
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Finished: 5-digit Gen 1 Imperial

Tagging myself to weep over being unable to bid for him and see how this goes. Lol.

Tagging myself to weep over being unable to bid for him and see how this goes. Lol.

Ah well I don't have much regarding pure currency (other than 2 GP still lingering haha) so that offer of one each of Blue and Gold Baby bottle plus one Flaming Scale stands as it is~ ^^; But I wish you luck nonetheless with that gorgeous boy! Hope he finds a good home~ :D

Ah well I don't have much regarding pure currency (other than 2 GP still lingering haha) so that offer of one each of Blue and Gold Baby bottle plus one Flaming Scale stands as it is~ ^^; But I wish you luck nonetheless with that gorgeous boy! Hope he finds a good home~ :D
@Jackins Oh man, Gen 1 Imp with 5 digit is THE DREAM. I'd give you my entire lair if it meant starting over with one. I can't afford a proper bid but I wish you the best of luck with selling him.
@Jackins Oh man, Gen 1 Imp with 5 digit is THE DREAM. I'd give you my entire lair if it meant starting over with one. I can't afford a proper bid but I wish you the best of luck with selling him.

pinging myself so I can see how this turns out! good luck with the offers, it looks like you've got a few really nice ones! :)

pinging myself so I can see how this turns out! good luck with the offers, it looks like you've got a few really nice ones! :)
Alright. So what would you be looking for in addition to a Skycat?
Alright. So what would you be looking for in addition to a Skycat?
Thank you all for the well wishes!

@Disease - I am primarily looking to leave FR. I am mostly looking for pure, any mix of Gems/Treasure/GP and items that I can sell. Both the Skycat and the Cloudy Wings are items that I would like and hang onto but my activity here is going to be non-existant save for feeding a handful of dragons i enjoy.
Thank you all for the well wishes!

@Disease - I am primarily looking to leave FR. I am mostly looking for pure, any mix of Gems/Treasure/GP and items that I can sell. Both the Skycat and the Cloudy Wings are items that I would like and hang onto but my activity here is going to be non-existant save for feeding a handful of dragons i enjoy.
Well, that still doesn't much help me figure this out. You mentioned wanting a Skycat. Maybe you could trade it for currency on another site you are active on and I can offer other easy to sell items to make it worth your while. I have seen your Gen 1 Imp and he isn't just a Gen 1 Imp to me; he's in the top 5 I have coveted after. So I really want to be able to make an offer you might take.
Well, that still doesn't much help me figure this out. You mentioned wanting a Skycat. Maybe you could trade it for currency on another site you are active on and I can offer other easy to sell items to make it worth your while. I have seen your Gen 1 Imp and he isn't just a Gen 1 Imp to me; he's in the top 5 I have coveted after. So I really want to be able to make an offer you might take.
@Disease - I'm not sure you understand what Jackins is trying to say. Jackins is leaving FR, liquidating all assets here because she is going to be full time on aywas. While she did at one time want the skycat and cloudy wings, they are items she would hoard for no reason and never use or never see, essentially not worth having except if included in another large offer such as the offers so far of over 50kG.

These are things jackins can trade for another site currency. The problem is that unless it was included with other things, jackins would not part with the sky cat even though she is quitting FR and will only log in from time to time to feed one of her dragons. In other words the skycat and cloudy wings are basically just things that she would not have a use for or the heart to resell them because she wanted them back when she was actually still playing, but as she is quitting, they are not so useful to her.
I hope this makes more sense?
@Disease - I'm not sure you understand what Jackins is trying to say. Jackins is leaving FR, liquidating all assets here because she is going to be full time on aywas. While she did at one time want the skycat and cloudy wings, they are items she would hoard for no reason and never use or never see, essentially not worth having except if included in another large offer such as the offers so far of over 50kG.

These are things jackins can trade for another site currency. The problem is that unless it was included with other things, jackins would not part with the sky cat even though she is quitting FR and will only log in from time to time to feed one of her dragons. In other words the skycat and cloudy wings are basically just things that she would not have a use for or the heart to resell them because she wanted them back when she was actually still playing, but as she is quitting, they are not so useful to her.
I hope this makes more sense?
"That being said, the Skycat and Cloudy Wings remain at the top of my want list for FR."

If she wasn't interested in entertaining a trade containing one of those, idk why she mentioned it to begin with.
"That being said, the Skycat and Cloudy Wings remain at the top of my want list for FR."

If she wasn't interested in entertaining a trade containing one of those, idk why she mentioned it to begin with.
@Jackins he's a beauty! Good luck selling :) I'd love to buy him, but I'm poor and I've been playing only for 2 months so I don't have any rare retired things to offer either. D: And besides of that, I'm all the way focused on getting familiars either way. He is a handsome lad though! *-*

Too bad you're leaving FR, though D: I wish you all the best, and I hope you'll have lots of fun with whatever you'll do after this!
@Jackins he's a beauty! Good luck selling :) I'd love to buy him, but I'm poor and I've been playing only for 2 months so I don't have any rare retired things to offer either. D: And besides of that, I'm all the way focused on getting familiars either way. He is a handsome lad though! *-*

Too bad you're leaving FR, though D: I wish you all the best, and I hope you'll have lots of fun with whatever you'll do after this!
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