
Creative Corner

Share your own art and stories, or ask for critique.
TOPIC | The Zephyr: Issue 42
[center]Trees are finally waking up, grass has never been greener, and flowers are blooming! Seems the flowers have had a few extra petals to share with dragon kind because dragons of all breeds have been spotted around Sorienth sporting a rather flowery pattern we’ve aptly named, Petals! [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] When asked where one could obtain such a wonderful primary, we were directed to the gem marketplace. You too can have this new and Springtime celebratory gene by heading to the marketplace and purchasing the gene scroll for 1500 gems! Speaking of the gem marketplace, be sure to pick up any skins you’ve been saving up for as the current stock will be retiring May 15th! On the same day, the Tawny Antler trade will be removed from Swipp’s Swapp Stand, though you can still rock the deer look by finding these antlers in chests. Phew! There have also been reports of a few new monsters roaming around Sorienth due to an “accident” with Balwdin and an experiment gone… right? Make sure to brew up your own Protobeast and Painted Protobeast today! Looks like the new monsters have hit the arena, too! Watch out for these [url=]new challengers…[/url] Lastly, artists, the Wavecrest Saturnalia is under way! Check out all the festival has to offer in the user-made hub [url=]here[/url]! For all official site Saturnalia info, click on the image below. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [/center] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Juju’s Findings[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center]Hello Sorienth! Juju here again with something else I found particularly interesting…. A Flight Rising Activity Poll! This poll was created by the user [url=]wesleydog[/url], and it encompasses all aspects of playing on the site. Interested in contributing to results? Then click [url=]here[/url] to take it! It could take 10-20 minutes to complete it depending on your answering and reading speeds, but it’s a lot of fun and rather insightful! The poll results are viewable as soon as you submit your own answers, so you get to see how your time spent and your opinion weighs in compared to the rest of the community! How enlightening. That’s all for this week. I’m sure I’ll find something else interesting to share soon!l See you all next issue![/center] ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Dear Windy[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Hello everybody! Windy here, just reminding you that if you have a question or need advice on something, I will be more than happy to help you! You don’t have to follow my advice, but sometimes it’s nice to get a second opinion on things, don’t you think? (((OOC Note: If you would like to send Windy a letter asking for advice, please send your messages to Heliopunk (#93471) or Toothless (#4275).))[/center] ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Birthday Column[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size][/center] [center]Birthdays are a whirlwind of fun, so let’s celebrate with our fellow Windbros! [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center]We didn’t get any word of a birthday we breezed by, so there aren’t any new ones to report for now. Windies, if you have an April birthday, but were not mentioned in the previous issue, please contact my postmaster Toothless (#4275) and we’ll get you in next issue! Until next time, party on![/center] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Comic[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center]Or if that doesn't work, click [url=]here[/url]![/center] ----- [center][url=]Need food? The Meat Locker has you covered! Pop in today for some free food![/url][/center] ----- [center][size=6][size=5][b][u][font=courier]Opinion Column[/font][/u][/b][/size][/size][/center] Last time, we asked you how you prefer to buy your items, and the results were clear: [img][/img] The Auction House is still the most popular place to buy things, although the forums are occasionally used too, perhaps even a bit more often than before because of the incredibly secure new Crossroads. Due to it being suggested multiple times, it’s now time for a classic question: What’s your favourite gene? In order to keep the list short, we’ll be listing them in groups. Feel free to elaborate your choice in the comments! [url=][size=5]Click here to answer the next question![/size][/url]
Trees are finally waking up, grass has never been greener, and flowers are blooming! Seems the flowers have had a few extra petals to share with dragon kind because dragons of all breeds have been spotted around Sorienth sporting a rather flowery pattern we’ve aptly named, Petals!


When asked where one could obtain such a wonderful primary, we were directed to the gem marketplace. You too can have this new and Springtime celebratory gene by heading to the marketplace and purchasing the gene scroll for 1500 gems!

Speaking of the gem marketplace, be sure to pick up any skins you’ve been saving up for as the current stock will be retiring May 15th! On the same day, the Tawny Antler trade will be removed from Swipp’s Swapp Stand, though you can still rock the deer look by finding these antlers in chests. Phew!

There have also been reports of a few new monsters roaming around Sorienth due to an “accident” with Balwdin and an experiment gone… right? Make sure to brew up your own Protobeast and Painted Protobeast today! Looks like the new monsters have hit the arena, too! Watch out for these new challengers…

Lastly, artists, the Wavecrest Saturnalia is under way! Check out all the festival has to offer in the user-made hub here! For all official site Saturnalia info, click on the image below.


Juju’s Findings

Hello Sorienth! Juju here again with something else I found particularly interesting…. A Flight Rising Activity Poll! This poll was created by the user wesleydog, and it encompasses all aspects of playing on the site. Interested in contributing to results? Then click here to take it! It could take 10-20 minutes to complete it depending on your answering and reading speeds, but it’s a lot of fun and rather insightful!

The poll results are viewable as soon as you submit your own answers, so you get to see how your time spent and your opinion weighs in compared to the rest of the community! How enlightening.

That’s all for this week. I’m sure I’ll find something else interesting to share soon!l

See you all next issue!


Dear Windy

Hello everybody! Windy here, just reminding you that if you have a question or need advice on something, I will be more than happy to help you! You don’t have to follow my advice, but sometimes it’s nice to get a second opinion on things, don’t you think?

(((OOC Note: If you would like to send Windy a letter asking for advice, please send your messages to Heliopunk (#93471) or Toothless (#4275).))


Birthday Column

Birthdays are a whirlwind of fun, so let’s celebrate with our fellow Windbros!

We didn’t get any word of a birthday we breezed by, so there aren’t any new ones to report for now.

Windies, if you have an April birthday, but were not mentioned in the previous issue, please contact my postmaster Toothless (#4275) and we’ll get you in next issue!

Until next time, party on!


Or if that doesn't work, click here!

Opinion Column

Last time, we asked you how you prefer to buy your items, and the results were clear:
The Auction House is still the most popular place to buy things, although the forums are occasionally used too, perhaps even a bit more often than before because of the incredibly secure new Crossroads.

Due to it being suggested multiple times, it’s now time for a classic question:
What’s your favourite gene? In order to keep the list short, we’ll be listing them in groups. Feel free to elaborate your choice in the comments!
Click here to answer the next question!

Psst, there's a little typo in the thread's title. ;)
Psst, there's a little typo in the thread's title. ;)
foxofwonders.png __TDmCtlK.png __instagram-logo.png __Twitter_logo_bird_transparent_png.png __FR+9
P1YWd6F.png AgG97x3.png
*stares at pricing mismatch for petals* Er, I definitely meant to put 1500 gems, not 2K XD *sweats* Lesson: Do not write an article at 2AM! XD

Can you pretty please fix that for me? ;; Thank you friend!

Lovely issue as always hehe <3
*stares at pricing mismatch for petals* Er, I definitely meant to put 1500 gems, not 2K XD *sweats* Lesson: Do not write an article at 2AM! XD

Can you pretty please fix that for me? ;; Thank you friend!

Lovely issue as always hehe <3
84d669668790b279a1734f4a81a8e75e9ae50900.png fLdYOuE.png
Some current special interests: Dokibird, Fuwamoco, magical girls, Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation.. more here!
Previous usernames: MystaRias, dokidokibunni, Sylphiette, Toothless

Whoops oh my gosh. Fixed, thanks for telling me.


Fixed! ;3

Whoops oh my gosh. Fixed, thanks for telling me.


Fixed! ;3