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TOPIC | [guide] Coliseum Element Odds
Latest Updates:
[July 19, 2024] Updated Boneyard chart.
[July 18, 2024] Added first version of Boneyard chart. Updated level indicator on Scorched Forest chart.
[Sep 10,2023] Updated Sandswept Delta chart. Fixed Silk-Strewn Wreckage light/lightning percents.
[Sep 6, 2023] Added Silk-Strewn Wreckage.
[July 20, 2023] tried adding some alt text listing out elements by high/medium/lower presence in zones.
[Aug 5, 2022] Woodland Path updates
[Mar 21, 2022] Kelp Beds updates
[Oct 27, 2021]+[Oct 23, 2021] Mire updates
[Apr 17, 2021] Sandswept Delta updates

Each pack you fight in an area is picked from a list of set encounters rather than being randomly assembled from all potential creatures in that zone.

The left chart for each zone represents the overall ratio of elements found in the zone. The right chart represents the chance to encounter an element in any random pack.*

*Encounter Chance assumes that all packs have same chance to appear. Does not measure if multiples of an element present in pack, just the chance any are present.

Clicking the chart links to a tumblr post containing the full listing of the packs found in that zone. Except Boneyard that just links to my spreadsheet since I can't fit it in updated tumblr posts.

labeled icons representing the elemental alignments found in the Coliseum. Neutral, Earth, plague, Wind, Water, Lightning, Ice, Shadow, Light, Arcane, Nature, and Fire
Training Fields
Training Fields has an even presence of every element.
Woodland Path
Woodland Path has a high presence of Neutral creatures. Even presence of all other elements.
Scorched Forest
Scorched Forest has a high presence of Fire and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Earth, Plague, Wind, Water, Lightning, Ice, Shadow. Lower presence of Light, Arcane, Nature.
Boneyard has a high presence of Plague and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Earth, Wind, Lightning, Ice, Shadow, Light, Nature, Fire. Lower presence of Water, Arcane.
Sandswept Delta
Sandswept Delta has a high presence of Neutral creatures. Even presence of all other elements.
Silk-Strewn Wreckage
Silk-Strewn Wreckage has a high presence of Light and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Earth, Wind, Lightning, Shadow, Nature, Fire. Lower presence of Plague, Water, Ice, Arcane.
Blooming Grove
Blooming Grove has a high presence of Nature and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Earth, Plague, Wind, Lighting, Ice, Arcane, Fire. Lower presence of Water, Shadow, Light.
Forgotten Cave
Forgotten Cave has a high presence of Earth and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Plague, Water, Lightning, Ice, Shadow, Light, Arcane. Lower presence of Wind, Nature, Fire.
Bamboo Falls
Bamboo Falls has a high presence of Wind, Water, and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Earth, Lightning, Arcane, Nature, Fire. Lower presence of Plague, Ice, Shadow, Light.
Thunderhead Savanna
Thunderhead Savanna has a high presence of Lightning and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Plague, Wind, Water, Ice, Shadow, Light, Fire. Lower presence of Earth, Arcane, Nature.
Redrock Cove
Redrock Cove has a high presence of Water and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Plague, Ice, Light, Nature, Fire. Lower presence of Earth, Shadow, Arcane. Lightning is barely present.
Waterway has a high density of Water, Light, and Neutral creatures. Medium density of Earth, Plague, Wind, Lightning, Ice, Arcane, Nature. Lower presense of Shadow, Fire.
Arena has a high presence of Light and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Earth, Wind, Water, Lightning, Ice, Shadow, Arcane, Fire. Low presence of Plague, Nature
Volcanic Vents
Volcanic Vents has a high presence of Fire and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Plague, Lightning, Ice, Light, Nature. Lower presence of Earth, Wind, Water, Shadow, Arcane.
Rainsong Jungle
Rainsong Jungle has a high presence of Nature and Neutral creatures. Earth also has an elevated presence. Medium presence of Plague, Wind, Water, Ice, Shadow, Arcane, Fire. Lightning and Light are barely present.
Boreal Wood
Boreal Wood has a high presence of Earth, Ice and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Plague, Lightning, Shadow, Light, Nature, Fire. Lower presence of Wind, Water, Arcane.
Crystal Pools
Crystal Pools has a high presence of Arcane and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Earth, Plague, Wind, Ice, Light, Nature, Fire. Lower presence of Lightning. Water and Shadow are barely present.
Harpy's Roost
Harpy's Roost has a high presence of Wind and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Lightning, Shadow, Light. Lower presence of Earth, Plague, Water, Ice, Arcane, Nature, Fire.
Ghostlight Ruins
Ghostlight Ruins has a high presence of Shadow and Neutral creatures. Even presence of all other elements.
Mire has a high presence of Plague and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Earth, Wind, Lightning, Ice, Shadow, Light, Arcane, Nature. Lower presence of Water, Fire.
Golem Workshop
Golem Workshop has a high presence of Lightning and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Plague, Wind, Water, Shadow, Light, Arcane, Nature, Fire. Lower presence of Earth, Ice.
Kelp Beds
Kelp Beds has a high presence of Water creatures. Neutral also has an elevated presence. Medium presence of Earth, Wind, Shadow, Light, Nature. Lower presence of Plague, Lightning, Ice, Arcane, Fire.
Forbidden Portal
Forbidden Portal has a high presence of Arcane and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Earth, Plague, Water, Ice, Shadow, Light. Lower presence of Wind, Lightning, Nature, Fire.

Chart depicting elemental strengths and weaknesses. Each element deals weak damage against 2 elements and strong damage against 3 elements. Earth damage is weak against Earth and Wind creatures; strong against Lightning, Arcane and Fire. Plague damage is weak against Plague and Light; strong against Water, Shadow, and Nature. Wind damage is weak against Wind and Water; strong against Earth, Lightning, and Arcane. Water damage is weak against Water and Ice; strong against Earth, Wind, and Fire. Lightning damage is weak against Lightning and Arcane; strong against Water, Ice, and Light. Ice damage is weak against Ice and Shadow; strong against Plague, Water, and Nature. Shadow damage is weak against Shadow and Plague; strong against Wind, Ice, and Fire. Light damage is weak against Light and Lightning; strong against Plague, Wind, and Shadow. Arcane damage is weak against Arcane and Nature; strong against Earth, Light, and Arcane. Nature damage is weak against Nature and Fire; strong against Earth, Light, and Arcane. Fire damage is weak against Fire and Earth; strong against Plague, Ice, and Nature.
Latest Updates:
[July 19, 2024] Updated Boneyard chart.
[July 18, 2024] Added first version of Boneyard chart. Updated level indicator on Scorched Forest chart.
[Sep 10,2023] Updated Sandswept Delta chart. Fixed Silk-Strewn Wreckage light/lightning percents.
[Sep 6, 2023] Added Silk-Strewn Wreckage.
[July 20, 2023] tried adding some alt text listing out elements by high/medium/lower presence in zones.
[Aug 5, 2022] Woodland Path updates
[Mar 21, 2022] Kelp Beds updates
[Oct 27, 2021]+[Oct 23, 2021] Mire updates
[Apr 17, 2021] Sandswept Delta updates

Each pack you fight in an area is picked from a list of set encounters rather than being randomly assembled from all potential creatures in that zone.

The left chart for each zone represents the overall ratio of elements found in the zone. The right chart represents the chance to encounter an element in any random pack.*

*Encounter Chance assumes that all packs have same chance to appear. Does not measure if multiples of an element present in pack, just the chance any are present.

Clicking the chart links to a tumblr post containing the full listing of the packs found in that zone. Except Boneyard that just links to my spreadsheet since I can't fit it in updated tumblr posts.

labeled icons representing the elemental alignments found in the Coliseum. Neutral, Earth, plague, Wind, Water, Lightning, Ice, Shadow, Light, Arcane, Nature, and Fire
Training Fields
Training Fields has an even presence of every element.
Woodland Path
Woodland Path has a high presence of Neutral creatures. Even presence of all other elements.
Scorched Forest
Scorched Forest has a high presence of Fire and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Earth, Plague, Wind, Water, Lightning, Ice, Shadow. Lower presence of Light, Arcane, Nature.
Boneyard has a high presence of Plague and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Earth, Wind, Lightning, Ice, Shadow, Light, Nature, Fire. Lower presence of Water, Arcane.
Sandswept Delta
Sandswept Delta has a high presence of Neutral creatures. Even presence of all other elements.
Silk-Strewn Wreckage
Silk-Strewn Wreckage has a high presence of Light and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Earth, Wind, Lightning, Shadow, Nature, Fire. Lower presence of Plague, Water, Ice, Arcane.
Blooming Grove
Blooming Grove has a high presence of Nature and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Earth, Plague, Wind, Lighting, Ice, Arcane, Fire. Lower presence of Water, Shadow, Light.
Forgotten Cave
Forgotten Cave has a high presence of Earth and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Plague, Water, Lightning, Ice, Shadow, Light, Arcane. Lower presence of Wind, Nature, Fire.
Bamboo Falls
Bamboo Falls has a high presence of Wind, Water, and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Earth, Lightning, Arcane, Nature, Fire. Lower presence of Plague, Ice, Shadow, Light.
Thunderhead Savanna
Thunderhead Savanna has a high presence of Lightning and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Plague, Wind, Water, Ice, Shadow, Light, Fire. Lower presence of Earth, Arcane, Nature.
Redrock Cove
Redrock Cove has a high presence of Water and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Plague, Ice, Light, Nature, Fire. Lower presence of Earth, Shadow, Arcane. Lightning is barely present.
Waterway has a high density of Water, Light, and Neutral creatures. Medium density of Earth, Plague, Wind, Lightning, Ice, Arcane, Nature. Lower presense of Shadow, Fire.
Arena has a high presence of Light and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Earth, Wind, Water, Lightning, Ice, Shadow, Arcane, Fire. Low presence of Plague, Nature
Volcanic Vents
Volcanic Vents has a high presence of Fire and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Plague, Lightning, Ice, Light, Nature. Lower presence of Earth, Wind, Water, Shadow, Arcane.
Rainsong Jungle
Rainsong Jungle has a high presence of Nature and Neutral creatures. Earth also has an elevated presence. Medium presence of Plague, Wind, Water, Ice, Shadow, Arcane, Fire. Lightning and Light are barely present.
Boreal Wood
Boreal Wood has a high presence of Earth, Ice and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Plague, Lightning, Shadow, Light, Nature, Fire. Lower presence of Wind, Water, Arcane.
Crystal Pools
Crystal Pools has a high presence of Arcane and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Earth, Plague, Wind, Ice, Light, Nature, Fire. Lower presence of Lightning. Water and Shadow are barely present.
Harpy's Roost
Harpy's Roost has a high presence of Wind and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Lightning, Shadow, Light. Lower presence of Earth, Plague, Water, Ice, Arcane, Nature, Fire.
Ghostlight Ruins
Ghostlight Ruins has a high presence of Shadow and Neutral creatures. Even presence of all other elements.
Mire has a high presence of Plague and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Earth, Wind, Lightning, Ice, Shadow, Light, Arcane, Nature. Lower presence of Water, Fire.
Golem Workshop
Golem Workshop has a high presence of Lightning and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Plague, Wind, Water, Shadow, Light, Arcane, Nature, Fire. Lower presence of Earth, Ice.
Kelp Beds
Kelp Beds has a high presence of Water creatures. Neutral also has an elevated presence. Medium presence of Earth, Wind, Shadow, Light, Nature. Lower presence of Plague, Lightning, Ice, Arcane, Fire.
Forbidden Portal
Forbidden Portal has a high presence of Arcane and Neutral creatures. Medium presence of Earth, Plague, Water, Ice, Shadow, Light. Lower presence of Wind, Lightning, Nature, Fire.

Chart depicting elemental strengths and weaknesses. Each element deals weak damage against 2 elements and strong damage against 3 elements. Earth damage is weak against Earth and Wind creatures; strong against Lightning, Arcane and Fire. Plague damage is weak against Plague and Light; strong against Water, Shadow, and Nature. Wind damage is weak against Wind and Water; strong against Earth, Lightning, and Arcane. Water damage is weak against Water and Ice; strong against Earth, Wind, and Fire. Lightning damage is weak against Lightning and Arcane; strong against Water, Ice, and Light. Ice damage is weak against Ice and Shadow; strong against Plague, Water, and Nature. Shadow damage is weak against Shadow and Plague; strong against Wind, Ice, and Fire. Light damage is weak against Light and Lightning; strong against Plague, Wind, and Shadow. Arcane damage is weak against Arcane and Nature; strong against Earth, Light, and Arcane. Nature damage is weak against Nature and Fire; strong against Earth, Light, and Arcane. Fire damage is weak against Fire and Earth; strong against Plague, Ice, and Nature.
Windsinger, the green and teal deity of the Wind flight, his head and hands pop in from the left while the tip of his tail is on the right.
Ah, this is most helpful - thank you! I'd been making notes about certain enemy packs but nothing as extensive or as nicely presented as this. If you need data from other areas I may be able to assist, since my main dragon party can KO stuff in Harpy's Roost.
Ah, this is most helpful - thank you! I'd been making notes about certain enemy packs but nothing as extensive or as nicely presented as this. If you need data from other areas I may be able to assist, since my main dragon party can KO stuff in Harpy's Roost.
Just in time for the new holiday! You mind if I add this to useful links?
Just in time for the new holiday! You mind if I add this to useful links?
I'm back, but life is being complicated. It probably will take awhile for me to reply, because I log on irratically.
Go ahead, would love to see it get used, particularly with the festivals. After all the more people finding loot, the cheaper they are in the AH for things I can't find myself ;)

Thanks for the offer, so far I'm set to keep slowly plugging away at it as long as no one is trying to time me. I realized that collecting this data is a bit time consuming namely due to the random spawn factor, but that's pretty much exactly why I started this to make the data easier to access going forward.
Go ahead, would love to see it get used, particularly with the festivals. After all the more people finding loot, the cheaper they are in the AH for things I can't find myself ;)

Thanks for the offer, so far I'm set to keep slowly plugging away at it as long as no one is trying to time me. I realized that collecting this data is a bit time consuming namely due to the random spawn factor, but that's pretty much exactly why I started this to make the data easier to access going forward.
Windsinger, the green and teal deity of the Wind flight, his head and hands pop in from the left while the tip of his tail is on the right.
@Georgianna - This is an extremely useful idea.

I have full access to every level of the Coliseum and frequently use it. I will help you gather data on the packs.
@Georgianna - This is an extremely useful idea.

I have full access to every level of the Coliseum and frequently use it. I will help you gather data on the packs.
Bonsai pixels (tofu and tea motif) by miirshroom
Not sure how helpful this is, because I haven't been keeping track of pull odds and I've only just been starting in the Coliseum, but I'm pretty sure I recall encountering a three-monster party in the Training Fields - two Death's-Head Stags flanking a Crimson Emperor.
Not sure how helpful this is, because I haven't been keeping track of pull odds and I've only just been starting in the Coliseum, but I'm pretty sure I recall encountering a three-monster party in the Training Fields - two Death's-Head Stags flanking a Crimson Emperor.
Image by Mayziken
I somewhat recall a pack like that, part of the problem is that dragons level thru that area so fast and since I've been collecting as I battle I've been trying to get a high level team together before I go back and level some more dragons, but I'll be keeping an eye out for pulls I've missed as I continue to bolster my battle ranks :)
I somewhat recall a pack like that, part of the problem is that dragons level thru that area so fast and since I've been collecting as I battle I've been trying to get a high level team together before I go back and level some more dragons, but I'll be keeping an eye out for pulls I've missed as I continue to bolster my battle ranks :)
Windsinger, the green and teal deity of the Wind flight, his head and hands pop in from the left while the tip of his tail is on the right.
Hm not a lot of data for the higher levels yet since I'm leveling different dragons in lower areas, but I have played in those areas before, and from memory, the best place for Lightning for the higher level areas is Boreal Wood, which has a semi-frequent occurrence of Squall Rasa (Lightning) packs.

Unless my memory fails me, Arena doesn't have Lightning mobs at all. Not a single one.

Harpy's Roost has one mob with 2x Storm Seeker (Lightning) and 2x Death Seeker (Shadow), but from my thousands of battles grinded there, this pack is very rare in my experience.

Here is some additional pack data for the lower level areas.


Bamboo Falls (13-14)

Baku (Lightning), Dream Eater (Arcane): 5
Umbra Wolf (Shadow), Gale Wolf (Wind): 5
Ethereal Trickster (Ice), Trick-of-the-Light (Light): 2
Tengu (Neutral), Wandering Surge Priest (Water): 6
Red-Breasted Hainu (Fire), Hainu (Earth): 2
Gale Wolf (Wind) x2, Umbra Wolf (Shadow): 2
Umbra Wolf (Shadow) x2, Gale Wolf (Wind): 1
Hainu (Earth), Tengu (Neutral), Red-Breasted Hainu (Fire): 2
Red-Breasted Hainu (Fire) x2, Hainu (Earth): 2
Hainu (Earth) x2, Red-Breasted Hainu (Fire): 4
Tengu (Neutral) x2, Wandering Surge Priest (Water): 2
Wandering Surge Priest (Water) x2, Tengu (Neutral): 2
Dream Eater (Arcane) x2, Baku (Lightning): 1
Baku (Lightning), Tengu (Neutral), Red-Breasted Hainu (Fire): 4
Umbra Wolf (Shadow), Trick-of-the-Light (Light), Wandering Surge Priest (Water): 4
Trick-of-the-Light (Light), Wandering Surge Priest (Water), Red-Breasted Hainu (Fire): 2
Trick-of-the-Light (Light) x2, Ethereal Trickster (Ice) x2: 2
Gale Wolf (Wind) x4: 1

Waterway (15-16)

Sunset Lasher (Arcane), Noggle (Light): 1
Scarlet Flycatcher (Arcane), Rainbow Sprite (Ice): 1
Greater Sandstrike (Earth), Everglade Lasher (Nature): 2
Noggle (Light), Greater Sandstrike (Earth): 1
Shale Thresher (Lightning), Granite Thresher (Fire): 4
Cumulus Seal (Ice), Dappled Seal (Earth): 3
Radioactive Slime (Neutral), River Muck (Water): 5
Everglade Lasher (Nature), Sunset Lasher (Arcane): 1
Scarlet Flycatcher (Arcane), Dappled Seal (Earth), Everglade Lasher (Nature): 2
Greater Sandstrike (Earth) x2, Everglade Lasher (Nature): 3
Radioactive Slime (Neutral) x2, River Muck (Water): 1
River Muck (Water) x2, Radioactive Slime (Neutral): 1
Noggle (Light), Radioactive Slime (Neutral), Rainbow Sprite (Ice): 1
Shale Thresher (Lightning) x2, Granite Thresher (Fire): 2
Shale Thresher (Lightning), Grey River Flight (Water), Radioactive Slime (Neutral): 3
Cumulus Seal (Ice) x2, Dappled Seal (Earth): 1
Rainbow Sprite (Ice), River Muck (Water), Scarlet Flycatcher (Arcane): 1
Rainbow Sprite (Ice) x2, Scarlet Flycatcher (Arcane): 2
Everglade Lasher (Nature) x2, Greater Sandstrike (Earth): 3
Granite Thresher (Fire) x2, Cumulus Seal (Ice): 3
Brown River Flight (Plague) x2, Grey River Flight (Water): 1
Grey River Flight (Water), Dappled Seal (Earth), Brown River Flight (Plague): 2
Sunset Lasher (Arcane) x2, Scarlet Flycatcher (Arcane): 2
Granite Thresher (Fire) x2, Shale Thresher (Lightning) x2: 2
Hm not a lot of data for the higher levels yet since I'm leveling different dragons in lower areas, but I have played in those areas before, and from memory, the best place for Lightning for the higher level areas is Boreal Wood, which has a semi-frequent occurrence of Squall Rasa (Lightning) packs.

Unless my memory fails me, Arena doesn't have Lightning mobs at all. Not a single one.

Harpy's Roost has one mob with 2x Storm Seeker (Lightning) and 2x Death Seeker (Shadow), but from my thousands of battles grinded there, this pack is very rare in my experience.

Here is some additional pack data for the lower level areas.


Bamboo Falls (13-14)

Baku (Lightning), Dream Eater (Arcane): 5
Umbra Wolf (Shadow), Gale Wolf (Wind): 5
Ethereal Trickster (Ice), Trick-of-the-Light (Light): 2
Tengu (Neutral), Wandering Surge Priest (Water): 6
Red-Breasted Hainu (Fire), Hainu (Earth): 2
Gale Wolf (Wind) x2, Umbra Wolf (Shadow): 2
Umbra Wolf (Shadow) x2, Gale Wolf (Wind): 1
Hainu (Earth), Tengu (Neutral), Red-Breasted Hainu (Fire): 2
Red-Breasted Hainu (Fire) x2, Hainu (Earth): 2
Hainu (Earth) x2, Red-Breasted Hainu (Fire): 4
Tengu (Neutral) x2, Wandering Surge Priest (Water): 2
Wandering Surge Priest (Water) x2, Tengu (Neutral): 2
Dream Eater (Arcane) x2, Baku (Lightning): 1
Baku (Lightning), Tengu (Neutral), Red-Breasted Hainu (Fire): 4
Umbra Wolf (Shadow), Trick-of-the-Light (Light), Wandering Surge Priest (Water): 4
Trick-of-the-Light (Light), Wandering Surge Priest (Water), Red-Breasted Hainu (Fire): 2
Trick-of-the-Light (Light) x2, Ethereal Trickster (Ice) x2: 2
Gale Wolf (Wind) x4: 1

Waterway (15-16)

Sunset Lasher (Arcane), Noggle (Light): 1
Scarlet Flycatcher (Arcane), Rainbow Sprite (Ice): 1
Greater Sandstrike (Earth), Everglade Lasher (Nature): 2
Noggle (Light), Greater Sandstrike (Earth): 1
Shale Thresher (Lightning), Granite Thresher (Fire): 4
Cumulus Seal (Ice), Dappled Seal (Earth): 3
Radioactive Slime (Neutral), River Muck (Water): 5
Everglade Lasher (Nature), Sunset Lasher (Arcane): 1
Scarlet Flycatcher (Arcane), Dappled Seal (Earth), Everglade Lasher (Nature): 2
Greater Sandstrike (Earth) x2, Everglade Lasher (Nature): 3
Radioactive Slime (Neutral) x2, River Muck (Water): 1
River Muck (Water) x2, Radioactive Slime (Neutral): 1
Noggle (Light), Radioactive Slime (Neutral), Rainbow Sprite (Ice): 1
Shale Thresher (Lightning) x2, Granite Thresher (Fire): 2
Shale Thresher (Lightning), Grey River Flight (Water), Radioactive Slime (Neutral): 3
Cumulus Seal (Ice) x2, Dappled Seal (Earth): 1
Rainbow Sprite (Ice), River Muck (Water), Scarlet Flycatcher (Arcane): 1
Rainbow Sprite (Ice) x2, Scarlet Flycatcher (Arcane): 2
Everglade Lasher (Nature) x2, Greater Sandstrike (Earth): 3
Granite Thresher (Fire) x2, Cumulus Seal (Ice): 3
Brown River Flight (Plague) x2, Grey River Flight (Water): 1
Grey River Flight (Water), Dappled Seal (Earth), Brown River Flight (Plague): 2
Sunset Lasher (Arcane) x2, Scarlet Flycatcher (Arcane): 2
Granite Thresher (Fire) x2, Shale Thresher (Lightning) x2: 2
Bonsai pixels (tofu and tea motif) by miirshroom
Yeah been leveling thru Arena, no lightning.
Didn't have one of the Bamboo Falls packs, that brings up chance of neutral or water to 25% each there, will be able to update the images tomorrow lest I forget.

So for this holiday the best sites sounds to be Boreal Wood, Bamboo Falls, and Forgotten Cave by the numbers perhaps, depending on your teams capabilities.

Although there is a chance that the drop rates are completely type based and not level based and slamming mobs in a lower level zone may be effective as well, quantity over quality. But I cannot vouch for that working or not. I may spend some time hitting things in the training fields ones the skins are released.
Yeah been leveling thru Arena, no lightning.
Didn't have one of the Bamboo Falls packs, that brings up chance of neutral or water to 25% each there, will be able to update the images tomorrow lest I forget.

So for this holiday the best sites sounds to be Boreal Wood, Bamboo Falls, and Forgotten Cave by the numbers perhaps, depending on your teams capabilities.

Although there is a chance that the drop rates are completely type based and not level based and slamming mobs in a lower level zone may be effective as well, quantity over quality. But I cannot vouch for that working or not. I may spend some time hitting things in the training fields ones the skins are released.
Windsinger, the green and teal deity of the Wind flight, his head and hands pop in from the left while the tip of his tail is on the right.
Waterways (15-16) Encounter Rate
Greater Sandstrike, Everglade Lasher, Greater Sandstrike
Greater Sandstrike, Everglade Lasher
Shale Thresher, Grey River Flight, Radioactive Slime
Shale Thresher, Granite Thresher, Shale Thresher
Shale Thresher, Granite Thresher
Granite Thresher, Granite Thresher, Shale Thresher, Shale Thresher
Granite Thresher, Cumulus Seal, Granite Thresher
River Muck, Radioactive Slime, River Muck
River Muck, Greater Sandstrike, Sunset Lasher
Rainbow Sprite, River Muck, Scarlet Flycatcher
Rainbow Sprite, Scarlet Flycatcher, Rainbow Sprite
Radioactive Slime, River Muck
Radioactive Slime, River Muck, Radioactive Slime
Radioactive Slime, Rainbow Sprite, River Muck
Scarlet Flycatcher, Dappled Seal, Everglade Lasher
Scarlet Flycatcher, Rainbow Sprite, Scarlet Flycatcher
Scarlet Flycatcher, Rainbow Sprite
Sunset Lasher, Noggle
Sunset Lasher, Noggle, Sunset Lasher
Sunset Lasher, Dappled Seal, Everglade Lasher
Sunset Lasher, Scarlet Flycatcher, Sunset Lasher
Everglade Lasher, Greater Sandstrike, Everglade Lasher
Everglade Lasher, Sunset Lasher
Brown River Flight, Grey River Flight, Brown River Flight
Grey River Flight, Dappled Seal, Brown River Flight
Grey River Flight, Brown River Flight
Cumulus Seal, Dappled Seal
Cumulus Seal, Dappled Seal, Cumulus Seal
Noggle, Greater Sandstrike
Noggle, Radioactive Slime, Rainbow Sprite
Noggle, Everglade Lasher, Sunset Lasher
Noggle, Sunset Lasher, Noggle

226 total.
might add on to this later, idk yet.
Waterways (15-16) Encounter Rate
Greater Sandstrike, Everglade Lasher, Greater Sandstrike
Greater Sandstrike, Everglade Lasher
Shale Thresher, Grey River Flight, Radioactive Slime
Shale Thresher, Granite Thresher, Shale Thresher
Shale Thresher, Granite Thresher
Granite Thresher, Granite Thresher, Shale Thresher, Shale Thresher
Granite Thresher, Cumulus Seal, Granite Thresher
River Muck, Radioactive Slime, River Muck
River Muck, Greater Sandstrike, Sunset Lasher
Rainbow Sprite, River Muck, Scarlet Flycatcher
Rainbow Sprite, Scarlet Flycatcher, Rainbow Sprite
Radioactive Slime, River Muck
Radioactive Slime, River Muck, Radioactive Slime
Radioactive Slime, Rainbow Sprite, River Muck
Scarlet Flycatcher, Dappled Seal, Everglade Lasher
Scarlet Flycatcher, Rainbow Sprite, Scarlet Flycatcher
Scarlet Flycatcher, Rainbow Sprite
Sunset Lasher, Noggle
Sunset Lasher, Noggle, Sunset Lasher
Sunset Lasher, Dappled Seal, Everglade Lasher
Sunset Lasher, Scarlet Flycatcher, Sunset Lasher
Everglade Lasher, Greater Sandstrike, Everglade Lasher
Everglade Lasher, Sunset Lasher
Brown River Flight, Grey River Flight, Brown River Flight
Grey River Flight, Dappled Seal, Brown River Flight
Grey River Flight, Brown River Flight
Cumulus Seal, Dappled Seal
Cumulus Seal, Dappled Seal, Cumulus Seal
Noggle, Greater Sandstrike
Noggle, Radioactive Slime, Rainbow Sprite
Noggle, Everglade Lasher, Sunset Lasher
Noggle, Sunset Lasher, Noggle

226 total.
might add on to this later, idk yet.