
Find a Dragon

Search for the perfect dragon.
TOPIC | [LF] Mates & Dates! (RP encouraged!)
Dawnrunner is a very outgoing and loud dragon. She loves exploring the beach, and draggin g her friends up at dawn to do so. She is a recent addition to the clan, but has made fast friends with Niaka and Obsidia. She has also taken the young ShaoShang under her wing. She has a bit of a protective streak and can be a little quick to anger, but her friend Obsidia is usually there to cool situations down. The four of them often play litttle jokes on the boys of the clan, and can often be found scouring the beach for fun little pieces for their next trick.

Her favourite bad poet is William McGonagall. A good example of his stuff can be found here

She has taken a liking to [Cytus] 3R2 VS DJ Mashiro- Sweetness And Love. Her favorite band is Siouxsue and the Banshees. She loves old english rock/punk/synth and general musical weirdness from the 80's. like these
She loves sharing music.

She likes reflective things and has been looking for a dragon good with his claws to help her construct a shiney sculpture. (mainly because she is a little clumsy herself and keep knocking it over.)

Dawnrunner is a very outgoing and loud dragon. She loves exploring the beach, and draggin g her friends up at dawn to do so. She is a recent addition to the clan, but has made fast friends with Niaka and Obsidia. She has also taken the young ShaoShang under her wing. She has a bit of a protective streak and can be a little quick to anger, but her friend Obsidia is usually there to cool situations down. The four of them often play litttle jokes on the boys of the clan, and can often be found scouring the beach for fun little pieces for their next trick.

Her favourite bad poet is William McGonagall. A good example of his stuff can be found here

She has taken a liking to [Cytus] 3R2 VS DJ Mashiro- Sweetness And Love. Her favorite band is Siouxsue and the Banshees. She loves old english rock/punk/synth and general musical weirdness from the 80's. like these
She loves sharing music.

She likes reflective things and has been looking for a dragon good with his claws to help her construct a shiney sculpture. (mainly because she is a little clumsy herself and keep knocking it over.)

@WrenFaerie Dawnrunner sounds like an absolute sweetheart ; 3 ; And the Gary Numan was pretty cool, and the Siouxsue and the Banshees was great! Really different from the stuff I usually listen to, so it was a really eye-opening (ear-opening?) experience :)

Would you like me to write the starter for RP or you? ovo
@WrenFaerie Dawnrunner sounds like an absolute sweetheart ; 3 ; And the Gary Numan was pretty cool, and the Siouxsue and the Banshees was great! Really different from the stuff I usually listen to, so it was a really eye-opening (ear-opening?) experience :)

Would you like me to write the starter for RP or you? ovo
@carpfish [quote = Xin] There was a flash of fear in her bright green eyes before she slammed into the stranger, sending him rolling down the incline while she skidded to a halt. The dark coloration of her scales were now covered with churned up dirt as she slid on her stomach ending up right where the Pearl Catcher was resting. Xin laid still for a moment, catching her breath before she picked up the sound of yelling. She groaned and rolled her eyes, shaking her head in annoyance. The Ridgeback shifed her body onto her side, feeling a bit sore but she ignored it, getting up on all fours and shook off as much dirt as possible. Hearing more of his ranting, she took a closer look at the stranger as he stomped over to her. Her eyes narrowed, staring at him with a bit of contempt as he raised himself to her height. She came nose to nose with him, her lip curling upward in her own snarl. "You can't order me around, I don't even know you! This isn't my problem, I gave you enough time to get out of the way. It's your fault you didn't move fast enough." she growled, her temper rising slightly as her tail lashed behind her, "You're on your own. Now if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than waste my time here with you." With that, she turned her head away from the angry Pearl Catcher and began to walk around him, muttering incoherent insults under her breath.
Xin wrote:
There was a flash of fear in her bright green eyes before she slammed into the stranger, sending him rolling down the incline while she skidded to a halt. The dark coloration of her scales were now covered with churned up dirt as she slid on her stomach ending up right where the Pearl Catcher was resting.

Xin laid still for a moment, catching her breath before she picked up the sound of yelling. She groaned and rolled her eyes, shaking her head in annoyance. The Ridgeback shifed her body onto her side, feeling a bit sore but she ignored it, getting up on all fours and shook off as much dirt as possible. Hearing more of his ranting, she took a closer look at the stranger as he stomped over to her. Her eyes narrowed, staring at him with a bit of contempt as he raised himself to her height. She came nose to nose with him, her lip curling upward in her own snarl. "You can't order me around, I don't even know you! This isn't my problem, I gave you enough time to get out of the way. It's your fault you didn't move fast enough." she growled, her temper rising slightly as her tail lashed behind her, "You're on your own. Now if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than waste my time here with you."

With that, she turned her head away from the angry Pearl Catcher and began to walk around him, muttering incoherent insults under her breath.
Dream, Maze
Writer | Artist | Dragon Enthusiast
+ 3 FR time
My Favorite Hatcheries:
•Birds Nest Hatchery•

Noctua Hatchery
Smaesie's Hatchery!

@carpfish [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Currently a gangly, awkward youth, Lacertus has all the swagger and machismo of his father, Acroterion. He can be quite boastful, at times arrogant, but the narcissism is only a front for this neglected drake. Lacertus has accepted his solitude, even if he isn't particularly happy with it, spending little time with hatchlings he is rapidly outgrowing the company of. Lacertus now longs for the comfort of a female, though he is somewhat unversed on what to do with one.


Currently a gangly, awkward youth, Lacertus has all the swagger and machismo of his father, Acroterion. He can be quite boastful, at times arrogant, but the narcissism is only a front for this neglected drake. Lacertus has accepted his solitude, even if he isn't particularly happy with it, spending little time with hatchlings he is rapidly outgrowing the company of. Lacertus now longs for the comfort of a female, though he is somewhat unversed on what to do with one.
Yes please!
Yes please!
Hey, hey, @carpfish ? You've a riple white male Mirror? Yeah? I've got a triple white female Mirror. [img][/img] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] You interested in pairing them up? I'm not willing to sell her, I'm a little attached, but I'd be totally up for lending her if you wanted to breed them and use your nest. Or we could use mine. Some triple white babies with red eyes might be nice if albino-like dragons are your thing. EDIT: I think it's worth mentioning that I've been thinking about buying a gene for one of my mirrors, and I think she looks good with gembond. Would you be against that? I'm, uh... not... sure about the RPing thing. I know what RPing is and love it and everything, I've just... never RP'd anything regarding FR yet, since it's never crossed my mine, and I've never seen anyone do this sort of thing. I'd be up for a little RP, but you'll have to throw me a bone and start it. [img][/img]
Hey, hey, @carpfish ? You've a riple white male Mirror? Yeah? I've got a triple white female Mirror. Sunglasses.gif


You interested in pairing them up? I'm not willing to sell her, I'm a little attached, but I'd be totally up for lending her if you wanted to breed them and use your nest. Or we could use mine. Some triple white babies with red eyes might be nice if albino-like dragons are your thing.

EDIT: I think it's worth mentioning that I've been thinking about buying a gene for one of my mirrors, and I think she looks good with gembond. Would you be against that?

I'm, uh... not... sure about the RPing thing. I know what RPing is and love it and everything, I've just... never RP'd anything regarding FR yet, since it's never crossed my mine, and I've never seen anyone do this sort of thing. I'd be up for a little RP, but you'll have to throw me a bone and start it. Laughing.gif
@Daydreamer61975 [quote=Achernar] Pride aside, Achernar knew his limits, and there was no way in the world that picking a fight with a fully-grown Ridgeback could be a good idea, especialy for a Pearl Catcher. Puffing up in anger, he waited until the larger dragon was a good distance away, before beginning to yell again, making sure that if she made any movement to attack him, he'd have the chance to run. [b]"I was sleeping! You're the one who lost control of her own landing!"[/b] He insisted, voice shrill with indignation. [b]"How would you like it if someone crashed into you in the middle of your nap? You, you, vulgar barbarian!"[/b] Letting off that last insult, Achernar decided he had no more time to lose, and dove back down the hill, immediately beginning the search for his lost pearl, scouring every bush and patch of grass. It had to be here somewhere! [/quote] @Miserchild Ooh, what a cutie! Would he be interested in going on a date with Gigabite? o v o @Shenzisixaxis Yes!! She looks perfect! :D And I wouldn't be against it if you choose to gembond her at all! (I've been thinking of crackling Albion myself, but not enough money yet wwww) I think the red eyes would contrast pretty nicely, so would it be alright if we had them at your nest? You'd get first pick of the litter if you want to split. Or would you rather I pay a studding fee? As for the RP, don't worry about it! :) I'll write you a starter, but the RP portion is just something I thought would be fun, not required, you don't have to if you don't want to uvu No pressure. [quote=Albion] The field mouse sniffed the air as it scampered through the leaves of a bush. There were dragons nearby, it could smell them. Keeping its ears perked and pressing its body close to the ground, it continued to scavenge for food through the undergrowth, unaware of- [b]"Uraagh!"[/b] A childish growl echoed through the forest clearing as a white-flanked Mirror pounced out from the bushes, claws outstretched to ensnare the rodent. Unfortunately for the dragon, the mouse was fast, and managed to sprint out of his reach and into a previously-hidden burrow in the ground before the predator could capture it. Albion stood back up, shaking the leaves and dirt off him, before letting out a bitter hiss and snarl. Failure, he couldn't even catch a mouse. The young Mirror had only reached his adult molt a matter of days ago, and the senior members of the clan hadn't allowed him to go on any hunting patrols yet. So of course, Albion took it upon himself to get some practice, sneaking out of the camp to hunt when no-one was watching. He'd probably be noticed and receive a scolding when he returned, but as he scanned the undergrowth for the signs of any further prey, any consequences or repercussions were far from his mind. A distant bush rustled, and Albion immediately dropped his haunches in a stalking stance. One pair of eyes spotted a hint of white through the leaves, while the other pair detected a large signature. What was it, some sort of large, tasty prey? Only one way to find out. Taking one careful step after another towards the source of the movement, Albion licked his lips in anticipation, then pounced.[/quote] @Wrenfaerie [quote=Apollon]The air around the sea always felt different, Apollon thought to himself as he winded and twisted in the sky above one of the many shores that bordered the Sea of Thousand Currents. It couldn't be salt, considering that Tidelord's realm was freshwater. Apollon couldn't pin his nose on quite what it was, but the air always felt, and smelled, different around the land of the Water flight. Tucking his wings in as he hurtled down into a descent, the Spiral couldn't help but feel thankful that Sunshine Ruins were right next to the Sea though. After all, where else could he get all his seashells? As soon as he set his claws on the sand of the beach, Apollon got to work. Some members of the Water Flight didn't like the idea of an outsider taking their shells for use. Apollon could sympathize with that and understand. He just didn't particularly care. Which was why if he collected more shells faster, then he'd be done before anyone could try to stop him. The Spiral dragon rapidly grabbed shells and pebbles of all manners off the ground with his mouth and claws, depositing them into the worn leather pack strapped to his side. Was that the sound of an approaching dragon? Well then, better collect faster. Last time Apollon had been chased off the beach by an angry Ridgeback. That had not been fun.[/quote]
Achernar wrote:
Pride aside, Achernar knew his limits, and there was no way in the world that picking a fight with a fully-grown Ridgeback could be a good idea, especialy for a Pearl Catcher. Puffing up in anger, he waited until the larger dragon was a good distance away, before beginning to yell again, making sure that if she made any movement to attack him, he'd have the chance to run.

"I was sleeping! You're the one who lost control of her own landing!" He insisted, voice shrill with indignation. "How would you like it if someone crashed into you in the middle of your nap? You, you, vulgar barbarian!"

Letting off that last insult, Achernar decided he had no more time to lose, and dove back down the hill, immediately beginning the search for his lost pearl, scouring every bush and patch of grass. It had to be here somewhere!

Ooh, what a cutie! Would he be interested in going on a date with Gigabite? o v o

Yes!! She looks perfect! :D And I wouldn't be against it if you choose to gembond her at all! (I've been thinking of crackling Albion myself, but not enough money yet wwww) I think the red eyes would contrast pretty nicely, so would it be alright if we had them at your nest? You'd get first pick of the litter if you want to split. Or would you rather I pay a studding fee?

As for the RP, don't worry about it! :) I'll write you a starter, but the RP portion is just something I thought would be fun, not required, you don't have to if you don't want to uvu No pressure.
Albion wrote:
The field mouse sniffed the air as it scampered through the leaves of a bush. There were dragons nearby, it could smell them. Keeping its ears perked and pressing its body close to the ground, it continued to scavenge for food through the undergrowth, unaware of-

"Uraagh!" A childish growl echoed through the forest clearing as a white-flanked Mirror pounced out from the bushes, claws outstretched to ensnare the rodent. Unfortunately for the dragon, the mouse was fast, and managed to sprint out of his reach and into a previously-hidden burrow in the ground before the predator could capture it.

Albion stood back up, shaking the leaves and dirt off him, before letting out a bitter hiss and snarl. Failure, he couldn't even catch a mouse. The young Mirror had only reached his adult molt a matter of days ago, and the senior members of the clan hadn't allowed him to go on any hunting patrols yet. So of course, Albion took it upon himself to get some practice, sneaking out of the camp to hunt when no-one was watching. He'd probably be noticed and receive a scolding when he returned, but as he scanned the undergrowth for the signs of any further prey, any consequences or repercussions were far from his mind.

A distant bush rustled, and Albion immediately dropped his haunches in a stalking stance. One pair of eyes spotted a hint of white through the leaves, while the other pair detected a large signature. What was it, some sort of large, tasty prey? Only one way to find out. Taking one careful step after another towards the source of the movement, Albion licked his lips in anticipation, then pounced.

Apollon wrote:
The air around the sea always felt different, Apollon thought to himself as he winded and twisted in the sky above one of the many shores that bordered the Sea of Thousand Currents. It couldn't be salt, considering that Tidelord's realm was freshwater. Apollon couldn't pin his nose on quite what it was, but the air always felt, and smelled, different around the land of the Water flight. Tucking his wings in as he hurtled down into a descent, the Spiral couldn't help but feel thankful that Sunshine Ruins were right next to the Sea though. After all, where else could he get all his seashells?

As soon as he set his claws on the sand of the beach, Apollon got to work. Some members of the Water Flight didn't like the idea of an outsider taking their shells for use. Apollon could sympathize with that and understand. He just didn't particularly care. Which was why if he collected more shells faster, then he'd be done before anyone could try to stop him. The Spiral dragon rapidly grabbed shells and pebbles of all manners off the ground with his mouth and claws, depositing them into the worn leather pack strapped to his side.

Was that the sound of an approaching dragon? Well then, better collect faster. Last time Apollon had been chased off the beach by an angry Ridgeback. That had not been fun.
@Carpfish (Just a note, now that school and hellish exams are taking over my life, I probably won't be as active. Also, I'm assuming that this thing will be one time only, right? I don't mind any of my dragons being stud(dettes), it's just that I'm fond of all my dragons and I'd rather not sell/trade ny of them.) [quote=Skyla] "Okay, now let's get you to my clan." She started walking, checking so often to see how Niko was doing. This gave her time, so to speak, to look at him properly. He was quite a beautiful dragon. His skin was a few tones brighter than hers, his soft underbelly showing up quite clearly through the darkness. Though his dark greyish feathers were rain-soaked, his head-crest... well, was somewhat drooping as well. She assumed that he was slightly younger than her, since he was smaller. Feeling like the rain was starting to crush her if she didn't say something, she asked the other Skydancer, "So, what's Light Clan like? As you can probably see, I was hatched in Nature Clan, but decided to move to Shadow because I don't really like plants. Actually, that's probably why Damon and Wraith moved here, but you'll have to ask them. Shadow Clan is pretty neat, actually. Since I don't like going outside, I now have an excuse for doing so. What about you?[/quote] [quote=Kuroikaze] "Oh..." he said in a small voice, deciding what to do. He really wanted to do some more flower-picking, but Yang said it was rude to refuse a guest, especially one from outside borders. He picked his flower basket up by his tail; then he signified for the Pearlcatcher to follow him. Honestly, he wanted this to be over as soon as possible.[/quote]
@Carpfish (Just a note, now that school and hellish exams are taking over my life, I probably won't be as active.
Also, I'm assuming that this thing will be one time only, right? I don't mind any of my dragons being stud(dettes), it's just that I'm fond of all my dragons and I'd rather not sell/trade ny of them.)
Skyla wrote:
"Okay, now let's get you to my clan."
She started walking, checking so often to see how Niko was doing. This gave her time, so to speak, to look at him properly.
He was quite a beautiful dragon. His skin was a few tones brighter than hers, his soft underbelly showing up quite clearly through the darkness. Though his dark greyish feathers were rain-soaked, his head-crest... well, was somewhat drooping as well.
She assumed that he was slightly younger than her, since he was smaller.

Feeling like the rain was starting to crush her if she didn't say something, she asked the other Skydancer, "So, what's Light Clan like? As you can probably see, I was hatched in Nature Clan, but decided to move to Shadow because I don't really like plants. Actually, that's probably why Damon and Wraith moved here, but you'll have to ask them.
Shadow Clan is pretty neat, actually. Since I don't like going outside, I now have an excuse for doing so. What about you?
Kuroikaze wrote:
"Oh..." he said in a small voice, deciding what to do. He really wanted to do some more flower-picking, but Yang said it was rude to refuse a guest, especially one from outside borders. He picked his flower basket up by his tail; then he signified for the Pearlcatcher to follow him.
Honestly, he wanted this to be over as soon as possible.
tumblr_oznjvaReJs1w8xkufo7_250.png+8 hours/GMT time 0Opr6hJ.png
I think I have a match for your Anahera~ I don't know how you feel about the colors though... [img][/img] Look at him all dolled up~ I've never really roleplayed my dragons before, so I'm not quite sure how o_o; I'm willing to give it a try... I've done other roleplays before, but not an FR one xD
I think I have a match for your Anahera~ I don't know how you feel about the colors though...


Look at him all dolled up~

I've never really roleplayed my dragons before, so I'm not quite sure how o_o; I'm willing to give it a try... I've done other roleplays before, but not an FR one xD
@carpfish [quote = Xin] A low growl rumbled deep in her throat as she slowly turned her head, glaring at the spot where the Pearl Catcher had been before he shot back down the incline to search for his pearl. What he had said was in fact true, she did lose control of her landing, however, she was no barbarian. The insult stung quite a bit but attacking him would make his last statement all the more valid so she temporarily put her angry feelings aside and decided to aid him in his search. Eager to prove she wasn't as bad as he made her out to be, Xin headed down the hill in search for the missing pearl, putting her clan duties aside to help the stranger and perhaps make up for what she had done. She stuck her rather large head beneath shrubs and scoured the foliage, looking for any shiny surfaces reflecting the sun's light.[/quote]
Xin wrote:
A low growl rumbled deep in her throat as she slowly turned her head, glaring at the spot where the Pearl Catcher had been before he shot back down the incline to search for his pearl. What he had said was in fact true, she did lose control of her landing, however, she was no barbarian. The insult stung quite a bit but attacking him would make his last statement all the more valid so she temporarily put her angry feelings aside and decided to aid him in his search.

Eager to prove she wasn't as bad as he made her out to be, Xin headed down the hill in search for the missing pearl, putting her clan duties aside to help the stranger and perhaps make up for what she had done. She stuck her rather large head beneath shrubs and scoured the foliage, looking for any shiny surfaces reflecting the sun's light.
Dream, Maze
Writer | Artist | Dragon Enthusiast
+ 3 FR time
My Favorite Hatcheries:
•Birds Nest Hatchery•

Noctua Hatchery
Smaesie's Hatchery!
