[u][/u][size=2][center][u][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_3265729]Introduction[/url][/u] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872368]Rules [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872371]Lineage & Registry [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872373]Available Descendents [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872374]Star Signs[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872375]Resources [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872379]Affiliates[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872382]Misc [/url][/size]
[quote=Original Thread!]Isolde is the original owner of the Laterna. I am simply a lover of this lineage and wish to see it continue to grow! You can find all the original items for their line here!
[size=7][font=mistral]When you find yourself lost in the wilds of Sornieth call apon the Lanterna, guardians of wayword dragons.[/font][/size]
[size=6][font=Monotype Corsiva]Lanterna are benevolent dragons that aid those who are lost. They appear mostly at night and in the more remote areas of Sornieth.
Their strong connection the stars makes them master navigators. Their wings have the pattern of the stars that they were born under imprinted on their wings or bodies (in the case of the Celestial Aide class, both) that they use as a sky map.
While they have excellent night vision Lanterna typically carry lanterns, candles, or other objects that emit light to help others see.
To be visited by a Lanterna is considered to be a high honor among dragon kind as they only appear to those that are in dire need.[/size][/font]
[item=primary gene: starmap][item=secondary gene: constellation][item=tertiary Aether gene: starfall][item=tertiary Sandsurge gene: starfall]
[font=Monotype Corsiva][size=6]Classes[/size][/font][/center]
[size=4][u][b]Celestial Aide -[/b][/u] Incredibly powerful Lanterna that posses two or more of the genes above.
[u][b]Luminous Guide -[/b][/u] Dragons that have at least one of the genes above. Sandsurges are Luminous Guides max.
[u][b]Pathfinders -[/b][/u] Dragons that lack any of the genes above. Without access to star-maps, these dragons have lost their powers as a Lanterna. However, these dragons are adept navigators and scouts.[/size]
[font=Monotype Corsiva][size=6]Founders[/size][/font]
The two origional Lanturna are [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/71021960]Altair[/url] and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/71062644]Astraea[/url]. They are considered to be G0 Lanturna. They are both owned by [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/36087]Isolde[/url]!
When you find yourself lost in the wilds of Sornieth call apon the Lanterna, guardians of wayword dragons.
Lanterna are benevolent dragons that aid those who are lost. They appear mostly at night and in the more remote areas of Sornieth.
Their strong connection the stars makes them master navigators. Their wings have the pattern of the stars that they were born under imprinted on their wings or bodies (in the case of the Celestial Aide class, both) that they use as a sky map.
While they have excellent night vision Lanterna typically carry lanterns, candles, or other objects that emit light to help others see.
To be visited by a Lanterna is considered to be a high honor among dragon kind as they only appear to those that are in dire need.
Primary Gene: Starmap
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one dragon to Starmap. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Secondary Gene: Constellation
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one dragon to Constellation. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Tertiary Aether Gene: Starfall
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Aether dragon to Starfall. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Tertiary Sandsurge Gene: Starfall
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Sandsurge dragon to Starfall. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Celestial Aide - Incredibly powerful Lanterna that posses two or more of the genes above.
Luminous Guide - Dragons that have at least one of the genes above. Sandsurges are Luminous Guides max.
Pathfinders - Dragons that lack any of the genes above. Without access to star-maps, these dragons have lost their powers as a Lanterna. However, these dragons are adept navigators and scouts.
The two origional Lanturna are Altair and Astraea. They are considered to be G0 Lanturna. They are both owned by Isolde!
[size=2][center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_3265729]Introduction[/url] | [u][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872368]Rules[/url][/u] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872371]Lineage & Registry [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872373]Available Descendents [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872374]Star Signs[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872375]Resources [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872379]Affiliates[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872382]Misc [/url][/size]
[font=Monotype Corsiva][size=7]Rules[/size][/font][/center]
[emoji=star size=1][size=3] Do not Breed two Lanterna together even if they are eligible to breed. This makes it difficult to keep track of generations.
[emoji=star size=1] Luminous Guides and Celestial Aides must wear apparel that has any type of 'glow' to it. Examples below!
[emoji=star size=1] Pathfinders do not have any apparel restrictions.
[emoji=star size=1] Exalting is fine. If possible name the dragon Starguide to help me keep track of dragons that I need to remove from the linage post.
[emoji=star size=1] Do not buy a dragon from this lineage to simply exalt! Try and grow the lineage!
[emoji=star size=1] Only Laterna lineage dragons may be advertised on this thread.
[emoji=star size=1] Cross lineages are fine as long as the hatchlings follow both lineage rules!
[font=Monotype Corsiva][size=7]Apparel Examples[/size][/font]
Please note that these are only [i]examples[/i] and there are always more apparel being added, and some that is missed here. If there's an item here that has multiple color or flight options those [i]are[/i] included as well!
If you need help with any type of "glowing" item that you aren't sure of you can always ask in the thread or PM me!
[item=solar flame candles][item=dusty sage lantern][item=glowing purple clawtips][item=Will o' the ember][item=amber delver's lamp][item=brass steampunk tail bauble][item=illuminated runescroll][item=aqua deepsea bulb][item=woeful Presence][item=sky crystal][item=aerborne halo][item=cindersphere baubles][item=diver emblem][item=earth tome][item=eerie cyan clawrings][item=fire's charm][item=heartswirl][item=arcane aura][item=conflagrant kilt][item=companion comet][item=dark incense][item=frostbreath skink][item=gloomwillow guide][item=black iron plates][item=fusion stormsnips]
Do not Breed two Lanterna together even if they are eligible to breed. This makes it difficult to keep track of generations. Luminous Guides and Celestial Aides must wear apparel that has any type of 'glow' to it. Examples below! Pathfinders do not have any apparel restrictions. Exalting is fine. If possible name the dragon Starguide to help me keep track of dragons that I need to remove from the linage post. Do not buy a dragon from this lineage to simply exalt! Try and grow the lineage! Only Laterna lineage dragons may be advertised on this thread. Cross lineages are fine as long as the hatchlings follow both lineage rules!
Apparel Examples
Please note that these are only examples and there are always more apparel being added, and some that is missed here. If there's an item here that has multiple color or flight options those are included as well!
If you need help with any type of "glowing" item that you aren't sure of you can always ask in the thread or PM me!
Solar Flame Candles
A spooky assembly of mysterious floating candles. One must be careful when making sudden movements to avoid being singed.
Dusty Sage Lantern
Dirt-caked, flickering lanterns make for a dusty sage!
Glowing Purple Clawtips
Softly glowing nails are the mark of an alchemist who has dipped their claws into their cauldron one too many times...
Will o' the Ember
Visitors of the Ashfall Waste should never follow the dancing flames.(Flameforger's Festival Holiday Item 2015.)
Amber Delver's Lamp
A copper-plated lamplight emitting an inviting amber glow. Cave seekers favor and rely upon this item whilst exploring caverns and rocky depths.
Brass Steampunk Tail Bauble
A shiny brass bauble and lantern. This one affixes to the tail. It's quite banged up, and the glass is a bit chipped.
Illuminated Runescroll
A dark scroll with bright runes. The shape and enchantment of the runes manifest when they make contact with the skin of a living creature.
Aqua Deepsea Bulb
A long filament, sprouting from the forehead. This one gives off a bright aqua glow when danger is approaching.
Woeful Presence
Some wrongs are difficult to leave behind.
Sky Crystal
The crystal swirls with visions and enchantment.
Aerborne Halo
Encircling the head, this halo of swirling gusts is the magical sign of a powerful individual. (Mistral Jamboree 2019 Holiday Item)
Cindersphere Baubles
A glowing set of enchanted blown glass spheres. They emit soft light and warmth.
Diver Emblem
A glowing water rune; the sign of a true magical adept. (Wavecrest Saturnalia Holiday Item)
Earth Tome
A durable leather tome filled with ancient knowledge of the Earth Flight.
Eerie Cyan Clawrings
A set of metallic rings and shining ghostly gems adorn the back legs and claws.
Fire's Charm
Borne by those blessed by the Flamecaller. (Flameforger's Festival 2021 Holiday Item)
A flurry of love.
Arcane Aura
Arcane runes and mist dance around the wearer. (Starfall Celebration 2022 Holiday Item.)
Conflagrant Kilt
Although known for its weapons and armor, the Ashfall Waste can also produce decorative apparel for the fashionable (and wealthy). (Flameforger's Festival 2018 Holiday Item)
Companion Comet
A friendly celestial body. (Starfall Celebration 2014 Holiday Item)
Dark Incense
A sweet smelling incense with dark trails of smoke that seem as if they have a mind of their own. (Trickmurk Circus 2023 Holiday Item.)
Frostbreath Skink
A cool friend for a cool dragon.
Gloomwillow Guide
Through the oppressive murk, you notice a faint, dancing light. Do you follow? (Trickmurk Circus Holiday Item 2016)
Black Iron Plates
This portable smelter has been enchanted to keep blacksmiths active while on the move. (Flameforger's Festival Holiday Item 2016.)
[size=2][center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_3265729]Introduction[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872368]Rules [/url]| [u][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872371]Lineage & Registry[/u] [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872373]Available Descendents [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872374]Star Signs[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872375]Resources [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872379]Affiliates[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872382]Misc [/url][/size]
[font=Monotype Corsiva][size=6]Generation 0
Generation 1
Generation 2
Generation 3
Generation 4
Generation 5
Generation 6
Generation 7
Generation 8
Generation 9
Generation 10
Generation 11
Generation 12
Generation 13
Generation 14
Generation 15
To register a dragon as a Lanterna it must be a descendent of Altair and Astraea.
Please post your babies to this thread and I'll post them under the appropriate generation list and the Available Decedents section.
To register a dragon as a Lanterna it must be a descendent of Altair and Astraea.
Please post your babies to this thread and I'll post them under the appropriate generation list and the Available Decedents section.
[size=2][center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_3265729]Introduction[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872368]Rules [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872371]Lineage & Registry [/url]| [u][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872373]Available Descendents[/u] [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872374]Star Signs[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872375]Resources [/url]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872379]Affiliates[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3265729/1#post_54872382]Misc [/url][/size]
[size=6][b]Before exalting please rename your Lanterna as 'Starguide' if possible! it helps keep track of the generation list.[/size][/b][/center]
[size=4][emoji=star size=1] I will buy back any Lanterna sold from [i]my[/i] lair. Any unsold/unwanted offspring can be sent to me to be listed for adoption.
[emoji=star size=1] Any Lanterna that you sell, especially if you sell through the AH, should have this banner in their bio linking back to the project page.
[emoji=star size=1] Dragons being offered in this comment thread will stay until (1) they are sold or (2) they have 0 energy.[/size]
[font=Monotype Corsiva][size=6]Available Descendants[/size][/font][/center]
[nextcol][size=5]G4 Female
Pathfinder Class
Amethyst Falcon
Plum Bee
Shale Stained
Common Eyes
Contact @BlitzedUp[/columns]
[nextcol][size=5]G4 Male
Luminous Guide Class
Midnight Pinstripe
Plum Constellation
Twilight Capsule
Unusual Eyes
Contact @BlitzedUp[/columns]
[nextcol][size=5]G3 Female
Pathfinder Class
Charcoal Savannah
Sable Toxin
Coal Peacock
Common Eyes
Part of 3 other bloodlines!
Contact @BlitzedUp[/columns]
[nextcol][size=5]G3 Male
Pathfinder Class
Silver Savannah
Hickory Toxin
Black Peacock
Uncommon Eyes
Part of 3 other bloodlines!
Contact @BlitzedUp[/columns]
[nextcol][size=5]G3 Female
Pathfinder Class
White Savannah
Taupe Toxin
Midnight Peacock
Rare Eyes
Part of 3 other bloodlines!
Contact @BlitzedUp[/columns]
[nextcol][size=5]G5 Female
Celestial Aide Class
Heather Starmap
Obsidian Constellation
Sapphire Capsule
Rare Eyes
Contact @BlitzedUp[/columns]
[nextcol][size=5]G5 Female
Luminous Guide Class
Blackberry Starmap
Obsidian Alloy
Dust Capsule
Faceted Eyes
Contact @BlitzedUp[/columns]
[nextcol][size=5]G5 Female
Celestial Aide Class
Lavender Starmap
Grey Constellation
Cornflower Capsule
Rare Eyes
Contact @BlitzedUp[/columns]
[center][font=Monotype Corsiva][size=6]Pinglists[/size][/font]
[quote=Announcements & Updates]@BlitzedUp @VolatileMatter @MageofCephalo @XiangEr @Starwing36[/quote]
[quote=Hatchlings Only]@BlitzedUp @VolatileMatter @Kuroda @Disillusionist @Probablynx @MageofCephalo @DreamingSunset @Starwing36[/quote]
[quote=Special Requests]@EmeraldJubilee (Starmap/Constellation ONLY)[/quote]
Before exalting please rename your Lanterna as 'Starguide' if possible! it helps keep track of the generation list.
I will buy back any Lanterna sold from my lair. Any unsold/unwanted offspring can be sent to me to be listed for adoption. Any Lanterna that you sell, especially if you sell through the AH, should have this banner in their bio linking back to the project page. Dragons being offered in this comment thread will stay until (1) they are sold or (2) they have 0 energy.