
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Which flight are you in?
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[b]So which flight did you join?[/b] Earth! [b]Why?[/b] I read the lore and description for each flight and felt that earth suited me best. Plus... [quote name="Napstablook" date=2016-02-06 15:52:17] Also, I'm a taurus. earth signs are the best \o/ [/quote] Every personality test I've taken gives me earth as my element. I won't deny that I was tempted by the other 'cooler' flights, but I thought I should at least give it a shot. Haven't regretted it once though :D [b]Do you like it there?[/b] Yes! I really like the smaller community, it gives me a sense of belonging and everyone is so nice here :D [b]Are you considering switching flights?[/b] Not really... If I do, I might switch to light cos I have a friend there, but as of now, nope! No plans!
So which flight did you join?

I read the lore and description for each flight and felt that earth suited me best. Plus...
Napstablook wrote on 2016-02-06:
Also, I'm a taurus. earth signs are the best \o/

Every personality test I've taken gives me earth as my element. I won't deny that I was tempted by the other 'cooler' flights, but I thought I should at least give it a shot. Haven't regretted it once though :D

Do you like it there?
Yes! I really like the smaller community, it gives me a sense of belonging and everyone is so nice here :D

Are you considering switching flights?
Not really... If I do, I might switch to light cos I have a friend there, but as of now, nope! No plans!
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I joined Arcane because the description of dreamers and curiosity really spoke to me. I gosh darn love Arcane the community is so nice and I juST REALLY LOVE ARCANE vibrates.

I switched to Wind 8 months in out of curiosity. I still loved Arcane, but I wanted a change of scenery. Wind is super nice, but I wanted to switch back after about two weeks, aha.
I joined Arcane because the description of dreamers and curiosity really spoke to me. I gosh darn love Arcane the community is so nice and I juST REALLY LOVE ARCANE vibrates.

I switched to Wind 8 months in out of curiosity. I still loved Arcane, but I wanted a change of scenery. Wind is super nice, but I wanted to switch back after about two weeks, aha.
they scream - restore hoardsold items.
- maki's festival guide & event calendar.
- uncheck "hoard... while scrolling" to unsticky your hoard.
- buying an apparel slot for a dragon unlocks it for all of your dragons.
- abby art by cheitora!
Love reading everyone's stories.

I started out in plague .. stayed in plague .. became one with plague. <3
Love reading everyone's stories.

I started out in plague .. stayed in plague .. became one with plague. <3

FR + 8/9
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxprofile dragon

So which flight did you join? I joined nature!
Why? The tutorial (I think?) said "hey u should pick based on personality" and I said "ok"
Do you like it there? Yes I love it in nature~! They've been an enjoyable community. It's fun watching them pick up motivation for dominance and watch them win dom battles that surprise people and even surprise themselves! ^o^ It's just nice watching them grow c:
Are you considering switching flights? Someday I will, probably after the next nature festival. I'm curious about other flights and first I want to move to wind because I am suuuuuper in love with wind eyes <3
Have you switched flights before? If so, why? Never yet!
So which flight did you join? I joined nature!
Why? The tutorial (I think?) said "hey u should pick based on personality" and I said "ok"
Do you like it there? Yes I love it in nature~! They've been an enjoyable community. It's fun watching them pick up motivation for dominance and watch them win dom battles that surprise people and even surprise themselves! ^o^ It's just nice watching them grow c:
Are you considering switching flights? Someday I will, probably after the next nature festival. I'm curious about other flights and first I want to move to wind because I am suuuuuper in love with wind eyes <3
Have you switched flights before? If so, why? Never yet!
Signature image drawn by Lpip. The character is property of them!
So which flight did you join?
Do you like it there?
Are you considering switching flights?

i joined water! i love it just in general as an element, so soothing and life-giving, yet it has the possibility for great destruction too. i enjoyed the lore this site gave it too. i enjoy being in this flight, and maybe someday i might change to nature, it's rather gorgeous.
So which flight did you join?
Do you like it there?
Are you considering switching flights?

i joined water! i love it just in general as an element, so soothing and life-giving, yet it has the possibility for great destruction too. i enjoyed the lore this site gave it too. i enjoy being in this flight, and maybe someday i might change to nature, it's rather gorgeous.
I joined Arcane, because I thought the description suited me best. Also, SPAAAAAAAACE!
I was considering Wind, (I like green, and the sky), but I ended up choosing Arcane even though its color is pink, my least favorite color. So I just try to pretend it's purple.
I also love that the Arcanist loves reading, stargazing, and uncovering the mysteries of the universe, and that his curiosity, like mine, might lead to accidently destroying everything.
I joined Arcane, because I thought the description suited me best. Also, SPAAAAAAAACE!
I was considering Wind, (I like green, and the sky), but I ended up choosing Arcane even though its color is pink, my least favorite color. So I just try to pretend it's purple.
I also love that the Arcanist loves reading, stargazing, and uncovering the mysteries of the universe, and that his curiosity, like mine, might lead to accidently destroying everything.
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