
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Weekly Q&A [Closed]
Are the Ghostlight Ruins situated by the Hewn City in the Sunbeam Ruins, or by the Forum of the Obscured Crescent in the Tangled Wood?
Are the Ghostlight Ruins situated by the Hewn City in the Sunbeam Ruins, or by the Forum of the Obscured Crescent in the Tangled Wood?
I saw somewhere (Tumblr?) that there was once maybe different poses for male and female hatchlings - which is AWESOME! Any chance that will happen? Please, please, please?
I saw somewhere (Tumblr?) that there was once maybe different poses for male and female hatchlings - which is AWESOME! Any chance that will happen? Please, please, please?
Walking through a Fairy Circle can make magic happen. It might change the color of a dragon, or change its genes or even its breed. Only the bravest set out to make an intentional trip through a Fairy Circle. Most dragons just step right into them when they are concentrating on something else. Just remember - Magic is Everywhere tumblr_o869wygMbQ1v4aprho7_r1_100.png
My Favorite Skin Shop!!
Why is there so much empty space on the "Create New Item" section of Baldwin's? I have eleven pages, but not even the 10th is full.
Why is there so much empty space on the "Create New Item" section of Baldwin's? I have eleven pages, but not even the 10th is full.
Psst - I like pings!

When will the color wheel update happen?
When will the color wheel update happen?
"A lone Wendigo is danger to both beastclans and dragonkind."

About how tall is a Wendigo I wonder? which breeds would be most endangered by them and which not. are they about as tall as a Tundra? a guardian maybe? I wonder what would be the rough guess if a single Wendigo seems to be able to fight a dragon.
"A lone Wendigo is danger to both beastclans and dragonkind."

About how tall is a Wendigo I wonder? which breeds would be most endangered by them and which not. are they about as tall as a Tundra? a guardian maybe? I wonder what would be the rough guess if a single Wendigo seems to be able to fight a dragon.
will we be able to see Emperor anywhere in the game world? Such as lore mentioning or coli boss.
will we be able to see Emperor anywhere in the game world? Such as lore mentioning or coli boss.
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[item=Woodsdrake Cape] Why is the Woodsdrake Cape's sell value 0, yet it can be stored in the vault?
Woodsdrake Cape

Why is the Woodsdrake Cape's sell value 0, yet it can be stored in the vault?
FR 0+ Hours (exact with site/server time)
Pardon the typos! I'm on mobile ALOT.
(Probably why a lot of my forum posts are edited.)
Is the Fallout Streak still available as a Familiar? If it is, how do I get one?
Is the Fallout Streak still available as a Familiar? If it is, how do I get one?
+2 FR time

DRS: Permanent dragons are all in the den!
Lore-wise, what happens to your exalted dragons when you change your flight? I recently switched over to shadow but I've noticed that dragons I'd previously sent to the Stormcatcher now serve the Shadowbinder.
Lore-wise, what happens to your exalted dragons when you change your flight? I recently switched over to shadow but I've noticed that dragons I'd previously sent to the Stormcatcher now serve the Shadowbinder.
How big is Sornieth (also the planet, but mainly the whole of the continent on the world map)?
& More specifically : What is the scale/ratio on the world map, like 100 px = ?

If asking for details is too much, can you say it in close comparison to lands/countries (~Dragonhome is the size of India)?
How big is Sornieth (also the planet, but mainly the whole of the continent on the world map)?
& More specifically : What is the scale/ratio on the world map, like 100 px = ?

If asking for details is too much, can you say it in close comparison to lands/countries (~Dragonhome is the size of India)?
size = 525x100