
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | [Record] Virtual Hibden
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Vulpactia =[/b] [lineage: Rhiannon x Fenrir] [progen descendant (Razanei G3)] Fraternal twins with Benji. Their mother Fen was hoping they'd help run the family fishing business, but the twins wanted nothing to do with country living and left for the big city on the eve of adulthood. (A land of glittering lights and endless parties, or so they thought. A dangerous place for a duo of wide-eyed fledglings.) Faced with rapidly dwindling funds, the twins split up: Vulpactia became a street performer/musician, while Benji went to explore the forbidden depths of the Kaiator Library. Following [url=]Benji's disappearance and presumed death[/url], Vulpactia composed a ballad to his memory. It was an instant hit. Crowds gathered in the streets to listen to her. She got multiple lucrative contract offers from competing music labels. (But she would trade it all to have her brother back.) (Or would she? This is her dream, after all: fame and fortune in the big city. Part of her is satisfied with how things turned out, although she would never admit it to herself. Mostly, she avoids thinking about it. There is always another concert, another party, another drink...) [img][/img] [item=Tracker Runt][item=Ethereal Trickster][item=Darktide Jellyfish] [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Fimbulvetr =[/b] [lineage: Cryotosis x Vulpactia] [progen descendant (Razanei G4)] Vulpactia's son. Born when she was still a street musician struggling to make ends meet. Fim has distinct childhood memories of looking longingly at the corn dog stand near their usual corner. They were too expensive to buy, but sometimes the dragon running the stand would sneak him a corn dog anyway. He feels a weird sense of nostalgia for those days, even though they were objectively awful. Corn dogs are still his comfort food. All his younger siblings came after Vulpactia hit it big, born into lives of fame and fortune. Fim has never been able to connect with any of them. He feels like they look down on him, although he's not sure if that's true or he's too much in his own head. [img][/img] [item=Sapphire Carousel Bridle][item=Madame Snapdragon][item=Bluewave Jellyfish][img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Zanziya =[/b] [lineage: Camlann x Arrokoth] 21st child of Arrokoth and Camlann. Cybernetic warrior. Specializes in close-range combat using lightning-charged claw strikes. Has a hair-trigger temper. Is banned from the Miragia Bar and Lounge, and the Albumuth Nightclub, and dozens of other establishments city-wide for starting too many fights. (honestly what does Fim see in her. get out, bro) [img][/img] [item=Cobalt Filigree Banner][item=Shadow Aura][item=Cosmo Gecko] [img][/img] update (6/2/23): Fim's decided he's had enough. After their latest fight (featuring Zanziya screaming at him and hurling crockery at the wall) he slipped out in the middle of the night, with no thought except putting as much distance between them as possible. (She never hit him, never threw an object directly at him, and he convinced himself for a long time that things were okay...but that night, a final spark of self-preservation took over, and he fled.) He did not know if Zanziya would pursue him once she realized he left for good, but he didn't intend to stick around to find out. He did not stop his headlong flight until he was outside Kaiator. It was his first time beyond the city's walls. (The world was too quiet. The sky was too empty. It made him feel very small.) This was the existence that Vulpactia ran away from. It didn't seem too bad, Fim thought. [img][/img] [img][/img] [/center]

= Vulpactia =
[lineage: Rhiannon x Fenrir]
[progen descendant (Razanei G3)]

Fraternal twins with Benji. Their mother Fen was hoping they'd help run the family fishing business, but the twins wanted nothing to do with country living and left for the big city on the eve of adulthood.

(A land of glittering lights and endless parties, or so they thought. A dangerous place for a duo of wide-eyed fledglings.)

Faced with rapidly dwindling funds, the twins split up: Vulpactia became a street performer/musician, while Benji went to explore the forbidden depths of the Kaiator Library. Following Benji's disappearance and presumed death, Vulpactia composed a ballad to his memory. It was an instant hit. Crowds gathered in the streets to listen to her. She got multiple lucrative contract offers from competing music labels.

(But she would trade it all to have her brother back.)

(Or would she? This is her dream, after all: fame and fortune in the big city. Part of her is satisfied with how things turned out, although she would never admit it to herself. Mostly, she avoids thinking about it. There is always another concert, another party, another drink...)


Tracker Runt Ethereal Trickster Darktide Jellyfish



= Fimbulvetr =
[lineage: Cryotosis x Vulpactia]
[progen descendant (Razanei G4)]

Vulpactia's son. Born when she was still a street musician struggling to make ends meet. Fim has distinct childhood memories of looking longingly at the corn dog stand near their usual corner. They were too expensive to buy, but sometimes the dragon running the stand would sneak him a corn dog anyway.

He feels a weird sense of nostalgia for those days, even though they were objectively awful. Corn dogs are still his comfort food.

All his younger siblings came after Vulpactia hit it big, born into lives of fame and fortune. Fim has never been able to connect with any of them. He feels like they look down on him, although he's not sure if that's true or he's too much in his own head.


Sapphire Carousel Bridle Madame Snapdragon Bluewave Jellyfish lkuETX7.png


= Zanziya =
[lineage: Camlann x Arrokoth]

21st child of Arrokoth and Camlann. Cybernetic warrior. Specializes in close-range combat using lightning-charged claw strikes.

Has a hair-trigger temper. Is banned from the Miragia Bar and Lounge, and the Albumuth Nightclub, and dozens of other establishments city-wide for starting too many fights.

(honestly what does Fim see in her. get out, bro)


Cobalt Filigree Banner Shadow Aura Cosmo Gecko


update (6/2/23): Fim's decided he's had enough. After their latest fight (featuring Zanziya screaming at him and hurling crockery at the wall) he slipped out in the middle of the night, with no thought except putting as much distance between them as possible.

(She never hit him, never threw an object directly at him, and he convinced himself for a long time that things were okay...but that night, a final spark of self-preservation took over, and he fled.)

He did not know if Zanziya would pursue him once she realized he left for good, but he didn't intend to stick around to find out. He did not stop his headlong flight until he was outside Kaiator. It was his first time beyond the city's walls. (The world was too quiet. The sky was too empty. It made him feel very small.) This was the existence that Vulpactia ran away from.

It didn't seem too bad, Fim thought.


Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Rageality =[/b] Razanei and Chibundu found him out by the Forbidden Portal. He was in bad shape. They brought him home and nursed him back to health. He told them he was an investigative journalist, although he was vague as to what he had been investigating. [img][/img] [item=Luminax Plushie] [img][/img] thank you for your service sir o7 [img][/img][/center]

= Rageality =

Razanei and Chibundu found him out by the Forbidden Portal. He was in bad shape. They brought him home and nursed him back to health. He told them he was an investigative journalist, although he was vague as to what he had been investigating.


Luminax Plushie


thank you for your service sir o7

Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[center][b]Thundercrack Carnivale[/b] Residents of Kaiator generally do not worship the Eleven (except for a few first-generation immigrants from Sornieth) but they still celebrate the elemental festivals. Any excuse for a party, and Thundercrack Carnivale is the hottest fest of the cycle. Various celebrants seen at this year's fest: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Oskeli and Aure, brothers =[/b] Champions of the arcade. [item=Arcane Aura][item=Water Aura] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Fullmoon =[/b] to live is to yearn and fight for our desires [item=Wetland Vampire][/center]
Thundercrack Carnivale

Residents of Kaiator generally do not worship the Eleven (except for a few first-generation immigrants from Sornieth) but they still celebrate the elemental festivals. Any excuse for a party, and Thundercrack Carnivale is the hottest fest of the cycle.

Various celebrants seen at this year's fest:



= Oskeli and Aure, brothers =

Champions of the arcade.

Arcane Aura Water Aura


= Fullmoon =

to live is to yearn and fight for our desires

Wetland Vampire
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Volukros =[/b] [lineage: Cabeswater x Miscanti] [hatchdate: July 18, 2022] [chronopolis] generates energy for Infinity's HQ. Infinity basically just has her in a giant hamster wheel [item=Pohip Figurine] [size=2]periwinkle | robin | periwinkle[/size][/center]

= Volukros =
[lineage: Cabeswater x Miscanti]
[hatchdate: July 18, 2022]

generates energy for Infinity's HQ. Infinity basically just has her in a giant hamster wheel

Pohip Figurine

periwinkle | robin | periwinkle
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[center][b]D&D Night[/b] A group of friends and the characters they respectively play. [i]translator's note: it's not actually called "Dungeons and Dragons" in universe. that's just a localization. however, if it were called Dungeons and Dragons, it would be accurate, since they all play dragon characters[/i] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Westeros =[/b] [lineage: Razanei x Caspian] [progen descendant] [G2] Character class: Pastamancer. A versatile mage class with damaging spells, crowd control, self-buffs, and pasta summons. [img][/img] [size=2]cornflower | cornflower | buttercup[/size] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Coven =[/b] Character class: Witchblade. A melee class that uses hexes to curse and debuff enemies. Primary class stats are dexterity and wisdom. Once a day, she can transform into her Primal form, which gives her enhanced strength, dexterity, and health regeneration, but removes her ability to cast magic. Regular witchblade: [img][/img] Primal witchblade: [img][/img] [size=2]wisteria | azure | amethyst[/size] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Limeade =[/b] [lineage: Zeke x Phaeton] [progen descendant] [Razanei G3] Class: Artificer. Limeade isn't heavily into roleplaying and just wanted to play "as himself," so Coven designed him a build that fits his own personality and talents.[/center]
D&D Night

A group of friends and the characters they respectively play.

translator's note: it's not actually called "Dungeons and Dragons" in universe. that's just a localization. however, if it were called Dungeons and Dragons, it would be accurate, since they all play dragon characters


= Westeros =
[lineage: Razanei x Caspian]
[progen descendant] [G2]

Character class: Pastamancer. A versatile mage class with damaging spells, crowd control, self-buffs, and pasta summons.


cornflower | cornflower | buttercup


= Coven =

Character class: Witchblade. A melee class that uses hexes to curse and debuff enemies. Primary class stats are dexterity and wisdom. Once a day, she can transform into her Primal form, which gives her enhanced strength, dexterity, and health regeneration, but removes her ability to cast magic.

Regular witchblade:


Primal witchblade:


wisteria | azure | amethyst


= Limeade =
[lineage: Zeke x Phaeton]
[progen descendant] [Razanei G3]

Class: Artificer. Limeade isn't heavily into roleplaying and just wanted to play "as himself," so Coven designed him a build that fits his own personality and talents.
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Zade =[/b] Treasure hunter. [item=Seashell Drapes][item=Seaglass Swimmer] [i](zade got me both the XYZ123 achievement and the XXX achievement, with different partners. good job dude)[/i][/center]

= Zade =

Treasure hunter.

Seashell Drapes Seaglass Swimmer

(zade got me both the XYZ123 achievement and the XXX achievement, with different partners. good job dude)
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Azariel =[/b] [lineage: Nimul x Zenobia] [hatchdate: May 25, 2022] [ [emoji=star size=1] 32 ] [img][/img] [item=Sparksylph Husk][item=Raw Lapis Lazuli] [img][/img] [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Kettricken =[/b] [item=Hippocampus][/center]

= Azariel =
[lineage: Nimul x Zenobia]
[hatchdate: May 25, 2022]

[ 32 ]


Sparksylph Husk Raw Lapis Lazuli




= Kettricken =

Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Nirri =[/b] [item=Smoke Gyre] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Milque =[/b] [lineage: Derecho x Casey] [progen descendant] [Razanei G4] [item=Ghosthost Viola] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Chulai =[/b] [item=Battle Chef] [size=2]fire tide | turquoise foam[/size][/center]

= Nirri =

Smoke Gyre


= Milque =

[lineage: Derecho x Casey]
[progen descendant] [Razanei G4]

Ghosthost Viola


= Chulai =

Battle Chef

fire tide | turquoise foam
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Manticore =[/b] [item=woeful tools][item=scene: earthshaker's domain][item=mith spellstealer] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Razorhurst =[/b] Manticore's a stormchaser; Razorhurst is an alchemist. They're a team - she bottles the lightning, he refines and sells it. [item=Scene: Witch's Kitchen][item=Colony Killer][/center]

= Manticore =

Woeful Tools Scene: Earthshaker's Domain Mith Spellstealer


= Razorhurst =

Manticore's a stormchaser; Razorhurst is an alchemist. They're a team - she bottles the lightning, he refines and sells it.

Scene: Witch's Kitchen Colony Killer
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]= Sarevok =[/b] [ [emoji=star size=1] 25 ] [img][/img] [item=Sweetpuff Feather][item=Crested River Flight][item=Mith Lorebook][/center]

= Sarevok =

[ 25 ]


Sweetpuff Feather Crested River Flight Mith Lorebook
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)