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pretty sure this is currently a crying fest over ds9


are there any other star trek fans hiding around here? like old and new, I don't mind

I own all the films and series' on dvd and though I need to watch the middle couple of seasons of ds9 and the last season of tos I'm pretty much game on everything (well, bar tas, i'm not too bothered about tas)

To any fans, what id your favourite series and why? Same for your least? Or tell me about your favourite film? Or if you've only seen the new, what made you want to see them?

For me, I love ds9 a hell of a lot right now because of how it shows how the federation is far from perfect and there's lots of diversity and yeah
Voyager was my first series so it's p.close to my heart.
Also Enterprise is my baby like sure it's got a tonne of faults but I adore it to. I have nothing against people who dislike it though.
Also I do like TOS a lot like mannnnn.
I guess that makes TNG my least favourite? I still love it mind you.

Film wise, I love Star Trek four, or, THE ONE ABOUT THE WHALES. Could watch that every day.

Also super excited for the next new star trek film in 2016. I hope it's more exploration than violence though.

That's me out. I hope there's some other people out there for me to uhhh, act cool with?
pretty sure this is currently a crying fest over ds9


are there any other star trek fans hiding around here? like old and new, I don't mind

I own all the films and series' on dvd and though I need to watch the middle couple of seasons of ds9 and the last season of tos I'm pretty much game on everything (well, bar tas, i'm not too bothered about tas)

To any fans, what id your favourite series and why? Same for your least? Or tell me about your favourite film? Or if you've only seen the new, what made you want to see them?

For me, I love ds9 a hell of a lot right now because of how it shows how the federation is far from perfect and there's lots of diversity and yeah
Voyager was my first series so it's p.close to my heart.
Also Enterprise is my baby like sure it's got a tonne of faults but I adore it to. I have nothing against people who dislike it though.
Also I do like TOS a lot like mannnnn.
I guess that makes TNG my least favourite? I still love it mind you.

Film wise, I love Star Trek four, or, THE ONE ABOUT THE WHALES. Could watch that every day.

Also super excited for the next new star trek film in 2016. I hope it's more exploration than violence though.

That's me out. I hope there's some other people out there for me to uhhh, act cool with?
I love Star Trek! I've been watching it ever since I was a little kid.

My favorite series is DS9, and I really don't have a least favorite. Voyager holds a special place in my heart as well, even though it's not as good as DS9. I haven't watched Enterprise in its entirety.

TAS is actually considered non-canon, so watching it is 100% optional...unless you're into cheesy 70s animation.

As for the movies, my favorites are Star Trek IV, VI, First Contact, and the first reboot film. I'm not really looking forward to the next reboot film.
I love Star Trek! I've been watching it ever since I was a little kid.

My favorite series is DS9, and I really don't have a least favorite. Voyager holds a special place in my heart as well, even though it's not as good as DS9. I haven't watched Enterprise in its entirety.

TAS is actually considered non-canon, so watching it is 100% optional...unless you're into cheesy 70s animation.

As for the movies, my favorites are Star Trek IV, VI, First Contact, and the first reboot film. I'm not really looking forward to the next reboot film.
@divetalon I didn't start watching Trek until 7 years ago, so when I was like 10/11 but I've thrown myself into it pretty quickly! The first episode I actually saw of Trek was Blood Fever from Voyager lmao.

Ahh it's great that you love DS9. Like after Enterprise, I've found DS9 is considered a general least favourite and I don't get it? Do people not like darker stuff idk? I mean I've seen the first few seasons and the last few, I need to watch the end of season 3, season 3 and 5 but it really is, to me, something special.

That's also good news in regards to TAS bc I'm not too much of a fan of animation. If I do, I'll leave it til I have tonnes of free time, which certainly isn't now.

Ooh! I forgot about First Contact. That's certainly my favourite TNG era film.

And also, out of curiosity, why are you not looking forwards to the next reboot film?
@divetalon I didn't start watching Trek until 7 years ago, so when I was like 10/11 but I've thrown myself into it pretty quickly! The first episode I actually saw of Trek was Blood Fever from Voyager lmao.

Ahh it's great that you love DS9. Like after Enterprise, I've found DS9 is considered a general least favourite and I don't get it? Do people not like darker stuff idk? I mean I've seen the first few seasons and the last few, I need to watch the end of season 3, season 3 and 5 but it really is, to me, something special.

That's also good news in regards to TAS bc I'm not too much of a fan of animation. If I do, I'll leave it til I have tonnes of free time, which certainly isn't now.

Ooh! I forgot about First Contact. That's certainly my favourite TNG era film.

And also, out of curiosity, why are you not looking forwards to the next reboot film?
I don't get why people don't like DS9 either. It might have something to do with the overall darker tone of the series, or it could be the general setting of the series. People are entitled to their opinions, though.

I'm not looking forward to the next film because of the fiasco that was Into Darkness. They tried to make another Wrath of Khan and it failed. If they're gonna pull another stunt like that for the third one, then I don't want to go see it.
I don't get why people don't like DS9 either. It might have something to do with the overall darker tone of the series, or it could be the general setting of the series. People are entitled to their opinions, though.

I'm not looking forward to the next film because of the fiasco that was Into Darkness. They tried to make another Wrath of Khan and it failed. If they're gonna pull another stunt like that for the third one, then I don't want to go see it.
@divetalon yeah, DS9 is rated 15 isn't it? like none of the other treks are really anything but PG or 12 at a push.

Oh, I understand you there. I've heard it's gonna be more true to TOS in the sense of exploration but idk how true that is I mean I hope it's true! I don't see the point in retelling stuff. I think i'd still go see it though.
@divetalon yeah, DS9 is rated 15 isn't it? like none of the other treks are really anything but PG or 12 at a push.

Oh, I understand you there. I've heard it's gonna be more true to TOS in the sense of exploration but idk how true that is I mean I hope it's true! I don't see the point in retelling stuff. I think i'd still go see it though.
As far as I'm aware of, all of the Star Trek series have had PG ratings.

I hope that's true as well. If it is, I may change my mind and go see it.
As far as I'm aware of, all of the Star Trek series have had PG ratings.

I hope that's true as well. If it is, I may change my mind and go see it.
@divetalone DS9 is definitely rated 15 (for certain seasons anyway, looking at season 6 and 7) and I think Enterprise is 12.

I guess we'll have to wait until more information is released!
@divetalone DS9 is definitely rated 15 (for certain seasons anyway, looking at season 6 and 7) and I think Enterprise is 12.

I guess we'll have to wait until more information is released!
super new baby fan here! i watched the reboot movies and thought they were neat! i told my friend who's a self proclaimed die-hard trekkie that i wanted to watch all the star treks and he said "i don't think you'd like them" so i didn't watch them.

but i started watching TOS a few month ago and it's so good. it's SO GOOD. i told him off for warning me away. i'm only halfway through the first season but i'm in love. i have no idea why he thought i wouldn't like it, future space stuff is so far up my alley.
super new baby fan here! i watched the reboot movies and thought they were neat! i told my friend who's a self proclaimed die-hard trekkie that i wanted to watch all the star treks and he said "i don't think you'd like them" so i didn't watch them.

but i started watching TOS a few month ago and it's so good. it's SO GOOD. i told him off for warning me away. i'm only halfway through the first season but i'm in love. i have no idea why he thought i wouldn't like it, future space stuff is so far up my alley.
@wadanohara welcome to the fandom!

some people do try to keep new fans away from the old stuff because sadly there is a divide in the star trek fandom over whether the new stuff is good or bad, (and people are judged for it, yay)

anyway, three of my friends watched the new films and I got them all into some of the older stuff, one more than others, and one (who is on here) stayed up with my half of the night for a week watching the whole first season of TOS

like even if TOS isn't as good in the sense of sets and such it is literally a treasure. like holy wow so much amazing. I hope you enjoy the rest of the first season!
@wadanohara welcome to the fandom!

some people do try to keep new fans away from the old stuff because sadly there is a divide in the star trek fandom over whether the new stuff is good or bad, (and people are judged for it, yay)

anyway, three of my friends watched the new films and I got them all into some of the older stuff, one more than others, and one (who is on here) stayed up with my half of the night for a week watching the whole first season of TOS

like even if TOS isn't as good in the sense of sets and such it is literally a treasure. like holy wow so much amazing. I hope you enjoy the rest of the first season!
@Sonne thank you!! i'm so into everything, the set designs, the clothing, the makeup, the shatner. i wish i had more time to just power through the entire thing in one sitting but i legit get overwhelmed like a toddler over how much i enjoy each episode, lol.
@Sonne thank you!! i'm so into everything, the set designs, the clothing, the makeup, the shatner. i wish i had more time to just power through the entire thing in one sitting but i legit get overwhelmed like a toddler over how much i enjoy each episode, lol.
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