
General Discussion

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@wolfrysk Can we agree though Janeway and Tuvok had best opposite sex bromance? [img][/img]

Can we agree though Janeway and Tuvok had best opposite sex bromance?

“People who claim that they're evil are usually no worse than the rest of us... It's people who claim that they're good, or any way better than the rest of us, that you have to be wary of.” - Gregory Maguire
Yes, yes we can.
Yes, yes we can.
@MissouriMule @wolfrysk I can't believe you had a sing along without me

because I totally forgot this topic existed
@MissouriMule @wolfrysk I can't believe you had a sing along without me

because I totally forgot this topic existed
Hello everyone! I'm new to FR and obviously to this thread. I've seen TOS and TNG but my current project is watching all of DS9. Currently on season 3! AHH. So I should actually probably stay away from here until I finish.. but.. can't resist!!
Hello everyone! I'm new to FR and obviously to this thread. I've seen TOS and TNG but my current project is watching all of DS9. Currently on season 3! AHH. So I should actually probably stay away from here until I finish.. but.. can't resist!!

DS9 is my favorite~

DS9 is my favorite~
“People who claim that they're evil are usually no worse than the rest of us... It's people who claim that they're good, or any way better than the rest of us, that you have to be wary of.” - Gregory Maguire
@MissouriMule I am liking it so far, although I dont like many of the characters yet. I was assured that this will change as the later seasons get better. right now I really like Quark, Garak, and Dax. Sisko isn't too bad either.
@MissouriMule I am liking it so far, although I dont like many of the characters yet. I was assured that this will change as the later seasons get better. right now I really like Quark, Garak, and Dax. Sisko isn't too bad either.

First time I watched (And like most trekkie people I have rewatched it an uncountable amount of times) DS9 I didn't really like anybody besides Garak and Odo. (Wait till you hit the later seasons, Odo will defiantly end up on your list because he is a precious creature.) But after I rewatched it a few times I can thoroughly say I love everyone but Sisko.

Sisko just never took off for me, all the other Captains I got endeared to and respected. I don't even know why I just was very "Meh" about him. I also hate his son. Jake Sisko was the Wesley Crusher of DS9.

But the DS9 cast is one that grows on you more than it's instantly endearing.

First time I watched (And like most trekkie people I have rewatched it an uncountable amount of times) DS9 I didn't really like anybody besides Garak and Odo. (Wait till you hit the later seasons, Odo will defiantly end up on your list because he is a precious creature.) But after I rewatched it a few times I can thoroughly say I love everyone but Sisko.

Sisko just never took off for me, all the other Captains I got endeared to and respected. I don't even know why I just was very "Meh" about him. I also hate his son. Jake Sisko was the Wesley Crusher of DS9.

But the DS9 cast is one that grows on you more than it's instantly endearing.
“People who claim that they're evil are usually no worse than the rest of us... It's people who claim that they're good, or any way better than the rest of us, that you have to be wary of.” - Gregory Maguire
@MissouriMule omg i had the same thoughts about Jake! And I was also told that about Odo. Right now he has been irritating, but his relationship with quark us the absolute best.

Edit: Sorry, I am on mobile, and I tend to write really poorly on mobile. I meant I've been told Odo gets a lot better and I'll eventually like him :D
@MissouriMule omg i had the same thoughts about Jake! And I was also told that about Odo. Right now he has been irritating, but his relationship with quark us the absolute best.

Edit: Sorry, I am on mobile, and I tend to write really poorly on mobile. I meant I've been told Odo gets a lot better and I'll eventually like him :D

It's not even that Jake was a poorly written as Wesely either, it's just he was so annoying and offered no boost to Sisko's character, which was he only damn function, and just served as unnecessary filler. Granted I kinda liked his and Nog's friendship. Jake was only tolerable when Nog was in the same scene.

Odo is always a mister grumpy pants, and I never want him to be anything but a mister grumpy pants, but he's a precious baby grumpy pants who needs a hug and I would very much like to hug him.

Oh! And you should watch the movie Generations before starting on season 4, kinda works as a buffer for the events where in.

Where are you? Have we met Dukat yet?

It's not even that Jake was a poorly written as Wesely either, it's just he was so annoying and offered no boost to Sisko's character, which was he only damn function, and just served as unnecessary filler. Granted I kinda liked his and Nog's friendship. Jake was only tolerable when Nog was in the same scene.

Odo is always a mister grumpy pants, and I never want him to be anything but a mister grumpy pants, but he's a precious baby grumpy pants who needs a hug and I would very much like to hug him.

Oh! And you should watch the movie Generations before starting on season 4, kinda works as a buffer for the events where in.

Where are you? Have we met Dukat yet?
“People who claim that they're evil are usually no worse than the rest of us... It's people who claim that they're good, or any way better than the rest of us, that you have to be wary of.” - Gregory Maguire

Basically it's...well, you know how TNG takes a while to get off its feet in the beginning? DS9 does that too. It will make you feel awesome by the end though.

And Odo is wonderful. Literally second favorite character in all the series.

Basically it's...well, you know how TNG takes a while to get off its feet in the beginning? DS9 does that too. It will make you feel awesome by the end though.

And Odo is wonderful. Literally second favorite character in all the series.
I found stars on the tip of your tongue/You speak poltergeist and so do I
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