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TOPIC | A Writer's Doors Game
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The moment your chosen string snaps, all light from the area disappears as if the sun itself had burnt out. Panic takes root in your heart but before you can as much as take a step, everything appears as it was. Well, most of it. The first thing, the most obvious thing is the fact that all the strings seem to have disappeared. You doubt if they were there to beging with. As you open your mouth to demand answer from the Gaoler, you realize they too are gone. @Lunalis though you're unable to spot the strange Gaoler, you jump as you realize another fae has appeared. They seem a bit bashful but determined to follow you on your journey. [url=][img][/img][/url] @Azerty how strange, you think as you shake your head. Doing so causes several petals to fall from your head, much to your confusion. [Item=Skin: Bluefin Charger] [item=Larkspur Flowerfall] @abeeinshoes you look to the side to see the confusion that has caught the others by surprise and feel... Right, as if this was always meant to happen just as it has. You check your bag, feeling as if weight had been added to it; and it had, as you peek into the bag you find something unexpected. [Item=Djamor Bat] [item=Scholar]
The moment your chosen string snaps, all light from the area disappears as if the sun itself had burnt out. Panic takes root in your heart but before you can as much as take a step, everything appears as it was. Well, most of it. The first thing, the most obvious thing is the fact that all the strings seem to have disappeared. You doubt if they were there to beging with. As you open your mouth to demand answer from the Gaoler, you realize they too are gone.

@Lunalis though you're unable to spot the strange Gaoler, you jump as you realize another fae has appeared. They seem a bit bashful but determined to follow you on your journey.

@Azerty how strange, you think as you shake your head. Doing so causes several petals to fall from your head, much to your confusion.
Skin: Bluefin Charger Larkspur Flowerfall

@abeeinshoes you look to the side to see the confusion that has caught the others by surprise and feel... Right, as if this was always meant to happen just as it has. You check your bag, feeling as if weight had been added to it; and it had, as you peek into the bag you find something unexpected.
Djamor Bat Scholar
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You nervously walk up to the white coatl, and at his nod you step through the passageway to the place you’d heard rumours about. It opens up into a huge cavern, with caves dotting the walls and a lake lit by a strange blue light in the middle. But the main thing that catches your eye is the busy marketplace that covers the floor. Stalls of all shapes and sizes are everywhere, selling anything from potions to mercenary services. But three in particular catch your eye. A wooden, paint-splattered structure that stands off to the side, displaying detailed paintings that seem oddly familiar... It’s run by a small white pearlcatcher with a strange red liquid in her belly. [url=][img][/img][/url] A tiny stall that’s situated right in the center of the floor, run by a green fae. Rows of glass vials full of softly glowing liquids are arranged out the front, presumably with more in the back, judging by the multicoloured light spilling out the slightly open door. [url=][img][/img][/url] And a shack by the lake made of dark stone, that at first glance you don’t think is a stall at all. The only thing that convinces you otherwise is the black and purple imperial that stands out front, and a strange assortment of random everyday items that is scattered over the few shelves sticking off the side. [url=][img][/img][/url]
You nervously walk up to the white coatl, and at his nod you step through the passageway to the place you’d heard rumours about. It opens up into a huge cavern, with caves dotting the walls and a lake lit by a strange blue light in the middle. But the main thing that catches your eye is the busy marketplace that covers the floor. Stalls of all shapes and sizes are everywhere, selling anything from potions to mercenary services. But three in particular catch your eye.

A wooden, paint-splattered structure that stands off to the side, displaying detailed paintings that seem oddly familiar...
It’s run by a small white pearlcatcher with a strange red liquid in her belly.

A tiny stall that’s situated right in the center of the floor, run by a green fae. Rows of glass vials full of softly glowing liquids are arranged out the front, presumably with more in the back, judging by the multicoloured light spilling out the slightly open door.

And a shack by the lake made of dark stone, that at first glance you don’t think is a stall at all. The only thing that convinces you otherwise is the black and purple imperial that stands out front, and a strange assortment of random everyday items that is scattered over the few shelves sticking off the side.
@lunalis (door 2) [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] The green Nature Spiral, who clearly thinks she is from Lightning, swoops over to the green Fae. "Nice wings," she says to the Fae. She then presses a button on her gauntlet, causing her tiny construct to land on the counter and hand her a bag of treasure, which she begins to sort through mindlessly. "So I'm here for some potion ingredients," she says. "Some that my friends say are obtained via...[i]questionable[/i]...methods." She grins as she shakes the bag of treasure. "But surely anything is available...for the right price."
@lunalis (door 2)

The green Nature Spiral, who clearly thinks she is from Lightning, swoops over to the green Fae. "Nice wings," she says to the Fae. She then presses a button on her gauntlet, causing her tiny construct to land on the counter and hand her a bag of treasure, which she begins to sort through mindlessly.

"So I'm here for some potion ingredients," she says. "Some that my friends say are obtained via...questionable...methods." She grins as she shakes the bag of treasure. "But surely anything is available...for the right price."
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[font=American Gothic][size=4]@Lunalis (Door one, please!) [url=][img][/img][/url] Ruth was walking half-focused, scribbling notes, when she saw the stand. The paintings were nostalgic, but she could not recall [i]why. [/I]Memories, perhaps? At the very least, she identified some of the illustrations from her studies. Ancient diagrams. That settled it, Ruth [i]had[/i] to get a closer look. To seek the knowledge. Walking towards the liquid-bellied Pearlcatcher, she placed a pouch of lead. In a voice unusually flat for a Coatl, Ruth spoke. "Greetings, what are these painting?" Opening the patch, she spread out the lead. Briskly, she tapped where they rested. In a pop of light, glittering gold stood in place of the lead. "Would this be worth the price? If not, I have[i] traditional[/i] treasure to exchange instead. Anything so I can examine these better."

(Door one, please!)


Ruth was walking half-focused, scribbling notes, when she saw the stand. The paintings were nostalgic, but she could not recall why. Memories, perhaps? At the very least, she identified some of the illustrations from her studies. Ancient diagrams. That settled it, Ruth had to get a closer look. To seek the knowledge. Walking towards the liquid-bellied Pearlcatcher, she placed a pouch of lead.

In a voice unusually flat for a Coatl, Ruth spoke. "Greetings, what are these painting?" Opening the patch, she spread out the lead. Briskly, she tapped where they rested. In a pop of light, glittering gold stood in place of the lead. "Would this be worth the price? If not, I have traditional treasure to exchange instead. Anything so I can examine these better."
Call me Requacy (Pinging Allowed!)(Note to self: Make art for signature)
[center]@Lunalis [img][/img] The elegant Coatl steps up to the little shack. It was a quaint little place, and a dragon of her standing typically wouldn't be caught dead at the little shack, but she sensed something mystical and otherworldly about the shack. Something that intrigued her. She didn't have a lot of gold on her at the moment, but she was still intrigued nonetheless. Glancing over the wares, she looks towards the imperial running the shop, "so.. I'm guessing there is more that meets the eye?" She inquires, she could sense something, almost taste it, but she couldn't think of what it was, just on the tip of her tongue. "So, what are you selling?" [/center]


The elegant Coatl steps up to the little shack. It was a quaint little place, and a dragon of her standing typically wouldn't be caught dead at the little shack, but she sensed something mystical and otherworldly about the shack. Something that intrigued her.
She didn't have a lot of gold on her at the moment, but she was still intrigued nonetheless.

Glancing over the wares, she looks towards the imperial running the shop, "so.. I'm guessing there is more that meets the eye?" She inquires, she could sense something, almost taste it, but she couldn't think of what it was, just on the tip of her tongue. "So, what are you selling?"
Really sorry for the wait! My computer crashed and I had to get it fixed. [rule] @Bxy26 The fae tilts her head to the side and a smile flirts across her features. “Questionable methods... Quite a few of my wares are like that. I’ll see what I can do for you.” She flies over to a series of shelves, and rummages around for a few seconds before pulling out two identical containers made of a shiny white stone. “This one here on the left is a rare plant that’s only able to be grown when stolen from another dragon, then planted in the dirt of the wyrmwound. Helpful when making disguises and the occasional invisibility spell. The one on the right is a blend of wartoad sludge and molten metal. Highly combustible. Add a flame to even the smallest drop and watch the bench go up in flames.” She looks up from the containers to the bag of treasure. “That should be enough for both, if you are willing to buy.” At the spiral’s nod, she gently slides the containers across the bench and grabs the treasure bag. After shaking it and examining a piece to test it’s authenticity, she smiles. “Nice doing business with you!” The spiral starts to wander off with the purchases, before hearing a faint scuffling noise from the container said to hold the rare plant. After opening it, they realise that it’s somehow a lot deeper than it initially seemed. A small spiral gazes up from inside, her mouth stained with red juice from the flowers she had apparently been eating. She looks happy, and the spiral realises that she thinks that she’s being taken to her new home. She seems friendly enough so... it’d be rude to disappoint her. [item=redblood sapper] x20 [item=molten sludge] x20 [item=onyx seraph tail bangle] [url=][img][/img][/url] (Edited because I accidentally put the other dragon on a nest, whoops) @Requacy The pearlcatcher narrows her eyes at the transformation, but doesn’t ask. Instead, she gestures back towards some of the displayed works. “I sell many types of painting, and I try to keep a variety on me at all times. You seem to be especially interested in the diagrams, correct?” Ruth nods, and the pearlcatcher flicks a lever labelled in a strange language. A soft clicking starts up, and the paintings move on neatly hidden tracks, bringing a few to the front. “Exhibit A is a rendition of old body paint, found in a series of structures that seem to be from the second age. Exhibit B shows how the early tribes of the third age used rudimentary magic, a few simple spells and attacks.” She pauses in her speech to look back at Ruth. “Any preferences so far?” She nods and wordlessly gestures to the first. “Alright then! That was nice and easy. A few pieces of that there gold should cover the cost. As long as I don’t find out later that it’s fake. I’d hate to have to send a... persuader to get the correct sum. Anyway, would you like it in a bag? No? Ok then.” The pearlcatcher gently takes it off its display and hands it to her, taking some of the gold as payment. “Thanks for shopping!” [skin=35022] @Kristalis The imperial glances down to the coatl, and raises his eyebrows in a perfect expression of innocence. “I’m simply selling a few health potions, some starsilks... anything really.” At the look on her face, a small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. “I may have made a few... modifications. Nothing too obvious. In fact, you likely won’t be able to tell it was me at all. Put it down to bad luck, an off day in the coliseum, or a sudden burst of energy. The real trick is that I’m not going to tell you which is which. It’s luck of the draw if you’ll buy an item cursed with a plague or something which makes you unable to fall in battle.” He glances down at her, and the same smile flits again over his face. “Are you willing to take that risk?” She nods, and after pausing for a moment, grabs a bundle of birdskull apparel and looks at him for the price. “Interesting choice.” The smile pulls on his mouth again. He names the payment then turns to go into the shack, pausing just before she leaves, that infuriating smile passing over his face once more. “Good luck.” [item=green birdskull headdress][item=green birdskull armband][item=golden birdskull legband][item=golden birdskull necklace][item=brown birdskull wingpiece]
Really sorry for the wait! My computer crashed and I had to get it fixed.

The fae tilts her head to the side and a smile flirts across her features.
“Questionable methods... Quite a few of my wares are like that. I’ll see what I can do for you.”
She flies over to a series of shelves, and rummages around for a few seconds before pulling out two identical containers made of a shiny white stone.
“This one here on the left is a rare plant that’s only able to be grown when stolen from another dragon, then planted in the dirt of the wyrmwound. Helpful when making disguises and the occasional invisibility spell. The one on the right is a blend of wartoad sludge and molten metal. Highly combustible. Add a flame to even the smallest drop and watch the bench go up in flames.”
She looks up from the containers to the bag of treasure.
“That should be enough for both, if you are willing to buy.” At the spiral’s nod, she gently slides the containers across the bench and grabs the treasure bag. After shaking it and examining a piece to test it’s authenticity, she smiles.
“Nice doing business with you!” The spiral starts to wander off with the purchases, before hearing a faint scuffling noise from the container said to hold the rare plant. After opening it, they realise that it’s somehow a lot deeper than it initially seemed. A small spiral gazes up from inside, her mouth stained with red juice from the flowers she had apparently been eating. She looks happy, and the spiral realises that she thinks that she’s being taken to her new home. She seems friendly enough so... it’d be rude to disappoint her.

Redblood Sapper x20 Molten Sludge x20 Onyx Seraph Tail Bangle
(Edited because I accidentally put the other dragon on a nest, whoops)

The pearlcatcher narrows her eyes at the transformation, but doesn’t ask. Instead, she gestures back towards some of the displayed works.
“I sell many types of painting, and I try to keep a variety on me at all times. You seem to be especially interested in the diagrams, correct?” Ruth nods, and the pearlcatcher flicks a lever labelled in a strange language. A soft clicking starts up, and the paintings move on neatly hidden tracks, bringing a few to the front.
“Exhibit A is a rendition of old body paint, found in a series of structures that seem to be from the second age.
Exhibit B shows how the early tribes of the third age used rudimentary magic, a few simple spells and attacks.”
She pauses in her speech to look back at Ruth.
“Any preferences so far?”
She nods and wordlessly gestures to the first.
“Alright then! That was nice and easy. A few pieces of that there gold should cover the cost. As long as I don’t find out later that it’s fake. I’d hate to have to send a... persuader to get the correct sum. Anyway, would you like it in a bag? No? Ok then.”
The pearlcatcher gently takes it off its display and hands it to her, taking some of the gold as payment.
“Thanks for shopping!”

The imperial glances down to the coatl, and raises his eyebrows in a perfect expression of innocence.
“I’m simply selling a few health potions, some starsilks... anything really.”
At the look on her face, a small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth.
“I may have made a few... modifications. Nothing too obvious. In fact, you likely won’t be able to tell it was me at all. Put it down to bad luck, an off day in the coliseum, or a sudden burst of energy. The real trick is that I’m not going to tell you which is which. It’s luck of the draw if you’ll buy an item cursed with a plague or something which makes you unable to fall in battle.”
He glances down at her, and the same smile flits again over his face.
“Are you willing to take that risk?”
She nods, and after pausing for a moment, grabs a bundle of birdskull apparel and looks at him for the price.
“Interesting choice.” The smile pulls on his mouth again. He names the payment then turns to go into the shack, pausing just before she leaves, that infuriating smile passing over his face once more.
“Good luck.”

Green Birdskull Headdress Green Birdskull Armband Golden Birdskull Legband Golden Birdskull Necklace Brown Birdskull Wingpiece
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] A harried Wildclaw greets you as you step in the door of the crowded inn. "Be right with you!" You sit at one of the unoccupied seats at the bar and wait for her to finish serving other customers. A moment later she reappears at your side. Taking in your Journeyman Satchels and other adventuring garb, she smiles. "We have special seating for you!" She takes you by the arm and leads you to a much quieter room near the back. A few weary travelers eat and drink, mostly in silence. Gratefully, you sink into a booth and place your meal order. The Wildclaw bustles off. You look around the room for a moment, but you are tired, so you lay your head on the table for a moment. A stubby wing prods you. You look up to see a fierce-looking Gaoler leaning over you. "Adventurer, eh? I could use a dragon with your talents. A certain valuable object of mine has been stolen and taken to the Fortress of Ends--where I am not welcome for, let's say, certain reasons. I can pay you well." The Wildclaw arrives with your food, and he backs off, glancing your way once or twice. "I'll think about it," you mouth, but right now you're more interested in your dinner. A small Fae sits down opposite you. You don't notice at first, but eventually you become aware of her frill movements. "I'm so upset. I've lost my familiar in the Tangled Wood, and with all the mimics prowling around, I'm sure they will get lost and never come home." She is quite young and pretty. You start to say something, but a Mirror stalks up to you and growls, "I could use your assistance. I'm on a bounty mission to capture thirty Deadwood Boars that have been rampaging through gardens all along the border of the Shrieking Wilds and the Sunbeam Ruins. It'll go much faster with two, and I'll split the profits with you, fifty-fifty." The Wildclaw rushes in with a water pitcher to refill your glass. She stops at the sight of the three dragons near you. "I'm terribly sorry about that!" She shoos them a few feet away and fills your glass. "I didn't expect you to get mobbed like that! You must be a very famous adventurer to have so many potential clients. But if that's not what you wanted, I can always bring you back out into the common room." 1) Gaoler's robbery mission 2) Fae's familiar rescue 3) Mirror's bounty hunt 4) Return to the common room

A harried Wildclaw greets you as you step in the door of the crowded inn. "Be right with you!"

You sit at one of the unoccupied seats at the bar and wait for her to finish serving other customers. A moment later she reappears at your side. Taking in your Journeyman Satchels and other adventuring garb, she smiles. "We have special seating for you!"

She takes you by the arm and leads you to a much quieter room near the back. A few weary travelers eat and drink, mostly in silence. Gratefully, you sink into a booth and place your meal order. The Wildclaw bustles off.

You look around the room for a moment, but you are tired, so you lay your head on the table for a moment. A stubby wing prods you.

You look up to see a fierce-looking Gaoler leaning over you. "Adventurer, eh? I could use a dragon with your talents. A certain valuable object of mine has been stolen and taken to the Fortress of Ends--where I am not welcome for, let's say, certain reasons. I can pay you well."

The Wildclaw arrives with your food, and he backs off, glancing your way once or twice. "I'll think about it," you mouth, but right now you're more interested in your dinner.

A small Fae sits down opposite you. You don't notice at first, but eventually you become aware of her frill movements. "I'm so upset. I've lost my familiar in the Tangled Wood, and with all the mimics prowling around, I'm sure they will get lost and never come home." She is quite young and pretty.

You start to say something, but a Mirror stalks up to you and growls, "I could use your assistance. I'm on a bounty mission to capture thirty Deadwood Boars that have been rampaging through gardens all along the border of the Shrieking Wilds and the Sunbeam Ruins. It'll go much faster with two, and I'll split the profits with you, fifty-fifty."

The Wildclaw rushes in with a water pitcher to refill your glass. She stops at the sight of the three dragons near you. "I'm terribly sorry about that!" She shoos them a few feet away and fills your glass. "I didn't expect you to get mobbed like that! You must be a very famous adventurer to have so many potential clients. But if that's not what you wanted, I can always bring you back out into the common room."

1) Gaoler's robbery mission
2) Fae's familiar rescue
3) Mirror's bounty hunt
4) Return to the common room
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@Bxy26 [url=][img][/img][/url] Diavra sips her water with a grimace. Her wings are still aching from the day's journey, and there's still some way to fly before home—no amount of treasure is worth hauling herself on some side mission. And a mob of demanding dragons isn't exactly sweetening the deal. She drains her drink. Through the bottom of the glass, she catches sight of the young fae. She's moving from table to table, talking to each dragon there. With each rejection, her huge eyes get more watery, and she looks on the verge of giving up. Diavra sighs. Damn her soft heart. "You!" she calls out to the fae, gesturing her over to the table, "So what was that you were saying about a lost familiar..."

Diavra sips her water with a grimace. Her wings are still aching from the day's journey, and there's still some way to fly before home—no amount of treasure is worth hauling herself on some side mission. And a mob of demanding dragons isn't exactly sweetening the deal. She drains her drink.

Through the bottom of the glass, she catches sight of the young fae. She's moving from table to table, talking to each dragon there. With each rejection, her huge eyes get more watery, and she looks on the verge of giving up. Diavra sighs. Damn her soft heart.

"You!" she calls out to the fae, gesturing her over to the table, "So what was that you were saying about a lost familiar..."
WlncKuN.gif __she / her | FR +8
__Sales + Giveaways!

__Currently working on: Bookwyrm subspecies!
@Bxy26 [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Tobin stared in disbelieve at the Wildclaw waitress. [i]Famous adventurer? Far from it[/i], he thought. He dismissed the idea with a snicker. It was curious as to why he was approached by so many, but perhaps it was good fortune. His last mission had left him lacking suitable compensation. Not that he could fault the old farmer for tricking him into helping. Despreat drakes do desperate things after all. Still, it would be nice if he could bring a little something more home. With that in mind, he looked over his options. It seemed a Nocturn had taken up the Fae's offer, leaving him with the Goaler, the Mirror, or the Wildclaw's kind offer of peace and quiet. As much as he appreciated the peace and quiet, he decided to go with the bounty the Mirror offered. At least with him, he knew the job was legitimate ([i]or at least he hoped it was[/i]). He was certainly not up to a heist at the Fortress of Ends. "Thank you," he said gently to the waitress, "but I think I'll take the Mirror up on his offer." Tobin gave her a good tip, before taking his meal and joining the Mirror at his table. [b] 3) Mirror's bounty hunt[/b]

Tobin stared in disbelieve at the Wildclaw waitress. Famous adventurer? Far from it, he thought. He dismissed the idea with a snicker. It was curious as to why he was approached by so many, but perhaps it was good fortune. His last mission had left him lacking suitable compensation. Not that he could fault the old farmer for tricking him into helping. Despreat drakes do desperate things after all. Still, it would be nice if he could bring a little something more home. With that in mind, he looked over his options. It seemed a Nocturn had taken up the Fae's offer, leaving him with the Goaler, the Mirror, or the Wildclaw's kind offer of peace and quiet.

As much as he appreciated the peace and quiet, he decided to go with the bounty the Mirror offered. At least with him, he knew the job was legitimate (or at least he hoped it was). He was certainly not up to a heist at the Fortress of Ends.

"Thank you," he said gently to the waitress, "but I think I'll take the Mirror up on his offer." Tobin gave her a good tip, before taking his meal and joining the Mirror at his table.

3) Mirror's bounty hunt
buffer text buffer text Tropical post card that says, Hello from The Explorer's Club.  Wish you were here
buffer text
Bump! There are two choices left!
Bump! There are two choices left!
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