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TOPIC | PMD Upick Discussion (Game End)
ok im back from a walk in the park i'm going to get some quick thoughts out now

-no nk is bonkers but welcomed
-rock miss is also bonkers but i get how it happened with how i'm being sussed
-ains 3p is? i'm going to have to think about how this impacts the game. not quite related but i think this is pretty funny because the only other game i was active in (legends and the legendary) ains was ALSO 3p. ive never seen ains be anything but 3p
-i'll probably get an updated readlist out before june 9th. i have a lot of stuff to do this weekend and the 9th is the day i check out the pride parade but i PROBABLY will have more free time overall than earlier this week because today was the day of my last exams. the marketplace masterwork is coming soon.
ok im back from a walk in the park i'm going to get some quick thoughts out now

-no nk is bonkers but welcomed
-rock miss is also bonkers but i get how it happened with how i'm being sussed
-ains 3p is? i'm going to have to think about how this impacts the game. not quite related but i think this is pretty funny because the only other game i was active in (legends and the legendary) ains was ALSO 3p. ive never seen ains be anything but 3p
-i'll probably get an updated readlist out before june 9th. i have a lot of stuff to do this weekend and the 9th is the day i check out the pride parade but i PROBABLY will have more free time overall than earlier this week because today was the day of my last exams. the marketplace masterwork is coming soon.

art ^ skins ^ buying fod nests

artmajor, sunsprite, and latsyric. they are all dead and two of them were voted by trashy, and sunsprite was majorly sussed by them to the point they think im mafia paired with them

artmajor, sunsprite, and latsyric. they are all dead and two of them were voted by trashy, and sunsprite was majorly sussed by them to the point they think im mafia paired with them
my name is essence, your local gay unicorn!
[quote name="@Storia" date="2024-06-07 19:38:40" ] @Eenyay artmajor, sunsprite, and latsyric. they are all dead and two of them were voted by trashy, and sunsprite was majorly sussed by them to the point they think im mafia paired with them [/quote] Ah, I thought “alive”, my bad! Thank you for the clarification!
@Storia wrote on 2024-06-07 19:38:40:

artmajor, sunsprite, and latsyric. they are all dead and two of them were voted by trashy, and sunsprite was majorly sussed by them to the point they think im mafia paired with them
Ah, I thought “alive”, my bad! Thank you for the clarification!

You can call me Ene or Een!
I’m subbed to all threads I make, but please ping me in external threads!

Ains being 3p I'm willing to believe. It explains the almost but not quite town vibes I've been getting. But it also makes me a bit more on edge about their wincon. They claim not anti-town but there are def 3p who can play pro-town up until they suddenly activate and murder us all. Not saying that's a huge priority atm but good to keep in mind I guess. Maybe don't visit Ainsell just in case, for instance [quote name="Luftschloss" date="2024-06-07 18:47:14" ] @Trashysockbasket (spelled right this time :p) can you get the reasoning out for your fearfax scumread soon? You sussing (checks notes) 3 confirmed town and not dropping your reasoning for this vote doesn't look good. [/quote] Also seconding Luft's ask for more info on why you're sussing Fearfax so hard? It's one of the main reasons I'm so much more uneasy about you compared to the start of the game
Ains being 3p I'm willing to believe. It explains the almost but not quite town vibes I've been getting. But it also makes me a bit more on edge about their wincon. They claim not anti-town but there are def 3p who can play pro-town up until they suddenly activate and murder us all. Not saying that's a huge priority atm but good to keep in mind I guess. Maybe don't visit Ainsell just in case, for instance

Luftschloss wrote on 2024-06-07 18:47:14:
@Trashysockbasket (spelled right this time :p) can you get the reasoning out for your fearfax scumread soon? You sussing (checks notes) 3 confirmed town and not dropping your reasoning for this vote doesn't look good.

Also seconding Luft's ask for more info on why you're sussing Fearfax so hard? It's one of the main reasons I'm so much more uneasy about you compared to the start of the game
LohCDcp.png v886aA7.png UYXZLyE.png

@trashysockbasket sussed and voted art - town [b]mildly[/b] sussed and vote latsyric - town sussed sunsprite - town sussed storia b/c they seem paired mafia with tuna sussing fearfax and voting immediately at day start, and i'm inclined to feel good about her tbh if you have some info to back this up i'm all ears because i do not trust you at all at this point these do not look good to me but onto the iso. admittedly the top half of this doesn't have a lot of substance but i didn't feel like erasing it all. the second half is where i start to feel very uneasy [quote name="TrashySockBasket" date="2024-06-02 22:44:01" ] On the other hand, [b]My current strongest scum leans are ArtMajor and Eenyay[/b], and unless things change I'd be down to elim either of them today. Leaning towards Art because she seems to be a little all over the place, and her response/defense posts towards others read to me as standoffish. [/quote] weak reasoning for art. and yea, most d1 reasonings are weak but for the sake of my iso i'm including it because i don't like the pattern here [quote name="TrashySockBasket" date="2024-06-03 14:29:48" ] In terms of player elims I think the beef between ArtMajor and SunSprite is really interesting, considering I'd say they're currently the top two on my scum list rn. So if we yeet one and they flip town I'm going to be extremely suspicious of the other, and if the yote person flips as maf I'm inclined to trust the other person significantly more. (There's always the chance of them both being maf and there's some bussing shenans going on, but I really don't see that being an advantageous play this early in the game. Not something I think discussion should focus on atm, but I don't like to rule any possibilities out entirely without hard evidence.) [/quote] doesn't like to rule out possibilities but doesn't mention the possibility of town v town [quote name="TrashySockBasket" date="2024-06-03 15:26:42" ] I'm voting @ArtMajor for now before I forget, not entirely opposed to changing my mind but atm 1. She's top of my sus list for a combination of the thing with Een, scattered speculations (latching on to the vig thing hard when I just don't think is worth thinking about at this stage), and just an overall weird 'off' and standoffish sort of vibe in her defense posts. 2. She's had notable interactions with both Een and SunSprite, who are also on my sus list, so I feel like seeing her post-death flip will provide me/us with more insight onto those two 3. At first I was hesitant about eliminating someone who at least seems to be actively posting in convo, but ultimately reading back through I'm not seeing a super lot of usable content compared to the volume of posts she's putting out. Plus it seems like we've got a lot of talkers and thorough elaborators in this game so I think we can get by just fine without her voice (sorry Art lol this one sounds a little mean but it's nothing personnel kid/ref I prommy). [/quote] gave some better reasoning for the art vote at least [quote name="TrashySockBasket" date="2024-06-03 16:37:36" ] Latsyric - Squinting Very Gently Okay so the notes that I wrote on Latsyric were taken at the time when I was zooted on insomnia meds and are actual terrible quality lmao. Things like 'I really dislike their intro post' and 'they were being weird on page 9'. I'm going to have to go back and make an iso post so I can actually constructively explain what I mean lol. Treat this as a neutral read until I get back to it. (provided I don't get killed in the meantime) [/quote] [quote name="TrashySockBasket" date="2024-06-03 16:37:36" ] SunSprite - Second Strongest Scumlean Atp would bet solidly that either Art or Sun is maf. Sun has been persistently showing cogdis and overall not posting a lot of substance. Could possibly be excused as newbie behavior but I'm still fine with taking out either them or Art today. [/quote] very mild squint at lat, very strong at sunsprite. so why not go for sunsprite the next day? [s]because lat was an easy miselim already in the works? [/s] [quote name="TrashySockBasket" date="2024-06-04 23:21:39" ] On the topic of Raccoon specifically I fear I was too quick to dismiss them (or really anyone really) as a clean town read, and I regret that. Imho an inaccurate town read is more dangerous than a false scum read. Since my time posting this though it seems Raccoon has been busy and is at the very least putting good thought/quality into his posts, so I'd say he's probably helpful to stick around for now. I'm still interested in doing an iso of his posts during this phase though, as I said. -I definitely feel significantly better about Een than I did when my suspicions initially started. Obviously with Art's flip the scumteam theory has been disproven, and I'm starting to think that what I was initially sensing from Een was mostly newbie cold feet, as at least for now Een seems to be picking up steam and finding their voice in the conversation a bit more? They're still on my radar because I don't like to rule anyone fully out without solid reasoning, but I don't find them particularly menacing at this point in time. -SunSprite is a rough one. Yes they give off newbie vibes. Unfortunately for reads sake (but fortunately for the state of the community as a whole to have fresh recruits!) it looks like we have a fair chunk of newbies in this game. Out of all of them though it still feels like Sun is posting the least amount of substance. It feels like they're more preoccupied with blending in and being a people pleaser. They're still reasonably high on my sus list but ideally I would like more evidence? And would love to hear more original thought from them. [/quote] and this post here: they ask sunsprite for why not to be elimed and hasn't received an answer but sunsprite hasn't been back in a while by the looks of it anyway [quote name="TrashySockBasket" date="2024-06-05 20:11:04" ] Overall I'm extremely lukewarm on Lat. They're far from the top of my town list but I also feel like we have more interesting potential scum targets atm. It seems like they're starting to pick up steam as far as contributing more actively to the conversation and asking their own questions, which I view as positive. They'll definitely move significantly higher on my squint list if Een rolls scum though. [/quote] [quote name="TrashySockBasket" date="2024-06-06 09:49:31" ] As for eliminations today I'm really not super sold on any one target being scum, but I'm interested in what information can be regarded by eliminating either @/Eenyay or @/SunSprite in terms of people they've had interactions with (Storia in Tuna's case, and Hotpants/Latsyric in Een's case) [/quote] [quote name="TrashySockBasket" date="2024-06-06 17:18:42" ] Anyways I'm getting some rancid vibes from @/fearfax 's actions, alongside the preexisting ones from their predecessor snippity's shifty last minute voting habits, but as others have said it might be a little too unfair to elim them so soon after joining lol. I'd like to be able to do some more research and hear more out of them tomorrow, provided I even survive the night. @/Latsyric has been on my radar since the beginning, and it would appear several of our peers are thinking the same, so I'm going to drop my vote for them now as I have to peace back to work. [/quote] this just reads as convenient. latsyric was never listed as a strong scum lean. it would've made more sense to go for storia or sunsprite with how they were leaning on them being a maf team, or eenyay because they remain consistent on that sus. this feels like taking an easy vote to miselim rather than buckle down on a stance and i don't understand the sus on snippity and fearfax. it's pretty clear in my mind that snippy wouldn't have been mafia. i could be wrong, but it doesn't make sense to me i'm going with my gut and placing a vote on trashy for now, and i don't expect to change my mind but i'll be back on the 9th to catch up. maybe even tomorrow night depending on how pride goes tbh. but we shall see

sussed and voted art - town
mildly sussed and vote latsyric - town
sussed sunsprite - town
sussed storia b/c they seem paired mafia with tuna
sussing fearfax and voting immediately at day start, and i'm inclined to feel good about her tbh

if you have some info to back this up i'm all ears because i do not trust you at all at this point

these do not look good to me

but onto the iso. admittedly the top half of this doesn't have a lot of substance but i didn't feel like erasing it all. the second half is where i start to feel very uneasy
TrashySockBasket wrote on 2024-06-02 22:44:01:

On the other hand, My current strongest scum leans are ArtMajor and Eenyay, and unless things change I'd be down to elim either of them today. Leaning towards Art because she seems to be a little all over the place, and her response/defense posts towards others read to me as standoffish.

weak reasoning for art. and yea, most d1 reasonings are weak but for the sake of my iso i'm including it because i don't like the pattern here
TrashySockBasket wrote on 2024-06-03 14:29:48:

In terms of player elims I think the beef between ArtMajor and SunSprite is really interesting, considering I'd say they're currently the top two on my scum list rn. So if we yeet one and they flip town I'm going to be extremely suspicious of the other, and if the yote person flips as maf I'm inclined to trust the other person significantly more. (There's always the chance of them both being maf and there's some bussing shenans going on, but I really don't see that being an advantageous play this early in the game. Not something I think discussion should focus on atm, but I don't like to rule any possibilities out entirely without hard evidence.)

doesn't like to rule out possibilities but doesn't mention the possibility of town v town
TrashySockBasket wrote on 2024-06-03 15:26:42:
I'm voting @ArtMajor for now before I forget, not entirely opposed to changing my mind but atm

1. She's top of my sus list for a combination of the thing with Een, scattered speculations (latching on to the vig thing hard when I just don't think is worth thinking about at this stage), and just an overall weird 'off' and standoffish sort of vibe in her defense posts.

2. She's had notable interactions with both Een and SunSprite, who are also on my sus list, so I feel like seeing her post-death flip will provide me/us with more insight onto those two

3. At first I was hesitant about eliminating someone who at least seems to be actively posting in convo, but ultimately reading back through I'm not seeing a super lot of usable content compared to the volume of posts she's putting out. Plus it seems like we've got a lot of talkers and thorough elaborators in this game so I think we can get by just fine without her voice (sorry Art lol this one sounds a little mean but it's nothing personnel kid/ref I prommy).

gave some better reasoning for the art vote at least
TrashySockBasket wrote on 2024-06-03 16:37:36:

Latsyric - Squinting Very Gently Okay so the notes that I wrote on Latsyric were taken at the time when I was zooted on insomnia meds and are actual terrible quality lmao. Things like 'I really dislike their intro post' and 'they were being weird on page 9'. I'm going to have to go back and make an iso post so I can actually constructively explain what I mean lol. Treat this as a neutral read until I get back to it. (provided I don't get killed in the meantime)
TrashySockBasket wrote on 2024-06-03 16:37:36:

SunSprite - Second Strongest Scumlean Atp would bet solidly that either Art or Sun is maf. Sun has been persistently showing cogdis and overall not posting a lot of substance. Could possibly be excused as newbie behavior but I'm still fine with taking out either them or Art today.

very mild squint at lat, very strong at sunsprite. so why not go for sunsprite the next day? because lat was an easy miselim already in the works?
TrashySockBasket wrote on 2024-06-04 23:21:39:

On the topic of Raccoon specifically I fear I was too quick to dismiss them (or really anyone really) as a clean town read, and I regret that. Imho an inaccurate town read is more dangerous than a false scum read. Since my time posting this though it seems Raccoon has been busy and is at the very least putting good thought/quality into his posts, so I'd say he's probably helpful to stick around for now. I'm still interested in doing an iso of his posts during this phase though, as I said.

-I definitely feel significantly better about Een than I did when my suspicions initially started. Obviously with Art's flip the scumteam theory has been disproven, and I'm starting to think that what I was initially sensing from Een was mostly newbie cold feet, as at least for now Een seems to be picking up steam and finding their voice in the conversation a bit more? They're still on my radar because I don't like to rule anyone fully out without solid reasoning, but I don't find them particularly menacing at this point in time.

-SunSprite is a rough one. Yes they give off newbie vibes. Unfortunately for reads sake (but fortunately for the state of the community as a whole to have fresh recruits!) it looks like we have a fair chunk of newbies in this game. Out of all of them though it still feels like Sun is posting the least amount of substance. It feels like they're more preoccupied with blending in and being a people pleaser. They're still reasonably high on my sus list but ideally I would like more evidence? And would love to hear more original thought from them.

and this post here:
they ask sunsprite for why not to be elimed and hasn't received an answer but sunsprite hasn't been back in a while by the looks of it anyway
TrashySockBasket wrote on 2024-06-05 20:11:04:

Overall I'm extremely lukewarm on Lat. They're far from the top of my town list but I also feel like we have more interesting potential scum targets atm. It seems like they're starting to pick up steam as far as contributing more actively to the conversation and asking their own questions, which I view as positive. They'll definitely move significantly higher on my squint list if Een rolls scum though.
TrashySockBasket wrote on 2024-06-06 09:49:31:

As for eliminations today I'm really not super sold on any one target being scum, but I'm interested in what information can be regarded by eliminating either @/Eenyay or @/SunSprite in terms of people they've had interactions with (Storia in Tuna's case, and Hotpants/Latsyric in Een's case)

TrashySockBasket wrote on 2024-06-06 17:18:42:
Anyways I'm getting some rancid vibes from @/fearfax 's actions, alongside the preexisting ones from their predecessor snippity's shifty last minute voting habits, but as others have said it might be a little too unfair to elim them so soon after joining lol. I'd like to be able to do some more research and hear more out of them tomorrow, provided I even survive the night.

@/Latsyric has been on my radar since the beginning, and it would appear several of our peers are thinking the same, so I'm going to drop my vote for them now as I have to peace back to work.

this just reads as convenient. latsyric was never listed as a strong scum lean. it would've made more sense to go for storia or sunsprite with how they were leaning on them being a maf team, or eenyay because they remain consistent on that sus. this feels like taking an easy vote to miselim rather than buckle down on a stance

and i don't understand the sus on snippity and fearfax. it's pretty clear in my mind that snippy wouldn't have been mafia. i could be wrong, but it doesn't make sense to me

i'm going with my gut and placing a vote on trashy for now, and i don't expect to change my mind but i'll be back on the 9th to catch up. maybe even tomorrow night depending on how pride goes tbh. but we shall see
tumblr_inline_nrfex33sDc1rbfe8q_500.gif Leremis
I’d like to add the information I got last night and my speculations, though I’d love to see everyone else’s thoughts on them! My second ability was called Hypnosis, I could redirect anyone’s actions to another person, both of my choosing. Due to the suspicion on @fearfax, (going to be honest, I just saw a few people talking about her d2 and didn’t have enough time to do my own digging on them, so maybe this was a mistake) I chose them as my first target, redirecting any of their actions onto @Xcscientist (Sorry, I just thought it was very unlikely anyone else would target you for anything, so we’d get a higher accuracy on any information we could gather) At first, once we got the no kill announcement, I thought I had uncovered something, maybe Xc’s protection outranked the attack of maf!fearfax? But then… [quote name="EmbertheSkywing" date="2024-06-07 19:37:05" ] Okay. I was going to wait until I finish some things (Something Trashy said confused me and I procrastinated on Hot/got distracted by someone else), but something came up: You know how there were no kills last night? I might know why. I have a passive that prevents me from getting killed once and I got an alert that someone tried to do just that. [/quote] That’s interesting. Fearfax could be innocent, could not have a killing night ability, could have sent a letter, or gathered materials? Or Ember could be lying here maybe? Just speculation of course, no proof towards any of it but there are some interesting possibilities! The only hard evidence I’ve got is that I redirected Fearfax’s ability to Xc, I don’t know anything else yet. I’d like to hear if Fearfax or Xc got any notifications telling them what happened last night, if it could be of any more use?
I’d like to add the information I got last night and my speculations, though I’d love to see everyone else’s thoughts on them!

My second ability was called Hypnosis, I could redirect anyone’s actions to another person, both of my choosing. Due to the suspicion on @fearfax, (going to be honest, I just saw a few people talking about her d2 and didn’t have enough time to do my own digging on them, so maybe this was a mistake) I chose them as my first target, redirecting any of their actions onto @Xcscientist (Sorry, I just thought it was very unlikely anyone else would target you for anything, so we’d get a higher accuracy on any information we could gather)
At first, once we got the no kill announcement, I thought I had uncovered something, maybe Xc’s protection outranked the attack of maf!fearfax? But then…
EmbertheSkywing wrote on 2024-06-07 19:37:05:

I was going to wait until I finish some things (Something Trashy said confused me and I procrastinated on Hot/got distracted by someone else), but something came up:

You know how there were no kills last night? I might know why.

I have a passive that prevents me from getting killed once and I got an alert that someone tried to do just that.

That’s interesting. Fearfax could be innocent, could not have a killing night ability, could have sent a letter, or gathered materials?
Or Ember could be lying here maybe?
Just speculation of course, no proof towards any of it but there are some interesting possibilities! The only hard evidence I’ve got is that I redirected Fearfax’s ability to Xc, I don’t know anything else yet.
I’d like to hear if Fearfax or Xc got any notifications telling them what happened last night, if it could be of any more use?

You can call me Ene or Een!
I’m subbed to all threads I make, but please ping me in external threads!

Sigh. Here comes a giant target on my back. Rex is conf!town. I inves him last night. I also have another conf!town player to prove my role and that I'm not lying (I get players entire rolecards)

@ Sylveon, I know who you are (not in a creepy way), but if you are comfortable, in order to prove I'm not lying, can you use your second ability and let me know if you are okay with me saying your username? I would prefer if you used your ability and not said it outright, because I feel that'd be easier to prove instead of you just claiming. I inves Sylveon N1 amd got their rolecard then.
Sigh. Here comes a giant target on my back. Rex is conf!town. I inves him last night. I also have another conf!town player to prove my role and that I'm not lying (I get players entire rolecards)

@ Sylveon, I know who you are (not in a creepy way), but if you are comfortable, in order to prove I'm not lying, can you use your second ability and let me know if you are okay with me saying your username? I would prefer if you used your ability and not said it outright, because I feel that'd be easier to prove instead of you just claiming. I inves Sylveon N1 amd got their rolecard then.
XvyfO6H.png FmPtENn.png I suffer from chronic illness and may dissapear at random.

Any Pronouns - FR time

Ya like FNAF? (Mafia game)

im inclined to believe your ability claim, but in a game where everyone has abilities, that doesn't really confirm either of your targets had acted. there's too many variables to consider - xc and fearfax COULD have their own abilities that played into it, they might not have, and the kill could have happened on neither of them, and it might not even have happened to ember. we don't know - it's not too useful to really speculate on the abilities, but thanks for sharing, thats good to know

im inclined to believe your ability claim, but in a game where everyone has abilities, that doesn't really confirm either of your targets had acted. there's too many variables to consider - xc and fearfax COULD have their own abilities that played into it, they might not have, and the kill could have happened on neither of them, and it might not even have happened to ember. we don't know - it's not too useful to really speculate on the abilities, but thanks for sharing, thats good to know
my name is essence, your local gay unicorn!

interesting, but. godfathers can exist. and like. idk but i really am Not getting town vibes from trashy lol

interesting, but. godfathers can exist. and like. idk but i really am Not getting town vibes from trashy lol
my name is essence, your local gay unicorn!
[quote name="Storia" date="2024-06-07 20:11:14" ] @/racooonusdoodus interesting, but. godfathers can exist. and like. idk but i really am Not getting town vibes from trashy lol [/quote] No, like the whole rolecard. There was no godfather ability on her rolecard.
Storia wrote on 2024-06-07 20:11:14:

interesting, but. godfathers can exist. and like. idk but i really am Not getting town vibes from trashy lol

No, like the whole rolecard. There was no godfather ability on her rolecard.
XvyfO6H.png FmPtENn.png I suffer from chronic illness and may dissapear at random.

Any Pronouns - FR time

Ya like FNAF? (Mafia game)