
Level 12 Obelisk
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Energy: 50
out of
Arcane icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Male Obelisk
Male Obelisk
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Personal Style


Twilight Oracle's Guise
Twinkling Stardrapes
Sapphire Flourish Wing Drape
Glowing Blue Clawtips
Sapphire Flourish Belt
Sapphire Flourish Tail Clasp
Sapphire Flourish Tail Drape
Sapphire Flourish Anklets





14.31 m
18.54 m
7744.65 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 30, 2021
(3 years)


Obelisk icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 12 Obelisk
EXP: 4943 / 38956
Glass Hybrid Fragment
Glass Hybrid Fragment








Generation 1

I am a Lanterna! Lanterna are benevolent dragons that aid those who are lost. They appear mostly at night and in the more remote areas of Sornieth. The strong connection to the stars that all Lanterna boast makes them master navigators. These dragons usually have the pattern of the stars that they were born under imprinted on their wings or bodies (or both, for the most powerful members of the family) that they use as a sky map. While they have excellent night vision, Lanterna typically carry lanterns, candles, or other objects that emit light to help others see. To be visited by a Lanterna is considered to be a high honor among dragonkind as they only appear to those that are in dire need. To learn more, click the emblem!

Lanterna Lineage:

Altair & Astraea >> Erio
The Guide

Erio is a Lanterna through and through. He is benevolent (although, like all living things, he is prone to his own fits of pique), intelligent, and always seems to know when and where he is. But Erio is not the Lanterna that most lost souls hope for when they cry out in the dark. He won't take you where you want to go, but under his guidance, you will end up where you need to go. Erio's journeys are often painful, but he tries not to make them that way on purpose. Still, sometimes (usually) discomfort is required to help someone to get where they need to go.

He's acted as everything from the Ghost of Christmas Past to a therapist to a voice of reason to a judge to an oracle, but the bulk of Erio's work is scooping up lost spirits and bringing them the closure they need to move on. Erio is not the face almost anyone wants to see, but he shows up only where he is needed.

In his private life, Erio drops a bit of his beatific working demeanor to reveal an intense, passionate, opinionated, driven dragon with a poorer-than-average grasp of social cues and a bigger-than-average heart. His personal love, whether romantic or platonic, is infrequently given and felt to the depths of his soul. Erio is the epitome of personal loyalty, for better and worse. He's a lot to deal with when his working mask comes down, and he handles new people poorly on a personal level. Despite that, he was eternally hopeful that he'll find that special someone who will love him for who he is rather than what he does when he's working.

Not that most people have ever met real Erio. The mask is thick and seamless, and for the most part, Erio is happy with it that way. He was happy to have a dispassionate nest just to do his duty to his lineage. But if someone wanted to worm their way in and make his life less lonely...

It was just a little unusual for the universe chose to assign him someone living, but when it did, they were usually either very important or very, very lost in life. Broken and hurting to the point of complete apathy, or so jaded they'd slid into moral bankruptcy. Erio took the problem cases most of the time. But Diana... Diana was different, somehow. Yes, she was exhausted and lost, and yes, there was a part of her that wanted to give up entirely. But Diana wasn't broken by her experience, much as she felt that way. Erio just assumed she was important to the fate of the world and left it at that. He'd do his job, just as he always had.

But the assignment was double the length of his previously longest one, and she was absolutely stunning-- her own star maps charted paths beautiful and alien, and she'd been the first one to ask how he felt about his job as a Lanterna. No matter how much he tried to keep it professional, Diana had a way of worming her way past the mask and into his brain. No matter how much he tried to get her to focus on her own journey, she was obstinately determined to know more about him.

She wouldn't trust him if he didn't let her know who she was working with, so little by little, he let Diana in. Just for the sake of the job, of course. But little by little, Diana started to invite him into her world too. He was surprised she hadn't had many friends, as sweet and gentle as he was. Erio knew he was absolutely smitten, but there was absolutely no way he was going to make those feelings her problem. Even if it would gut him inside to see her with someone else.

He admired her poise, her strength, her intelligence, her gentleness, her reluctance to hurt even the smallest creatures... and yeah, she was very pretty too, he had to admit. It turned his brain to goo when she eventually started cuddling up to him while she studied. The kiss took Erio completely off guard, although upon retrospect it shouldn't have. The fact that she preferred to sleep next to him was surprising too. Their first nest took him completely off-guard.

But, Diana was the first dragon to ever meet the real Erio and love him more than his work persona. He wasn't sure how anyone could not love her, but... well, some people had poor taste. But she felt the same way about him. Somehow. The two of them work together now, with Diana helping protect Erio from danger and Erio taking care of Diana like he did at the start. The initial assignment was for 6 months, but realistically, fate had seen a way to make two lonely dragons happy and fulfilled with one fell swoop.

Recently, the obelisk has taken an interest in learning some combat skills. He is inherently kind and loving, like most Lanterna are... but Diana's father Baryon is the one dragon in the entire world that Erio would ever be willing to maul. If and only if Diana would let him.

baby code
[center][b]Needs Lv. 20 to be registered and breed[/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][nextcol] [center][font=Century Gothic][b]Generation 5[/b] (Divine Line)[/font][/center] ----- [font=Century Gothic]I am a [b]Celestial Runner[/b]! The innate abilities of the family include word, bone and blood magic, as well as stargazing and future predictions. There is also a bit of unknown magic from space - the mystery of how existence began included. Each hatchling has their own personality and abilities. This makes the family incredibly special and incredibly mysterious. It is not often that they share their magic and secrets, but it is passed down in the family. Each hatchling has their own secret to be discovered. To find out more information on the Celestial Runner Project, click the button![/font][br] [center][u]Celestial Runner Lineage:[/u][/center] [url=]Lasgalen[/url] & [url=]Galanta[/url] >> [url=]Bizurian[/url] >> [url=]Andromeda[/url] >> [url=]Baryon[/url] >> [url=]Diana[/url] >> Me![/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [center][font=Century Gothic][b]Generation 2[/b][/center] --------- [font=Century Gothic]I am a [b]Lanterna![/b] Lanterna are benevolent dragons that aid those who are lost. They appear mostly at night and in the more remote areas of Sornieth. The strong connection to the stars that all Lanterna boast makes them master navigators. These dragons usually have the pattern of the stars that they were born under imprinted on their wings or bodies (or both, for the most powerful members of the family) that they use as a sky map. While they have excellent night vision, Lanterna typically carry lanterns, candles, or other objects that emit light to help others see. To be visited by a Lanterna is considered to be a high honor among dragonkind as they only appear to those that are in dire need. To learn more, click the emblem![/font][br] [center][u]Lanterna Lineage:[/u][/center] [url=]Altair[/url] & [url=]Astraea[/url] >> [url=]Erio[/url] >> Me![/columns] [center][img][/img][/center]
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