Yesterday I was grinding in Coli and then suddenly I got a peculiar drop

A gene scroll! A parchment, rather - "Ancient Gene Parchment: Papillon" But I couldn't remember it at all, what it looks like, who can wear it, so I headed to AH. (Because database is a social construct) (it's a joke, I use it all the time, but it's usually quicker for me to look for the gene on AH dragons)
By the way, I thought for some reason it was a secondary, so I skimmed through secondaries on the ancient genes list, but nope, Papillon is a primary. I KNOW they're color coded, but I can't remember which is which qvq This silly is on me,but I wish they would put primary/secondary/tertiary in the tooltip rather then "Ancient" part ANYWAYS this is not important now
Finally I scrolled for a while through the primaries menu (why is it so long oh boy) and found it aaaand it only has an Everlux variant. Kinda underwhelming. Yeah, I get it, parchments are made in advance, so when it will get an expansion for other breeds we can swap them fast and easy, but now it's an illusion of choice, so it's a bit funny to me. Oh, and then I tried to figure it's secondary counterpart, I think it's Swallowtail lkddfgkh It's not as hard as Vipera/Hypno combo, but not 100% obvious
There are so many ancients and their genes, and moderns are getting updates all the time, so I'm constantly discovering and forgetting new genes. I just can't remember. I don't know which genes belong to which breed, can't remember their counterparts, can't remember how they look, don't know cool color combos they might have. Sometimes I want to see how a particular gene looks on other breed and - surprise-surprise! it's not available for this breed! Wait for next expansion, it may or may not be in there. (I swear there was Wolf for Gaos but it's an Undertide exclusive???)
And all the menus with the genes? They are now kilometer long, as well as ancient genes marketplace section. I know devs are trying to deal with it, like, they separated ancients from moderns categories, they did GlassGloss, but ancient's genes are still way too overwhelming :(
Do you find ancient's genes overwhelming? If you remember how they all look like and to whom they belong to... please, teach me your ways :'D Is there a mnemonic trick for it? Or you just don't care for any other breeds except for your favs?
And most importantly, what would you do with ancient's gene bloat if you were a dev?
OH and also. Do you dread the upcoming Wind ancient? Because I certainly do :'D And we might also be getting an unaligned or two-elements breed beside that, so, yeah...
This topic is not in the suggestions because I have nothing to suggestexcept maybe for parchments to have prim/sec/tert in tooltip, I'm kinda concerned about me getting out of loop, so I mostly just wanted to nag lkj;dg

A gene scroll! A parchment, rather - "Ancient Gene Parchment: Papillon" But I couldn't remember it at all, what it looks like, who can wear it, so I headed to AH. (Because database is a social construct) (it's a joke, I use it all the time, but it's usually quicker for me to look for the gene on AH dragons)
By the way, I thought for some reason it was a secondary, so I skimmed through secondaries on the ancient genes list, but nope, Papillon is a primary. I KNOW they're color coded, but I can't remember which is which qvq This silly is on me,
Finally I scrolled for a while through the primaries menu (why is it so long oh boy) and found it aaaand it only has an Everlux variant. Kinda underwhelming. Yeah, I get it, parchments are made in advance, so when it will get an expansion for other breeds we can swap them fast and easy, but now it's an illusion of choice, so it's a bit funny to me. Oh, and then I tried to figure it's secondary counterpart, I think it's Swallowtail lkddfgkh It's not as hard as Vipera/Hypno combo, but not 100% obvious
There are so many ancients and their genes, and moderns are getting updates all the time, so I'm constantly discovering and forgetting new genes. I just can't remember. I don't know which genes belong to which breed, can't remember their counterparts, can't remember how they look, don't know cool color combos they might have. Sometimes I want to see how a particular gene looks on other breed and - surprise-surprise! it's not available for this breed! Wait for next expansion, it may or may not be in there. (I swear there was Wolf for Gaos but it's an Undertide exclusive???)
And all the menus with the genes? They are now kilometer long, as well as ancient genes marketplace section. I know devs are trying to deal with it, like, they separated ancients from moderns categories, they did GlassGloss, but ancient's genes are still way too overwhelming :(
Do you find ancient's genes overwhelming? If you remember how they all look like and to whom they belong to... please, teach me your ways :'D Is there a mnemonic trick for it? Or you just don't care for any other breeds except for your favs?
And most importantly, what would you do with ancient's gene bloat if you were a dev?
OH and also. Do you dread the upcoming Wind ancient? Because I certainly do :'D And we might also be getting an unaligned or two-elements breed beside that, so, yeah...
This topic is not in the suggestions because I have nothing to suggest