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TOPIC | Sornieth Sagas Discussion ((CYOA))(Open!
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You have been removed from the current game and received an inactivity strike for not responding to the wait-list call.

A spot in the current game has opened up! Please respond within 48 hours, even if you would like to pass this round. If you would like to play, just respond with your character's filled out form (it's on the front of this thread!)
You have been removed from the current game and received an inactivity strike for not responding to the wait-list call.

A spot in the current game has opened up! Please respond within 48 hours, even if you would like to pass this round. If you would like to play, just respond with your character's filled out form (it's on the front of this thread!)
DD-left-20240209193054.pngAbout-me-Lmid-20240209193045.pngWishlist-Rmid-20240209193036.pngSornieth Sagas
[b]Username:[/b] Storia [b]Dragon character name:[/b] Aeon [b]Pronouns:[/b] she/they [b]Breed / species:[/b] aether [b]Link / Image:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Chosen Role:[/b] wizard [b]Title:[/b] starborne adventurer [b]Short description:[/b] Aeon was born from a ray of moonlight coalescing with a generous amount of stardust, and the innocent, playful, kind side of the one that made her creation possible. She has all of those qualities in spades, and despite her initial apprehension about leaving the sky full of stars, her natural curiosity eventually spurred her onward to look for more adventures on the ground. She is very youthful and naive, and not very powerful - she doesn't want to hurt anyone, after all, and is slowly practicing using her powers a bit more to have reliable self defense. She's a little shy at first upon meeting new people, but she warms up quick! Don't be mean to her, she's very sensitive and sweet. [b]Familiar (if you have one/any):[/b] n/a [i]For these next few questions, please give a name for your move and a detailed description of how it works.[/i] [b]- Attack 1:[/b] Gale Arrow - a fast moving projectile of wind magic [b]- Attack 2:[/b] Stunning Stardust - a cloud of colorful, pastel smoke that can make a dragon's eyes water and cough, serving as an effective distraction [b]- Skill 1:[/b] Gotcha! - using her moonlight powers, summons an exact replica of herself as an illusion. the decoy explodes into pastel stardust upon being touched. [b]- Skill 2:[/b] Butterfly Breeze - summons a whole horde of butterflies to her side, mostly an aesthetic thing, but can serve as a distraction [b]- Any extra skills / attacks / moves given as a result of your chosen role (if applicable):[/b] wizard spells as follows. spell 1 - moonlight merriment - using the power of her inherent moonlight, she can teleport short distances, a task that demands a lot of focus spell 2 - sky's embrace - enables her to levitate items, this is directly scaling with her physical strength so she cannot pick up items that she normally wouldn't be able to physically. spell 3 - starlight's touch - cast to radiate a calming aura that can quell anger and similar negative emotions for the duration the aura exists spell 4 - fairy wind - spell that can temporarily stop wounds from bleeding/getting worse and reduce pain [b]Have you read the rules?:[/b] aye aye [b]Are you willing and able to actively participate in the game until your round ends, and understand that inactivity enables you to be kicked out?:[/b] *thumbs up emoji* @AutumnFall123
Username: Storia
Dragon character name: Aeon
Pronouns: she/they
Breed / species: aether
Link / Image:
Chosen Role: wizard
Title: starborne adventurer
Short description: Aeon was born from a ray of moonlight coalescing with a generous amount of stardust, and the innocent, playful, kind side of the one that made her creation possible. She has all of those qualities in spades, and despite her initial apprehension about leaving the sky full of stars, her natural curiosity eventually spurred her onward to look for more adventures on the ground. She is very youthful and naive, and not very powerful - she doesn't want to hurt anyone, after all, and is slowly practicing using her powers a bit more to have reliable self defense. She's a little shy at first upon meeting new people, but she warms up quick! Don't be mean to her, she's very sensitive and sweet.
Familiar (if you have one/any): n/a

For these next few questions, please give a name for your move and a detailed description of how it works.
- Attack 1: Gale Arrow - a fast moving projectile of wind magic
- Attack 2: Stunning Stardust - a cloud of colorful, pastel smoke that can make a dragon's eyes water and cough, serving as an effective distraction
- Skill 1: Gotcha! - using her moonlight powers, summons an exact replica of herself as an illusion. the decoy explodes into pastel stardust upon being touched.
- Skill 2: Butterfly Breeze - summons a whole horde of butterflies to her side, mostly an aesthetic thing, but can serve as a distraction
- Any extra skills / attacks / moves given as a result of your chosen role (if applicable): wizard spells as follows.

spell 1 - moonlight merriment - using the power of her inherent moonlight, she can teleport short distances, a task that demands a lot of focus
spell 2 - sky's embrace - enables her to levitate items, this is directly scaling with her physical strength so she cannot pick up items that she normally wouldn't be able to physically.
spell 3 - starlight's touch - cast to radiate a calming aura that can quell anger and similar negative emotions for the duration the aura exists
spell 4 - fairy wind - spell that can temporarily stop wounds from bleeding/getting worse and reduce pain

Have you read the rules?: aye aye
Are you willing and able to actively participate in the game until your round ends, and understand that inactivity enables you to be kicked out?: *thumbs up emoji*
my name is essence, your local gay unicorn!
@SS - Game 1

Sign-ups have closed!

Please allow up to three days for Day Zero to begin.

Tbh I'm so excited that I'm trying to get this out within the next few hours lol
@SS - Game 1

Sign-ups have closed!

Please allow up to three days for Day Zero to begin.

Tbh I'm so excited that I'm trying to get this out within the next few hours lol
DD-left-20240209193054.pngAbout-me-Lmid-20240209193045.pngWishlist-Rmid-20240209193036.pngSornieth Sagas
Hey! Is it ok if I join the waitlist? [emoji=ridgeback star size=1]
Hey! Is it ok if I join the waitlist?
PDT/UTC -7 Timezone

Certainly! I'll add you right now :3

We currently have a game going on - feel free to watch if you like, and you can spectate in the Discord Server if you want!

Certainly! I'll add you right now :3

We currently have a game going on - feel free to watch if you like, and you can spectate in the Discord Server if you want!
DD-left-20240209193054.pngAbout-me-Lmid-20240209193045.pngWishlist-Rmid-20240209193036.pngSornieth Sagas
I’d love to claim a spot
I’d love to claim a spot

Adding you to the wait-list :3

Adding you to the wait-list :3
DD-left-20240209193054.pngAbout-me-Lmid-20240209193045.pngWishlist-Rmid-20240209193036.pngSornieth Sagas

@SS - Game 1
Day Zero closes in ~ 48 hours (Wednesday, 24:00 FR time)

@SS - Game 1
Day Zero closes in ~ 48 hours (Wednesday, 24:00 FR time)
DD-left-20240209193054.pngAbout-me-Lmid-20240209193045.pngWishlist-Rmid-20240209193036.pngSornieth Sagas
I would like to join the waitlist please!
I would like to join the waitlist please!

Sure :3

Sure :3
DD-left-20240209193054.pngAbout-me-Lmid-20240209193045.pngWishlist-Rmid-20240209193036.pngSornieth Sagas
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