strict rules). I sort of believe in reincarnation, it makes sense in a spiritual "soul-existence" kind of way. Right now I'm just trying to figure out what religion is right for me. :)

Have fun, or start an argument. It's up to you!

Here's a religious question for you. Is the basis of religion faith or fear? Example in Christianity: Faith that you'll go to heaven, fear that you'll go to hell. Which overpowers?
This is just a post for people who want to share their beliefs, or talk about why they chose the religion they're in. You can also just post a letter for what religion you're in, I put a key below. Please ping me for additions to the list. Thank you.

C- Christianity

About me: Currently I am agnostic, but I was formerly a Christian. I was baptized Episcopalian as a baby, which is a chill version of Christian (no weird strict rules). I sort of believe in reincarnation, it makes sense in a spiritual "soul-existence" kind of way. Right now I'm just trying to figure out what religion is right for me. :)

Have fun, or start an argument. It's up to you!

Here's a religious question for you. Is the basis of religion faith or fear? Example in Christianity: Faith that you'll go to heaven, fear that you'll go to hell. Which overpowers?
Waiting 24/7 for death's sweet release (of their next hot mixtape of course)

atheistic satanist when i'm pissy

atheistic satanist when i'm pissy

I don't believe in a god and as far back as I can remember I never really have.

I don't believe in a god and as far back as I can remember I never really have.
I'm +3 FR time! (UTC -5)
You left out pagan, wiccan, and heathen, and no, they're not the same thing
You left out pagan, wiccan, and heathen, and no, they're not the same thing
When I was around five I learned about what death was, I don't know if that's late or early. But anyway I was freaked out; my family said it doesn't matter though because I'll go to heaven. Me being five I had no idea what that meant, all I knew was when I'm dead I can't do anything, I thought I was going to have fun for eternity.

Well when I got older I made friends with the neighbor when we moved to our new house. His family was very religious and they started teaching me about religion and my parents, being religious, thought that was a good thing. When I was about nine I went to Sunday school with him and we learned about Jonah and the whale. They would call it a whale and other times a fish which just confused me, I think they thought whales are fish. Anyway then they took us to some kind of church service where they spoke in tongue, they would go around and touch people and some would pass out, when they got to me and my friend they touched me first and I didn't feel anything but when they got to my friend he started shaking. This was just strange to me.

When I was around twelve my mom finally bought me this book on prehistoric mammals that I was wanting, it was this big science book written by National Geographic. Well in it there were images of early humans which confused me because I was told humans began With Adam and Eve. So I asked my mom and she said that it is called evolution and some people believe that but it's not true. So me being a child I thought parents are correct.

Then I had my first crush. I always saw the other boys having crushes but I never did until we got a new student, the problem was the new student was a boy. At first I didn't understand what the feelings were but I knew I wanted to be near him; I wanted to kiss him, and child crushy stuff. I didn't know that this was what other boys felt for girls; I thought all boys felt like I did. So I never brought anything about it up.

When I first heard the word gay and the one that starts with an F I didn't know what it meant. I asked my dad and he told me. My whole world crumbled. I was depressed; I stopped caring about my grades, my health, and just everything. Here I was, just a child hearing that these feelings are an abomination. So I failed the 7th and 8th grade because I quit caring about anything.

When I was around sixteen I started reading about evolution online and I would lay awake at night scared to death because it made more sense than the Bible, and that would mean no afterlife. I eventually came to terms that maybe the Bible and science could work together. So I then believed in both God and evolution.

When I was seventeen I met the first gay person besides myself, were still good friends today. Anyway I learned from him that we are out there and we are becoming a lot more accepted. I didn't tell him I was gay though, I was still scared to come out.

When I was eighteen I finally came out to my friend. He was so glad I did. Two days later I hinted it to my mother and she finally got me to say it, her reaction was pretty much "No crap, it's obvious” So she was happy I finally admitted my true self. Then the whole school knew about it because my straight friend told everyone. His intentions were good so I forgave him; he's a really nice guy. So the reason this is relevant is because I started thinking about hell. I thought I was going to burn forever because of who I love ,so I decided to read the Bible. Something few Christians such as my previous self do.

So between the flood (which I never believed), the murder of innocent babies, the ****, homophobia, slavery, racism, getting stoned for shaving, woman being forced to marry their ******, woman not having power over men, sending two bears to kill forty two children because they dared call a guy bald, I figured if this is true then why would I worship the creature that has killed millions, why not Satan who killed a total of nine. The final blow was just the fact that the bible has zero evidence to support it. Zero.

So here I am today as an Atheist. I believe in equality, and peace. I do have faith though, faith in humanity, and that someday we will care more for evidence then just following our elders, and faith that we as a species can one day be kind to each other regardless of race, religion, sexuality, gender, sex, wealth, and everything else people view as a division. Deep down we are all humans, we live, and we die. That’s it, enjoy what little time we have and help others enjoy it as well.

Sorry for the book lol, just explaining everything haha.

Edit: The blurred words are the words that mean intercorse against ones will. I can understand FR censoring it.
When I was around five I learned about what death was, I don't know if that's late or early. But anyway I was freaked out; my family said it doesn't matter though because I'll go to heaven. Me being five I had no idea what that meant, all I knew was when I'm dead I can't do anything, I thought I was going to have fun for eternity.

Well when I got older I made friends with the neighbor when we moved to our new house. His family was very religious and they started teaching me about religion and my parents, being religious, thought that was a good thing. When I was about nine I went to Sunday school with him and we learned about Jonah and the whale. They would call it a whale and other times a fish which just confused me, I think they thought whales are fish. Anyway then they took us to some kind of church service where they spoke in tongue, they would go around and touch people and some would pass out, when they got to me and my friend they touched me first and I didn't feel anything but when they got to my friend he started shaking. This was just strange to me.

When I was around twelve my mom finally bought me this book on prehistoric mammals that I was wanting, it was this big science book written by National Geographic. Well in it there were images of early humans which confused me because I was told humans began With Adam and Eve. So I asked my mom and she said that it is called evolution and some people believe that but it's not true. So me being a child I thought parents are correct.

Then I had my first crush. I always saw the other boys having crushes but I never did until we got a new student, the problem was the new student was a boy. At first I didn't understand what the feelings were but I knew I wanted to be near him; I wanted to kiss him, and child crushy stuff. I didn't know that this was what other boys felt for girls; I thought all boys felt like I did. So I never brought anything about it up.

When I first heard the word gay and the one that starts with an F I didn't know what it meant. I asked my dad and he told me. My whole world crumbled. I was depressed; I stopped caring about my grades, my health, and just everything. Here I was, just a child hearing that these feelings are an abomination. So I failed the 7th and 8th grade because I quit caring about anything.

When I was around sixteen I started reading about evolution online and I would lay awake at night scared to death because it made more sense than the Bible, and that would mean no afterlife. I eventually came to terms that maybe the Bible and science could work together. So I then believed in both God and evolution.

When I was seventeen I met the first gay person besides myself, were still good friends today. Anyway I learned from him that we are out there and we are becoming a lot more accepted. I didn't tell him I was gay though, I was still scared to come out.

When I was eighteen I finally came out to my friend. He was so glad I did. Two days later I hinted it to my mother and she finally got me to say it, her reaction was pretty much "No crap, it's obvious” So she was happy I finally admitted my true self. Then the whole school knew about it because my straight friend told everyone. His intentions were good so I forgave him; he's a really nice guy. So the reason this is relevant is because I started thinking about hell. I thought I was going to burn forever because of who I love ,so I decided to read the Bible. Something few Christians such as my previous self do.

So between the flood (which I never believed), the murder of innocent babies, the ****, homophobia, slavery, racism, getting stoned for shaving, woman being forced to marry their ******, woman not having power over men, sending two bears to kill forty two children because they dared call a guy bald, I figured if this is true then why would I worship the creature that has killed millions, why not Satan who killed a total of nine. The final blow was just the fact that the bible has zero evidence to support it. Zero.

So here I am today as an Atheist. I believe in equality, and peace. I do have faith though, faith in humanity, and that someday we will care more for evidence then just following our elders, and faith that we as a species can one day be kind to each other regardless of race, religion, sexuality, gender, sex, wealth, and everything else people view as a division. Deep down we are all humans, we live, and we die. That’s it, enjoy what little time we have and help others enjoy it as well.

Sorry for the book lol, just explaining everything haha.

Edit: The blurred words are the words that mean intercorse against ones will. I can understand FR censoring it.
Also left out Scientology, Pastafarianism and Dudeism.

Im actually a follower of Dudism, which ios easily explained to others as "Ten Commandments meets Logical thinking meets Buddhist teaching" If you can go to sleep at night knowing you caused no harm to another and you have learned something that day, It was a good day.

The Dude Abides
Also left out Scientology, Pastafarianism and Dudeism.

Im actually a follower of Dudism, which ios easily explained to others as "Ten Commandments meets Logical thinking meets Buddhist teaching" If you can go to sleep at night knowing you caused no harm to another and you have learned something that day, It was a good day.

The Dude Abides
The last thing on my list of things to do is try dying
If you wanna live forever, then you will die trying.
I sorta believe in science, and that there is a being or force in the universe that we could never understand the nature of. Stuff that has to do with quantum mechanics specifically, I don't understand the full nature of it but there are several tested theories that will make your head spin. And a few of them sorta justify an afterlife or at least a collective being, if that makes sense.

Sooo... Something similar to agnosticism.
I sorta believe in science, and that there is a being or force in the universe that we could never understand the nature of. Stuff that has to do with quantum mechanics specifically, I don't understand the full nature of it but there are several tested theories that will make your head spin. And a few of them sorta justify an afterlife or at least a collective being, if that makes sense.

Sooo... Something similar to agnosticism.
Like animal/Furry art? Check out my dA!
Everything is relative. What you see and believe is just as real and valid as what the other person perceives to be reality. There is not a single frame of reference that is 'better' or more 'right'.

At least, that is what physics teaches me. This then influences my philosophy as well. I accept other religions and perspectives, because I have no right to say otherwise. It would be arrogant and illogical of me to claim my view of reality as 'superior'. I in turn expect others to accept my perspective on the world as an atheist.

Everything is relative. What you see and believe is just as real and valid as what the other person perceives to be reality. There is not a single frame of reference that is 'better' or more 'right'.

At least, that is what physics teaches me. This then influences my philosophy as well. I accept other religions and perspectives, because I have no right to say otherwise. It would be arrogant and illogical of me to claim my view of reality as 'superior'. I in turn expect others to accept my perspective on the world as an atheist.

Deism should maybe be included on the list, though from what I understand of it, is traditionally mistrustful of organized religion. In that vein, while not really a religion, agnosticism could go on that list, since atheism is there.

I'm agnostic, myself, but from what I've discussed with deists and read about it, if I had about half an ounce more faith, I'd probably fall in that camp. I respect all religions and religious beliefs, and can admit that aspects of many religions have great merit when incorporated into one's lifestyle. Some of the trappings of a few religions (Wicca, for example) seem sort of fun, too, but they don't resonate with me in any meaningful way, and organized religion in general tends to make me extremely uncomfortable. I'm the sort of person who wants to crawl out of my skin when someone wishes me to "Have a blessed day" and I tend to avoid church functions like I'd burst into flames, but that's just me. ^ ^;
Deism should maybe be included on the list, though from what I understand of it, is traditionally mistrustful of organized religion. In that vein, while not really a religion, agnosticism could go on that list, since atheism is there.

I'm agnostic, myself, but from what I've discussed with deists and read about it, if I had about half an ounce more faith, I'd probably fall in that camp. I respect all religions and religious beliefs, and can admit that aspects of many religions have great merit when incorporated into one's lifestyle. Some of the trappings of a few religions (Wicca, for example) seem sort of fun, too, but they don't resonate with me in any meaningful way, and organized religion in general tends to make me extremely uncomfortable. I'm the sort of person who wants to crawl out of my skin when someone wishes me to "Have a blessed day" and I tend to avoid church functions like I'd burst into flames, but that's just me. ^ ^;
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