
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Which flight are you in?
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So which flight did you join?
I joined plague but I'm currently in light :p

Joined plague cause it appeals to me lore-wise and it's more "me" + dom focus, changed to light due to the eye colour clashing with breeding and light had nice eyes + dom.

Do you like it there?
To be honest, I don't pay much attention to the flight specific forums. I browse them mostly during dom, it's quite nice really but even if I love glitter and money cash bank pushes, it dosnt feel me-ish. (the lore isn't my style)

Are you considering switching flights?
I'm considering it, white light is a good place to be for sure it isn't very me as I've mentioned. But can't decide if I should go back to plague or aim for something like shadow which is also very me-ish heh :D
But then it's the issue with eye colour for breeding and shadow isn't very dom-centric is it?
Although I can probably live without it, can any shadow flight member fill me in what it's like over there? Would love to know!

Have you switched flights before? If so, why?
Yep as above, from plague to light due to eye colour. (even if I love plague eyes..)
So which flight did you join?
I joined plague but I'm currently in light :p

Joined plague cause it appeals to me lore-wise and it's more "me" + dom focus, changed to light due to the eye colour clashing with breeding and light had nice eyes + dom.

Do you like it there?
To be honest, I don't pay much attention to the flight specific forums. I browse them mostly during dom, it's quite nice really but even if I love glitter and money cash bank pushes, it dosnt feel me-ish. (the lore isn't my style)

Are you considering switching flights?
I'm considering it, white light is a good place to be for sure it isn't very me as I've mentioned. But can't decide if I should go back to plague or aim for something like shadow which is also very me-ish heh :D
But then it's the issue with eye colour for breeding and shadow isn't very dom-centric is it?
Although I can probably live without it, can any shadow flight member fill me in what it's like over there? Would love to know!

Have you switched flights before? If so, why?
Yep as above, from plague to light due to eye colour. (even if I love plague eyes..)
I joined last june, I started off in wind but changed to lightning not too long after. Wind fit my personality, but for the dragons I was breeding, the eyes just didn't match. So I switched to lightning purely because of the eyes. Yes. I know that's kinda bad.

I'm considering leaving for light or arcane though. I'm having a rough time choosing one or the other. I know people in light, so I might just do that. Hnnngh...I'm bad at making choices.
I joined last june, I started off in wind but changed to lightning not too long after. Wind fit my personality, but for the dragons I was breeding, the eyes just didn't match. So I switched to lightning purely because of the eyes. Yes. I know that's kinda bad.

I'm considering leaving for light or arcane though. I'm having a rough time choosing one or the other. I know people in light, so I might just do that. Hnnngh...I'm bad at making choices.
I am of the Shadow flight.
I did a lot some research before joining FR and picked ended up picking shadow for the eyes and lore. Hiding in the shadows playing tricks and games sounded right for me. Because we're (currently) the largest flight the forms can be very active.
I really like shadow and haven't considered switching. Maybe I'll go visit another flight some other time, but for now I'd rather be in shadow. (Especially with Trickmurk coming up!)
I am of the Shadow flight.
I did a lot some research before joining FR and picked ended up picking shadow for the eyes and lore. Hiding in the shadows playing tricks and games sounded right for me. Because we're (currently) the largest flight the forms can be very active.
I really like shadow and haven't considered switching. Maybe I'll go visit another flight some other time, but for now I'd rather be in shadow. (Especially with Trickmurk coming up!)
pulvis et umbra sumus - We are dust and shadows
My name should be self-explanatory what Flight I am in. I joined Plague because I love diseases and illnesses. And I love the strength and power Plague exudes.

I'd never leave. This flight is my home, and has been since I joined 2 years ago.
My name should be self-explanatory what Flight I am in. I joined Plague because I love diseases and illnesses. And I love the strength and power Plague exudes.

I'd never leave. This flight is my home, and has been since I joined 2 years ago.
I started out in Fire, but I moved to Light once the Flight-change feature was added because Light eyes are my favorite and I love the scenery. :O I took a vacation in Earth a little over a year ago, but I'm back to stay in Light now! The community, colours, and sunny location all feel the best to me.
I started out in Fire, but I moved to Light once the Flight-change feature was added because Light eyes are my favorite and I love the scenery. :O I took a vacation in Earth a little over a year ago, but I'm back to stay in Light now! The community, colours, and sunny location all feel the best to me.
PB-logo-transparent1.png gem.png Ashes | F
gem.png +4h FR time
gem.png Feel free to ping me!
I joined Nov. 2015 and chose Water because it's my favorite element and blue is my favorite color.

It's pretty cool here, I guess. Not really a big speaker on the forums.

I would love to vacation somewhere else, but I won't be able to get back to Water if I use my free move because I won't have the gems. *Shrug*
I joined Nov. 2015 and chose Water because it's my favorite element and blue is my favorite color.

It's pretty cool here, I guess. Not really a big speaker on the forums.

I would love to vacation somewhere else, but I won't be able to get back to Water if I use my free move because I won't have the gems. *Shrug*
So what flight did I join?
Nature (but Wind for a day when I signed up)
I'll explain why I joined Wind first. I thought that the Wind personality traits suited me more than Nature's, and I decided to be in Wind, despite being more attracted to Nature's element and aesthetic. I didn't go with my immediate first choice.
After a while of playing Flight Rising in one day I thought, 'Wind isn't for me.' I honestly thought the background and nests were disappointing (sorry Wind members) and I didn't feel like I belonged in that flight.
I'm glad I had one free flight change! I'm happy in Nature now. I absolutely love the Nature aesthetics (the nests, the background, the green colour, and our love of animals and plants. Green is my favourite colour, and I think our background is the best!)
The only thing I don't like about Nature is that our forums are rather slow. However, I have met some kind people here, and it is a tight-knit communtity.
Am I considering changing flights?
Not anytime soon! Nature feels like home to me, and I'm here to stay.
I do like Arcane's aesthetics and personality, but 1500 gems is way too expensive for a flight change, especially when I could buy so many more other things with that amount. If I could get a free flight change again I'd go to Arcane, especially because I'm curious to see their forums (which I've heard are very active)
As for personality traits, I've learnt I'm actually more of an Arcanite than a... Windy? Is that what you call Wind Flight members?
I'm kind like a Sapling, but curious and dreamy like an Arcanite.
I would like to know more about Arcane, and it would be great to know more about their forums. :)
So what flight did I join?
Nature (but Wind for a day when I signed up)
I'll explain why I joined Wind first. I thought that the Wind personality traits suited me more than Nature's, and I decided to be in Wind, despite being more attracted to Nature's element and aesthetic. I didn't go with my immediate first choice.
After a while of playing Flight Rising in one day I thought, 'Wind isn't for me.' I honestly thought the background and nests were disappointing (sorry Wind members) and I didn't feel like I belonged in that flight.
I'm glad I had one free flight change! I'm happy in Nature now. I absolutely love the Nature aesthetics (the nests, the background, the green colour, and our love of animals and plants. Green is my favourite colour, and I think our background is the best!)
The only thing I don't like about Nature is that our forums are rather slow. However, I have met some kind people here, and it is a tight-knit communtity.
Am I considering changing flights?
Not anytime soon! Nature feels like home to me, and I'm here to stay.
I do like Arcane's aesthetics and personality, but 1500 gems is way too expensive for a flight change, especially when I could buy so many more other things with that amount. If I could get a free flight change again I'd go to Arcane, especially because I'm curious to see their forums (which I've heard are very active)
As for personality traits, I've learnt I'm actually more of an Arcanite than a... Windy? Is that what you call Wind Flight members?
I'm kind like a Sapling, but curious and dreamy like an Arcanite.
I would like to know more about Arcane, and it would be great to know more about their forums. :)
Quetzal - 22 - Any Pronouns - Autistic - GLaDOS fan- Sci-Fi Artist and Writer
So which flight did you join?
I love nature. I like everything about Nature. I often lose myself in big forests with two friends of mine and we just keep walking and observe fauna all around.
Do you like it there?
I love it so bad I don't even consider changing, ever! Even if I want to take some holidays in another flight, I know I'm going to miss Nature.
Are you considering switching flights?
Have you switched flights before? If so, why?
I was in Arcane when I joined! But it wasn't fitting for me at all. People were incredibly kind, but it wasn't just my thing.
So which flight did you join?
I love nature. I like everything about Nature. I often lose myself in big forests with two friends of mine and we just keep walking and observe fauna all around.
Do you like it there?
I love it so bad I don't even consider changing, ever! Even if I want to take some holidays in another flight, I know I'm going to miss Nature.
Are you considering switching flights?
Have you switched flights before? If so, why?
I was in Arcane when I joined! But it wasn't fitting for me at all. People were incredibly kind, but it wasn't just my thing.

Art by draconoblade
So which flight did you join?
I recently switched to Shadow!

I felt kind of left out in the dom races happening in Plague. Shadow members were posting some neat banners on the forums, and I felt appealed to switch to Shadow.

Do you like it there?
Yes! Everyone I've talked to thus far has been incredibly friendly and welcoming. I like the Shadow aesthetic a lot more than the Plague aesthetic, too.

Are you considering switching flights?
Nope, I don't see myself switching flights anytime soon.

Have you switched flights before? If so, why?
Yeah, but only because I don't really care much for dominance. Plague has been lovely, and the same goes for its community, but I decided that it was time for something new.
So which flight did you join?
I recently switched to Shadow!

I felt kind of left out in the dom races happening in Plague. Shadow members were posting some neat banners on the forums, and I felt appealed to switch to Shadow.

Do you like it there?
Yes! Everyone I've talked to thus far has been incredibly friendly and welcoming. I like the Shadow aesthetic a lot more than the Plague aesthetic, too.

Are you considering switching flights?
Nope, I don't see myself switching flights anytime soon.

Have you switched flights before? If so, why?
Yeah, but only because I don't really care much for dominance. Plague has been lovely, and the same goes for its community, but I decided that it was time for something new.
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He/him pronouns

Vinesauce fan

+9 hrs ahead of
server time
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So which flight did you join?
Arcane! 0u0

I was attracted to a bunch of other flights, but Arcane really spoke out to me, with the whole pink and magic thing. I got hooked on at the start, and since then, Arcane has been amazing! ouo

Do you like it there?
Yes! The forums are so friendly and fun, and there is never a dull moment.

Are you considering switching flights?
Not really. I like where I am, and I intend to stay.

Have you switched flights before? If so, why?
Never before. And I won't be going anywhere any time soon.
So which flight did you join?
Arcane! 0u0

I was attracted to a bunch of other flights, but Arcane really spoke out to me, with the whole pink and magic thing. I got hooked on at the start, and since then, Arcane has been amazing! ouo

Do you like it there?
Yes! The forums are so friendly and fun, and there is never a dull moment.

Are you considering switching flights?
Not really. I like where I am, and I intend to stay.

Have you switched flights before? If so, why?
Never before. And I won't be going anywhere any time soon.
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