
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | What is your clans name?
mine is the clan of the scalding undertow! a location I made up that exists off the coast of the blacksand annex! theyre all in my hibden :-]
mine is the clan of the scalding undertow! a location I made up that exists off the coast of the blacksand annex! theyre all in my hibden :-]
✧✧✧ AXES - THEY - 22 ✧✧✧
I like dungeon meshi and chappell roan
The Black Sun Clan (eclipse)
The Black Sun Clan (eclipse)
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The Shimmering Shallows Isle - its a bit wordy so I am a little tempted to change it but also I've been calling my clan that for so long I'm a bit attached to it
The Shimmering Shallows Isle - its a bit wordy so I am a little tempted to change it but also I've been calling my clan that for so long I'm a bit attached to it
Adopt Shop | Accent Shop
Originally my main old clan was called Hephormet. However with the change to Light the Clan was called to switch names and settled for Effulgence. I still have a tab dedicated to dragons that go by Hephormet over this recent change.
Originally my main old clan was called Hephormet. However with the change to Light the Clan was called to switch names and settled for Effulgence. I still have a tab dedicated to dragons that go by Hephormet over this recent change.
The Summit Clan! Quick and catchy. But as of my last lore update a few years back, we live in a cave, so...
The Summit Clan! Quick and catchy. But as of my last lore update a few years back, we live in a cave, so...
theultimatecatsig.gif x > bonk
> boink
Mines named SDR LV 7
BC LOOOOORE (im actually writing lore finally holy mackerel)
Mines named SDR LV 7
BC LOOOOORE (im actually writing lore finally holy mackerel)
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call me tev :]
- any pronouns
- +2 frt
- fathom and sandie enjoyer
- art creds in dragon bios
I'm just basic and called my Clan Frostfall, based off the name of where they are in my lore
I'm just basic and called my Clan Frostfall, based off the name of where they are in my lore
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my lore follows the stories of several clans- the two i pay most attention to are the Time Flight and the Vipers' Den.
my lore follows the stories of several clans- the two i pay most attention to are the Time Flight and the Vipers' Den.
i'm bugs
forum pings make me go ":)"
I mean, my normal clan doesn't have a name, but the warriors of the clan are called the Whirlwinds
I mean, my normal clan doesn't have a name, but the warriors of the clan are called the Whirlwinds
FR Time + 3
Wind flight
Semi hiatus
adoptions and starter packs here
Like any good pirates, the clan shares the name of the ship. The Stolen South is just as much a member of the crew as the captain.
Like any good pirates, the clan shares the name of the ship. The Stolen South is just as much a member of the crew as the captain.
LilLegendary's green snapper dragon named Diema bobbing her head, wearing white headphones with black trim and a pink heart symbol on the ear cup.LilLegendary's green snapper dragon named Diema doing the monkey dance while flapping her wings and shaking her tail from side to side.LilLegendary's green snapper dragon named Diema dancing by waving her front legs in the air and turning her body from side to side.LilLegendary's green snapper dragon named Diema with one foreleg on her hip and the other waving in the air.