
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [OPEN] Natron's art

Oh yes, I totally understand! Comms def take priority - need those muns!! :D It's all good, I'm fine with waiting however long you need. :)

Oh yes, I totally understand! Comms def take priority - need those muns!! :D It's all good, I'm fine with waiting however long you need. :)
An illustration of a blue Fire Flight Mirror dragon with black antlers and black wings, wearing gold jewelry. Blue fire is along the bottom of the picture, and the backdrop is of the Ashfall Waste. Links to progen.
BAM, done. I hope this turned out good, if there's anything I need to change, do tell but I'm pretty satisfied with how it is now. I may have missed something somewhere, that happens,,,,, This just might be the last time I use Mum's Paypal address because I'm finally getting my own one soon. I think $30 is a good estimate because of the details and apparel, plus I think I improved lineart-wise. I have to edit my front page anyway ajkhsdfj. Once again, thank you so much for commissioning me, I had a blast drawing her, she's gorgeous [img][/img]
BAM, done. I hope this turned out good, if there's anything I need to change, do tell but I'm pretty satisfied with how it is now. I may have missed something somewhere, that happens,,,,,

This just might be the last time I use Mum's Paypal address because I'm finally getting my own one soon. I think $30 is a good estimate because of the details and apparel, plus I think I improved lineart-wise. I have to edit my front page anyway ajkhsdfj. Once again, thank you so much for commissioning me, I had a blast drawing her, she's gorgeous

Link to art shopLink to skin shopImage depicting a large blue crab carrying produce on their back, its purpose being a background element for the signatureLink to a personal log thread containing various different links, information and sources
@Natron SCREAMS THIS IS SO GOOD??? I don't think there's anything missing (I tend to check at the WIP stages because ahgjdeskfl; I know personally how sucky it is to have to go back and edit lineart and color ect)

I've sent along payment! you better put me on a pinglist if I've not been added already, I'll have to come back at some point with them dollary-doos cx
@Natron SCREAMS THIS IS SO GOOD??? I don't think there's anything missing (I tend to check at the WIP stages because ahgjdeskfl; I know personally how sucky it is to have to go back and edit lineart and color ect)

I've sent along payment! you better put me on a pinglist if I've not been added already, I'll have to come back at some point with them dollary-doos cx
3n8t2NZ.png tANH62X.png "Hey guys, check out this little tree we found!
Wait... Not all at once!!"

Banner Art Shop, x
Formerly BeingOfNature
@beingofsalt AAAA JDKLFDJGLKDJGF nothing makes me happier than hearing that!!! Thank you so so much, I'm so happy you like how she turned out ♥♥

Honestly, I feel you. Going back and noticing an error after posting it is a nightmare, but it happens to me way too frequently. At least I think I'm pretty quick to catch it, it's still scary.
I'll add you to the pinglist, once again, big thank you!
@beingofsalt AAAA JDKLFDJGLKDJGF nothing makes me happier than hearing that!!! Thank you so so much, I'm so happy you like how she turned out ♥♥

Honestly, I feel you. Going back and noticing an error after posting it is a nightmare, but it happens to me way too frequently. At least I think I'm pretty quick to catch it, it's still scary.
I'll add you to the pinglist, once again, big thank you!
Link to art shopLink to skin shopImage depicting a large blue crab carrying produce on their back, its purpose being a background element for the signatureLink to a personal log thread containing various different links, information and sources
Wow, your art is so beautiful! Can I be added to your FR currency pinglist?
Wow, your art is so beautiful! Can I be added to your FR currency pinglist?
@yumehisakawa absolutely, thank you so much!
@yumehisakawa absolutely, thank you so much!
Link to art shopLink to skin shopImage depicting a large blue crab carrying produce on their back, its purpose being a background element for the signatureLink to a personal log thread containing various different links, information and sources
@Natron <3

I did that today, forgot to color the ears on something different ^^; only something minor but stilllll...
thank ya!
@Natron <3

I did that today, forgot to color the ears on something different ^^; only something minor but stilllll...
thank ya!
3n8t2NZ.png tANH62X.png "Hey guys, check out this little tree we found!
Wait... Not all at once!!"

Banner Art Shop, x
Formerly BeingOfNature
I am done!! Like, it didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would, I quite like the details and the lighting, which is pretty surprising knowing myself and my skills. I also made both Papyrus and Sans a bit more slick and avoided the mane because they are supposed to represent skeletal characters, so I hope that's okay. This was much harder to draw than I thought it would be, hope $60 is okay (that was the original price anyway). I apologise for the long wait, I would have finished this months ago if I hadn't waited for the pen to arrive for almost 3 months, I also had some medical issues (still have them HHHH!!!) and then my laptop's fan broke...everything was against me. [img][/img]
I am done!! Like, it didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would, I quite like the details and the lighting, which is pretty surprising knowing myself and my skills. I also made both Papyrus and Sans a bit more slick and avoided the mane because they are supposed to represent skeletal characters, so I hope that's okay.

This was much harder to draw than I thought it would be, hope $60 is okay (that was the original price anyway). I apologise for the long wait, I would have finished this months ago if I hadn't waited for the pen to arrive for almost 3 months, I also had some medical issues (still have them HHHH!!!) and then my laptop's fan broke...everything was against me.

Link to art shopLink to skin shopImage depicting a large blue crab carrying produce on their back, its purpose being a background element for the signatureLink to a personal log thread containing various different links, information and sources
@Natron Oh my gosh, it's so good, I love it! The detail is astounding, and the poses/expressions – Papyrus looks so fierce, and I love Sans's pose!

I sent the payment; PM me if you didn't get it.^^
@Natron Oh my gosh, it's so good, I love it! The detail is astounding, and the poses/expressions – Papyrus looks so fierce, and I love Sans's pose!

I sent the payment; PM me if you didn't get it.^^
Ashen Lightning Glass

((They/Them)) ((Ve/Vir))

@myriadofstars AAAAA thank you, I'm so happy to hear that! I really gave my best with the colours, I think it was a nice way to practice.

And it got through, thank you very much!
@myriadofstars AAAAA thank you, I'm so happy to hear that! I really gave my best with the colours, I think it was a nice way to practice.

And it got through, thank you very much!
Link to art shopLink to skin shopImage depicting a large blue crab carrying produce on their back, its purpose being a background element for the signatureLink to a personal log thread containing various different links, information and sources