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Hanoverian23's Clan

I fight for my friends.
Venerable Lair
hidden within
Cairnstone Rest icon

Clan Info

All I want is some more time!

My Clan Lore:
I don't have much lore that affects everyone in the clan. Let's see...
There isn't really a name for the clan, it's just referred to as "the clan" by clanmates. There isn't really a traditional leader either, like many other clans have.They work more as a direct democracy, all meeting together to come to a conclusion. Of course, not everyone has to go to the deciding meetings if they don't want to. Hibiscus, Filbert, and Chao are some of the more influential clan members at these meetings, so if someone is having trouble deciding on something they usually look to those three.
The clan is set up is like a little town. They each have their own dens that they either dug out from the ground or built up from clay bricks. Rarely, a dragon will use stone to make their abode. Wood is never used because it's rare in Dragonhome and difficult to transport from other places. Water comes from a nearby river or from a well that was discovered early on in the clan's founding when Filbert was helping Hibiscus dig out a home.

Links for later:

Unhatched Egg Bravery

Radiant Friends

Free dragons

Breeding Partners

Pretty Maybes:
Grey Poison / Seafoam Facet / Seafoam Glimmer

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WanderingCosmos' avatar
January 02, 2025 13:28:27
Hey hano! Sorry i didnt see your message right away but im happy to hear from you. Fiveish years is about right i think. I remember the color wars forum and the hatchery we ran with whistlewindwolf(i think i got their user correct). Miss those times <3. Thanks for reachin out! Hope you had a swell new years
RugaQwarrcall's avatar
November 28, 2024 04:43:25
Oh hey. Certainly wasn't expecting to hear from you. I suppose I've been good.
RugaQwarrcall's avatar
February 28, 2019 22:55:36
Hey Hano. Miss you. I think you'd be glad to know people still seem to be posting for your PokeDex... Would love to talk again...if you ever see this...
thesims1231's avatar
June 15, 2017 16:13:04
Thank you!
Hanoverian's avatar
July 06, 2016 16:36:37
I'm not going to lie, the amount of stuff I'm tagged in because of our similar usernames makes me giggle.
I don't even play this game regularly or for breeding dragons, I just like the puzzles!
zenyattas' avatar
July 03, 2016 20:04:55
KilljoyMauwee's avatar
June 06, 2016 17:56:59
Thank you! I've had so much school to do for graduation
mikaluvkitties' avatar
April 04, 2016 22:15:23
Hi! I just wanted to real quick say thanks for the name! I think Kavi would be great for him! Bonus: it can help me build his personality lol :)
Limitless' avatar
April 02, 2016 09:20:15
If I ever do I will be sure to return him to you!
I can see him sticking around for a very long time though as he reminded me so much of one of my favorite game characters (may or may not have a fangirl crush heh) ^^
RugaQwarrcall's avatar
March 31, 2016 20:23:55
\o/ Yush!
Agrina's avatar
March 30, 2016 23:48:58
It might be a bit before yordle answers cuz I waited like 8 hours for her to respond to my post at like 3...
Battler's avatar
March 14, 2016 19:54:00
Sent you a little something to make up....
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Date Joined
Apr 8, 2015

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supportzombies (#146702)
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omgitserror (#147164)
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Mushroomite (#140743)
casino's avatar
casino (#126574)
WhistlewindWolf's avatar
WhistlewindWolf (#152703)

WanderingCosmos' avatar
WanderingCosmos (#107301)

RugaQwarrcall's avatar
RugaQwarrcall (#159589)

We are the sea of gnashing jaws and slashing claws...
BlazeFox's avatar
BlazeFox (#157523)

Nothing is true, everything is permitted
elroking's avatar
elroking (#146124)

*Continues to intensely Dragon
Lucyloose's avatar
Lucyloose (#94867)

I'm assorted trash :D

Recent Activity

Mar 09
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Imperial Female, 1 Imperial Male
Mar 08
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Fae Male, 1 Fae Female
Mar 07
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Guardian Male, 1 Guardian Female

Recent Achievements

Jan 17
A Higher Calling (100)
Jan 17
Pipp's Promising Prices (5)
Jan 17
Knowledge Share (150)
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