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TOPIC | Help Wanted - WaveSat CYOA - DONE
[b][Start][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Absortio, although born a Skydancer to proud Skydancer parents, seemed to have inherited the physical prowess from his Imperial grandmothers instead of magical gifts. Despite having clever mind, the elements simply did not bend to his will, especially shameful for a dragon of Arcane flight. But what he lacked in magic, he more than made up in physical strength together with his natural intelligence. He was here because he still didn't feel quite right in his new clan and perhaps this way he could find more information about the one he hunted. So, the choice was easy... [b]B: Help the patrol division[/b]


Absortio, although born a Skydancer to proud Skydancer parents, seemed to have inherited the physical prowess from his Imperial grandmothers instead of magical gifts. Despite having clever mind, the elements simply did not bend to his will, especially shameful for a dragon of Arcane flight. But what he lacked in magic, he more than made up in physical strength together with his natural intelligence. He was here because he still didn't feel quite right in his new clan and perhaps this way he could find more information about the one he hunted. So, the choice was easy...

B: Help the patrol division
[b][START][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Although he appeared to be quite fierce due to his armor, Ziro usually shied away from close combat and preferred magic - casting? - to attacking head-on. He didn't usually enjoy doing that for very long, though... Unsure of what to do, Ziro twirled the pen between his claws before accidentally flicking it onto one of the two sheets. Now, he wasn't very superstitious, but [i]maybe[/i] it wasn't just coincidence that the pen had landed there? Silently grumbling at himself, he whisked the paper over with a claw and signed his name onto the form in somewhat neat handwriting. [b]{Choice B: Help with the patrol division}[/b]


Although he appeared to be quite fierce due to his armor, Ziro usually shied away from close combat and preferred magic - casting? - to attacking head-on. He didn't usually enjoy doing that for very long, though... Unsure of what to do, Ziro twirled the pen between his claws before accidentally flicking it onto one of the two sheets. Now, he wasn't very superstitious, but maybe it wasn't just coincidence that the pen had landed there? Silently grumbling at himself, he whisked the paper over with a claw and signed his name onto the form in somewhat neat handwriting.

{Choice B: Help with the patrol division}
[b][START][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Golda grumbles as she wanders over to the booth with the 'Help Wanted' sign. The Saturnalia isn't exactly her favorite festival. Damp fur is the [i]worst[/i] feeling. Tiemeth and Kovin had dragged her here though, so she might as well make the best of it, generate some coin for her small clan. The harried guardian eyes her, and explains the choices available to her. Scrying means more water and a bunch of dragons squished together and casting, something she's never been good at. She reaches for the forms for patrol. Standard waivers aside, patrolling should be much more interesting than playing the truth-guessing game with Tiemeth. [b]B: Help the patrol division[/b]


Golda grumbles as she wanders over to the booth with the 'Help Wanted' sign. The Saturnalia isn't exactly her favorite festival. Damp fur is the worst feeling. Tiemeth and Kovin had dragged her here though, so she might as well make the best of it, generate some coin for her small clan.

The harried guardian eyes her, and explains the choices available to her. Scrying means more water and a bunch of dragons squished together and casting, something she's never been good at. She reaches for the forms for patrol. Standard waivers aside, patrolling should be much more interesting than playing the truth-guessing game with Tiemeth.

B: Help the patrol division
[b][START][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Xcaxia looks on the papers, flip them sideways and up and down. What was his instruction were again? Oh yes, the act cool warlock Nachzehrer told him to spy on the water dragons... go see what they are doing. But the warlock doesn't tell him what to choose! Xcaxia found an idea and then asks the guardian, "Pardon me le mister... Which division have the most female dragons? I think they can use my strong muscle the most, poor princessess." Xcaxia have to defend himself that he means no harm or disturbing the ladies and in the end the guardian points him to [b]A: the mage division[/b]. Was the guardian lies or not, Xcaxia don't know. [b][choice A - help the mage division][/b]


Xcaxia looks on the papers, flip them sideways and up and down. What was his instruction were again? Oh yes, the act cool warlock Nachzehrer told him to spy on the water dragons... go see what they are doing. But the warlock doesn't tell him what to choose!

Xcaxia found an idea and then asks the guardian,
"Pardon me le mister... Which division have the most female dragons? I think they can use my strong muscle the most, poor princessess."

Xcaxia have to defend himself that he means no harm or disturbing the ladies and in the end the guardian points him to A: the mage division. Was the guardian lies or not, Xcaxia don't know.

[choice A - help the mage division]
[b]START[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Humorum stretched his neck, considering. It was ironic that the Guardian had been upset about a possible escaped Water Bear, as part of the reason he had originally come to the Festival was for the hope of finding one... It was not fair, after all, that his "brother" got the Water Sprite of the Clan just because Spumans had hatched from his egg a few minutes before Humorum did during the Night of Nocturne. Having found the Bear, however, he was a at a loose end--which was why he had wandered over to the sign. He thought a bit about the options available, and nodded. He had been looking for an opportunity to explore his magical potential--and he wanted to know more about why his power worked best at night. This looked like a perfect opportunity to have some fun and learn a bit about himself along the way. After all, that's what divination was all about, yes? Taking the parchment, he quickly filled out the required sections, and firmly noted his choice. [b]Choice A: Help the Mage Division[/b]


Humorum stretched his neck, considering. It was ironic that the Guardian had been upset about a possible escaped Water Bear, as part of the reason he had originally come to the Festival was for the hope of finding one... It was not fair, after all, that his "brother" got the Water Sprite of the Clan just because Spumans had hatched from his egg a few minutes before Humorum did during the Night of Nocturne. Having found the Bear, however, he was a at a loose end--which was why he had wandered over to the sign.

He thought a bit about the options available, and nodded. He had been looking for an opportunity to explore his magical potential--and he wanted to know more about why his power worked best at night. This looked like a perfect opportunity to have some fun and learn a bit about himself along the way. After all, that's what divination was all about, yes?

Taking the parchment, he quickly filled out the required sections, and firmly noted his choice.

Choice A: Help the Mage Division
[b][START][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Lily yawned as she perused the boardwalk. Temeraire was spending way too much time at the scrying booths, which she didn't find nearly as exciting. But on the other hand it was also rather dull going around by herself, especialy as she was't a huge fan of water. Or at least that's what she thought until the Help Wanted sign caught her eye. She only half listened to what the Guardian was explaining to her, as she'd already made her decision the moment she laid eyes on the form. Considering what lead her here there was no possible chance she was going to end up stuck in front of a scrying pool, bored to tears (assuming they'd even hire her in the first place as she had no magic abilities of any kind!). [b]B: Help the patrol division[/b] ((Edit was just simply to add my choice in as I forgot it!))


Lily yawned as she perused the boardwalk. Temeraire was spending way too much time at the scrying booths, which she didn't find nearly as exciting. But on the other hand it was also rather dull going around by herself, especialy as she was't a huge fan of water.

Or at least that's what she thought until the Help Wanted sign caught her eye.

She only half listened to what the Guardian was explaining to her, as she'd already made her decision the moment she laid eyes on the form. Considering what lead her here there was no possible chance she was going to end up stuck in front of a scrying pool, bored to tears (assuming they'd even hire her in the first place as she had no magic abilities of any kind!).

B: Help the patrol division

((Edit was just simply to add my choice in as I forgot it!))
[b][START][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Mariana was trying her best to avoid looking at the water. Her sister had practically dragged her out to celebrate the holiday by grabbing her tail in her teeth and literally DRAGGING her out the door. Then she left; she just up and vanished to Tidelord know's where. Mariana twitched as her eyes scanned the horizon and caught view of the water. Every day she was happy that she found a new home in the Southern Icefield. She couldn't quite get farther away because her soul resonated with the water still. She tried, but she ached every second she was away. She found that being in the Southern Icefield was tolerable. Here she was though back home, back by the water that she was so very afraid of. She averted her eyes from the water and they landed on a "Help Wanted" sign. She knew that if she tried to go home, Zephyra would be likely to notice and forcibly drag her back. She figured that facing her fear would help things, but all it did was make her irritated at her meddling sister. Mariana decided that she might as well make some treasure then if she was going to be forced to stay. She listened to the guardian say his piece and looked at the form. Helping the mages seemed the less likely to put her near the water, so she penned her name. [u][b]A: Help the mage division[/b][/u]


Mariana was trying her best to avoid looking at the water. Her sister had practically dragged her out to celebrate the holiday by grabbing her tail in her teeth and literally DRAGGING her out the door. Then she left; she just up and vanished to Tidelord know's where. Mariana twitched as her eyes scanned the horizon and caught view of the water. Every day she was happy that she found a new home in the Southern Icefield. She couldn't quite get farther away because her soul resonated with the water still. She tried, but she ached every second she was away. She found that being in the Southern Icefield was tolerable.

Here she was though back home, back by the water that she was so very afraid of. She averted her eyes from the water and they landed on a "Help Wanted" sign. She knew that if she tried to go home, Zephyra would be likely to notice and forcibly drag her back. She figured that facing her fear would help things, but all it did was make her irritated at her meddling sister. Mariana decided that she might as well make some treasure then if she was going to be forced to stay.

She listened to the guardian say his piece and looked at the form. Helping the mages seemed the less likely to put her near the water, so she penned her name.

A: Help the mage division
[center][b][START][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The once-mercenary carefully eyed the Guardian before her. With an imposingly large bird skull acting as a mask to hide her true identity, Soulreaper's surprisingly soft midnight feathers swayed innocently as she looked over the choices before her. Soulreaper left her nest at a young age, wandering the 11 flight domains, she eventually became a Mercenary and Assassin for hire. Using her impeccably dark plumage, Soulreaper was able to get anywhere unseen and unheard. However, work had somewhat dried up for her. This was her last stop before she would approach the Skyewings in the Windswept Plateau. Bringing herself back to reality, Soulreaper's gear made soft clinking sounds as she filled out the Patrol form. She wasn't really one for magic anyway. She preferred to get messy. It was more fun.. [b]Choice A - Help the patrol division[/b][/center]


The once-mercenary carefully eyed the Guardian before her. With an imposingly large bird skull acting as a mask to hide her true identity, Soulreaper's surprisingly soft midnight feathers swayed innocently as she looked over the choices before her. Soulreaper left her nest at a young age, wandering the 11 flight domains, she eventually became a Mercenary and Assassin for hire. Using her impeccably dark plumage, Soulreaper was able to get anywhere unseen and unheard. However, work had somewhat dried up for her. This was her last stop before she would approach the Skyewings in the Windswept Plateau. Bringing herself back to reality, Soulreaper's gear made soft clinking sounds as she filled out the Patrol form. She wasn't really one for magic anyway.

She preferred to get messy.
It was more fun..

Choice A - Help the patrol division
[b][START][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Choice A: Help the Mages[/b] Straton was his clan's top mage and frequently accompanied the fighters on their trips to the Kelp beds to patch them up. Sure, he was new here, but thing shouldn't be too different? Lets see the forms...typical stuff really, of course it was going to be dangerous, but he should be able t handle it!


Choice A: Help the Mages
Straton was his clan's top mage and frequently accompanied the fighters on their trips to the Kelp beds to patch them up. Sure, he was new here, but thing shouldn't be too different? Lets see the forms...typical stuff really, of course it was going to be dangerous, but he should be able t handle it!
[START] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Calypso smiled as she signed the form in her elegant script. The Tidelord's domain was her birthplace, although she now resided in the Starfall Isles, so she was happy to help. Being a master of water magic, it wasn't really much of a choice for her. (Choice A: Help the mage division.)


Calypso smiled as she signed the form in her elegant script. The Tidelord's domain was her birthplace, although she now resided in the Starfall Isles, so she was happy to help. Being a master of water magic, it wasn't really much of a choice for her.

(Choice A: Help the mage division.)
All hail the Arcanist, for life would be hollow without magic.