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TOPIC | unfortunate bdays
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My birthday always fell on the date of my state's standardized testing day. More specifically, the math test. So nobody ever remembered because they were too worried before and too tired after the test.
My birthday always fell on the date of my state's standardized testing day. More specifically, the math test. So nobody ever remembered because they were too worried before and too tired after the test.
Wow, and I thought being born two days before christmas was hard enough...

Got a cousin who was born on sept. 11, though!
Wow, and I thought being born two days before christmas was hard enough...

Got a cousin who was born on sept. 11, though!
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my birthday is two days away from 9/11
and i also share a birthday with a musician who killed himself :c
my birthday is two days away from 9/11
and i also share a birthday with a musician who killed himself :c
My birthday is on July 15th, release dates of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Needless to say, those two years I spent my birthday alone because everyone I knew was too busy watching Harry Potter. :u
My birthday is on July 15th, release dates of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Needless to say, those two years I spent my birthday alone because everyone I knew was too busy watching Harry Potter. :u
** UK: FR time +8 **
Someone I know has his birthday (very) close to Tisha BeAv (9th of Av, a mourning day for Jewish people). He seemed pretty upset when he told us, I just wanted to give him puppies or kittens. :c
Someone I know has his birthday (very) close to Tisha BeAv (9th of Av, a mourning day for Jewish people). He seemed pretty upset when he told us, I just wanted to give him puppies or kittens. :c
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Pearl Harbor Day.
Should have picked another day to be born, aye.
Pearl Harbor Day.
Should have picked another day to be born, aye.
talk to me about robots
[quote name="wbicepuppy" date=2015-05-23 09:29:02] Wow, and I thought being born two days before christmas was hard enough... Got a cousin who was born on sept. 11, though! [/quote] Woah, my friend was born two days before Christmas too!! We always have to have her 'party' early, since my friends and I all have family-centric Christmas traditions, poor girl. My birthday [i]date[/i] isn't unfortunate, quite the opposite actually, as I was born Easter Sunday. The sad part is my brother was born 4 years and 1 day afterward. Yup, organizing birthday parties sure was a hassle growing up.
wbicepuppy wrote on 2015-05-23:
Wow, and I thought being born two days before christmas was hard enough...

Got a cousin who was born on sept. 11, though!
Woah, my friend was born two days before Christmas too!! We always have to have her 'party' early, since my friends and I all have family-centric Christmas traditions, poor girl.

My birthday date isn't unfortunate, quite the opposite actually, as I was born Easter Sunday. The sad part is my brother was born 4 years and 1 day afterward.
Yup, organizing birthday parties sure was a hassle growing up.
i was born on the day john lennon was assassinated, only twenty years later.

but its also very fortunate, because i share my birthday with nicki minaj! and mary queen of scots, apparently.
i was born on the day john lennon was assassinated, only twenty years later.

but its also very fortunate, because i share my birthday with nicki minaj! and mary queen of scots, apparently.
+9 hours FR time
My birthday is during hunting season, so I never EVER get to see my dad there... ;n;
But I'm not sure if anything bad occured on October 17th.
My birthday is during hunting season, so I never EVER get to see my dad there... ;n;
But I'm not sure if anything bad occured on October 17th.
I'm not sure about my birthday (gonna look some stuff up) but I know someone in my year at school who was born on 9/11. My dad's girlfriend recently had a baby though, five days before my birthday (which is tomorrow) so I might end up getting less stuff as the kid gets older. It would also mean joint parties for three people at my dad's house, since my full younger sister's birthday is 13 days after mine. I don't even like parties, it involves talking to people :u

EDIT: Looked some stuff up and apparently Paul Gray (Slipknot's old bassist) died on my ninth birthday ;-;
I'm not sure about my birthday (gonna look some stuff up) but I know someone in my year at school who was born on 9/11. My dad's girlfriend recently had a baby though, five days before my birthday (which is tomorrow) so I might end up getting less stuff as the kid gets older. It would also mean joint parties for three people at my dad's house, since my full younger sister's birthday is 13 days after mine. I don't even like parties, it involves talking to people :u

EDIT: Looked some stuff up and apparently Paul Gray (Slipknot's old bassist) died on my ninth birthday ;-;
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...he/him | FR+8
@Fire lairs - please let me know
if you hatch a mint/ruby/hunter
dragon! I have a mighty need.
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