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TOPIC | [T] More Eliminate Problems
Eliminate is refunding breath even when the enemy isn't killed by the attack (happens about 3/4 of the time). Additionally, I believe the stat that gauges damage is broken.

First Dragon's stats:
STR: 27
INT: 6
AGI: 6
DEF: 20
VIT: 8
MND: 15
QCK: 15
Average Damage of Eliminate: 70

Second Dragon's stats:
STR: 20
INT: 5
AGI: 8
DEF: 15
VIT: 20
MND: 15
QCK: 19
Average Damage of Eliminate: 250

There were no animations to signify the second dragon has been scoring critical hits every time I had him use Eliminate.

Additionally, the second dragon seems to take far less damage than the first against non-elemental attacks, despite having a lower defence score; is defence determined by both vitality and defence? I assumed vitality would simply raise the dragon's overall health.

Browser: Chrome
Eliminate is refunding breath even when the enemy isn't killed by the attack (happens about 3/4 of the time). Additionally, I believe the stat that gauges damage is broken.

First Dragon's stats:
STR: 27
INT: 6
AGI: 6
DEF: 20
VIT: 8
MND: 15
QCK: 15
Average Damage of Eliminate: 70

Second Dragon's stats:
STR: 20
INT: 5
AGI: 8
DEF: 15
VIT: 20
MND: 15
QCK: 19
Average Damage of Eliminate: 250

There were no animations to signify the second dragon has been scoring critical hits every time I had him use Eliminate.

Additionally, the second dragon seems to take far less damage than the first against non-elemental attacks, despite having a lower defence score; is defence determined by both vitality and defence? I assumed vitality would simply raise the dragon's overall health.

Browser: Chrome
Eliminate will refund breath when the attack WOULD have killed the enemy before dodge, miss, and damage reductions are taken into effect. This is not intended and will be fixed soon.

The thing about the stats, though, that's rather odd. I'll run some tests later tonight and see what I can do about fixing up this poor, crippled little ability stone.
Eliminate will refund breath when the attack WOULD have killed the enemy before dodge, miss, and damage reductions are taken into effect. This is not intended and will be fixed soon.

The thing about the stats, though, that's rather odd. I'll run some tests later tonight and see what I can do about fixing up this poor, crippled little ability stone.
Flight Rising Games/Interactivity Programmer ♪♫
Eliminate is not refunding me breath under very specific circumstances:

If my dragon has greater than 65 breath points and successfully uses Eliminate at any point prior to the battle's conclusion, then at the start of the next battle, that dragon will be bumped down to 65 breath points. This is true for ALL dragons that successfully use Eliminate during that battle.

Example: My Guardian Ruin has Eliminate equipped. He has max breath points (100/100) and there are three enemies on the field. He successfully uses Eliminate on enemy #1. My Mirror Shadow has Eliminate equipped and 60/100 breath points. She successfully uses Eliminate on enemy #2. My Guardian Mirage has 80/100 breath points and uses Scratch to kill enemy #3. The battle concludes. At the start of the next battle, Ruin's breath points have dropped down to 65/100, Shadow's have stayed the same at 60/100, and Mirage's have increased to 85/100.

There is ONE exception to this that I have found. If my dragon has 65/100 OR LESS breath points, successfully uses Eliminate to kill an enemy, then uses Scratch on the remaining enemy/enemies to acquire more than 65/100 breath points, then it will NOT drop down to 65/100 at the start of the next battle.

It does not matter if that same dragon uses a different attack afterward that either increases or decreases breath points. It does not matter if that same dragon uses Eliminate repeatedly and successfully. Breath point levels of other dragons in the party do not affect this. If breath points are over 65 at the end of the match AND Eliminate is used at any time while breath points are greater than 65/100, then it is reduced to 65/100 next match.

I can consistently duplicate this bug.
Eliminate is not refunding me breath under very specific circumstances:

If my dragon has greater than 65 breath points and successfully uses Eliminate at any point prior to the battle's conclusion, then at the start of the next battle, that dragon will be bumped down to 65 breath points. This is true for ALL dragons that successfully use Eliminate during that battle.

Example: My Guardian Ruin has Eliminate equipped. He has max breath points (100/100) and there are three enemies on the field. He successfully uses Eliminate on enemy #1. My Mirror Shadow has Eliminate equipped and 60/100 breath points. She successfully uses Eliminate on enemy #2. My Guardian Mirage has 80/100 breath points and uses Scratch to kill enemy #3. The battle concludes. At the start of the next battle, Ruin's breath points have dropped down to 65/100, Shadow's have stayed the same at 60/100, and Mirage's have increased to 85/100.

There is ONE exception to this that I have found. If my dragon has 65/100 OR LESS breath points, successfully uses Eliminate to kill an enemy, then uses Scratch on the remaining enemy/enemies to acquire more than 65/100 breath points, then it will NOT drop down to 65/100 at the start of the next battle.

It does not matter if that same dragon uses a different attack afterward that either increases or decreases breath points. It does not matter if that same dragon uses Eliminate repeatedly and successfully. Breath point levels of other dragons in the party do not affect this. If breath points are over 65 at the end of the match AND Eliminate is used at any time while breath points are greater than 65/100, then it is reduced to 65/100 next match.

I can consistently duplicate this bug.
I have had the same issue Cidraco has had.
I have had the same issue Cidraco has had.
Turning this into a [T]racking Thread. Thanks everyone!
Turning this into a [T]racking Thread. Thanks everyone!
Flight Rising Developer
Project Management | Engineering Team Cheerleader | UI Designer
Ran into another (maybe related?) bug with Eliminate that I am having a hard time duplicating. I've encountered it twice now that I am aware of, but it happens so fast that it's very easy to miss. I've only encountered this in PvE/vs beasts combat in the coliseum.


Dragon 2 has Eliminate equipped and more than 65/100 breath points.
Dragon 3 has Eliminate equipped and more than 65/100 breath points.
Dragon 1 doesn't use Eliminate.
There are 3+ enemies in play in the battle.
Dragon 2 uses Eliminate to finish off Enemy 1.
Dragon 3 uses Eliminate immediately afterward to finish off Enemy 2. By immediately, I'm talking the sprites are still moving across the screen as I click on the next beast, because the battle progression is cycling quickly.
Dragon 1 attacks with Scratch immediately afterward.
As Dragon 1 is initiating the Scratch attack and Dragon 3 is recovering from its own Eliminate attack, Dragon 3's breath points drop down to 65/100 breath points in the same manner as illustrated in my first post in this thread.

Both times that I've encountered this, Dragon 1 finishes off the last beast and just afterward the exp/loot screen pops up. But here's the kicker, Dragon 2 still has greater than 65/100 breath points left even though Dragon 3's dropped down to 65. In the other experiences with the aforementioned Eliminate bug, Dragon 2 and Dragon 3 don't have their breath points drop back to 65 until the next match starts - and they stay listed as greater than 65 through the exp/loot screen until the coliseum reloads. (You can just barely make out the bars at the bottom of the screen.) It doesn't matter too much to me right now since I know the breath would still drop back to 65 on the next battle due to the other bug.. but it still shouldn't be happening.

I have tried to duplicate this bug and am having difficulty doing so. Either there's something else that I'm missing, or it's more variable than the other Eliminate issue. If I can duplicate it consistently, I'll post more info. I hope all this is helpful in tracking it down.
Ran into another (maybe related?) bug with Eliminate that I am having a hard time duplicating. I've encountered it twice now that I am aware of, but it happens so fast that it's very easy to miss. I've only encountered this in PvE/vs beasts combat in the coliseum.


Dragon 2 has Eliminate equipped and more than 65/100 breath points.
Dragon 3 has Eliminate equipped and more than 65/100 breath points.
Dragon 1 doesn't use Eliminate.
There are 3+ enemies in play in the battle.
Dragon 2 uses Eliminate to finish off Enemy 1.
Dragon 3 uses Eliminate immediately afterward to finish off Enemy 2. By immediately, I'm talking the sprites are still moving across the screen as I click on the next beast, because the battle progression is cycling quickly.
Dragon 1 attacks with Scratch immediately afterward.
As Dragon 1 is initiating the Scratch attack and Dragon 3 is recovering from its own Eliminate attack, Dragon 3's breath points drop down to 65/100 breath points in the same manner as illustrated in my first post in this thread.

Both times that I've encountered this, Dragon 1 finishes off the last beast and just afterward the exp/loot screen pops up. But here's the kicker, Dragon 2 still has greater than 65/100 breath points left even though Dragon 3's dropped down to 65. In the other experiences with the aforementioned Eliminate bug, Dragon 2 and Dragon 3 don't have their breath points drop back to 65 until the next match starts - and they stay listed as greater than 65 through the exp/loot screen until the coliseum reloads. (You can just barely make out the bars at the bottom of the screen.) It doesn't matter too much to me right now since I know the breath would still drop back to 65 on the next battle due to the other bug.. but it still shouldn't be happening.

I have tried to duplicate this bug and am having difficulty doing so. Either there's something else that I'm missing, or it's more variable than the other Eliminate issue. If I can duplicate it consistently, I'll post more info. I hope all this is helpful in tracking it down.
I as well am having the same problem as Cidraco except my breath bar is 120 and if I fill it completely and kill the last enemy on the field w/ eliminate, then it gets lowered to 85!
I as well am having the same problem as Cidraco except my breath bar is 120 and if I fill it completely and kill the last enemy on the field w/ eliminate, then it gets lowered to 85!
(3hrs ahead of FRT)
hey i have the problem too where when i have full breath and use eliminate to end an encounter, it resets my breath at 85. its refunding in the bar but when the new turn starts its automatically set at 85
hey i have the problem too where when i have full breath and use eliminate to end an encounter, it resets my breath at 85. its refunding in the bar but when the new turn starts its automatically set at 85
I can confirm that this bug is very reproducible.
I can confirm that this bug is very reproducible.
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I'll also chime in to agree with breath not being refunded if used to finish a fight, which is pretty awful considering that's what it's meant to do. Very easy to reproduce, happens every time without fail. It's strange because the system seems to get it should be refunded, the number pops up and so does the bar but down it goes for the next fight.

Good luck figuring this naughty ability out, breaking everywhere. >>
I'll also chime in to agree with breath not being refunded if used to finish a fight, which is pretty awful considering that's what it's meant to do. Very easy to reproduce, happens every time without fail. It's strange because the system seems to get it should be refunded, the number pops up and so does the bar but down it goes for the next fight.

Good luck figuring this naughty ability out, breaking everywhere. >>