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[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [i]alternate outfit:[/i] [img][/img] [b]= Almagest =[/b] [ [emoji=star size=1] 14 ] City cop. Lives in a garden villa in the suburbs, commutes to work. Decoy's lover. She was struck by his charm; he was struck by how cool and self-possessed she was. They fell for each other before they learned of their respective occupations...and by then, neither of them wanted to turn back. Their relationship has always been clandestine. Decoy keeps it secret from his criminal associates. (He's never told Cygni and Ancalagon that he has a girlfriend, but they've taken the liberty of [correctly] assuming, and they constantly tease him about his mystery lover.) Almagest keeps it secret from the brothers in blue. (Her disciplinary record on the force is spotless and she intends to keep it that way.) [img][/img] Was killed in a raid on an illegal gambling den during the Night of the Nocturne celebration. Cops stormed the place, weapons drawn; a circuit breaker was tripped, possibly by an employee hoping to escape under cover of darkness. In the ensuing chaos, Almagest was fatally shot. (Possibly even by friendly fire. Who knows what happened in that bedlam? It's not even clear who initiated violence. There was an internal investigation by the police department, and every cop swore they fired only in response to being fired on by an unknown assailant, but isn't that what anyone would say with their career on the line?) [img][/img] [item=Ragepuff Down][item=Winter Glade Lord][item=Glass Knife] [img][/img] Her lover Decoy: [url=][img][/img][/url] Notable children: Alyazi, Reiya, Illyrian [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]

alternate outfit:


= Almagest =

[ 14 ]

City cop. Lives in a garden villa in the suburbs, commutes to work.

Decoy's lover. She was struck by his charm; he was struck by how cool and self-possessed she was. They fell for each other before they learned of their respective occupations...and by then, neither of them wanted to turn back.

Their relationship has always been clandestine. Decoy keeps it secret from his criminal associates. (He's never told Cygni and Ancalagon that he has a girlfriend, but they've taken the liberty of [correctly] assuming, and they constantly tease him about his mystery lover.) Almagest keeps it secret from the brothers in blue. (Her disciplinary record on the force is spotless and she intends to keep it that way.)


Was killed in a raid on an illegal gambling den during the Night of the Nocturne celebration. Cops stormed the place, weapons drawn; a circuit breaker was tripped, possibly by an employee hoping to escape under cover of darkness. In the ensuing chaos, Almagest was fatally shot.

(Possibly even by friendly fire. Who knows what happened in that bedlam? It's not even clear who initiated violence. There was an internal investigation by the police department, and every cop swore they fired only in response to being fired on by an unknown assailant, but isn't that what anyone would say with their career on the line?)


Ragepuff Down Winter Glade Lord Glass Knife


Her lover Decoy:


Notable children: Alyazi, Reiya, Illyrian

Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge
[center][b]Night of the Nocturne celebrants, part three:[/b] Drift & Arlo, a duo of traveling performers [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Drift =[/b] [item=Gossamer Flame Headpiece] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Arlo =[/b] [item=Solar Flame Headpiece][/center]
Night of the Nocturne celebrants, part three:

Drift & Arlo, a duo of traveling performers


= Drift =

Gossamer Flame Headpiece


= Arlo =

Solar Flame Headpiece
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Gemelli =[/b] One of Zeke's girlfriends. She's a copy editor but really wants to become a novelist. She's working on her first novel (a YA portal fantasy/horror about a group of fledglings exploring the Library and getting lost in an alternate dimension), but it's slow going. She keeps changing and rewriting things. Her desk is a snowstorm of notecards. [img][/img] [item=Scary Storybook] [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Rogelio & Cruz, brothers =[/b] [chronopolis] Rogelio and Cruz are two of the main characters in Gemelli's novel. Their exact relationship has been workshopped and changed around more times than Gemelli cares to count, but for now, they're brothers. Rogelio is a hothead, while Cruz is the more cautious of the duo.[/center]

= Gemelli =

One of Zeke's girlfriends. She's a copy editor but really wants to become a novelist. She's working on her first novel (a YA portal fantasy/horror about a group of fledglings exploring the Library and getting lost in an alternate dimension), but it's slow going. She keeps changing and rewriting things. Her desk is a snowstorm of notecards.


Scary Storybook




= Rogelio & Cruz, brothers =

Rogelio and Cruz are two of the main characters in Gemelli's novel. Their exact relationship has been workshopped and changed around more times than Gemelli cares to count, but for now, they're brothers. Rogelio is a hothead, while Cruz is the more cautious of the duo.
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Orichalcum =[/b] [lineage: Razanei x Chibundu] [G2] [progen descendant] Razanei's 45th child. Junior sous chef at an uptown seafood restaurant. (37th floor of a fancy hotel. Superb views; fresh fish caught daily and cooked to order.) Hopes to become a celebrity chef someday. [img][/img] [item=Crackers][/center]

= Orichalcum =
[lineage: Razanei x Chibundu] [G2]
[progen descendant]

Razanei's 45th child. Junior sous chef at an uptown seafood restaurant. (37th floor of a fancy hotel. Superb views; fresh fish caught daily and cooked to order.) Hopes to become a celebrity chef someday.


Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Wintermute & Neuromancer =[/b] [ [emoji=star size=1] 20 ] An ascended AI sometimes encountered in the Kaiator network. [img][/img] [item=Oozing Tusk][item=Otherworldly Aura] [img][/img][/center]

= Wintermute & Neuromancer =

[ 20 ]

An ascended AI sometimes encountered in the Kaiator network.


Oozing Tusk Otherworldly Aura

Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Remington =[/b] [ [emoji=star size=1] 19 ] Cowboy, gunslinger, legend. [img][/img] [item=Fire Aura][item=Jasper][item=Red-Breasted Hainu] [img][/img] ([url=]Izzy's[/url] a huge Remington fangirl; he was the major inspo for her Wasteland Warrior sona)[/center]

= Remington =

[ 19 ]

Cowboy, gunslinger, legend.


Fire Aura Jasper Red-Breasted Hainu


(Izzy's a huge Remington fangirl; he was the major inspo for her Wasteland Warrior sona)
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Krilich =[/b] [i]bow down before the one you serve you're goin' to get what you deserve[/i] [img][/img] [item=Bewitching Ruby Forejewels][/center]

= Krilich =

bow down before the one you serve
you're goin' to get what you deserve


Bewitching Ruby Forejewels
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Benji =[/b] [lineage: Rhiannon x Fenrir] [progen descendant (Razanei G3)] Grew up in a small fishing outpost on the Great Kaiator Bay. His mother Fenrir was adamant about the virtues of country life, but Benji and his twin sister Vulpactia couldn't stand it. Every night they would fly high into the sky to stare at the glittering lights of the big city and make up stories about what they would do there. Maybe they would be freelance mercenaries like their granddad Razanei. Maybe they would be detectives, or crimefighters, or musicians performing before a crowd in the city's biggest concert hall. The possibilities were endless. Shortly before reaching adulthood, Benji and Vulpactia ran away to the big city (leaving behind their middle sibling, Paragon, a stick-in-the-mud who would have tattled if he got wind of their plan). They brought money they'd saved up from months of part-time odd jobs. Benji's half got pickpocketed on their second night in the city, and as for the rest, money vanishes quickly in a land of endless parties. Faced with a dwindling cash supply, they decided to split up to pursue separate money-making ventures. Vulpactia planned to be a street performer/musician. Benji had a more ambitious plan: get expedition gear, explore the uncharted depths of the Kaiator Library, hopefully find treasure, and map the region to sell maps to future treasure hunters. (They refused to consider going home. They were city dragons now.) They parted ways, and that was the last Vulpactia ever saw of Benji. No trace was ever found of him or his belongings. Who knows what might have befallen him in the depths? [img][/img] [item=Vista: Treasure Map][item=Bladed Boa][item=Cartographer][/center]

= Benji =
[lineage: Rhiannon x Fenrir]
[progen descendant (Razanei G3)]

Grew up in a small fishing outpost on the Great Kaiator Bay. His mother Fenrir was adamant about the virtues of country life, but Benji and his twin sister Vulpactia couldn't stand it. Every night they would fly high into the sky to stare at the glittering lights of the big city and make up stories about what they would do there. Maybe they would be freelance mercenaries like their granddad Razanei. Maybe they would be detectives, or crimefighters, or musicians performing before a crowd in the city's biggest concert hall. The possibilities were endless.

Shortly before reaching adulthood, Benji and Vulpactia ran away to the big city (leaving behind their middle sibling, Paragon, a stick-in-the-mud who would have tattled if he got wind of their plan).

They brought money they'd saved up from months of part-time odd jobs. Benji's half got pickpocketed on their second night in the city, and as for the rest, money vanishes quickly in a land of endless parties. Faced with a dwindling cash supply, they decided to split up to pursue separate money-making ventures. Vulpactia planned to be a street performer/musician. Benji had a more ambitious plan: get expedition gear, explore the uncharted depths of the Kaiator Library, hopefully find treasure, and map the region to sell maps to future treasure hunters.

(They refused to consider going home. They were city dragons now.)

They parted ways, and that was the last Vulpactia ever saw of Benji.

No trace was ever found of him or his belongings. Who knows what might have befallen him in the depths?


Vista: Treasure Map Bladed Boa Cartographer
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Donut =[/b] Professor of topology. [item=Serthis Support][/center]

= Donut =

Professor of topology.

Serthis Support
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge
[center][b]Spelunking Adventurers[/b] In the wake of [url=]Benji[/url]'s disappearance and presumed death, his sister [url=]Vulpactia[/url] (a street performer/musician) composed a ballad to his memory. It was an instant hit. Crowds gathered in the streets to listen to her. She got multiple lucrative contract offers from competing music labels. But the ballad also sparked public interest in the forbidden depths of the Kaiator Library. From aspiring young adventurers to potbellied fops, dragons ventured into the depths in search of adventure and glory and treasure. It made Vulpactia unspeakably angry. (But she couldn't stop performing the ballad. It was her ticket out of the gutter, the song that launched her successful professional career.) Here are a few of the spelunkers who ventured forth. Their tales never sparked fame, but maybe they got bored and came home after a few uneventful nights in the stacks. Or maybe they had a narrow brush with death and narrowly escaped with their lives. Or maybe, like Benji, they were never heard from again. ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Merricat and Zelie =[/b] [lineage: Zenika x Locke] [progen descendants (Razanei-Chibundu G4)] Twin sisters. Distant cousins of Vulpactia from a different branch of the family. Their mother, Zenika, is a librarian and always warned them not to stray past the safe regions of the Library, but her words only spurred their interest. [item=Supplicant Rings][item=Fire Aura] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Mira =[/b] [item=Bottled Bones][item=Onyx][item=Tattertail Bilworper] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Isokel =[/b] [item=Antique Lace Waist Frill][item=Trick of the Light] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Candycane =[/b] [item=Dusky Rose Thorn Wing Tangle] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Gatling =[/b] [item=Furious Kilt][/center]
Spelunking Adventurers

In the wake of Benji's disappearance and presumed death, his sister Vulpactia (a street performer/musician) composed a ballad to his memory. It was an instant hit. Crowds gathered in the streets to listen to her. She got multiple lucrative contract offers from competing music labels.

But the ballad also sparked public interest in the forbidden depths of the Kaiator Library. From aspiring young adventurers to potbellied fops, dragons ventured into the depths in search of adventure and glory and treasure.

It made Vulpactia unspeakably angry. (But she couldn't stop performing the ballad. It was her ticket out of the gutter, the song that launched her successful professional career.)

Here are a few of the spelunkers who ventured forth. Their tales never sparked fame, but maybe they got bored and came home after a few uneventful nights in the stacks. Or maybe they had a narrow brush with death and narrowly escaped with their lives. Or maybe, like Benji, they were never heard from again.



= Merricat and Zelie =
[lineage: Zenika x Locke]
[progen descendants (Razanei-Chibundu G4)]

Twin sisters. Distant cousins of Vulpactia from a different branch of the family.

Their mother, Zenika, is a librarian and always warned them not to stray past the safe regions of the Library, but her words only spurred their interest.

Supplicant Rings Fire Aura


= Mira =

Bottled Bones Onyx Tattertail Bilworper


= Isokel =

Antique Lace Waist Frill Trick of the Light


= Candycane =

Dusky Rose Thorn Wing Tangle


= Gatling =

Furious Kilt
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge
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