
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Cosmic Flora Crafts | Foddart (closed)
[center][img alt="A hanging wooden sign, with vines growing out of its left side surrounded by scattered pale yellow-green petals, and with glowing arcane crystals forming on the wood on the right side. The text reads: Cosmic Flora Crafts."][/img] [size=2]Gallery of Artists | [url=] Instructions[/url] | [url=]Tracking Spreadsheet[/url][/center][/size] [center]Welcome to Cosmic Flora Crafts, Arcane and Nature's joint foddart thread![/center] [center][size=6]The Artists [/size] [columns][color=transparent]_______[/color] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] Popvip[/url] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] N0pal[/url] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] BrassicaOracle[/url][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]_______[/color] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] HollowedRabbit[/url] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] MasqD[/url] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] Neptunelycan[/url][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]_______[/color] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] Kieren[/url] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] Bluecrysto[/url] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] Nishiboys[/url][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]_______[/color] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] Tirtouga678[/url] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] Leporidaisical[/url] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] Darciandhermoths[/url][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]_______[/color] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] PKRS[/url] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] ClovenHeart[/url] [nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] AstralCrescent[/url][/columns] [center][url=][img][/img] Eeveecat1248[/url] [img alt="Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right."][/img] [center][url=][size=6][b][color=#9a6789][b][color=#FF8CD9]>[/color][color=#EA8CC7]>[/color] [color=#AE8F92]S[/color][color=#999080]p[/color][color=#85916F]r[/color][color=#71925D]e[/color][color=#5D934B]a[/color][color=#48933A]d[/color][color=#5D934B]s[/color][color=#71925D]h[/color][color=#85916F]e[/color][color=#999080]e[/color][color=#AE8F92]t[/color] [color=#EA8CC7]<[/color][color=#FF8CD9]<[/color][/b][/b][/url][/center]
A hanging wooden sign, with vines growing out of its left side surrounded by scattered pale yellow-green petals, and with glowing arcane crystals forming on the wood on the right side. The text reads: Cosmic Flora Crafts.

Gallery of Artists | Instructions | Tracking Spreadsheet
Welcome to Cosmic Flora Crafts, Arcane and Nature's joint foddart thread!
arcanart lead
___ ftsPxVm.png ___
art shop
skin shop
avatar dragon
[center][img alt="Ordering"][/img] [size=2][url=]Gallery of Artists[/url] | Instructions | [url=]Tracking Spreadsheet[/url][/center][/size] [list][*] Both in-flight and out-of-flight orders are accepted, unless mentioned otherwise by the artist. [*] Please [b]ping the artist[/b]. With artists and customers from both flights participating, this thread could get very busy! [*] Wait for the artist's confirmation before sending any payment. [*] Payment must be [b]leveled adult dragons[/b] that are [b]level 5 or higher[/b]. [*] If sending dragons to a receiver, remember to [b]check their flight[/b]! Levels for an Arcane artist should go to an Arcane receiver, and levels for a Nature artist should go to a Nature receiver. [*] All payments must be sent before [b]23:45 FR time on August 3rd[/b], unless stated otherwise by the artist. [*] If, for whatever reason, you are unable to complete payment in time, please let the artist know as soon as possible to negotiate alternative payment! [*] Artists are under no obligation to start or complete an order if they haven't received full payment. [*] If sending to a receiver/catcher, check their availability status on the [url=]spreadsheet[/url]. If you do no have access to google sheets, please contact the artist first. [*] Some artists may have additional rules per their shop - [u]please follow them[/u]! [*] If you have any questions, please PM or ping @/Nurry (Arcane) or @/Chuchuana (Nature).[/list] [center][img alt="Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right."][/img][/center] Here is a standard order form, to be used if the artist has not provided their own order form. Only fill this in if the artist you want art from has an open slot. [Code] [b]Artist[/b]: @(artist's username) [b]Request[/b]: [b]Reference(s)[/b]: (include if necessary) [b]Payment[/b]: (specify how many dragons at what level if possible) [b]Other info[/b]: [/code] [rule] [center][url=][size=6][b][color=#9a6789][b][color=#FF8CD9]>[/color][color=#EA8CC7]>[/color] [color=#AE8F92]S[/color][color=#999080]p[/color][color=#85916F]r[/color][color=#71925D]e[/color][color=#5D934B]a[/color][color=#48933A]d[/color][color=#5D934B]s[/color][color=#71925D]h[/color][color=#85916F]e[/color][color=#999080]e[/color][color=#AE8F92]t[/color] [color=#EA8CC7]<[/color][color=#FF8CD9]<[/color][/b][/b][/url] [img alt="Horizontal divider with a green-pink gemstone in the middle, Arcane style plants on the left side, and Nature style plants on the right side."][/img][/center]

  • Both in-flight and out-of-flight orders are accepted, unless mentioned otherwise by the artist.
  • Please ping the artist. With artists and customers from both flights participating, this thread could get very busy!
  • Wait for the artist's confirmation before sending any payment.
  • Payment must be leveled adult dragons that are level 5 or higher.
  • If sending dragons to a receiver, remember to check their flight! Levels for an Arcane artist should go to an Arcane receiver, and levels for a Nature artist should go to a Nature receiver.
  • All payments must be sent before 23:45 FR time on August 3rd, unless stated otherwise by the artist.
  • If, for whatever reason, you are unable to complete payment in time, please let the artist know as soon as possible to negotiate alternative payment!
  • Artists are under no obligation to start or complete an order if they haven't received full payment.
  • If sending to a receiver/catcher, check their availability status on the spreadsheet. If you do no have access to google sheets, please contact the artist first.
  • Some artists may have additional rules per their shop - please follow them!
  • If you have any questions, please PM or ping @/Nurry (Arcane) or @/Chuchuana (Nature).
Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right.

Here is a standard order form, to be used if the artist has not provided their own order form. Only fill this in if the artist you want art from has an open slot.

[b]Artist[/b]: @(artist's username) [b]Request[/b]: [b]Reference(s)[/b]: (include if necessary) [b]Payment[/b]: (specify how many dragons at what level if possible) [b]Other info[/b]:

[img alt="Horizontal divider with a green-pink gemstone in the middle, Arcane style plants on the left side, and Nature style plants on the right side."][/img] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]___[/color][nextcol] [font=Century Gothic][color=#3E6045][size=6][b]Pop's Foddart Shop[/b][/size][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=5]I do both illustrations and pixel art! To order please:[/size] [size=4][img alt=""][/img] Post your orders to [b]this thread[/b] [img alt=""][/img] Wait for my confirmation before sending your payment to one of our [b][url=]catchers[/url][/b] [img alt=""][/img] I will stop accepting orders once all of my slots are full / or it is [b]8pm FR time on August 3rd[/b]. [img alt=""][/img] I will complete orders within 2 weeks of the end of the push. [img alt=""][/img] I will open more slots as I finish orders so check back if I'm full. [img alt=""][/img] You may order one slot at a time, once you have paid for your first slot, you may order a second. [/size] [/columns] [center][img alt="Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right."][/img][/center] [columns][img alt="A glowing pink gemstone hovering over pink and green plants."][/img][nextcol][font=Century Gothic][color=#3E6045][size=6][b]Butt Rocks Fae Adopt[/b][/size][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=#602a5c][size=5][b]70 Levels[/b][/size][/color] [size=4][url=]Additional Examples[/url] Do you want your [b]Fae[/b] (or other dragon scried as a one) as a a little pixelated guy sleeping on some buttrocks? well you are in luck! [img alt=""][/img] No accents/skins [img alt=""][/img] No apparel [img alt=""][/img] Size is 150p x 90px [img alt=""][/img] Will not send WIPs of theses adopts [img alt=""][/img] There is no gene sponsoring I will make new ones as they are ordered [img alt="A dragonfly flies past a green-pink gem sitting in a pool of water surrounded by lilypads in the Worldedge Wetlands."][/img] [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [right][img alt="A green-pink meteorite shard among tropical Everbloom Gardens plants."][/img][/right][/columns] [font=Century Gothic][color=#602a5c][size=4][b]Order Form[/b][/size][/color] [Code] @Popvip [b]Username:[/b] [b]Dragon ID:[/b] [b]Dragon Image:[/b] [b]Additional Notes:[/b] [/code] [center][img alt="Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right."][/img][/center] [columns] [color=transparent]___[/color][font=Century Gothic][color=#3E6045][size=6][b]Full Render Dragon Busts[/b][/size][/color][/font] [color=transparent]___[/color][font=Century Gothic][color=#602a5c][size=5][b]400 Levels[/b][/size][/color] [color=transparent]____[/color][size=4][url=]Full Size Example[/url][/size] [img][/img][nextcol][img alt="A glowing pink gemstone hovering over pink and green plants."][/img][/columns] [columns][img alt="A strange green and pink plant from the Shrieking Wilds holds a green-pink gem shard in a tentacle-y tendril."][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]___[/color][nextcol] [font=Century Gothic][size=4]Super discounted from my regular commission prices, I also offer busts of [b]Flight Rising[/b] dragons! These are fully rendered busts with shading. [img alt=""][/img] All accents/skins [img alt=""][/img] All apparel [img alt=""][/img] You will receive 2 files, full size (1400 x 1400px), and one smaller size (400 x 400px) [img alt=""][/img] WIPs at the sketch stage available upon request [img alt=""][/img] Do not remove my player number / signature[/columns] [font=Century Gothic][color=#602a5c][size=4][b]Order Form[/b][/size][/color] [Code] @Popvip [b]Username:[/b] [b]Dragon ID:[/b] [b]Dragon Image:[/b] [b]Dragon Description:[/b] ex. "happy" for posing purposes [b]WIP Check-in?:[/b] Y/N [b]Additional Notes:[/b] [/code] [center][img alt="Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right."][/img][/center] [center] [font=Century Gothic][color=#3E6045][size=6][b]Available Slots[/b][/size][/color] More may become available throughout the push so checkback soon![/font][/center] [quote] [b]1.[/b] [url=]Vosmikot[/url] - Fae [emoji=green gem size=1] [b]DONE[/b] [b]2.[/b] [url=]RisenWolf[/url] - Bust [emoji=green gem size=1] [b]DONE[/b] [b]3.[/b] [url=]Blazestorm22[/url] - Fae [emoji=green gem size=1] [b]DONE[/b] [b]4.[/b] [url=]ClovenHeart[/url] - Fae [emoji=green gem size=1] [b]DONE[/b] [b]5.[/b] [url=]Kyr[/url] - Fae [emoji=green gem size=1] [b]DONE[/b] [b]6.[/b] [url=]krispies[/url] - Bust [emoji=green gem size=1] [b]DONE[/b] [b]7.[/b] [url=]Iralla[/url] - Bust [emoji=green gem size=1] [b]DONE[/b] [b]8.[/b] [b]9.[/b] [b]10.[/b] [b]11.[/b] [b]12.[/b] [/quote] [center][img alt="Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right."][/img][/center] [center] [font=Century Gothic][color=#3E6045][size=5][b]Ping List[/b][/size][/color] for pings when ever my foddart is open![/font] [pinglist=34048] @pinglist-34048[/center] [center][img alt="Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right."][/img][/center] [center] [font=Century Gothic][color=#3E6045][size=5][b]Completed this Push[/b][/size][/color] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [img alt="Horizontal divider with a green-pink gemstone in the middle, Arcane style plants on the left side, and Nature style plants on the right side."][/img]
Horizontal divider with a green-pink gemstone in the middle, Arcane style plants on the left side, and Nature style plants on the right side.

YQFEkKz.png ___

Pop's Foddart Shop

I do both illustrations and pixel art! To order please:

Post your orders to this thread

Wait for my confirmation before sending your payment to one of our catchers

I will stop accepting orders once all of my slots are full / or it is 8pm FR time on August 3rd.

I will complete orders within 2 weeks of the end of the push.

I will open more slots as I finish orders so check back if I'm full.

You may order one slot at a time, once you have paid for your first slot, you may order a second.

Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right.
A glowing pink gemstone hovering over pink and green plants. Butt Rocks Fae Adopt
70 Levels
Additional Examples

Do you want your Fae (or other dragon scried as a one) as a a little pixelated guy sleeping on some buttrocks? well you are in luck!

No accents/skins

No apparel

Size is 150p x 90px

Will not send WIPs of theses adopts

There is no gene sponsoring I will make new ones as they are ordered

A dragonfly flies past a green-pink gem sitting in a pool of water surrounded by lilypads in the Worldedge Wetlands.
tpbqPDY.png LwhxfKq.png
A green-pink meteorite shard among tropical Everbloom Gardens plants.

Order Form
@Popvip [b]Username:[/b] [b]Dragon ID:[/b] [b]Dragon Image:[/b] [b]Additional Notes:[/b]
Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right.
___Full Render Dragon Busts
___400 Levels
____Full Size Example

A glowing pink gemstone hovering over pink and green plants.
A strange green and pink plant from the Shrieking Wilds holds a green-pink gem shard in a tentacle-y tendril. ___
Super discounted from my regular commission prices, I also offer busts of Flight Rising dragons! These are fully rendered busts with shading.

All accents/skins

All apparel

You will receive 2 files, full size (1400 x 1400px), and one smaller size (400 x 400px)

WIPs at the sketch stage available upon request

Do not remove my player number / signature

Order Form
@Popvip [b]Username:[/b] [b]Dragon ID:[/b] [b]Dragon Image:[/b] [b]Dragon Description:[/b] ex. "happy" for posing purposes [b]WIP Check-in?:[/b] Y/N [b]Additional Notes:[/b]
Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right.

Available Slots

More may become available throughout the push so checkback soon!

1. Vosmikot - Fae DONE
2. RisenWolf - Bust DONE
3. Blazestorm22 - Fae DONE
4. ClovenHeart - Fae DONE
5. Kyr - Fae DONE
6. krispies - Bust DONE
7. Iralla - Bust DONE
Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right.

Ping List

for pings when ever my foddart is open!

@Popvip's Foddart Pinglist
Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right.

Completed this Push





Horizontal divider with a green-pink gemstone in the middle, Arcane style plants on the left side, and Nature style plants on the right side.
jt3PpxV.png 4fcaX7T.png
[center][img alt="Horizontal divider with a green-pink gemstone in the middle, Arcane style plants on the left side, and Nature style plants on the right side."][/img][/center] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=6][b][color=#3E6045]Sol's Lore[/b][/center][/color][/size] I write clan & dragon lore for FR or lore for OCs and others! Please post orders here and send levels to catchers. Check out my [url=]permanent shop[/url] for extra details or if you want more orders later on! [/columns] [center][img alt="Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right."][/img][/center] [columns] [color=#3E6045][size=4][b]Will Do[/b][/size][/color] [list] [*]Lore for dragons, clans, and more [*]Dark themes [*]Relationships of any kind [*]Detailed works [nextcol] [color=#3E6045][size=4][b]Won't Do[/b][/size][/color] [list] [*]Poetry [*]Orders w/no directions, see guidelines [*]Anything against FR rules [*]Coding, see guidelines for details [/columns] [center][img alt="Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right."][/img][/center] [center][b][color=#3E6045][size=5]Pricing[/b][/size][/center][/color] [columns] [left][u][color=#602a5c][size=4]Two Paragraphs - 25 lvls (20kt/20g)[/color][/size][/u] The “standard” edition of lore! This will be 1 paragraph of backstory + 1 of current time in clan, their job, and any relationships Customization is allowed if you're looking for other info for your lore [img alt="A green-pink meteorite shard among tropical Everbloom Gardens plants."][/img] [u][color=#602a5c][size=4]The Essay - 75 lvls (90kt/90g)[/size][/color][/u] Long form stories You give some bullets on what you want and I go Wild :D This gets you around 2-3 pages of lore, option comes with check-ins, every page I will give you an update and you give feedback[/left] [nextcol] [right][img alt="A dragonfly flies past a green-pink gem sitting in a pool of water surrounded by lilypads in the Worldedge Wetlands."][/img] [u][color=#602a5c][size=4]Per Paragraph - 15 lvls per (10kt/10g)[/size][/color][/u] Need an inbetween? You direct the content of paragraphs but consider this Two Paragraphs+, it’s also better for whole clan lore Minimum 3 paras, maximum 8 paras [img alt="A green meteor with a pink tail in the sky above the Wild Sanctum."][/img][/right] [/columns] [center][img alt="Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right."][/img][/center] [center][color=#3E6045][b][size=5]Guidelines[/b][/size][/center][/color] [LIST] [*]I’ll write lore for your FR dragons, OCs, adoptables, pets, plushies, you name it! [*]Having ideas or an outline premade is totally cool, this does not cost extra and I’m happy to incorporate ideas you have. [*]For larger works I’ll do my writing in drafts and update you, if you see anything you want changed or a last minute thought let me know. This doesn’t come automatically with smaller orders but if you would like it please ask. [*]If what I write ends up over the maximum of your order type I will NOT charge extra, you’re welcome to just ignore any extra or if it’s an issue I will edit down my work to fit your needs with no extra charge. [*]For characters/dragon lore the direction can be their physical appearance but for stories/clan lore some direction is required. [*]For foddart I will not be taking orders that are not accepted on FR. [*]Turn around for small orders can be a few days but essays will take longer, please be patient. [*]You are always welcome to ask questions!! I'm happy to explain things or confirm that something is okay. [/LIST] [center][img alt="Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right."][/img][/center] [quote name="Order Form"]@N0pal [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Order Type:[/b] (include what the order is for; clan lore/dragon/etc) [b]Payment Method:[/b] [b]Derg/Chara/Clan Name:[/b] [b]Derg/Chara Pronouns:[/b] (pls include each form of any neopronouns) [b]Major notes or Ideas:[/b] (let me know here if you prefer to discuss this in pms) [b]Extra info:[/b] (add dragon widgets or character sheets here)[/quote] [center][img alt="Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right."][/img][/center] [center][color=#3E6045][size=5][b]Slots[/b][/size] (7 available)[/center][/color] [columns][LIST=1] [*] Astaraela essay for [url=]Alaunus[/url] [*] TeenyTK essay for [url=]Loke[/url] [*] Fujiko18 2-8 paras for [url=]Amethyst[/url] [*] [*] [nextcol] [list=1] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/columns] [center][img alt="Horizontal divider with a green-pink gemstone in the middle, Arcane style plants on the left side, and Nature style plants on the right side."][/img][/center]
Horizontal divider with a green-pink gemstone in the middle, Arcane style plants on the left side, and Nature style plants on the right side.
Sol's Lore

I write clan & dragon lore for FR or lore for OCs and others! Please post orders here and send levels to catchers.
Check out my permanent shop for extra details or if you want more orders later on!
Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right.
Will Do
  • Lore for dragons, clans, and more
  • Dark themes
  • Relationships of any kind
  • Detailed works
Won't Do
  • Poetry
  • Orders w/no directions, see guidelines
  • Anything against FR rules
  • Coding, see guidelines for details
Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right.
Two Paragraphs - 25 lvls (20kt/20g)
The “standard” edition of lore!
This will be 1 paragraph of backstory + 1 of current time in clan, their job, and any relationships
Customization is allowed if you're looking for
other info for your lore

A green-pink meteorite shard among tropical Everbloom Gardens plants.

The Essay - 75 lvls (90kt/90g)
Long form stories
You give some bullets on what you want and I go Wild :D
This gets you around 2-3 pages of lore, option comes with check-ins, every page I will give you an update and you give feedback
A dragonfly flies past a green-pink gem sitting in a pool of water surrounded by lilypads in the Worldedge Wetlands.
Per Paragraph - 15 lvls per (10kt/10g)
Need an inbetween?
You direct the content of paragraphs but consider this Two Paragraphs+,
it’s also better for whole clan lore
Minimum 3 paras, maximum 8 paras
A green meteor with a pink tail in the sky above the Wild Sanctum.
Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right.
  • I’ll write lore for your FR dragons, OCs, adoptables, pets, plushies, you name it!
  • Having ideas or an outline premade is totally cool, this does not cost extra and I’m happy to incorporate ideas you have.
  • For larger works I’ll do my writing in drafts and update you, if you see anything you want changed or a last minute thought let me know. This doesn’t come automatically with smaller orders but if you would like it please ask.
  • If what I write ends up over the maximum of your order type I will NOT charge extra, you’re welcome to just ignore any extra or if it’s an issue I will edit down my work to fit your needs with no extra charge.
  • For characters/dragon lore the direction can be their physical appearance but for stories/clan lore some direction is required.
  • For foddart I will not be taking orders that are not accepted on FR.
  • Turn around for small orders can be a few days but essays will take longer, please be patient.
  • You are always welcome to ask questions!! I'm happy to explain things or confirm that something is okay.
Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right.
Order Form wrote:
Your username:
Order Type: (include what the order is for; clan lore/dragon/etc)
Payment Method:
Derg/Chara/Clan Name:
Derg/Chara Pronouns: (pls include each form of any neopronouns)
Major notes or Ideas: (let me know here if you prefer to discuss this in pms)
Extra info:
(add dragon widgets or character sheets here)
Horizontal divider with Arcane symbol on the left side and Nature symbol on the right.
Slots (7 available)
  1. Astaraela essay for Alaunus
  2. TeenyTK essay for Loke
  3. Fujiko18 2-8 paras for Amethyst
Horizontal divider with a green-pink gemstone in the middle, Arcane style plants on the left side, and Nature style plants on the right side.
[img alt="divider"][/img] [columns] [indent][img alt="Title card of a Obelisk."][/img][/indent] [nextcol] [indent][center][font=Gabriola][color=#3E6045][size=7][b]Brassica Arts[/b][/size][/color][/font] [/center] [font=Century Gothic][size=5]I provide dragon/gijinka/human busts, and familiar plushies! Please post your orders in this thread, wait for my confirmation, and send payment to one of the catchers.[/indent] [/columns] [center][img alt="divider"][/img][/center] [columns][url=][img alt="A bust art of an Aesther, with plants as decoration."][/img][/url] [url=][img alt="A bust art of a human."][/img][/url] Click [url=]here for more examples[/url]. [nextcol][font=Gabriola][color=#3E6045][size=6][b]Dragon/Human Bust[/b][/size][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=4][b]400 levels[/b] [LIST] [*]Coloured with shading and simple background. [*]Around 600*900 px in size. [*]I can do apparels/skins/accents for dragon busts, though simplifications/stylization may occur. [*]I can do body-altering skins. [*]I can put apparels on your ancient dragons, just give me a scry on a modern breed and I'll put them on. [*]I can't do complex mechas (It won't look good). [*]I'll send you WIPs for approval. I'll continue working if you don't reply in two days. [*]Five (5) slots available. [/LIST] [/columns] [font=Gabriola][color=#3E6045][size=5][b]Order Form:[/b][/size][/color][/font] [code]@BrassicaOracle [b]Art type:[/b] Dragon/Gijinka/Human Bust [b]Reference:[/b] Link to the dragon/reference piece(s). [b]Description:[/b] A short description about your model's personality, and what kind of expression they are having, etc. [b]Other request:[/b] If you have other requests regarding the art, please let me know.[/code] [font=Gabriola][color=#3E6045][size=5][b]Slots:[/b][/size][/color][/font] [LIST=1] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/LIST] [center][img alt="divider"][/img][/center] [img alt="Banner of several familiar plushies, with a needle holder, sewing line, and scissors in the front."][/img] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][font=Gabriola][color=#3E6045][size=7][b]Familiar Plushie[/b][/size][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=4][b]55-25 Levels (See below for more information)[/b] [LIST] [*]Coloured flat with transparent background. [*]200*200 px, comes with 100*100 px resize (suitable for signature) [*]I can do any kind of FR familiar. I also do apparel familiars and food item that's too cute to eat (see "others" tab in completed familiar spreadsheet.) [*]Unlimited slots. [*][url=]This is a list of completed familiars.[/url] [LIST] [*]Familiar not on this list costs [b]55 levels[/b]. [*]Recolor version of completed familiar (or the same order) costs [b]35 levels[/b]. [*]Completed familiar costs [b]20 levels[/b]. [*]Dynamic familiars' pricing depends on the difference between phases. [*]The arts are accumulated throughout the years, some of my older art (higher on the list) might have lower quality than the newer ones. [/LIST] [/LIST] [/columns] [font=Gabriola][color=#3E6045][size=5][b]Order Form:[/b][/size][/color][/font] [code] @BrassicaOracle [b]Art type:[/b] Familiar plushie [b]Name of the familiar(s):[/b] [b]Other request:[/b] If you have other requests regarding the art, please let me know [/code] [font=Gabriola][color=#3E6045][size=5][b]Slots:[/b][/size][/color][/font] [LIST] [*][url=]mngwa[/url] (False Sphinx, King Quillrunner, Light Gryphon, Longhorn Capricat, Magpie Sphinx, Parda, Velvet Floracat, Snowy Owlynx) [*][url=]treesapperson[/url] (Radiant Flutterbun, Marbled Serpenta, Springfoot Bilworper, Hydra) [*][url=]Sonoch[/url] (Stonewatch Prince, Hawksbill Goliath, Crystalhide Jester, Crystalplate Stinger) [*][url=]IndigoStarshine[/url] (Melon Squrimscoot) [*][url=]Satirates[/url] (Crystalplate Stinger, Dwarf Unicorn, Otherworldly Aura) [*][url=]bubbaberriboo[/url] (strawberry noggle, cosmo gecko, flutterbun, petalwing peryton, plumed springtail, runeback slink, teardrop owlynx) [*][url=]bredloaf[/url] (spiffy sphinx) [*] [/LIST] [center][img alt="divider"][/img][/center] [columns] [font=Gabriola][color=#3E6045][size=7][b]General Rules:[/b][/size][/color][/font] [LIST] [*]Please wait for me to confirm your order before sending fodder payment to catchers. I'll work on your order once you paid in full. [*]I preserve the right to decline order. [*]While I can do horror elements, it has to follow FR rules. [*]You are allowed to use my art inside and outside of FR for personal use. External credit to me are welcomed but not required. However, don't claim credit nor remove my signature. [*]Do not use my art for commercial usage or AI training. [*]Unless agreed upon, I preserve the right to post commissioned pieces on FR and my social media. [*]In case the image hosting site failure, it's recommanded that you save your received pieces. [*]This shop is for foddart only. I am not offering commission outside of foddart as for now. [/LIST] [nextcol] [br] [br] [img alt="decor"][/img] [/columns] [center][img alt="divider"][/img][/center] [columns] [img alt="decor"][/img][nextcol] [font=Gabriola][color=#3E6045][size=7][b]Pinglist:[/b][/size][/color][/font] [pinglist=3395] @BubbleBirb @alleyes007 @Beatoriche [/columns] [br] [center][img alt="divider"][/img][/center]
Title card of a Obelisk.
Brassica Arts

I provide dragon/gijinka/human busts, and familiar plushies!

Please post your orders in this thread, wait for my confirmation, and send payment to one of the catchers.
A bust art of an Aesther, with plants as decoration.
A bust art of a human.
Click here for more examples.
Dragon/Human Bust
400 levels

  • Coloured with shading and simple background.
  • Around 600*900 px in size.
  • I can do apparels/skins/accents for dragon busts, though simplifications/stylization may occur.
  • I can do body-altering skins.
  • I can put apparels on your ancient dragons, just give me a scry on a modern breed and I'll put them on.
  • I can't do complex mechas (It won't look good).
  • I'll send you WIPs for approval. I'll continue working if you don't reply in two days.
  • Five (5) slots available.

Order Form:
@BrassicaOracle [b]Art type:[/b] Dragon/Gijinka/Human Bust [b]Reference:[/b] Link to the dragon/reference piece(s). [b]Description:[/b] A short description about your model's personality, and what kind of expression they are having, etc. [b]Other request:[/b] If you have other requests regarding the art, please let me know.


Banner of several familiar plushies, with a needle holder, sewing line, and scissors in the front.
3HNmwYH.png Familiar Plushie
55-25 Levels
(See below for more information)

  • Coloured flat with transparent background.
  • 200*200 px, comes with 100*100 px resize (suitable for signature)
  • I can do any kind of FR familiar. I also do apparel familiars and food item that's too cute to eat (see "others" tab in completed familiar spreadsheet.)
  • Unlimited slots.
  • This is a list of completed familiars.
    • Familiar not on this list costs 55 levels.
    • Recolor version of completed familiar (or the same order) costs 35 levels.
    • Completed familiar costs 20 levels.
    • Dynamic familiars' pricing depends on the difference between phases.
    • The arts are accumulated throughout the years, some of my older art (higher on the list) might have lower quality than the newer ones.
Order Form:
@BrassicaOracle [b]Art type:[/b] Familiar plushie [b]Name of the familiar(s):[/b] [b]Other request:[/b] If you have other requests regarding the art, please let me know

  • mngwa (False Sphinx, King Quillrunner, Light Gryphon, Longhorn Capricat, Magpie Sphinx, Parda, Velvet Floracat, Snowy Owlynx)
  • treesapperson (Radiant Flutterbun, Marbled Serpenta, Springfoot Bilworper, Hydra)
  • Sonoch (Stonewatch Prince, Hawksbill Goliath, Crystalhide Jester, Crystalplate Stinger)
  • IndigoStarshine (Melon Squrimscoot)
  • Satirates (Crystalplate Stinger, Dwarf Unicorn, Otherworldly Aura)
  • bubbaberriboo (strawberry noggle, cosmo gecko, flutterbun, petalwing peryton, plumed springtail, runeback slink, teardrop owlynx)
  • bredloaf (spiffy sphinx)

General Rules:
  • Please wait for me to confirm your order before sending fodder payment to catchers. I'll work on your order once you paid in full.
  • I preserve the right to decline order.
  • While I can do horror elements, it has to follow FR rules.
  • You are allowed to use my art inside and outside of FR for personal use. External credit to me are welcomed but not required. However, don't claim credit nor remove my signature.
  • Do not use my art for commercial usage or AI training.
  • Unless agreed upon, I preserve the right to post commissioned pieces on FR and my social media.
  • In case the image hosting site failure, it's recommanded that you save your received pieces.
  • This shop is for foddart only. I am not offering commission outside of foddart as for now.

decor Pinglist:

@BubbleBirb @alleyes007 @Beatoriche

Golden filigree of mustard flower. Used in Lost in the Woods dom event. This links to my art display thread.A silver filigree of an asphodel flower and two pairs of dragonfly wings.A plushie of an Obelisk. This link to my avatar dragon.A cicada perching on an hourglass. This link to pinglist of my foddart shop.
[center][img][/img] [size=5][b][color=#D81293]ArcanArtist: @HollowedRabbit[/color][/b][/size] [b][color=#FF78E6][size=5]Status: Closed. See you next time! Slots Available: 15[/size][/color][/b] Please send all dragons to a receiver! [img][/img] [b][color=#D81293][size=6]Waiting List: [columns][color=transparent][b][size=5]______________ [color=#FF78E6]1.) Open 2.) Open 3.) Open 4.) Open 5.) Open[nextcol][color=transparent][b][size=5]______________[color=#FF78E6] 6.) Open 7.) Open 8.) Open 9.) Open 10.) Open[nextcol][b][color=#FF78E6][size=5] 11.) Open 12.) Open 13.) Open 14.) Open 15.) Open[/columns] [/size][/color][/b] [img][/img] [size=5][b][color=#D81293]Pixel Adoptables[/color] [/b][/size]Coatl, Tundra, Skydancer, and Wildclaw breeds available! [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] You will receive the original (signature sized!) adopt as well as a 3x version. Additional sizes available on request. [img][/img] [size=7][b][color=#D81293]Pricing[/color][/b][/size] [url=]Click here for a link to all completed genes![/url][size=5][b][color=#D81293] Starting Price: 100 levels New Gene (White): +20 levels New Complex Gene (Yellow): +30 levels Resize: Free on request! New Breed*: 650 levels [/color][size=1]*I will work on new breeds when I have free time. Paying will bump it to the top of my priorities. All new breeds come with all basic genes, as well as stained and underbelly already unlocked. [img][/img] Due to the restrictions of the base, I am unable to do skins, accents, or apparel. I WILL do special eyes, and scar apparel. These come at no extra cost. [img][/img] [size=5][b][color=#D81293]Finished Pieces/Examples[/color][/b][/size][/size] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][/b][/size]

ArcanArtist: @HollowedRabbit

Status: Closed. See you next time!
Slots Available: 15

Please send all dragons to a receiver!

Waiting List:
1.) Open
2.) Open
3.) Open
4.) Open
5.) Open
6.) Open
7.) Open
8.) Open
9.) Open
10.) Open

11.) Open
12.) Open
13.) Open
14.) Open
15.) Open


Pixel Adoptables
Coatl, Tundra, Skydancer, and Wildclaw breeds available!




You will receive the original (signature sized!) adopt as well as a 3x version.
Additional sizes available on request.



Click here for a link to all completed genes!

Starting Price: 100 levels

New Gene (White): +20 levels

New Complex Gene (Yellow): +30 levels

Resize: Free on request!

New Breed*: 650 levels

*I will work on new breeds when I have free time. Paying will bump it to the top of my priorities. All new breeds come with all basic genes, as well as stained and underbelly already unlocked.

Due to the restrictions of the base, I am unable to do skins, accents, or apparel.

I WILL do special eyes, and scar apparel. These come at no extra cost.


Finished Pieces/Examples


Resource Directory
Bio Resources
Coli Food Data
Community Coloring Book
[columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=6][b][color=#E75BE8]ArcanArtist: Masq'D [/color][/size][/b] [nextcol] [img][/img][/columns] ----- [center][img][/img] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT][img][/im g] [img][/img][/color] ---- [color=#E75BE8] (Fr+2) I'm At Work From FR 3:00 - 17:00 M thru F Responses will be slower. [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [color=#936CD7][size=5]I have returned from hiatus, and was too lazy to recode this whole thing but, everything is 40 levels /(total)/ as long as I have open slots, fair? IDK yet. I may die.[/size] [size=3]Also maybe ignore the gene thing, they aren't that hard to make. xD Uh... spoons are still their normal cost because it is a flat donation.[/size][/color] [emoji=pink star size=1][size=4] Please Send All Dragon Payments My Way [emoji=pink star size=1][/size] [emoji=cat 3 size=1] After I Have Confirmed Your Order. [emoji=cat 3 size=1] [size=5][u]Please Ping Me! I'm Not Subscribed.[/u][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Available Slots: (Subject To Open/Close Based On Work Load) 1) Ema2 - [url=]Linky[/url] 2) Ema2 - [url=]Linky[/url] 3) OPEN! Fast Lane Available Slots: (Contains No Unlocks) 1) OPEN! 2) OPEN! [color=#E75BE8]Come one, come all, to the Starfall Isle’s very own Sweet Cream cart! From the Crystalspine Reaches to the Observatory, I have gathered only the finest ingredients for a perfectly delectable (and only mildly radioactive) snack. With toppings from even the fearsome Starwood Strand, my confectionary creations are sure to please your taste buds. Satisfaction guaranteed. Survival is not. Are you courageous enough to brave Arcane’s newest attempt at eating? Head onwards! [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/color] [columns] [size=4][color=#E75BE8] Here is a quick peek at our mini menu. Each ice cream scoop is styled after one of Sornieth’s majestic breeds, and each breed is coupled with a matching item carefully selected to best reflect its most outstanding characteristics. You can get a [b]single scoop[/b] with just one dragon, a [b]double scoop[/b] for two dragons – or even try the tastetastic [b]triple scoop[/b]! You are, however, advised against getting three Imperials for the same cup –[/size] [color=#E75BE8] Wait, this is Arcane. Never mind. Go for it![nextcol][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~[/color][img][/img][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~[/color] [center][b][i][color=#F59CFF]Lore Writing By The Fantastic @[url=][color=#FF99FF]MythicalViper[/url][/i][/b][/columns] [img][/img] [center] [img][/img] (Additional Dragon(s) Are Equal To Half The Cost Of The Base!) [img][/img] [center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]1[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]2[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]3[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]4[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]5[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]6[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]7[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]8[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]9[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url][/columns][/center] [img][/img] [center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]1[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]2[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]3[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]4[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]5[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]6[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]7[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]8[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]9[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url][/columns][/center] [img][/img] [center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]1[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]2[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]3[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]4[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]5[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]6[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]7[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]8[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]9[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url][/columns][/center] [img][/img] [center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]1[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]2[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]3[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img] [/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]4[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]5[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]6[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]7[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]8[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]9[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url][/columns][/center][/center] [center][size=5][b]New Bases/Styles Are Added Regularly![/b][/size] [color=#909090]Ask About My Pinglist For Updates. ^^[/color][/center] [left][left][b]† Converse Rule:[/b][LIST] [*]Please Choose A Colour For Yellow Area From FR colours or a Hex Code. [*]Tertiary genes will be treated like decals similar to a real converse. [*][b][url=][color=#000000]|[/color][color=#936CD7][u]Luna's Bio[/u][/color][color=#000000]|[/color][/url][/b] Contains futher reference.[/LIST][/left][/left] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=5][b][color=#E75BE8]Got An Idea For A New Base? [/b][/size] If You Sponsor A New Base, Add-ons For The Order Are Half Price! (Includes Things Like Apparel, Toppings, Etc.) [size=5][b][color=#E75BE8]See A Gene On This List That's Not Available Yet? [/b][/size] If You Sponsor A New Gene Orders For Multiple Dragons Are Accepted At Base Cost! [emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=pink gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=black gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=pink gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=black gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=pink gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=black gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1] [size=5][b][color=#E75BE8]Get A Spoon To Eat You Sweet Cream[/b][/size] [i][u][b]All Levels[/b] Received From Spoon Purchases[/u] Are Donated To Help Fund Future Arcane Events![/i] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=pink gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=black gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=pink gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=black gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=pink gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=black gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] (Free Item Does Not Have To Match Breed! [s]It's Legacy Art[/s]) [img][/img] [img][/img] [emoji=cat 3 size=1] [size=5][b][u]House Cup Creamies[/u] ([u]Base[/u])[/b][/size] [emoji=cat 3 size=1] [i]Only Available: During House Cup Week[/i] [b][size=4]Cost: +30 Levels[/size][/b] [center][img][/img][/center] [left]Customizations & Options: [list][*][b](Starseeker)[/b] - Customizable Plant Colours. [*] [b](Dreamstrider)[/b] - Custom Ribbon Colours (Or Ombre). [*] [b](Runesworn)[/b] - Custom Colour Background Portal. [Not Pictured] [*] [b](Shatterspell)[/b] - Colour Custom Magical Energy. [/LIST][/left] [img][/img] [b]Scenes Will Be Added In The Custom Section As I Complete Them, But Can Be Sponsored For [i]10 Levels[/i]![/b] [img][/img] [b]Gaolers Would Look Good With Hats! [/b] [color=#909090]~The trick is convincing them not to bite you when you put it on.~[/color] [img][/img] [b]Now Offering [u]Non-Temporary[/u] Tattoos![/b] [color=#909090]Yesterday I went to a temporary tattoo parlour and got a tattoo. But it wouldn’t wash off this morning, so I went back to complain. But the tattoo parlour wasn’t there.[/color] [img][/img] [img][/img] [color=#E75BE8][emoji=pink star size=1] [B][size=4]Custom Items/Genes Request:[/size][/B] [emoji=pink star size=1] Designs That Have Been Accepted Will Be Given Their Own Section Under Ancient Genes. These Items Are Bribe; So It's A Within Reason PWYW ~ Candy-Gore / Yami-Kawaii / Visual Kei / Lolita Are My Jam! ~ [indent][color=#E75BE8]So Kuddos If You're Into That Just Sayin'. ^^[/indent] [color=#909090]Required To Send A Reference For Me To Work With. n.n;;[/color] [color=#e50099][u]As Always All Requests Must Still Follow Flight Risings, PG-13 Rule.[/u][/color] [img][/img] [columns][img][/img] [color=#E75BE8] [img][/img] [size=5][color=#E75BE8][b][u]Drizzle[/u][/b][/size] Choose Any 3 Of Flight Risings Colours [Color=transparent]~~~~~~~~~~~~[/color] [img][/img] [size=5][color=#E75BE8][b][u]Toppings[/u][/b][/size] Avalible Items Are: [Color=transparent]~~~~~~~~~~~~[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [img][/img] [color=#E75BE8] [emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=pink gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=black gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=pink gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=black gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=pink gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=black gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1] [img][/img] [size=4][b]Need some help deciding which faces your dragons will make?[/b][/size] I doodled this Lil' thing this morning! [color=#E75BE8]If these aren't to your liking there is also this: [b][url=][color=#000000]|[/color][color=#936CD7][u]Resource[/u][/color][color=#000000]|[/color][/url][/b] [img][/img] [b]Special Note: [/b] Most of the kaomoji/emoticon faces don't work on FR. D: I provided a link to a google doc that you can edit called: [b][url=][color=#000000]|[/color][color=#936CD7]"[u]The Place To Drop A Face![/u]"[/color][color=#000000]|[/color][/url][/b] Where you can send them if you want, please just let me know in your order form that you did. (Also please don't mess up the header,, it took me like 45 seconds to make it this morning lol. <3 [b][size=4][color=#E75BE8]Ready? Then let me take your order. [/size][/b] [COLOR=#9C9C9C](Feel Free To Ask For Pricing Help!)[/color] [/center] [Quote="Order Form"][left] [B]Dragon(s):[/B] [B]Spoon[/B] (Random) (Custom) (Holo Glitter) [B]Eye Type For The Cup:[/b] [B]Theme Centric Specialty Item:[/B] Garden With Me (Base) [B]Toppings:[/b] (Drizzle) (Item Name) [B]Preferred Apparel Request:[/B] (Link A Dragon Or Scrying/Dressing Room) [B]Kaomoji / Kawaii Emotion:[/B] [B]Skins/Accent Request:[/B] [B]Custom Items/Genes Request:[/B] (If No Request Type No)[/left] [/Quote] [center] [b][color=#e50099]Everything Below This Line You Don't Have To Read[/b] [img][/img] [CENTER] [COLOR=#9C9C9C]Dimmed Genes Haven’t Be Unlocked Yet.[/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE=5][B][color=#F59CFF]M[/COLOR][color=#EF9CFF]O[/COLOR][color=#E99CFF]D[/COLOR][color=#E49CFF]E[/COLOR][color=#DE9CFF]R[/COLOR][color=#D89CFF]N[/COLOR] [color=#C9A5FF]G[/COLOR][color=#C0AEFF]E[/COLOR][color=#B7B8FF]N[/COLOR][color=#AEC1FF]E[/COLOR][color=#9CD4FF]S[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLUMNS][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~[/COLOR] [COLOR=#F59CFF]| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~[/COLOR] [NEXTCOL] [CENTER][SIZE=5][COLOR=#F59CFF][B][U]PRIMARY[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [SIZE=3][COLOR=#F59CFF][COLOR=#9C9C9C]BAR[/COLOR] BASIC [COLOR=#9C9C9C]CHERUB[/color] CLOWN [COLOR=#9C9C9C]CRYSTAL[/color] FADE [COLOR=#9C9C9C]FALCON GIRAFFE[/color] IRIDESCENT [COLOR=#9C9C9C]JAGUAR JUPITER LACED LEOPARD LIONFISH METALLIC PETALS PIEBALD[/COLOR] PINSTRIPE [COLOR=#9C9C9C]POISON PYTHON RIPPLE[/color] SAVANNAH [COLOR=#9C9C9C]SKINK SLIME[/color] SPECKLE [COLOR=#9C9C9C]STARMAP TAPIR TIGER [COLOR=#9C9C9C]VIPERA[/color] WASP[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [NEXTCOL][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=#F59CFF]| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [NEXTCOL][COLOR=#D39CFF] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL] [CENTER][SIZE=5][COLOR=#D39CFF][B][U]SECONDARY[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [SIZE=3][COLOR=#D39CFF][COLOR=#9C9C9C]ALLOY[/COLOR] BASIC BEE BLEND [COLOR=#9C9C9C]BUTTERFLY CLOUDED[/color] CONSTELLATION [COLOR=#9C9C9C]CURRENT DAUB EDGED[/COLOR] EYE SPOTS [COLOR=#9C9C9C]FACET FRECKLE HEX HYPNOTIC MORPH NOXTIDE PAINT PEREGRINE ROSETTE[/COLOR] SAFARI SATURN[COLOR=#9C9C9C] SERAPH[/COLOR] SHIMMER [COLOR=#9C9C9C]SLUDGE SPINNER[/COLOR] STRIATION STRIPES [COLOR=#9C9C9C]TOXIN[/COLOR] TRAIL[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [NEXTCOL][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=#D39CFF]| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [NEXTCOL][COLOR=#9CD4FF] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~[/COLOR] [NEXTCOL] [CENTER][SIZE=5][COLOR=#9CD4FF][B][U]TERTIARY[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [COLOR=#9CD4FF]BASIC [COLOR=#9C9C9C]CAPSULE CIRCUIT[/COLOR] CONTOUR CRACKLE[COLOR=#9C9C9C] FILIGREE[/COLOR] FIREFLY [COLOR=#9C9C9C]GEMBOND[/COLOR] GHOST GLIMMER [COLOR=#9C9C9C]LACE OKAPI OPAL PEACOCK RINGLETS[/color] RUNES[COLOR=#9C9C9C] SCALES SMIRCH SMOKE[/COLOR] SPINES STAINED [COLOR=#9C9C9C]THYLACINE[/COLOR] UNDERBELLY VEINED[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [NEXTCOL][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=#9CD4FF] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [/COLOR] [NEXTCOL] [/COLUMNS][/CENTER] ----- [CENTER][SIZE=5][B][COLOR=#F59CFF]A[/COLOR][COLOR=#EF9CFF]N[/COLOR][COLOR=#E99CFF]C[/COLOR][COLOR=#E49CFF]I[/COLOR][COLOR=#DE9CFF]E[/COLOR][COLOR=#D89CFF]N[/COLOR][COLOR=#D39CFF]T[/COLOR][COLOR=#D39CFF] [/COLOR][COLOR=#C8A6FF]G[/COLOR][COLOR=#BEB1FF]E[/COLOR][COLOR=#B3BCFF]N[/COLOR][COLOR=#A9C6FF]E[/COLOR][COLOR=#94DCFF]S[/COLOR] [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [COLUMNS][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~[/COLOR] [COLOR=#F59CFF]| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~[/COLOR] [NEXTCOL][CENTER][SIZE=5][COLOR=#F59CFF][B][U]PRIMARY[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [SIZE=3][COLOR=#F59CFF][COLOR=#9C9C9C](G) BAR[/COLOR] (G/B) BASIC [COLOR=#9C9C9C](B) CANDYCANE (B) CHERUB (B) CHEVRON (G) CRYSTAL (G) FALCON (G) GIRAFFE (G/B) JAGUAR (B) LACED (B) MARBLE (B) METALLIC (G) MOSAIC (B) PETALS (G) PHANTOM (G) PIEBALD[/COLOR] (G/B) PINSTRIPE [COLOR=#9C9C9C](B) POISON (B) RAGGED[/COLOR] (B) SAVANNAH [COLOR=#9C9C9C](G) SHAGGY (B) SKINK[/COLOR] (G) TAPIR (G) TIGER (G) WASP [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [NEXTCOL][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=#F59CFF]| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [NEXTCOL][COLOR=#D39CFF] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL] [CENTER][SIZE=5][COLOR=#D39CFF][B][U]SECONDARY[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [SIZE=3][COLOR=#D39CFF][COLOR=#9C9C9C](B) ALLOY (B) ARROW[/COLOR] (G/B) BASIC (G) BEE [COLOR=#9C9C9C](G) BREAKUP (B) BUTTERFLY (G) DAUB (B) EDGED (G) FACET (G) HEX (B) MOTTLE (G) PAINT (G) PEREGRINE (G/B) ROSETTE[/COLOR] (B) SAFARI [COLOR=#9C9C9C](B) SERAPH (B) SPINNER (G) SPIRIT (G) STREAK[/COLOR] (G) STRIATION [COLOR=#9C9C9C](G/B) STRIPES (B) SUGARPLUM (B) TEAR (B) TOXIN[/COLOR] (G/B) TRAIL [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [NEXTCOL][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=#D39CFF]| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [/COLOR] [NEXTCOL][COLOR=#9CD4FF] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~[/COLOR] [NEXTCOL][CENTER][SIZE=5][COLOR=#9CD4FF][B][U]TERTIARY[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [COLOR=#9CD4FF](G/B) BASIC (G) BLOSSOM (B) CONTOUR [COLOR=#9C9C9C](B) CRACKLE (G/B) FANS (B) FILIGREE[/COLOR] (G/B) GHOST [COLOR=#9C9C9C](G) GNARLHORNS (B) LACE (G) OPAL (B) PLUMAGE (B) PORCUPINE (G/B) RINGLETS (G) RUNES (G) SCORPION (G) SHARDFLANK (B) SKELETAL (G) SMOKE (B) SQUIGGLE (G) THYLACINE (B) TRIMMINGS[/COLOR] (G/B) UNDERBELLY (G) VEINED [COLOR=#9C9C9C](G) WEATHERED[/COLOR] (G) WINTERCOAT [COLOR=#9C9C9C](B) WRAITH[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] [NEXTCOL][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=#94DCFF] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [/COLOR] [NEXTCOL][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~[/COLOR] [/COLUMNS][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=5][B][color=#F59CFF]C[/COLOR][color=#EF9CFF]U[/COLOR][color=#E99CFF]S[/COLOR][color=#E49CFF]T[/COLOR][color=#DE9CFF]O[/COLOR][color=#D89CFF]M[/COLOR] [color=#C9A5FF]S[/COLOR][color=#C0AEFF]T[/COLOR][color=#B7B8FF]Y[/COLOR][color=#AEC1FF]L[/COLOR][color=#A5CAFF]E[/COLOR][color=#9CD4FF]S[/COLOR][/b][/size] [LIST][*][color=e75be8]Emperor Frame (Only Received When Ordering 3 Imperials): [b][url=][color=#000000]|[/color][color=#936CD7][u]Here[/u][/color][color=#000000]|[/color][/url][/b] [*][color=e75be8]Friendship Bracelet: [b][url=][color=#000000]|[/color][color=#936CD7][u]Here[/u][/color][color=#000000]|[/color][/url][/b] [/LIST] ----- [CENTER][SIZE=4][color=#E75BE8]Will Be Accepted On A Case By Case Basis:[/Size] [COLOR=#e50099]| Skin | Accents | Random Patterns | [/CENTER][emoji=pink gem size=1]
ArcanArtist: Masq'D

[img][/im g][/img]Online.png

(Fr+2) I'm At Work From FR 3:00 - 17:00 M thru F
Responses will be slower.


I have returned from hiatus, and was too lazy to recode this whole thing but, everything is 40 levels /(total)/ as long as I have open slots, fair? IDK yet. I may die.
Also maybe ignore the gene thing, they aren't that hard to make. xD
Uh... spoons are still their normal cost because it is a flat donation.

Please Send All Dragon Payments My Way
After I Have Confirmed Your Order.

Please Ping Me! I'm Not Subscribed.


Available Slots: (Subject To Open/Close Based On Work Load)
1) Ema2 - Linky
2) Ema2 - Linky
3) OPEN!

Fast Lane Available Slots: (Contains No Unlocks)
1) OPEN!
2) OPEN!

Come one, come all, to the Starfall Isle’s very own Sweet Cream cart! From the Crystalspine Reaches to the Observatory, I have gathered only the finest ingredients for a perfectly delectable (and only mildly radioactive) snack. With toppings from even the fearsome Starwood Strand, my confectionary creations are sure to please your taste buds. Satisfaction guaranteed. Survival is not.

Are you courageous enough to brave Arcane’s newest attempt at eating?
Head onwards!

Here is a quick peek at our mini menu. Each ice cream scoop is styled after one of Sornieth’s majestic breeds, and each breed is coupled with a matching item carefully selected to best reflect its most outstanding characteristics.
You can get a single scoop with just one dragon, a double scoop for two dragons – or even try the tastetastic triple scoop!
You are, however, advised against getting three Imperials for the same cup –

Wait, this is Arcane. Never mind. Go for it!
Lore Writing By The Fantastic @MythicalViper

(Additional Dragon(s) Are Equal To Half The Cost Of The Base!)
Single.png 1One-Micro.png 2Two-Micro.png 3Three-Micro.png
4Four-Micro.png 5Five-Micro.png 6Six-Micro.png
7Seven-Micro.png 8Eight-Micro.png 9Nine-Micro.png
Double.png 1Falling-Micro.png 2Mouser-Micro.png 3Push-Micro.png
4Slide-Micro.png 5Stacked-Micro.png 6Two-Face-Micro.png
[url=][ color=#000000]7[img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000]8[img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000]9[img][/img][/url]
Triple.png 1Jump-Micro.png 2Oops-Micro.png 3Standard-Micro.png
4Tall-Micro.png 5Trifecta-Micro.png [url=][ color=#000000]6[img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000]7[img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000]8[img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000]9[img][/img][/url]
Converse.png 1Charge-Micro.png 2Jump-Rope-Micro.png 3Pagent-Micro.png
4Spray-Micro.png [url=][ color=#000000]5[img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000]6[img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000]7[img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000]8[img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000]9[img][/img][/url]
New Bases/Styles Are Added Regularly!
Ask About My Pinglist For Updates. ^^
† Converse Rule:
  • Please Choose A Colour For Yellow Area From FR colours or a Hex Code.
  • Tertiary genes will be treated like decals similar to a real converse.
  • |Luna's Bio| Contains futher reference.


Got An Idea For A New Base?
If You Sponsor A New Base, Add-ons For The Order Are Half Price!
(Includes Things Like Apparel, Toppings, Etc.)

See A Gene On This List That's Not Available Yet?
If You Sponsor A New Gene
Orders For Multiple Dragons Are Accepted At Base Cost!

Get A Spoon To Eat You Sweet Cream
All Levels Received From Spoon Purchases
Are Donated To Help Fund Future Arcane Events!







(Free Item Does Not Have To Match Breed! It's Legacy Art)

House Cup Creamies (Base)
Only Available: During House Cup Week
Cost: +30 Levels
Customizations & Options:
  • (Starseeker) - Customizable Plant Colours.
  • (Dreamstrider) - Custom Ribbon Colours (Or Ombre).
  • (Runesworn) - Custom Colour Background Portal. [Not Pictured]
  • (Shatterspell) - Colour Custom Magical Energy.

Scenes Will Be Added In The Custom Section As I Complete Them, But Can Be Sponsored For 10 Levels!

Gaolers Would Look Good With Hats!
~The trick is convincing them not to bite you when you put it on.~

Now Offering Non-Temporary Tattoos!
Yesterday I went to a temporary tattoo parlour and got a tattoo.
But it wouldn’t wash off this morning, so I went back to complain.
But the tattoo parlour wasn’t there.

Custom Items/Genes Request:
Designs That Have Been Accepted Will Be Given
Their Own Section Under Ancient Genes.

These Items Are Bribe; So It's A Within Reason PWYW
~ Candy-Gore / Yami-Kawaii / Visual Kei / Lolita Are My Jam! ~
So Kuddos If You're Into That Just Sayin'. ^^

Required To Send A Reference For Me To Work With. n.n;;
As Always All Requests Must Still Follow Flight Risings, PG-13 Rule.


Choose Any 3 Of Flight Risings Colours

Avalible Items Are:



Need some help deciding which faces your dragons will make?
I doodled this Lil' thing this morning!
If these aren't to your liking there is also this: |Resource|

Special Note: Most of the kaomoji/emoticon faces don't work on FR. D:
I provided a link to a google doc that you can edit called:
|"The Place To Drop A Face!"|
Where you can send them if you want, please just let me know in your order form that you did. (Also please don't mess up the header,, it took me like 45 seconds to make it this morning lol. <3

Ready? Then let me take your order.
(Feel Free To Ask For Pricing Help!)
Order Form wrote:
Spoon (Random) (Custom) (Holo Glitter)
Eye Type For The Cup:
Theme Centric Specialty Item: Garden With Me (Base)
Toppings: (Drizzle) (Item Name)
Preferred Apparel Request: (Link A Dragon Or Scrying/Dressing Room)
Kaomoji / Kawaii Emotion:
Skins/Accent Request:
Custom Items/Genes Request: (If No Request Type No)

Everything Below This Line You Don't Have To Read
Dimmed Genes Haven’t Be Unlocked Yet.
~~~ ~~~~





~~ |







~~ |









~~~ ~~~




~~ |






~~ |





  • Emperor Frame (Only Received When Ordering 3 Imperials): |Here|
  • Friendship Bracelet: |Here|

Will Be Accepted On A Case By Case Basis:
| Skin | Accents | Random Patterns |
[img][/img] [columns] [img][/img] [pinglist=6379] [nextcol][color=transparent]___[/color][nextcol] [font=Gabriola][color=#435905][size=7][b]Neptunelycan[/b] [/size][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=5] Welcome! I offer sketches and coloured dragon busts. Steps to get my art: 1. Send an order in this thread 2. Wait for my confirmation 3. Send dragons to any [url=]catcher [/url] 4. Art!![emoji=imperial love size=1][/size][/font] [/columns] [font=Gabriola][color=#435905][size=6][b]General Info/Guidelines[/b][/size][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=5] [LIST] [*]Only open during Foddart so please only order through WSC thread. [*]Please send fodder dragons to [url=]catchers [/url]after I've confirmed your order. [*]An initial sketch will be sent for confirmation. [*]My art is only for Personal use. Please don't claim my art as your own. I love it when you give me credit! [*]May take several days to a month to complete each art piece. Thanks for being patient! [*]These will also be posted on FR and my social media unless prior arrangements. [*]Unsure if I can draw it? Feel free to ask! [/LIST] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Gabriola][color=#435905][size=7][b]Mini headshots[/b][/size][/color][/font] (New! Still experimenting) [font=Century Gothic][size=4] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [LIST] [*]Mini Colour headshots of your dragon (150px by 150px) with/without background [*]90 levels [*]FR Dragons only (negotiable for non-FR Dragons/Creatures) [*]Complex apparel, genes and skins/accents will be simplified or not included. Please mention if you want specific apparel/skins to show and I'll see what can be done. [/columns] [/LIST] [b]Slots: [/b](will increase as we go) [img][/img] Sonoch [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Finished: [url=][img alt="teddy2008's Hemlock"][/img][/url][url=][img alt="ClovenHeart's Leif"][/img][/url][url=][img alt="GrimmDayDream's Keay"][/img][/url] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Gabriola][color=#435905][size=7][b]Custom sketches[/b][/size][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=4] [LIST] [*]Pen/pencil-style sketch of your dragon on a plain or notebook paper background [*]300 levels for Dragon bust[s] | 400 levels for Full dragon[/s] [*]Fits forum/dragon bio/profiles (1000px by 1000px). May not be suitable for smaller resizing due to quality drops. [*]FR Dragons only (negotiable for non-FR Dragons/Creatures) [*]Complex apparel, genes and skins/accents will be simplified. [*]Can add 1 accent colour for free [*]All will come with your dragon's name and my artist sign. [/LIST] [b]Slots: [/b](will increase as we go) [img][/img] BrassicaOracle [img][/img] [left][font=Gabriola][size=6][color=#435905][b]Dragon Bust Example[/b][/color][/size][/font][/left] [img alt="Dragon Bust Sketch of Cyllene"][/img] [right]See [b][url=]here [/url][/b]for more examples[/right] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Gabriola][color=#435905][size=7][b]Coloured Dragon Bust[/b][/size][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=4] [LIST] [*]600 levels [*]Fits forum/dragon bio/profiles (1000px by 1000px). May not be suitable for smaller resizing due to quality drops. [*]FR dragons only [*]Can include 1 familiar [*]Complex apparel, genes and skins/accents will be simplified. [*]All will come with your dragon's name and my artist sign. [/LIST] [b]Slots: [/b](will increase as we go) [img][/img] [img][/img] [left][font=Gabriola][size=6][color=#435905][b]Coloured Bust Example[/b][/color][/size][/font][/left] [img alt="Coloured Bust of Toira"][/img] [right]See [b][url=]here [/url][/b]for more examples[/right] [img][/img] [center][font=Gabriola][size=7][color=#435905][b]Order Form:[/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [code]@Neptunelycan [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Type of art:[/b] Dragon Bust Sketch / Full Dragon Sketch / Coloured Dragon Bust? [b]Idea/concept (if any):[/b]Lore? Personality? Or total creative freedom? We can discuss further if needed ^^ [/code]

___ Neptunelycan

Welcome! I offer sketches and coloured dragon busts.

Steps to get my art:
1. Send an order in this thread
2. Wait for my confirmation
3. Send dragons to any catcher
4. Art!!

General Info/Guidelines
  • Only open during Foddart so please only order through WSC thread.
  • Please send fodder dragons to catchers after I've confirmed your order.
  • An initial sketch will be sent for confirmation.
  • My art is only for Personal use. Please don't claim my art as your own. I love it when you give me credit!
  • May take several days to a month to complete each art piece. Thanks for being patient!
  • These will also be posted on FR and my social media unless prior arrangements.
  • Unsure if I can draw it? Feel free to ask!
Mini headshots (New! Still experimenting)

  • Mini Colour headshots of your dragon (150px by 150px) with/without background
  • 90 levels
  • FR Dragons only (negotiable for non-FR Dragons/Creatures)
  • Complex apparel, genes and skins/accents will be simplified or not included. Please mention if you want specific apparel/skins to show and I'll see what can be done.

Slots: (will increase as we go)
vtaloFv.png Sonoch

teddy2008's HemlockClovenHeart's LeifGrimmDayDream's Keay
Custom sketches

  • Pen/pencil-style sketch of your dragon on a plain or notebook paper background
  • 300 levels for Dragon bust | 400 levels for Full dragon
  • Fits forum/dragon bio/profiles (1000px by 1000px). May not be suitable for smaller resizing due to quality drops.
  • FR Dragons only (negotiable for non-FR Dragons/Creatures)
  • Complex apparel, genes and skins/accents will be simplified.
  • Can add 1 accent colour for free
  • All will come with your dragon's name and my artist sign.
Slots: (will increase as we go)
vtaloFv.png BrassicaOracle
Dragon Bust Example
Dragon Bust Sketch of Cyllene
See here for more examples
Coloured Dragon Bust

  • 600 levels
  • Fits forum/dragon bio/profiles (1000px by 1000px). May not be suitable for smaller resizing due to quality drops.
  • FR dragons only
  • Can include 1 familiar
  • Complex apparel, genes and skins/accents will be simplified.
  • All will come with your dragon's name and my artist sign.
Slots: (will increase as we go)
Coloured Bust Example
Coloured Bust of Toira
See here for more examples
Order Form:
@Neptunelycan [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Type of art:[/b] Dragon Bust Sketch / Full Dragon Sketch / Coloured Dragon Bust? [b]Idea/concept (if any):[/b]Lore? Personality? Or total creative freedom? We can discuss further if needed ^^
O69yB2l.png hcutDzo.png
[center][font=Gabriola][color=#435905][size=7][b]Kieren's Doodles[/b][/size][/color][/font][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]___[/color][nextcol] [font=Century Gothic][size=5]To order please: [img][/img] Fill the form below and post it in this thread. [img][/img] Wait for me to confirm your order. [img][/img] Send the payment to me via 1t PAs. [img][/img] Once I finish I'll DM you the finished piece![/size][/font] [/columns] [center][font=Gabriola][color=#435905][size=7][b]Colored dragon doodles[/b][/size][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=4] For [b]350 levels[/b] I will doodle your dragon![/center] [center][font=Gabriola][size=7][color=#435905][b]Examples:[/b][/color][/size][/font] [img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Gabriola][size=7][color=#435905][b]Order Form:[/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [code]@Kieren [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Additional notes:[/b] [/code] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Gabriola][size=7][color=#435905][b]Slots:[/b][/color][/size][/font][/center][columns] [color=transparent]_____________________[/color][nextcol] [img][/img] stormdrink [img][/img] teddy2008 [img][/img] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_____________________[/color] [/columns]
Kieren's Doodles
5nvVhom.png ___ To order please:

gc4lCAQ.png Fill the form below and post it in this thread.
xSjIuDb.png Wait for me to confirm your order.
gc4lCAQ.png Send the payment to me via 1t PAs.
xSjIuDb.png Once I finish I'll DM you the finished piece!

Colored dragon doodles

For 350 levels I will doodle your dragon!

Order Form:
@Kieren [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Additional notes:[/b]
_____________________ gc4lCAQ.png stormdrink
xSjIuDb.png teddy2008
SEAq1Fd.png FR+9
[center][img][/img] [font=Gabriola][color=#435905][size=7][emoji=purple gem size=1][b]Meowdy ny'all! [/b][/size][/color][/font][emoji=four leaf clover size=1] [img][/img] I'm offering Hatchling YCHs! There is a new YCH specific to this push, and there's my tried-and-true Sleepy Aether Baby YCH. [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=5][b]How to order: [/size][/b] [LIST=1] [*]Reply to this thread and ping me with the order form and your scry/dragon. [*]I’ll reply to confirm the details and pricing. [*]You send the levelled dragons me. Once I confirm that the payment has been received in full, I'll put you on the Waitlist below. The dragons will then all be exalted, to preserve lair space. [*]I start work on the art: turnaround time is predicted to be 1-3 days. (More time for fully-gened, less for Simple.) [*]I post your art to the thread, and if you like, I can email you the high-rez file. [/LIST] [center][img][/img] [center][font=Gabriola][color=#602a5c ][size=7][u][b]ArcNat 2024 Hatchlings[/b][/u][/size][/color][/font] [img][/img] [font=Gabriola][color=#435905][size=7][b]Pricing: [emoji=treasure size=1] This YCH is 180 levels flat! As a special, for Nature and Arcane folks, I will take payment in gems or treasure at a rate of 200g/kt. I will only do very easy coloring schemes, listed below: [/b][/size][/font][/color] Primaries: Basic, Fade(you can request any 2-3 colors to gradient), Piebald Secondaries:Basic, Blend(you can request any 2-3 colors to gradient), Paint Tertiaries: Basic, Firefly, Points, Sparkle, Stained, Underbelly [font=Gabriola][size=7][color=#435905][b]Order Form for ArcNat 2024 YCH:[/b][/color][/size][/font] [code]@bluecrysto [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Aether Primary colors:[/b] [b]Aether Secondary colors:[/b] [b]Aether Tert colors:[/b] [b]Aether Eye details:[/b] [b]Aether Teeth and claw colors:[/b] [b]Additional color details/tweaks, no line-breaking please:[/b] [b]Aether Hatchling image/scry and link:[/b] [b]Auraboa Primary colors:[/b] [b]Auraboa Secondary colors:[/b] [b]Auraboa Tert colors:[/b] [b]Auraboa Eye details:[/b] [b]Auraboa Teeth and claw colors:[/b] [b]Additional color details/tweaks, no line-breaking please:[/b] [b]Auraboa Hatchling image/scry and link:[/b] [/code] [/center] [center][img][/img] [center][font=Gabriola][color=#602a5c ][size=7][u][b]Sleepy Aether Baby[/b][/u][/size][/color][/font] [img][/img] [img][/img] [font=Gabriola][color=#435905][size=7][b]Pricing: [emoji=treasure size=1] All YCHs start at 200 levels. [/b][/size][/font][/color] [color=#435905][u]All simple and/or ready-made genes: [/u]free. See below: [/color] Simple/ready-made genes: [u]Primaries:[/u] Bar, Basic, Cinder, Fade, Flaunt, Piebald, Spool, Stitched, Twinkle [u]Secondaries:[/u]Basic, Blend, Flair, Foam, Morphy, Paint, Spinner, Thread [u]Tertiaries: [/u] Basic, Contour, Flutter, Lace, Monarch, Points, Smirch, Smoke, Space, Sparkle, Stained, Starfall, Underbelly [color=#435905] [u]All other genes:[/u] add 160 levels each, but linebreaking genes will add 250 levels. You’ll be the sponsor for these genes! [/color] For example, this piece would have cost 570 levels with its 3 new genes including one linebreaker: (Cinder, Spinner, Stinger) [img][/img] …If I hadn’t created it as an example. Now those genes are free, you’re welcome![emoji=aether winking size=1] [font=Gabriola][size=7][color=#435905][b]Order Form for Sleepy Aether Baby:[/b][/color][/size][/font] [code]@bluecrysto [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]List of desired genes:[/b] [b]Hatchling image/scry and link:[/b] [b]Teeth and claw colors:[/b] [b]Tongue and toebeans colors:[/b] [b]Additional color details/tweaks, no line-breaking please:[/b] [/code] [/center] [center][img][/img] Waitlist/Slots: [img alt=""][/img]1. Teddy2008 ArcNat [img alt=""][/img]2. AstralCrescent ArcNat [img alt=""][/img]3. [img alt=""][/img]4. [img alt=""][/img]5. [img][/img] [/center]

Meowdy ny'all!

I'm offering Hatchling YCHs! There is a new YCH specific to this push, and there's my tried-and-true Sleepy Aether Baby YCH.



How to order:
  1. Reply to this thread and ping me with the order form and your scry/dragon.
  2. I’ll reply to confirm the details and pricing.
  3. You send the levelled dragons me. Once I confirm that the payment has been received in full, I'll put you on the Waitlist below. The dragons will then all be exalted, to preserve lair space.
  4. I start work on the art: turnaround time is predicted to be 1-3 days. (More time for fully-gened, less for Simple.)
  5. I post your art to the thread, and if you like, I can email you the high-rez file.
ArcNat 2024 Hatchlings


This YCH is 180 levels flat! As a special, for Nature and Arcane folks, I will take payment in gems or treasure at a rate of 200g/kt.
I will only do very easy coloring schemes, listed below:

Primaries: Basic, Fade(you can request any 2-3 colors to gradient), Piebald
Secondaries:Basic, Blend(you can request any 2-3 colors to gradient), Paint
Tertiaries: Basic, Firefly, Points, Sparkle, Stained, Underbelly

Order Form for ArcNat 2024 YCH:
@bluecrysto [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Aether Primary colors:[/b] [b]Aether Secondary colors:[/b] [b]Aether Tert colors:[/b] [b]Aether Eye details:[/b] [b]Aether Teeth and claw colors:[/b] [b]Additional color details/tweaks, no line-breaking please:[/b] [b]Aether Hatchling image/scry and link:[/b] [b]Auraboa Primary colors:[/b] [b]Auraboa Secondary colors:[/b] [b]Auraboa Tert colors:[/b] [b]Auraboa Eye details:[/b] [b]Auraboa Teeth and claw colors:[/b] [b]Additional color details/tweaks, no line-breaking please:[/b] [b]Auraboa Hatchling image/scry and link:[/b]
Sleepy Aether Baby



All YCHs start at 200 levels.

All simple and/or ready-made genes: free. See below:

Simple/ready-made genes:
Primaries: Bar, Basic, Cinder, Fade, Flaunt, Piebald, Spool, Stitched, Twinkle
Secondaries:Basic, Blend, Flair, Foam, Morphy, Paint, Spinner, Thread
Tertiaries: Basic, Contour, Flutter, Lace, Monarch, Points, Smirch, Smoke, Space, Sparkle, Stained, Starfall, Underbelly

All other genes: add 160 levels each, but linebreaking genes will add 250 levels. You’ll be the sponsor for these genes!

For example, this piece would have cost 570 levels with its 3 new genes including one linebreaker: (Cinder, Spinner, Stinger)


…If I hadn’t created it as an example. Now those genes are free, you’re welcome!

Order Form for Sleepy Aether Baby:
@bluecrysto [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]List of desired genes:[/b] [b]Hatchling image/scry and link:[/b] [b]Teeth and claw colors:[/b] [b]Tongue and toebeans colors:[/b] [b]Additional color details/tweaks, no line-breaking please:[/b]


1. Teddy2008 ArcNat
2. AstralCrescent ArcNat

*hands you a baby* A sleeping aether bb that I drew.