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TOPIC | Headcanon a Dragon Above You
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@KuroiKyuubi [url=][img][/img][/url] A fantastic healer, though frequently asked to help with minor injuries, like scrapes and papercuts. Very rarely called on for truly perilous wounds, thankfully due to the scarcity of such injuries occurring in the clan.


A fantastic healer, though frequently asked to help with minor injuries, like scrapes and papercuts. Very rarely called on for truly perilous wounds, thankfully due to the scarcity of such injuries occurring in the clan.
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@KoenigVII [url=][img][/img][/url] She loves art, and tends to hoard any painting she feels connected too. Each piece she feels tells a story maybe about the artist themselves or just the art just being the story itself! Amaterasu is often covered in various art supplies but takes great care of them as she keeps them organized and clean.


She loves art, and tends to hoard any painting she feels connected too. Each piece she feels tells a story maybe about the artist themselves or just the art just being the story itself! Amaterasu is often covered in various art supplies but takes great care of them as she keeps them organized and clean.
She/Her - Taken [04/17/22] - Aircraft Enjoyer Supreme
@xKittyKylo [url=][img][/img][/url] Reclusive in the extreme and obsessed with whatever experiment takes his fancy, it is easy to forget that Misha saved many of his clanmates' lives. Not that he helps his case any. His projects are questionably ethical to put it lightly. His greatest, and darkest, achievement however is the complete brainwashing of the Fae known only as Turret. Misha actually convinced the poor thing she was an inanimate object with only one job, destroy any intruders that would try to run off with the classified information held within his science ward. There are rumors circulating that the only good things that came about from Misha's actions are merely happy circumstance and not intended results. Any complaints circulating within the Clan about Misha are conveniently swept under the rug and the illusion of peace is maintained by any means necessary. After all, the higher ups don't want to lose their best scientist and they don't mind covering up for him so long as he continues to bring results. Frankly, Misha seems to be quite comfortable with his situation and doesn't show any indication of wanting to leave his station. Perhaps deep down he understands that very few clans would put up with his unethical methods. It is with the Laine Clan that he has struck a balance; he is the darkness that enables them to shine bright.


Reclusive in the extreme and obsessed with whatever experiment takes his fancy, it is easy to forget that Misha saved many of his clanmates' lives. Not that he helps his case any. His projects are questionably ethical to put it lightly. His greatest, and darkest, achievement however is the complete brainwashing of the Fae known only as Turret. Misha actually convinced the poor thing she was an inanimate object with only one job, destroy any intruders that would try to run off with the classified information held within his science ward. There are rumors circulating that the only good things that came about from Misha's actions are merely happy circumstance and not intended results. Any complaints circulating within the Clan about Misha are conveniently swept under the rug and the illusion of peace is maintained by any means necessary. After all, the higher ups don't want to lose their best scientist and they don't mind covering up for him so long as he continues to bring results. Frankly, Misha seems to be quite comfortable with his situation and doesn't show any indication of wanting to leave his station. Perhaps deep down he understands that very few clans would put up with his unethical methods. It is with the Laine Clan that he has struck a balance; he is the darkness that enables them to shine bright.
  • Countess
  • She/Her
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@Countessoffire [url=][img][/img][/url] Being the god of craftsmanship, Conjectus of course loves making things. However, despite his size, he loves creating small objects rather than large sculptures. From wooden carvings that fit in you palm to glass figures that are as delicate as they are beautiful, he believes that the ultimate display of his craft skills is the creation of something unexpected for his size. ------------ Next: Mayhaps someone in my [url=]HibDen[/url] will pique your interest? if not, that's okay!
Being the god of craftsmanship, Conjectus of course loves making things. However, despite his size, he loves creating small objects rather than large sculptures. From wooden carvings that fit in you palm to glass figures that are as delicate as they are beautiful, he believes that the ultimate display of his craft skills is the creation of something unexpected for his size.
Next: Mayhaps someone in my HibDen will pique your interest? if not, that's okay!

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@Kamgigari [url=][img][/img][/url] Boreas has taken to buying souvenirs from every place he's delivered to, all bright and handcrafted. Against popular belief, he has a good eye for quality, preferring handcrafted goods over anything mass produced, enjoying the little details he can see in each piece. His favorite type of souvenirs are apparel, being able to openly display his finds. --------------- Next: Anyone in my Lair or the Permas tab of the Den are free game~
Boreas has taken to buying souvenirs from every place he's delivered to, all bright and handcrafted. Against popular belief, he has a good eye for quality, preferring handcrafted goods over anything mass produced, enjoying the little details he can see in each piece. His favorite type of souvenirs are apparel, being able to openly display his finds.

Next: Anyone in my Lair or the Permas tab of the Den are free game~
|| He/She/They | FRT+3 | INFP | Demi x3 | Lore Clan | Eternal Acolight ||
[url=][img][/img][/url] @saraceaser - very skilled at tea making and brewing and has a garden of fruits, flowers and plants to use in tea and recipes. Any of my dragons are okay to headcanon besides Peacekeeper!

- very skilled at tea making and brewing and has a garden of fruits, flowers and plants to use in tea and recipes.

Any of my dragons are okay to headcanon besides Peacekeeper!
I don’t know what to put here
@flamingoz I headcanon that Gummy Worm... [url=][img][/img][/url] Used to be horribly scared of going to Dark Creamsicle's lair on Hallowe...I mean, Riot of Rot! [url=][img][/img][/url] Fortunately Creamsicle is a real sweetheart and talked with him the night before she started decorating her lair. She explained that all of the scary things aren't real and can't hurt him. The two even got to make gooey honey-bee pumpkin cupcakes together the night before!
I headcanon that Gummy Worm...
Used to be horribly scared of going to Dark Creamsicle's lair on Hallowe...I mean, Riot of Rot!
Fortunately Creamsicle is a real sweetheart and talked with him the night before she started decorating her lair. She explained that all of the scary things aren't real and can't hurt him. The two even got to make gooey honey-bee pumpkin cupcakes together the night before!
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@cyberseance [url=][img][/img][/url] eats woodchips
eats woodchips
@alucardpuppy [url=][img][/img][/url] Potatoes. Fried, mashed, baked, raw. You can't hide them. He'll find your potatoes. Nothing is safe.


Potatoes. Fried, mashed, baked, raw. You can't hide them. He'll find your potatoes. Nothing is safe.
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@TrueTerror clarity is totally the type of dragon to act like the most stereotypical tortured artist, using thee and thou in sentences where it doesn't quite make sense [url=][img][/img][/url]

clarity is totally the type of dragon to act like the most stereotypical tortured artist, using thee and thou in sentences where it doesn't quite make sense
If I ever make you anything in a forum game
or something else, feel free to use it wherever!
just credit me :3
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