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TOPIC | Clan Lore - The Frozen Forest
[center][i][size=6][font=Century Gothic][color=#4698af]~ The Frozen Forest ~[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Century Gothic][color=#1a687d][size=4]The Frozen Forest is one of the many locations in Sornieth where magic doesn't simply exist, it [b][i]thrives[/i][/b]. Traveling through the forest alone is ill-advised with many different creatures of legend residing within the thick icey foliage. The magic of the forest is unique and exists due to a mysterious being called the Loremaker. They are said to live deep in the forest and bless anyone who can make it to them with powerful magic. Do not let the wonder fool you though, as dangers lurk just beneath the surface... [rule] [font=Century Gothic][color=#4698af][size=5] Table of Contents[/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=#1a687d][size=4] 1. [url=]Legends of the Forest[/url] 2. [url=]Jake's Guide to Monsters[/url] 3. [url=]Map of the Forest[/url] 4. [url=]The Frostfall Clearing's Notable Residents[/url] 5. [url=]The Narrator's Tale[/url] Note: Characters will be written as if they were Gjinkas, they still have things like horns, wings, and tails, but are more human. Dragon images will be used to represent them to make things easier in that regard [center][img][/img] [/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
~ The Frozen Forest ~

The Frozen Forest is one of the many locations in Sornieth where magic doesn't simply exist, it thrives. Traveling through the forest alone is ill-advised with many different creatures of legend residing within the thick icey foliage.

The magic of the forest is unique and exists due to a mysterious being called the Loremaker. They are said to live deep in the forest and bless anyone who can make it to them with powerful magic.

Do not let the wonder fool you though, as dangers lurk just beneath the surface...

Table of Contents
1. Legends of the Forest
2. Jake's Guide to Monsters
3. Map of the Forest
4. The Frostfall Clearing's Notable Residents
5. The Narrator's Tale

Note: Characters will be written as if they were Gjinkas, they still have things like horns, wings, and tails, but are more human. Dragon images will be used to represent them to make things easier in that regard

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[center][i][size=6][font=Century Gothic][color=#4698af]~ The Legends of the Forest ~[/i][/size][/color][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Courier][color=#DA1510][size=5] The Crimson Phantom [/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [font=Courier][color=#1a687d][size=4]Known to the creatures of the Frozen Forest as their protector and to outsiders as their doom, the Crimson Phantom despite being bound to the forest against her will, has since learned to enjoy her new home. Having the ability to summon the spirits of those she has slain in the form of spectral wolves, none shall harm the forest as long as they roam the land. Like any spirit, the Crimson Phantom can dawn an incorporeal form which allows them to travel the forest with ease. This form is also easily customizable which helps with scaring off travelers, although they are not known to take that form when simply going about their day and helping the residents of the forest. Nowadays, the Crimson Phantom simply wanders alone in the forest looking for any intruders but there was a time when they would work with the White Lantern who was her good friend. The creatures mutter about the reason of their drifting apart had to do with the Violet Witch, but the exact intervention of the witch is unknown... [rule] [center][font=Courier][color=#E8C63A][size=5] The White Lantern[/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [font=Courier][color=#1a687d][size=4] The light at the end of the tunnel and the only hope lone travelers have, the White Lantern is there to guide any who need it to safety. With a soft glow always emanating from them at all times, it's theorized they are one of the few who've had a chance of meeting with the Loremaker in person. Not only is she known for taking travelers to safety, but there are tales of the White Lantern performing fears of healing magic that not even the most famous of healers in Sornieth could match. Many have come to the forest to try and learn her secret alone, for such power could help many others across the continent, sadly the White Lantern always leaves before they get the chance to ask. There are also stories of the White Lantern rescuing hatchlings who've been abandoned in the forest and taking them back home. Although no one knows if these claims are true, there have been accounts of parents losing their children to the forest and the child never returning... [rule] [center][font=Courier][color=#51249A][size=5] The Violet Witch[/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [font=Courier][color=#1a687d][size=4] What was once a desperate dragon with their motivation being in love, turned insane from messing with forbidden magic to the point where their once noble goal has been since lost to time. Not even the creatures of the forest which we call monsters dare to venture toward the witch's hut. The Violet Witch is a potion master who uses all sorts of weird concoctions for whatever goes down in their abode. But what kind of potion crafted would she be if she simply tested their potions on themself??? They have a habit of tricking travelers into thinking that the hut is perfectly safe before taking them down to her lab and testing all sorts of things on them, although one thing she won't do is kill them on purpose. It's no fun experimenting on a dead test subject. It is said that the Violet Witch's original reason for coming to the Frozen Forest was to find a cure to a disease that her late lover had, although after he died it all went downhill from there, starting with the witch taking a peak into the realm of necromancy... [rule] [center][font=Courier][color=#304953][size=5] The Lost Alchemist[/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [font=Courier][color=#1a687d][size=4]Known to many as the greatest alchemist of his era, only to lose himself to forbidden secrets the forest holds. The Lost Alchemist roams the forest trying to piece together what little remains of themself as not even he knows what he's done. Unlike most others who have become bound to the forest, the Lost Alchemist has not supernatural powers they are aware of, simply using their knowledge of the craft and other things they've learned over the years to get by. It's nothing fancy but it's enough for what they need. They say the secrets the Lost Alchemist uncovered that lead him to losing his identity was one reserved for the god, until Baldwin proved them wrong. That secret was how to create new kinds of dragons, what the Lost Alchemist stumbled upon however was not exactly draconic in nature... [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
~ The Legends of the Forest ~
The Crimson Phantom

Known to the creatures of the Frozen Forest as their protector and to outsiders as their doom, the Crimson Phantom despite being bound to the forest against her will, has since learned to enjoy her new home. Having the ability to summon the spirits of those she has slain in the form of spectral wolves, none shall harm the forest as long as they roam the land.

Like any spirit, the Crimson Phantom can dawn an incorporeal form which allows them to travel the forest with ease. This form is also easily customizable which helps with scaring off travelers, although they are not known to take that form when simply going about their day and helping the residents of the forest.

Nowadays, the Crimson Phantom simply wanders alone in the forest looking for any intruders but there was a time when they would work with the White Lantern who was her good friend. The creatures mutter about the reason of their drifting apart had to do with the Violet Witch, but the exact intervention of the witch is unknown...

The White Lantern

The light at the end of the tunnel and the only hope lone travelers have, the White Lantern is there to guide any who need it to safety. With a soft glow always emanating from them at all times, it's theorized they are one of the few who've had a chance of meeting with the Loremaker in person.

Not only is she known for taking travelers to safety, but there are tales of the White Lantern performing fears of healing magic that not even the most famous of healers in Sornieth could match. Many have come to the forest to try and learn her secret alone, for such power could help many others across the continent, sadly the White Lantern always leaves before they get the chance to ask.

There are also stories of the White Lantern rescuing hatchlings who've been abandoned in the forest and taking them back home. Although no one knows if these claims are true, there have been accounts of parents losing their children to the forest and the child never returning...

The Violet Witch

What was once a desperate dragon with their motivation being in love, turned insane from messing with forbidden magic to the point where their once noble goal has been since lost to time. Not even the creatures of the forest which we call monsters dare to venture toward the witch's hut.

The Violet Witch is a potion master who uses all sorts of weird concoctions for whatever goes down in their abode. But what kind of potion crafted would she be if she simply tested their potions on themself??? They have a habit of tricking travelers into thinking that the hut is perfectly safe before taking them down to her lab and testing all sorts of things on them, although one thing she won't do is kill them on purpose. It's no fun experimenting on a dead test subject.

It is said that the Violet Witch's original reason for coming to the Frozen Forest was to find a cure to a disease that her late lover had, although after he died it all went downhill from there, starting with the witch taking a peak into the realm of necromancy...

The Lost Alchemist

Known to many as the greatest alchemist of his era, only to lose himself to forbidden secrets the forest holds. The Lost Alchemist roams the forest trying to piece together what little remains of themself as not even he knows what he's done.

Unlike most others who have become bound to the forest, the Lost Alchemist has not supernatural powers they are aware of, simply using their knowledge of the craft and other things they've learned over the years to get by. It's nothing fancy but it's enough for what they need.

They say the secrets the Lost Alchemist uncovered that lead him to losing his identity was one reserved for the god, until Baldwin proved them wrong. That secret was how to create new kinds of dragons, what the Lost Alchemist stumbled upon however was not exactly draconic in nature...

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[center][i][size=6][font=Century Gothic][color=#4698af]~ Jake's Guide to Monsters ~[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Candara][color=#CD4799][size=5]The monsters of the forest are hard to catalog and learn more about for two reasons. A: There are so many of them, each with their own unique abilities, mostly because the Frozen Forest is basically a breeding ground for them, that it's practically impossible to get them all. And B: Most of them are very dangerous... Getting close to try and learn about them is the LAST thing you do if you value your life. But as the Frostfall Clearing's Mythkeeper (which despite the fancy title just means I am a glorified librarian), it is my duty to do my best on informing others on what might be lurking in the forest! I've done my best on writing down everything we know on some of the more prominent monsters in the forest, so without further ado let's begin shall we? [rule] [center][font=Courier][color=#1a687d][size=5]Dryads[/center] [font=Courier][color=#1a687d][size=4]Monster Type: Plant-based Level of Aggression: 4/10 Known Locations: The Evergreen Grove and the Mystic Lake Known Abilities: Plant Manipulation regardless of element. Personal Notes: Baily had apparently gone out the other day and watched a few from afar, according to him they photosynthesis, doesn't help the our local wild child Emily backed up his claim. Need to go see this for myself... [rule] [center][font=Courier][color=#1a687d][size=5]Spirits[/center] [font=Courier][color=#1a687d][size=4]Monster Type: Astral Level of Aggression: 7/10 Known Locations: Everywhere in the forest but concentrated in Spirit's Hallow Known Abilities: Passing through solid objects, going invisible, enhanced elemental abilities, being annoying. Personal Notes: Despite the fact of spirits having a high aggression level, that literally just means they will be very inconvinent, although they can still be dangerous. This information is sourced directly from the clearing's resident spirit and trickster. [rule] [center][font=Courier][color=#1a687d][size=5]Mercreatures[/center] [font=Courier][color=#1a687d][size=4]Monster Type: Fish Level of Aggression: 2(?)/10 Known Locations: The Mystic Lake Known Abilities: Turning into fish dragons things, magic(?????) Personal Notes: DO NOT, AND I MEAN DO [b][i]NOT[/i][/b] MISTAKEN THESE FOR UNDERTIDES OR GUARDIANS!!!!! THESE ARE DRAGONS/OTHER CREATURES THAT GET A FISHTAIL REPLACING THEIR HIND LEGS AND NORMAL TAILS WHEN THEY GO INTO THE WATER!!! AM I CLEAR?!?! Now with that out of the way, I'd like to say that the one time anyone has seen one, they immediately made a break for the lake in which it (the lake and the mercreature) promptly disappeared. Aka, we know nothing about these guys. [rule] [font=Candara][color=#CD4799][size=5] Now those are all the monsters so far that I've been able to confirm exist and get the minimal amount of information on. There's also a slew of different non-dragon-based ones but I don't even know where to begin with them. Some dragons have claimed they've seen a werewolf but that's just not true. Even Cratos agrees with me that there are none in the forest, he should know since he sometimes spends the full moon over in his alchemy hut a ways away from the clearing. If anyone has seen a werewolf, it's him. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
~ Jake's Guide to Monsters ~
The monsters of the forest are hard to catalog and learn more about for two reasons. A: There are so many of them, each with their own unique abilities, mostly because the Frozen Forest is basically a breeding ground for them, that it's practically impossible to get them all. And B: Most of them are very dangerous... Getting close to try and learn about them is the LAST thing you do if you value your life. But as the Frostfall Clearing's Mythkeeper (which despite the fancy title just means I am a glorified librarian), it is my duty to do my best on informing others on what might be lurking in the forest! I've done my best on writing down everything we know on some of the more prominent monsters in the forest, so without further ado let's begin shall we?


Monster Type: Plant-based
Level of Aggression: 4/10
Known Locations: The Evergreen Grove and the Mystic Lake
Known Abilities: Plant Manipulation regardless of element.
Personal Notes:
Baily had apparently gone out the other day and watched a few from afar, according to him they photosynthesis, doesn't help the our local wild child Emily backed up his claim. Need to go see this for myself...


Monster Type: Astral
Level of Aggression: 7/10
Known Locations: Everywhere in the forest but concentrated in Spirit's Hallow
Known Abilities: Passing through solid objects, going invisible, enhanced elemental abilities, being annoying.
Personal Notes:
Despite the fact of spirits having a high aggression level, that literally just means they will be very inconvinent, although they can still be dangerous. This information is sourced directly from the clearing's resident spirit and trickster.


Monster Type: Fish
Level of Aggression: 2(?)/10
Known Locations: The Mystic Lake
Known Abilities: Turning into fish dragons things, magic(?????)
Personal Notes:
DO NOT, AND I MEAN DO NOT MISTAKEN THESE FOR UNDERTIDES OR GUARDIANS!!!!! THESE ARE DRAGONS/OTHER CREATURES THAT GET A FISHTAIL REPLACING THEIR HIND LEGS AND NORMAL TAILS WHEN THEY GO INTO THE WATER!!! AM I CLEAR?!?! Now with that out of the way, I'd like to say that the one time anyone has seen one, they immediately made a break for the lake in which it (the lake and the mercreature) promptly disappeared. Aka, we know nothing about these guys.

Now those are all the monsters so far that I've been able to confirm exist and get the minimal amount of information on. There's also a slew of different non-dragon-based ones but I don't even know where to begin with them. Some dragons have claimed they've seen a werewolf but that's just not true. Even Cratos agrees with me that there are none in the forest, he should know since he sometimes spends the full moon over in his alchemy hut a ways away from the clearing. If anyone has seen a werewolf, it's him.

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[center][i][size=6][font=Century Gothic][color=#4698af]~ Map of the Forest ~[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Century Gothic][color=#68A0BF][size=5] The Icey Edge [/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Century Gothic][color=#1a687d][size=4]The border of the Forest facing the rest of the Southern Ice Fields. It's rare to see a monster in these areas but not unheard of. With the trees being sparse it doesn't make for good hunting territory, most never get past this point without realizing they've barely even entered the forest and its terrors... [rule] [center][font=Century Gothic][color=#094118][size=5] The Evergreen Grove [/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Century Gothic][color=#1a687d][size=4] One of the brighter sections of the forest. With trees that can tower over any dragon, the Evergreen Grove is a popular spot among the forest's residents to just come and calm down. It's especially filled with Dryads who use the trees as their home. The spirits also use this area as a stakeout spot for any unaware travelers. [rule] [center][font=Century Gothic][color=#0F6967][size=5] The Frostfall Clearing [/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Century Gothic][color=#1a687d][size=4] The safest place in the forest, and where a small settlement has formed for all who wish to stay in the forest long term. With only a tree or two in the area, it provides very few ways for the monsters to attack without someone noticing. The settlement has a few nice areas such as the bakery and the small library that have been set up by the dragons living here. [rule] [center][font=Century Gothic][color=#51249A][size=5] The Witch's Hut [/center] [center][item=Glowing Mushroom Cap][/center] [font=Century Gothic][color=#1a687d][size=4] The home of the Violet Witch, None who know who this place belongs to dares come close. Despite the fact that it looks quite nice on the outside with its lovely purple roof and nice windows with planter pots, much more sinister things happen inside... [rule] [center][font=Century Gothic][color=#DA1510][size=5] Spirit's Hallow [/center] [center][item=Sticky Webbing][/center] [font=Century Gothic][color=#1a687d][size=4] With a fog that never seems to leave and trees with leaves that aren't quite the right color, this is considered one of the most unsettling spots in the entire forest. Spirits and ghouls lurk around every corner, accompanied by the strange howls of the Crimson Phantom's wolves. As the centerpiece of such a place tucked into the very depths of the forest, is a temple overrun with greenery. Within it is a place just, if not more, unsettling than the rest of the Hallow... [rule] [center][font=Century Gothic][color=#3581D8][size=5] The Mystic Lake[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Century Gothic][color=#1a687d][size=4] The source of water for almost the entire forest, locked away by all the dangers that lurk. To get to the lake is to go through the forest never knowing where it is, for its location changes. It is said the lake is home to a special group of monsters that live in it, and they are who change its location of it. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
~ Map of the Forest ~
The Icey Edge

The border of the Forest facing the rest of the Southern Ice Fields. It's rare to see a monster in these areas but not unheard of. With the trees being sparse it doesn't make for good hunting territory, most never get past this point without realizing they've barely even entered the forest and its terrors...

The Evergreen Grove

One of the brighter sections of the forest. With trees that can tower over any dragon, the Evergreen Grove is a popular spot among the forest's residents to just come and calm down. It's especially filled with Dryads who use the trees as their home. The spirits also use this area as a stakeout spot for any unaware travelers.

The Frostfall Clearing

The safest place in the forest, and where a small settlement has formed for all who wish to stay in the forest long term. With only a tree or two in the area, it provides very few ways for the monsters to attack without someone noticing. The settlement has a few nice areas such as the bakery and the small library that have been set up by the dragons living here.

The Witch's Hut
Glowing Mushroom Cap

The home of the Violet Witch, None who know who this place belongs to dares come close. Despite the fact that it looks quite nice on the outside with its lovely purple roof and nice windows with planter pots, much more sinister things happen inside...

Spirit's Hallow
Sticky Webbing

With a fog that never seems to leave and trees with leaves that aren't quite the right color, this is considered one of the most unsettling spots in the entire forest. Spirits and ghouls lurk around every corner, accompanied by the strange howls of the Crimson Phantom's wolves. As the centerpiece of such a place tucked into the very depths of the forest, is a temple overrun with greenery. Within it is a place just, if not more, unsettling than the rest of the Hallow...

The Mystic Lake

The source of water for almost the entire forest, locked away by all the dangers that lurk. To get to the lake is to go through the forest never knowing where it is, for its location changes. It is said the lake is home to a special group of monsters that live in it, and they are who change its location of it.

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[center][i][size=6][font=Century Gothic][color=#4698af]~ The Frostfall Clearing's Notable Residents ~[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][font=Candara][color=#BD0A0A]The Camp [/color][color=#F777E4]Leaders [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [size=4][font=Candara][color=#1a687d]Willow and Crim set up the small settlement as a safe place for anyone who wishes to come to the forest after having met each other in an event where Willow ended up saving Crim's life. It was intended to be more of an outpost but ended up developing into the small town it now is, with Crim acting as more of a diplomat and Willow handling most of the tasks such as construction. [rule] [center][size=5][font=Candara][color=#BD0C58] The Future Leader [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [size=4][font=Candara][color=#1a687d] Firstborn of Willow and Crim, Amy is set out to be the next person to manage the town. Being curious as a child, Amy grew up knowing the clearing and the forest as a whole particularly well. Although she has not yet grown into the role of leader quite yet, they'll at least have her friends and husband by their side to help. [rule] [center][size=5][font=Candara][color=#E4AB16] The Mage [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [size=4][font=Candara][color=#1a687d] A powerful mage and scholar from Light Flight who came to the Frozen Forest when they were still a mere student with his then friend (now wife) Clementina in search of the White Lantern, seeking their miracle-like healing abilities. Even after all these years in the clearing, Daniel has yet to find the White Lantern but comes closer every day, although even after he does, he has no intention of leaving the forest for good since he has established a family there that surpasses only being of blood, though relations with his son has recently become rocky. [rule] [center][size=5][font=Impact][color=#208fa0] The Medic Prince [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [size=4][font=Candara][color=#1a687d] As one of the first children of the Dust Racer Clan in Wind Flight, Raythar ventured out to the forest with the knowledge of the dangers there and the will to help. Being particularly skilled in healing magic, Raythar helps out using the things he learned from when he was still living with his father to help the people of the clearing, and in the process formed a deeper bond with them, especially a certain Obelisk... [rule] [center][size=5][font=Candara][color=#5215C5] The Lost[/color] [color=#3B6DC7]Children[/color] [url=][img][/img] [/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [size=4][font=Candara][color=#1a687d] Stella and Emily are two very different dragons, but the one thing they share in common is the fact they were both lost in the Frozen Forest at a young age. While Stella was taken in as a child by Willow and Crim and raised alongside Amy and her younger brother Emmat, Emily was raised by a mysterious figure that she refers to as her mother in the woods. When asked about her mom, Emily describes her to be a white Nocturne and the kindest dragon ever, although no one else in town has ever seen them, as Emily stumbled upon them and began living there. Stella and Emily get along quite well, bonding over their status over just being left in the forest. [rule] [center][size=5][font=Candara][color=#750443] The Alchemist [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [size=4][font=Candara][color=#1a687d] Cratos is the son of Daniel and Clementina, taking after his dad's love of magic but taking a different kind of it, alchemy. As a kid, they'd heard of the fact that the famous alchemist Baldwin had created a whole new dragon species with alchemy alone, and that was enough to kickstart his love for the craft. As Cratos got older he started dabbling in alchemy themself after finding an abandoned hut with a cauldron in it not too far from the clearing, borrowing an alchemy book from the library. At first things were going well until he accidentally made a concoction that turned them into something not quite dragon. Safe to say things did not go down well once his father found out... [rule] [center][size=5][font=Candara][color=#925E11] The[/color][color=#244DDC] Magic[/color][color=#590666] Folk [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img] [/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [size=4][font=Candara][color=#1a687d] The more [i]magical[/i] residents of the clearing. Gerwyn is the husband of Amy and a copper golem, although he was not born one. After coming to the forest to try and face its dangers, he had an unfortunate encounter with the Violet Witch, turning him into one, that's all that's known to the majority of the town since he refuses to say anything more about the encounter. Being turned into a golem is quite the experience as he learns about his newfound capabilities and often talks with the other golem resident, Ariannel. Unlike Gerwyn, Ariannel was born, rather made, as a golem by Daniel to help protect the town. Despite being an ice golem, Ariannel rarely has to worry about fire due to the specific kind her father used in its creation. Even though her primary function is to protect the dragons of the town, it has also taken up the hobby of gardening to spend her free time. Apart of its job protecting the town is frequently getting bruises and scars which has her visited by Raythar despite its protests that she'll heal up on her own, plus the fact that Lilith with not stop teasing it about his constant visits. Lilith is the resident spirit of the clearing. Despite being on the list of monsters to stay away from, Lilith has cemented herself as a firm part of the town, having the most power when in the clearing with it being her territory. She uses the fact that the clearing is her space to keep other worse spirits away, and the dragons of the town let her stay, she's mostly harmless anyways, only terrorizing people via pranks. She also helps Baily out by providing electricity for his gadgets. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
~ The Frostfall Clearing's Notable Residents ~
The Camp Leaders
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Willow and Crim set up the small settlement as a safe place for anyone who wishes to come to the forest after having met each other in an event where Willow ended up saving Crim's life. It was intended to be more of an outpost but ended up developing into the small town it now is, with Crim acting as more of a diplomat and Willow handling most of the tasks such as construction.

The Future Leader

Firstborn of Willow and Crim, Amy is set out to be the next person to manage the town. Being curious as a child, Amy grew up knowing the clearing and the forest as a whole particularly well. Although she has not yet grown into the role of leader quite yet, they'll at least have her friends and husband by their side to help.

The Mage

A powerful mage and scholar from Light Flight who came to the Frozen Forest when they were still a mere student with his then friend (now wife) Clementina in search of the White Lantern, seeking their miracle-like healing abilities. Even after all these years in the clearing, Daniel has yet to find the White Lantern but comes closer every day, although even after he does, he has no intention of leaving the forest for good since he has established a family there that surpasses only being of blood, though relations with his son has recently become rocky.

The Medic Prince

As one of the first children of the Dust Racer Clan in Wind Flight, Raythar ventured out to the forest with the knowledge of the dangers there and the will to help. Being particularly skilled in healing magic, Raythar helps out using the things he learned from when he was still living with his father to help the people of the clearing, and in the process formed a deeper bond with them, especially a certain Obelisk...

The Lost Children
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Stella and Emily are two very different dragons, but the one thing they share in common is the fact they were both lost in the Frozen Forest at a young age. While Stella was taken in as a child by Willow and Crim and raised alongside Amy and her younger brother Emmat, Emily was raised by a mysterious figure that she refers to as her mother in the woods. When asked about her mom, Emily describes her to be a white Nocturne and the kindest dragon ever, although no one else in town has ever seen them, as Emily stumbled upon them and began living there.

Stella and Emily get along quite well, bonding over their status over just being left in the forest.

The Alchemist

Cratos is the son of Daniel and Clementina, taking after his dad's love of magic but taking a different kind of it, alchemy. As a kid, they'd heard of the fact that the famous alchemist Baldwin had created a whole new dragon species with alchemy alone, and that was enough to kickstart his love for the craft. As Cratos got older he started dabbling in alchemy themself after finding an abandoned hut with a cauldron in it not too far from the clearing, borrowing an alchemy book from the library. At first things were going well until he accidentally made a concoction that turned them into something not quite dragon.

Safe to say things did not go down well once his father found out...

The Magic Folk
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The more magical residents of the clearing. Gerwyn is the husband of Amy and a copper golem, although he was not born one. After coming to the forest to try and face its dangers, he had an unfortunate encounter with the Violet Witch, turning him into one, that's all that's known to the majority of the town since he refuses to say anything more about the encounter. Being turned into a golem is quite the experience as he learns about his newfound capabilities and often talks with the other golem resident, Ariannel.

Unlike Gerwyn, Ariannel was born, rather made, as a golem by Daniel to help protect the town. Despite being an ice golem, Ariannel rarely has to worry about fire due to the specific kind her father used in its creation. Even though her primary function is to protect the dragons of the town, it has also taken up the hobby of gardening to spend her free time. Apart of its job protecting the town is frequently getting bruises and scars which has her visited by Raythar despite its protests that she'll heal up on her own, plus the fact that Lilith with not stop teasing it about his constant visits.

Lilith is the resident spirit of the clearing. Despite being on the list of monsters to stay away from, Lilith has cemented herself as a firm part of the town, having the most power when in the clearing with it being her territory. She uses the fact that the clearing is her space to keep other worse spirits away, and the dragons of the town let her stay, she's mostly harmless anyways, only terrorizing people via pranks. She also helps Baily out by providing electricity for his gadgets.

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[center][size=6][font=Book Antiqua] Interested in seeing where all of this goes? Well, thankfully I have the story right here in this lovely book! I wouldn't mind if you joined me to read it.[/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][size=6][font=Book Antiqua]Take a seat, I'll begin reading shortly. I quite enjoy being the Narrator after all![/center] [rule] [size=5][font=Book Antiqua]Chapters:[/size] [size=4][font=Book Antiqua][url=]Lost and Found[/url][/size] [center][img][/img] [/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
Interested in seeing where all of this goes? Well, thankfully I have the story right here in this lovely book! I wouldn't mind if you joined me to read it.
Take a seat, I'll begin reading shortly. I quite enjoy being the Narrator after all!

Lost and Found
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[center][i][size=6][font=Century Gothic][color=#4698af]~ Lost and Found ~[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Century Gothic][color=#1a687d][size=5]Major Characters: [center][font=Century Gothic][color=#1a687d][size=5]Sing . Clementina . Ariannel [url=][img] [/img] [/url] . [url=][img][/img] . [/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [rule] [size=5][font=Gabriola]Day 1 in the Forest: Finally found my way here after traveling through the Southern Icefields. I'm still mad about the fact it took so long to get here, what the hell was my brother thinking when he thought coming down to somewhere [i]COLD[/i] was a good idea?! This place is freezing! And to a spooky mythical forest nonetheless! I swear I am going to drag Crim out of this place the moment I find him. Better get searching then! [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][font=Gabriola]Day 5 in the Forest: So a lot of weird stuff has been happening recently, I found this weird flower thing that seems friendly enough. Calling it Penny for the time being. There were some others like her but they seemed a lot more hostile. Still haven't gotten used to the cold and now sign of Crim. Where are you brother? [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][font=Gabriola]Day 18 in the Forest: Found an abandoned hut that I managed to stay in for the night. Sad I can't stay for long, otherwise the creatures of this place will probably kill me, learned that the hard way, thing gave me a nasty scar on my tail. Looked kinda like a dog creature or whatever. Penny helped draw its attention away which is good at least. Still not sign of Crim but at least I've been dealing with the cold better [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][font=Gabriola]Day 'I've stopped counting but it's been way too long' in the Forest: Starting to give up hope on finding my brother, but this was the only lead on where the hell he disappeared to... Although I've probably been here for more than a few years looking anyways, haven't ever found a way out in all that time however. At least I've had Penny with me this whole way through... She's been the only thing in this place that's even kind of nice to me. In the time I've spent here, I've meant spirits, monsters, and all sorts of cryptids but not a single sigh of Crim... For all I know he could've just died but there's no way to know I suppose... This is going to be my final entry for a while until anything else happens... [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Book Antiqua][size=5]Sing sighed as he closed the journal he'd had with him for over a few years now, one of his few possessions that he had brought with him and had it survive this long. What had once started out as a rescue mission had now devolved into more of a desperate attempt at grasping for whatever pieces of the past that there were left. Sing knew he was probably considered just as dead as his brother, it's not like he had any way to tell people back home he was still alive... He thought about all the good times he had back home, times he wouldn't ever be able to experience ever again. Why did Crim have to leave, life was going so well! They had both been picked to go work with Flamecaller herself, it was the best birthday imaginable! Until he left, and everything went downhill from there... Sing hated remembering those times, but they were his most recent memories from home, yet even they were far away. Not wanting to send himself into a depressive sprial, Sing closed his eyes and fell asleep, hoping to make progress in the morning. [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Book Antiqua][size=5]Clementina and Ariannel were doing the normal morning patrol around the forest surrounding the clearing when they saw something odd, there was a Fae man sleeping under a tree with one of the walking flowers on their lap. Their skin was quite tan and were a bulky build, strange for a Fae. Inspecting the Fae closer revealed that they were indeed just a normal dragon. Not a dryad of any sort, not a spirit, not anything supernatural, just your average Fae, with a fairly big beard as well. Clementina picked up a stick and started poking at the Fae, seeing if they would wake up and wake up them did. The moment they did however, the Fae immediately backed away screaming like a little girl. This also awoke the flower which hid behind the Fae. "Hey hey don't worry! We're not threats!", Clementina said holding their hands up. Ariannel followed in suit trying not to seem the least threating possible to the first not monster/cryptid dragon person they've met in a while. Now that the Fae was standing, the two could tell that they were quite old, almost as old as Willow and Crim. Although he looked quite strong for their age, which was impressive to say the least. "Wait so you two aren't monsters out to kill me?", they asked. "No?", Clementina replied. "Th-this is amazing! Finally I found some actual people in this place!", the Fae said overjoyed. "How long have you been in the forest for...?", Ariannel asked in her usual mono-tone voice "15, maybe 20 something years, I'm not sure I've lost track. Penny here has been the only one by my side this whole time" "That long? Do you maybe want to come with us to where we're settled down?", Clementina asked. "You have a base camp?!" "Yeah in the nearby Clearing. I wouldn't blame you if you never found it, the forest is weird like that" "I could tell... So what are your names if I might ask while we make our way to your camp." "Oh I'm Clementina!" "Ariannel." "Plesure to meet you both, I'm Sing." [center][img][/img] [/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
~ Lost and Found ~

Major Characters:
Sing . Clementina . Ariannel
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Day 1 in the Forest:

Finally found my way here after traveling through the Southern Icefields. I'm still mad about the fact it took so long to get here, what the hell was my brother thinking when he thought coming down to somewhere COLD was a good idea?! This place is freezing! And to a spooky mythical forest nonetheless! I swear I am going to drag Crim out of this place the moment I find him. Better get searching then!


Day 5 in the Forest:

So a lot of weird stuff has been happening recently, I found this weird flower thing that seems friendly enough. Calling it Penny for the time being. There were some others like her but they seemed a lot more hostile. Still haven't gotten used to the cold and now sign of Crim.

Where are you brother?


Day 18 in the Forest:

Found an abandoned hut that I managed to stay in for the night. Sad I can't stay for long, otherwise the creatures of this place will probably kill me, learned that the hard way, thing gave me a nasty scar on my tail. Looked kinda like a dog creature or whatever. Penny helped draw its attention away which is good at least. Still not sign of Crim but at least I've been dealing with the cold better


Day 'I've stopped counting but it's been way too long' in the Forest:

Starting to give up hope on finding my brother, but this was the only lead on where the hell he disappeared to... Although I've probably been here for more than a few years looking anyways, haven't ever found a way out in all that time however. At least I've had Penny with me this whole way through... She's been the only thing in this place that's even kind of nice to me.

In the time I've spent here, I've meant spirits, monsters, and all sorts of cryptids but not a single sigh of Crim... For all I know he could've just died but there's no way to know I suppose... This is going to be my final entry for a while until anything else happens...


Sing sighed as he closed the journal he'd had with him for over a few years now, one of his few possessions that he had brought with him and had it survive this long. What had once started out as a rescue mission had now devolved into more of a desperate attempt at grasping for whatever pieces of the past that there were left. Sing knew he was probably considered just as dead as his brother, it's not like he had any way to tell people back home he was still alive...

He thought about all the good times he had back home, times he wouldn't ever be able to experience ever again. Why did Crim have to leave, life was going so well! They had both been picked to go work with Flamecaller herself, it was the best birthday imaginable! Until he left, and everything went downhill from there... Sing hated remembering those times, but they were his most recent memories from home, yet even they were far away.

Not wanting to send himself into a depressive sprial, Sing closed his eyes and fell asleep, hoping to make progress in the morning.


Clementina and Ariannel were doing the normal morning patrol around the forest surrounding the clearing when they saw something odd, there was a Fae man sleeping under a tree with one of the walking flowers on their lap. Their skin was quite tan and were a bulky build, strange for a Fae. Inspecting the Fae closer revealed that they were indeed just a normal dragon. Not a dryad of any sort, not a spirit, not anything supernatural, just your average Fae, with a fairly big beard as well.

Clementina picked up a stick and started poking at the Fae, seeing if they would wake up and wake up them did. The moment they did however, the Fae immediately backed away screaming like a little girl. This also awoke the flower which hid behind the Fae.

"Hey hey don't worry! We're not threats!", Clementina said holding their hands up.

Ariannel followed in suit trying not to seem the least threating possible to the first not monster/cryptid dragon person they've met in a while.

Now that the Fae was standing, the two could tell that they were quite old, almost as old as Willow and Crim. Although he looked quite strong for their age, which was impressive to say the least.

"Wait so you two aren't monsters out to kill me?", they asked.

"No?", Clementina replied.

"Th-this is amazing! Finally I found some actual people in this place!", the Fae said overjoyed.

"How long have you been in the forest for...?", Ariannel asked in her usual mono-tone voice

"15, maybe 20 something years, I'm not sure I've lost track. Penny here has been the only one by my side this whole time"

"That long? Do you maybe want to come with us to where we're settled down?", Clementina asked.

"You have a base camp?!"

"Yeah in the nearby Clearing. I wouldn't blame you if you never found it, the forest is weird like that"

"I could tell... So what are your names if I might ask while we make our way to your camp."

"Oh I'm Clementina!"


"Plesure to meet you both, I'm Sing."

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