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TOPIC | Help Wanted - WaveSat CYOA - DONE
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[b][START][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Rattle had quickly grown bored of the festivities, in her opinion there wasn't enough explosions and all the crafts were made of shells which, while pretty, was not her style. So like Tsubasa she'd left her clanmates to do their own thing and gone to find something to occupy her time. This had lead her here and looking down at the form she didn't even think before answering. "I'm going with the mages! Mages make the best explosions! Even during a holiday like this something has to explode eventually and this way I know it'll be a big one." She signs it readily and nearly shoves the papers right into the poor Guardians face in her enthusiasm. [b][A-Help the Mage Division][/b]


Rattle had quickly grown bored of the festivities, in her opinion there wasn't enough explosions and all the crafts were made of shells which, while pretty, was not her style. So like Tsubasa she'd left her clanmates to do their own thing and gone to find something to occupy her time. This had lead her here and looking down at the form she didn't even think before answering.

"I'm going with the mages! Mages make the best explosions! Even during a holiday like this something has to explode eventually and this way I know it'll be a big one." She signs it readily and nearly shoves the papers right into the poor Guardians face in her enthusiasm.

[A-Help the Mage Division]
[b][START][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She sighed, looking between the forms. The mage division sounded nice... after all, she did come from an Arcanist clan, and she was rather fond of her 'mage' friend. And for some reason, she didn't think helping the patrolling groups would be much fun. [Choice A: Help the mage division.]


She sighed, looking between the forms. The mage division sounded nice... after all, she did come from an Arcanist clan, and she was rather fond of her 'mage' friend. And for some reason, she didn't think helping the patrolling groups would be much fun.

[Choice A: Help the mage division.]
holli, she/her
[b][START][/b] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Aether had never particularly liked the festivities. Too robust, too loud. He preferred the quietness of a nice story and a calm sea day. Not the mass of bodies that were clamoring about during the Saturnalia. He wandered away from his gaggle of friends and stared up at the sign. It had seemed out-of-the-way and dilapidated, but Aether figured a little quiet was better than none. How in the world he found himself staring down at a sheet of paper, asking if he would like to help was beyond him. He had very advanced plague magic, though he doubted that was what they were looking for. And he was also part of his own clan's border patrol. Scrying seemed like quite business, but then again, he wouldn't like to be trapped in a stuffy room hunched over all day. He sighed. It seemed that neither option would give him the peace and quiet he wanted. "I'll help out the patrol," he said glumly. At least he had experience patrolling... [b][B-Help the Patrol Division][/b]

Aether had never particularly liked the festivities. Too robust, too loud. He preferred the quietness of a nice story and a calm sea day. Not the mass of bodies that were clamoring about during the Saturnalia.

He wandered away from his gaggle of friends and stared up at the sign. It had seemed out-of-the-way and dilapidated, but Aether figured a little quiet was better than none. How in the world he found himself staring down at a sheet of paper, asking if he would like to help was beyond him.

He had very advanced plague magic, though he doubted that was what they were looking for. And he was also part of his own clan's border patrol. Scrying seemed like quite business, but then again, he wouldn't like to be trapped in a stuffy room hunched over all day.

He sighed. It seemed that neither option would give him the peace and quiet he wanted. "I'll help out the patrol," he said glumly. At least he had experience patrolling...

[B-Help the Patrol Division]
[START] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Another Guardian enters the room and settles on her forearms and booted hindpaws in front of the desk. After the initial kerfuffle, she shifts to a different pose, with one foreleg extended and the other paw lifted to chin-height. "I would like to sign up for the position of assistant watchdragon." Matching words to action, she pulls the appropriate form across the table and signs the waiver. x[u]Cynarea[/u] [B: Help the patrol division]


Another Guardian enters the room and settles on her forearms and booted hindpaws in front of the desk. After the initial kerfuffle, she shifts to a different pose, with one foreleg extended and the other paw lifted to chin-height.

"I would like to sign up for the position of assistant watchdragon."

Matching words to action, she pulls the appropriate form across the table and signs the waiver.

[B: Help the patrol division]
fOSQCIF.pngFR+3zzLDnv4.png Stuff I write
[b][START][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hmmm" thought Carulata. "I could use a bit of extra treasure this festival, so a job sounds like a good idea. I'd like to join the mage division please!" [b]A: Help the mage division[/b]


Hmmm" thought Carulata. "I could use a bit of extra treasure this festival, so a job sounds like a good idea. I'd like to join the mage division please!"

A: Help the mage division
[b][Start][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] As far as Reina was concerned, there wasn't really a choice. She had never had a talent for magic, and besides that the mage dragons always annoyed her. She signed her name, pushing one of the papers back to the guardian. She was a dragon of few words, and even less patience. [b]B: Help the Patrol Division[/b]


As far as Reina was concerned, there wasn't really a choice. She had never had a talent for magic, and besides that the mage dragons always annoyed her. She signed her name, pushing one of the papers back to the guardian. She was a dragon of few words, and even less patience.

B: Help the Patrol Division
[b][START][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Choi[/b] The coatl looked around her with a smile she could not restrain, admiring all the other dragons who hustled and bustled around the festivity stands. She was tempted to just leave--paperwork was certainly not what she had wanted to do that day--but something told her that some community service would kickstart her holiday spirit even more. [i]Mages sit still and do spells all day,[/i] she told herself prejudicially. [i]However, If I help out with the patrols, perhaps I'll get to see glimpses of the festivities.[/i] Reluctantly, she took the plume in her claws and signed her name on the second form. [b][B: Help the patrol division][/b]



The coatl looked around her with a smile she could not restrain, admiring all the other dragons who hustled and bustled around the festivity stands. She was tempted to just leave--paperwork was certainly not what she had wanted to do that day--but something told her that some community service would kickstart her holiday spirit even more.
Mages sit still and do spells all day, she told herself prejudicially. However, If I help out with the patrols, perhaps I'll get to see glimpses of the festivities.
Reluctantly, she took the plume in her claws and signed her name on the second form.

[B: Help the patrol division]
[b][START][/b] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Zourel listened in silence as the guardian explained about the tasks the Security needed help with. So his hunch had been right, there was some good he could do here. Maybe. The pearlcatcher eyed the two forms, then nervously glanced over his shoulder towards the door, as if expecting someone to burst in after him. He swallowed his nervousness and looked over the forms again. This was it. After signing one of these forms, there would be no going back for him. He just hoped the festivities would keep his friends busy so that they would not see him actually doing any [i]proper[/i] work. He had a reputation to think of, after all. It would do him no good if his friends thought his days as a prankster and professional slacker had come to an end. With a small, amused smile, Zourel grabbed the form for helping the mages and signed it. He would be of no use on patrols, and helping mages might earn some respect from other magic users of his clan - assuming he would ever allow them to hear about this. [b](Choice A: Help the mage division)[/b]
Zourel listened in silence as the guardian explained about the tasks the Security needed help with. So his hunch had been right, there was some good he could do here. Maybe. The pearlcatcher eyed the two forms, then nervously glanced over his shoulder towards the door, as if expecting someone to burst in after him. He swallowed his nervousness and looked over the forms again.

This was it. After signing one of these forms, there would be no going back for him. He just hoped the festivities would keep his friends busy so that they would not see him actually doing any proper work. He had a reputation to think of, after all. It would do him no good if his friends thought his days as a prankster and professional slacker had come to an end.

With a small, amused smile, Zourel grabbed the form for helping the mages and signed it. He would be of no use on patrols, and helping mages might earn some respect from other magic users of his clan - assuming he would ever allow them to hear about this.

(Choice A: Help the mage division)
[START] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Having never been good at Magic, Meirion eagerly signs up for option B.


Having never been good at Magic, Meirion eagerly signs up for option B.
[b][START][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Halion grabs the mage form and messily marks his name. It's not like he's a particularly decent scryer, but this is his first festival! Who wants to go around playing bad cop? Not[i] exactly[/i] the best way to make new friends. At least this way, he can practice his magic, maybe meet a few other mages, and help out the festival. A win all around. Good thing he didn't open with his water bear joke. [i][A: Help the mage division][/i]


Halion grabs the mage form and messily marks his name. It's not like he's a particularly decent scryer, but this is his first festival! Who wants to go around playing bad cop? Not exactly the best way to make new friends. At least this way, he can practice his magic, maybe meet a few other mages, and help out the festival. A win all around. Good thing he didn't open with his water bear joke.

[A: Help the mage division]
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