
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Sornieth Sagas ((CYOA Game)) (Open!)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=book antiqua][size=5][b][color=#bc86fe]A[/color][color=#af93fe]e[/color][color=#a1a0fe]o[/color][color=#94adfe]n[/color][/b] [emoji=planet size=1] [b][color=#bc86fe]s[/color][color=#b48dfe]h[/color][color=#ad95fe]e[/color][color=#a59cfe]/[/color][color=#9da4fe]t[/color][color=#95abfe]h[/color][color=#8eb3fe]e[/color][color=#86bafe]y[/color][/b][/size] [size=4]interacting with: [b]Nettle[/b] (@natsinabucket), [b]Epiphany[/b] (@pandakitty1) [/center] ----- [font=book antiqua][size=4]If "adventuring" meant being close to death in such rapid succession, Aeon was starting to reconsider if it was all that fun. Or maybe something was just cursed about this journey in particular. The horror was still fresh in her mind, the image of the ship catching fire and bursting into flames, the screams as the crewmembers either disintegrating into ashes or were lost to the depths. As much as she didn't want to, Aeon felt tears gathering in her eyes as they washed up on shore. The feeling of sand on her claws felt so relieving after what happened on deck - it hit the poor little dragon so hard that she felt herself silently crying, mourning for all of their lost comrades. "N-no! We shouldn't split up, if anything else, we need each other even more now..." The Aether responds to Nettle's words tearfully, shaking her head. The Wildclaw was left rather worse for wear, with all of the lush green leaves that once covered her wings gone. She noticed Epiphany also in a similar predicament as herself, and without hesitation, moved over and gently laid a wing over him. "I won't leave you all alone, I promise."

Aeon she/they
interacting with: Nettle (@natsinabucket), Epiphany (@pandakitty1)

If "adventuring" meant being close to death in such rapid succession, Aeon was starting to reconsider if it was all that fun.

Or maybe something was just cursed about this journey in particular. The horror was still fresh in her mind, the image of the ship catching fire and bursting into flames, the screams as the crewmembers either disintegrating into ashes or were lost to the depths.

As much as she didn't want to, Aeon felt tears gathering in her eyes as they washed up on shore. The feeling of sand on her claws felt so relieving after what happened on deck - it hit the poor little dragon so hard that she felt herself silently crying, mourning for all of their lost comrades.

"N-no! We shouldn't split up, if anything else, we need each other even more now..." The Aether responds to Nettle's words tearfully, shaking her head. The Wildclaw was left rather worse for wear, with all of the lush green leaves that once covered her wings gone. She noticed Epiphany also in a similar predicament as herself, and without hesitation, moved over and gently laid a wing over him. "I won't leave you all alone, I promise."
my name is essence, your local gay unicorn!
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=#719bbd][size=4][b]Epiphany[/b][/size][/color] [color=#6f777d][size=2]He/Him[/size][/color] Interacting with Nettle (@natsinabucket) and Aeon (@Storia) -----[/center] [i]We'll be fine. Fine. FINE.[/i] Epiphany batted the hands and wings that lay over him away and shouted with an uncharacteristic rage, his voice wavering from his tears, "How the hell can you say that? I mean, look at us, Nettle. How can we be even remotely fine after [i]this[/i]? We're going to die out here, Nettle! I just don't know how you can--" Epiphany trailed off, taking in short gapsy breathes. He grunted, suddenly dragging himself to his feet. He stumbled, hitting his foot on a rock. He growled, kicking the rock in frustration, before yelping in pain, more tears streaming down his facem. He limped down the beach. He just needed to be alone for a moment with his emotional suport spoon. He would be back.


Interacting with Nettle (@natsinabucket) and Aeon (@Storia)

We'll be fine. Fine. FINE.

Epiphany batted the hands and wings that lay over him away and shouted with an uncharacteristic rage, his voice wavering from his tears, "How the hell can you say that? I mean, look at us, Nettle. How can we be even remotely fine after this? We're going to die out here, Nettle! I just don't know how you can--"

Epiphany trailed off, taking in short gapsy breathes. He grunted, suddenly dragging himself to his feet. He stumbled, hitting his foot on a rock. He growled, kicking the rock in frustration, before yelping in pain, more tears streaming down his facem. He limped down the beach.

He just needed to be alone for a moment with his emotional suport spoon. He would be back.
LGBT+  Progress Queer

Nonbinary They/She
xx4VlncxY.png xx uPOLOvt.png
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=book antiqua][size=5][b][color=#bc86fe]A[/color][color=#af93fe]e[/color][color=#a1a0fe]o[/color][color=#94adfe]n[/color][/b] [emoji=planet size=1] [b][color=#bc86fe]s[/color][color=#b48dfe]h[/color][color=#ad95fe]e[/color][color=#a59cfe]/[/color][color=#9da4fe]t[/color][color=#95abfe]h[/color][color=#8eb3fe]e[/color][color=#86bafe]y[/color][/b][/size] [size=4]interacting with: [b]Nettle[/b] (@natsinabucket), [b]Epiphany[/b] (@pandakitty1) [/center] ----- [font=book antiqua][size=4]Aeon wiped away her own tears as Epiphany started freaking out, her heart feeling more battered than it already was. This was no good - having anyone in distress wasn't good, but throwing anger into the mix was a recipe for more disaster. Taking a deep breath, she focused, her shaky voice uttering a soft prayer to her family before channeling the power of the stars she was graciously given, her paws glowing with a comforting, ethereal light. ----- (@AutumnFall123 [b]i'd like to use spell Starlight's Touch on Epiphany[/b])

Aeon she/they
interacting with: Nettle (@natsinabucket), Epiphany (@pandakitty1)

Aeon wiped away her own tears as Epiphany started freaking out, her heart feeling more battered than it already was. This was no good - having anyone in distress wasn't good, but throwing anger into the mix was a recipe for more disaster.

Taking a deep breath, she focused, her shaky voice uttering a soft prayer to her family before channeling the power of the stars she was graciously given, her paws glowing with a comforting, ethereal light.

(@AutumnFall123 i'd like to use spell Starlight's Touch on Epiphany)
my name is essence, your local gay unicorn!
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b][color=#556B2F]Nettle[/color][/b] [color=#556B2F]he/him[/color] [color=#556B2F]interacting with Epiphany and Aeon @pandakitty1 @Storia[/color][/center] Nettle shoots to his feet, watching his... friend? [i]Friend[/i] feels correct. He's considered dragons friends for less than surviving shipwrecks together before... even if not many. He watches his friend slip away down the beach. "Don't go too far!" he calls, but his throat is scratchy from tears and from breathing in all of that smoke, and he doesn't even know if the shout reaches Epiphany. Nettle turns to Aeon- they saved him from that dock. They saved him from the sea.[i] They can fix things.[/i] "We aren't going to die out here, are we? I- I mean, I can still... um. I can forage." [i]He should forage. Deep in the bushes where he can breathe again. He's still so horribly exposed.[/i]
interacting with Epiphany and Aeon @pandakitty1 @Storia
Nettle shoots to his feet, watching his... friend? Friend feels correct. He's considered dragons friends for less than surviving shipwrecks together before... even if not many. He watches his friend slip away down the beach.

"Don't go too far!" he calls, but his throat is scratchy from tears and from breathing in all of that smoke, and he doesn't even know if the shout reaches Epiphany.

Nettle turns to Aeon- they saved him from that dock. They saved him from the sea. They can fix things.

"We aren't going to die out here, are we? I- I mean, I can still... um. I can forage."

He should forage. Deep in the bushes where he can breathe again. He's still so horribly exposed.
[center][size=7][b][i][color=#0D0DA1]~[/color] [color=#2711A6]U[/color][color=#3513A9]n[/color][color=#4215AC]i[/color][color=#4F17AE]v[/color][color=#5D1AB1]e[/color][color=#6A1CB4]r[/color][color=#771EB7]s[/color][color=#8520B9]e[/color] [color=#9F24BF]~[/color][/i][/b][/size][/center] ----- [indent] [i][b]Wizard Ability: Spell - Starlight's Touch![/i][/b] Aeon raised their hands, making the proper signs and muttering the proper words to cast her spell, hoping to help Epiphany's mood. [center][emoji=d20 size=1] Luck: 17 out of 20[/center] Despite her own state of emotional turmoil, Aeon is able to mostly pull off the spell, making Epiphany the center of it. The aura is barely large enough for Aeon themselves to feel a bit of the spell's effect, but everything between her and Epiphany are under its effects. [/indent][center] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=1](@storia, @pandakitty1)[/size][/center]
~ Universe ~

Wizard Ability: Spell - Starlight's Touch!

Aeon raised their hands, making the proper signs and muttering the proper words to cast her spell, hoping to help Epiphany's mood.
Luck: 17 out of 20

Despite her own state of emotional turmoil, Aeon is able to mostly pull off the spell, making Epiphany the center of it. The aura is barely large enough for Aeon themselves to feel a bit of the spell's effect, but everything between her and Epiphany are under its effects.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=#719bbd][size=4][b]Epiphany[/b][/size][/color] [color=#6f777d][size=2]He/Him[/size][/color] Interacting with Aeon (@Storia) and Nettle (@natsinabucket) -----[/center] Suddenly, a sense of calm washed over Epiphany. The maelstrom of sadness and fear in his brain slowed to a gentle, manageable swirl. He blinked, suddenly seeing clearly. Aeon was standing nearby, an aura of comfort coming from her paws, blanketing Epiphany. "Oh, heck." He scurried back towards where Nettle lay, still within the spell's perimeter. "I'm sorry for screaming at you like 5 seconds ago. I know you were just trying to help." Epiphany sniffled, wiping the excess tears from his face. They still had a long way to go, it seems, before they could leave this wreck behind but... it was probably [i]just [/i]Aeon's spell that was making him think so positively... but maybe if they were together, everything would turn out alright! Hopefully...


Interacting with Aeon (@Storia) and Nettle (@natsinabucket)

Suddenly, a sense of calm washed over Epiphany. The maelstrom of sadness and fear in his brain slowed to a gentle, manageable swirl. He blinked, suddenly seeing clearly. Aeon was standing nearby, an aura of comfort coming from her paws, blanketing Epiphany.

"Oh, heck." He scurried back towards where Nettle lay, still within the spell's perimeter. "I'm sorry for screaming at you like 5 seconds ago. I know you were just trying to help."

Epiphany sniffled, wiping the excess tears from his face. They still had a long way to go, it seems, before they could leave this wreck behind but... it was probably just Aeon's spell that was making him think so positively... but maybe if they were together, everything would turn out alright!

LGBT+  Progress Queer

Nonbinary They/She
xx4VlncxY.png xx uPOLOvt.png
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b][color=#556B2F]Nettle[/color][/b] [color=#556B2F]he/him[/color] [color=#556B2F]interacting with Epiphany and Aeon @pandakitty1 @Storia[/color][/center]Nettle drags himself out of his thoughts to stare at Epiphany. Oh. That was. Fast. Aeon [i]really[/i] is good at fixing things. Knowing that Nettle won't have to be the one to deal with Epiphany's turmoil makes it a lot easier to [i]breathe[/i]. He pushes himself to his feet once and for all. "It's okay." Nettle shakes himself off, shedding the sand from his bare scales. "We can do this. I think." ... "Um. Excuse me," he blurts at them both, diving for the nearest cluster of palm trees and flailing for [i]any[/i] leaves large enough to wrap himself in. (@AutumnFall123 silliest use of find food easily ever :3)
interacting with Epiphany and Aeon @pandakitty1 @Storia
Nettle drags himself out of his thoughts to stare at Epiphany.


That was. Fast.

Aeon really is good at fixing things. Knowing that Nettle won't have to be the one to deal with Epiphany's turmoil makes it a lot easier to breathe.

He pushes himself to his feet once and for all.

"It's okay." Nettle shakes himself off, shedding the sand from his bare scales. "We can do this. I think."


"Um. Excuse me," he blurts at them both, diving for the nearest cluster of palm trees and flailing for any leaves large enough to wrap himself in.

(@AutumnFall123 silliest use of find food easily ever :3)
[center][size=7][b][i][color=#0D0DA1]~[/color] [color=#2711A6]U[/color][color=#3513A9]n[/color][color=#4215AC]i[/color][color=#4F17AE]v[/color][color=#5D1AB1]e[/color][color=#6A1CB4]r[/color][color=#771EB7]s[/color][color=#8520B9]e[/color] [color=#9F24BF]~[/color][/i][/b][/size][/center] ----- [indent] [i][b]Druid Ability: Find Food Easily![/i][/b] Nettle flails his arms around, searching for any greenery he could. [center][emoji=d20 size=1] Luck: 5 out of 20[/center] The palm tree clusters seem to... Walk away???? No- they were never really trees in the first place, but rather familiars that looked similar to palm trees. Nettle feels his face warm from the embarrassment of the misunderstanding, searching for another place with greenery - and not camouflaged familiars. He spots a couple of trees just a few steps away from where he's currently standing, swaying in the breeze and carrying a few coconuts each. He scurries towards them in a hurry and reaches up to a few of their lower leaves. [/indent][center] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=1](@natsinabucket)[/size][/center]
~ Universe ~

Druid Ability: Find Food Easily!

Nettle flails his arms around, searching for any greenery he could.
Luck: 5 out of 20

The palm tree clusters seem to... Walk away???? No- they were never really trees in the first place, but rather familiars that looked similar to palm trees. Nettle feels his face warm from the embarrassment of the misunderstanding, searching for another place with greenery - and not camouflaged familiars.

He spots a couple of trees just a few steps away from where he's currently standing, swaying in the breeze and carrying a few coconuts each. He scurries towards them in a hurry and reaches up to a few of their lower leaves.
[center][img][/img][/center] [Center][Size=7][b][u]~Night 3~[/u][/b][/size] @pinglist-30155 / @pinglist-30170 [Size=6][u]~Chapter Summary~[/u][/size][/center] [quote="Story Progression"]As the day wears on, our party reconnects with hugs and crying and blah blah blah, boring mushy stuff, when will anything actually interesting happen? I'm here to narrate an adventure, not a coming-of-age story. The trio decides to camp on the beach for the night, trusting each other as they rest in the center of a trio of coconut trees. During the night, one of these characters stirs. They awaken and, looking between the other two members, choose violence. Their attempt to gather the group's personal items... [center][emoji=d20 size=1] Luck: 19 out of 20[/center] Goes perfectly. Neither of the others notice anything amis as the traitor makes their way apart from the group. They head towards some of the nearer tide pools, dumping some items there, before heading to further ones and dumping the rest of the items. They return to the group and curl up again. In the morning, everyone wakes up to find that some of their items are missing! Nettle is missing his knife, satchel, and newly found greenery - which doubled as wearable veggie snacks, if they needed to be. Epiphany is distraught to find his emotional support spoon, stuffie, and other items missing. As Aeon tries to comfort the other two, Nettle and Epiphany can't help but notice that Aeon's items are still safely with her. [center][emoji=d20 size=1] Luck: 7 out of 20[/center] Leading away from the group is a slight wavey mark, as if something has tracked through it last night while dragging something behind them. The trail is vague at best due to the passing time, but it leads towards the tide pools. [/quote] ----- Tl;dr: [LIST] [*] Everyone is friends again [*] Epiphany and Nettle's items were tossed into tide pools [*] There's a vague track leading from the party to the tide pools [*] Epiphany is a pathetic crybaby [*] Nettle is naked again [/LIST] ----- [Center][Size=6][u]~Party Members~[/u][/size][/center] [center]----- [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=#719bbd]Epiphany[/color], [color=#556B2F]Nettle[/color], [color=#bc86fe]A[/color][color=#af93fe]e[/color][color=#a1a0fe]o[/color][color=#94adfe]n[/color] [size=1](@/pandakitty1, @/natsinabucket @/storia)[/size][/center]----- [Center][i]Onto the next chapter...[/i] Please stand by for the Day Update.
~Night 3~
@SS - General / @pinglist-30170

~Chapter Summary~
Story Progression wrote:
As the day wears on, our party reconnects with hugs and crying and blah blah blah, boring mushy stuff, when will anything actually interesting happen? I'm here to narrate an adventure, not a coming-of-age story. The trio decides to camp on the beach for the night, trusting each other as they rest in the center of a trio of coconut trees.

During the night, one of these characters stirs. They awaken and, looking between the other two members, choose violence.

Their attempt to gather the group's personal items...
Luck: 19 out of 20

Goes perfectly. Neither of the others notice anything amis as the traitor makes their way apart from the group.

They head towards some of the nearer tide pools, dumping some items there, before heading to further ones and dumping the rest of the items.

They return to the group and curl up again.

In the morning, everyone wakes up to find that some of their items are missing! Nettle is missing his knife, satchel, and newly found greenery - which doubled as wearable veggie snacks, if they needed to be. Epiphany is distraught to find his emotional support spoon, stuffie, and other items missing.

As Aeon tries to comfort the other two, Nettle and Epiphany can't help but notice that Aeon's items are still safely with her.
Luck: 7 out of 20

Leading away from the group is a slight wavey mark, as if something has tracked through it last night while dragging something behind them. The trail is vague at best due to the passing time, but it leads towards the tide pools.

  • Everyone is friends again
  • Epiphany and Nettle's items were tossed into tide pools
  • There's a vague track leading from the party to the tide pools
  • Epiphany is a pathetic crybaby
  • Nettle is naked again

~Party Members~

Epiphany, Nettle, Aeon
(@/pandakitty1, @/natsinabucket @/storia)

Onto the next chapter...
Please stand by for the Day Update.
[center][img][/img][/center] [Center][Size=7][b][u]~Day 3~[/u][/b][/size] @pinglist-30155 / @pinglist-30170 [Size=6][u]~Location~[/u][/size][/center] [center][map poi=35 view=land width=480 height=240][/map] [i]A becalmed coastal stretch of shoals and giant tidal pools. Dragons occupy the pools, burrowing into the loamy sand and shaping half-submerged underwater caves with their small, but growing magics. Sustenance, in the form of amphibious reptiles and fish, is abundant. Although seemingly a frontier, it is at these shores that the Water God is most able to protect his charges, employing tidal wave defenses to menace away aggressors.[/i] [emoji=d20 size=1] Lots of seafood and reptiles [emoji=d20 size=1] Sandy beaches and tidepools [emoji=d20 size=1] There is a hotel built into the far cliff wall [emoji=d20 size=1] Many shops and stands [emoji=d20 size=1] Dragons are slightly selfish [/center] ----- [Center][Size=6][u]~Profiles~[/u][/size][/center][quote] [Url=][img][/img][/url] [B]1: Abyssal Bolt.[/B] Makes the target feel irrationally spooked afterward as if they saw a ghost. It has the same strengths and weaknesses as bright bolt: strong against plague, shadow, and wind; weak against arcane, light, lightning, and nature. [B]2: Projectile Slash.[/B] It sends a projectile slash of air, which is effective at knocking down an opponent. [B]3: Ensnare.[/B] 1/2 success chance. Traps the target in a strong, invisible net. [B]4: Camouflage.[/B] Simple skill, ability to hide anywhere. ----- [Url=][img][/img][/url] [b]1: Jungle slash.[/b] A close-range talon-slash. [b]2: Leaf bolt.[/b] A surge of jungle magic that hurls a ranged projectile of vegetation at one enemy. [b]3: Natural disguise.[/b] Blends into the undergrowth in a forested or planted environment, becoming pretty much invisible. Does not work when there isn't vegetation nearby. [b]4: Aura of repulsion.[/b] Enhances naturally off-putting appearance so dragons feel a visceral desire to stay away. Makes attacks less effective. ----- [Url=][img][/img][/url] [b]1: Gale Arrow [/b] Fast moving projectile of wind magic. [b]2: Stunning stardust.[/b] A cloud of colorful, pastel smoke that can make a dragon's eyes water and cough. [b]3: Gotcha./b] Summons an exact replica of herself as an illusion. The decoy explodes into pastel stardust upon being touched. [b]4: Butterfly Breeze.[/b] Summons a whole horde of butterflies, can serve as a distraction [b]ABILITY.[/b] Wizard spells as follows. [List] [*][B]Moonlight merriment.[/b] Teleport short distances. [*][B]Sky's embrace.[/b] Levitate items, Uses strength stat. [*][B]starlight's touch[/b] Casts a calming aura that can quell anger and similar negative emotions for a short time. [*][B] fairy wind.[/b] Temporarily stop wounds from bleeding/getting worse and reduces pain. [/Quote] ----- [Center][Size=6][u]~Actions~[/u][/size] Note that there may be more possible actions than those just listed here. Ping a mod if you'd like your roleplay to be checked for possible hidden actions and results.[/center] [b]- Interact with party members[/b] [i](Do this in roleplay; they'll likely have different information or skills than you do)[/i] [b]- Scavenge[/b] [i](Search around for anything useful, then decide whether to put it in your inventory or not.)[/i] [b]- Dig[/b] [i](Dig around for anything useful, then decide whether to put it in your inventory or not.)[/i] [b]- Gather food[/b] [i](Look around for food (Plants, seeds, etc), then decide whether to put it in your inventory or not.)[/i] [b]- Hunt food[/b] [i](Hunt for food (Meat, insects, fish, etc), then decide whether to put it in your inventory or not.)[/i] [b]- Shop[/b] [i](Head to the closest shopping district, merchant, or trader if one is nearby.)[/i] ----- [center][i]Welcome to the next chapter...[/i] (Roleplay and actions are open!)
~Day 3~
@SS - General / @pinglist-30170


A becalmed coastal stretch of shoals and giant tidal pools. Dragons occupy the pools, burrowing into the loamy sand and shaping half-submerged underwater caves with their small, but growing magics. Sustenance, in the form of amphibious reptiles and fish, is abundant. Although seemingly a frontier, it is at these shores that the Water God is most able to protect his charges, employing tidal wave defenses to menace away aggressors.

Lots of seafood and reptiles
Sandy beaches and tidepools
There is a hotel built into the far cliff wall
Many shops and stands
Dragons are slightly selfish

1: Abyssal Bolt. Makes the target feel irrationally spooked afterward as if they saw a ghost. It has the same strengths and weaknesses as bright bolt: strong against plague, shadow, and wind; weak against arcane, light, lightning, and nature.
2: Projectile Slash. It sends a projectile slash of air, which is effective at knocking down an opponent.
3: Ensnare. 1/2 success chance. Traps the target in a strong, invisible net.
4: Camouflage. Simple skill, ability to hide anywhere.
1: Jungle slash. A close-range talon-slash.
2: Leaf bolt. A surge of jungle magic that hurls a ranged projectile of vegetation at one enemy.
3: Natural disguise. Blends into the undergrowth in a forested or planted environment, becoming pretty much invisible. Does not work when there isn't vegetation nearby.
4: Aura of repulsion. Enhances naturally off-putting appearance so dragons feel a visceral desire to stay away. Makes attacks less effective.
1: Gale Arrow Fast moving projectile of wind magic.
2: Stunning stardust. A cloud of colorful, pastel smoke that can make a dragon's eyes water and cough.
3: Gotcha./b] Summons an exact replica of herself as an illusion. The decoy explodes into pastel stardust upon being touched.
4: Butterfly Breeze. Summons a whole horde of butterflies, can serve as a distraction
ABILITY. Wizard spells as follows.
  • Moonlight merriment. Teleport short distances.
  • Sky's embrace. Levitate items, Uses strength stat.
  • starlight's touch Casts a calming aura that can quell anger and similar negative emotions for a short time.
  • fairy wind. Temporarily stop wounds from bleeding/getting worse and reduces pain.

Note that there may be more possible actions than those just listed here. Ping a mod if you'd like your roleplay to be checked for possible hidden actions and results.
- Interact with party members (Do this in roleplay; they'll likely have different information or skills than you do)
- Scavenge (Search around for anything useful, then decide whether to put it in your inventory or not.)
- Dig (Dig around for anything useful, then decide whether to put it in your inventory or not.)
- Gather food (Look around for food (Plants, seeds, etc), then decide whether to put it in your inventory or not.)
- Hunt food (Hunt for food (Meat, insects, fish, etc), then decide whether to put it in your inventory or not.)
- Shop (Head to the closest shopping district, merchant, or trader if one is nearby.)

Welcome to the next chapter...
(Roleplay and actions are open!)