Eulogy Thanks for buying him! And yes, that's perfectly fine, as long as the credits are kept intact! ^^
Eulogy Thanks for buying him! And yes, that's perfectly fine, as long as the credits are kept intact! ^^
Hey there! I filled out the form but I wasn't sure if it went through so I wanted to ping you as well just to be sure ^^ Hope all is well!
Hey there! I filled out the form but I wasn't sure if it went through so I wanted to ping you as well just to be sure ^^ Hope all is well!
Taishiro Great to see you again! I checked, and yup, your response went through all right. Hoping things are going well for you too! :D
Taishiro Great to see you again! I checked, and yup, your response went through all right. Hoping things are going well for you too! :D
Bloodhunter @
After @
Goblincat @
alyblaith @
Equive @
MistyGold @
Hi guys, thanks again for filling out the form! After you submitted your responses, I realized that the last question might be unclear. I changed it from "What's your preferred t:g ratio?" to "Thinking of changing the shop's t:g ratio. Which one do you prefer?"
If you'd like to change your answer (or if you can't recall what your previous answer was but want to respond again just in case), you can answer the survey again
here. This is completely
optional -- your first response has already been recorded, and even if you don't fill out the form a second time, you'll still be added to the pinglist. Thanks for your time!
Bloodhunter @
After @
Goblincat @
alyblaith @
Equive @
MistyGold @
Hi guys, thanks again for filling out the form! After you submitted your responses, I realized that the last question might be unclear. I changed it from "What's your preferred t:g ratio?" to "Thinking of changing the shop's t:g ratio. Which one do you prefer?"
If you'd like to change your answer (or if you can't recall what your previous answer was but want to respond again just in case), you can answer the survey again
here. This is completely
optional -- your first response has already been recorded, and even if you don't fill out the form a second time, you'll still be added to the pinglist. Thanks for your time!
[size=1]@Kano3Shuuya @Blightwyrm @awaicu @Nickeldragons @Hideki @Wystaria @Amehime @Kipuka @bunlux @Rowan00 @Saeldryn @Subdued @Milkbread @myriadofstars @littletoes101 @Alpestris @Hyperrectangle @Koalacorgis @SquidMage @BrainWaves @NeroDrag @SmokeySugar @MxFeral @Aetherstorm @Tynethyne @Petall @Avaura @XxCalypsoxX @LostGirl @Chocoli @Astronomic @Dragongirl00100 @dragonfrosts @EldritchGod[/size]
Happy holidays, everyone! Just a reminder that I'm updating the queue/pinglist for this year. Please fill out the form or ping me here if you want to remain on the pinglist. Thanks! (reference: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/2102403/391#post_45731115]original post[/url])
[quote name="Disillusionist" date="2020-12-20 05:48:34" ]If you'd like to continue receiving notifications, [b]please fill out the [url=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FTiNGBCQ7PzY6tijJ4as3RZh6UNVzpwVqwX7D0Bqm7M/edit?usp=sharing]form[/url] or ping me here in the thread[/b].[list]
[*] If you fill out the form and your name is already on the pinglist, your place in the queue won't change.
[*] If you're a new customer (your name isn't on the list yet), you'll be added to the end of the queue. (Please let me know if you've changed your username!)
[*] If you're pinged but don't fill out the form, you'll be removed from the list. You can also just ignore the form or let me know here if you want to be removed.[/list]
[center][url=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FTiNGBCQ7PzY6tijJ4as3RZh6UNVzpwVqwX7D0Bqm7M/edit?usp=sharing][b][size=5]Form can be found [u]HERE[/u].[/url][/size]
You can also ping or PM me if you can't access the form or if you have questions/concerns.[/b][/quote]
@Kano3Shuuya @Blightwyrm @awaicu @Nickeldragons @Hideki @Wystaria @Amehime @Kipuka @bunlux @Rowan00 @Saeldryn @Subdued @Milkbread @myriadofstars @littletoes101 @Alpestris @Hyperrectangle @Koalacorgis @SquidMage @BrainWaves @NeroDrag @SmokeySugar @MxFeral @Aetherstorm @Tynethyne @Petall @Avaura @XxCalypsoxX @LostGirl @Chocoli @Astronomic @Dragongirl00100 @dragonfrosts @EldritchGod
Happy holidays, everyone! Just a reminder that I'm updating the queue/pinglist for this year. Please fill out the form or ping me here if you want to remain on the pinglist. Thanks! (reference:
original post)
Disillusionist wrote on 2020-12-20 05:48:34:
If you'd like to continue receiving notifications,
please fill out the form or ping me here in the thread.
- If you fill out the form and your name is already on the pinglist, your place in the queue won't change.
- If you're a new customer (your name isn't on the list yet), you'll be added to the end of the queue. (Please let me know if you've changed your username!)
- If you're pinged but don't fill out the form, you'll be removed from the list. You can also just ignore the form or let me know here if you want to be removed.
[center][font=century gothic][size=6][b]Reopening (2021)[/b][/size][/font]
[size=2]@HorrorFiend @After @Polyhymnia @awaicu @Amehime @felistopaz @EmpressSectonia @Tues @Eulogy @Quintillion @alyblaith @Myndris @MistyGold @Saeldryn @Equive @myriadofstars @IraBell @SmokeySugar @Goblincat @MxFeral @Taishiro @Bloodhunter @Andraya @Jaypaw @Dragongirl00100 @kitsune56[/size][/center]
Welcome back, everybody! I hope everyone's 2021 has started out well and that you're all doing OK. [emoji=guardian happy] First shop opening of the year is a free-for-all. All services are available again!
[*] Make sure to [b][color=red]PING ME[/color] correctly[/b] when making reservations or orders.
[*] Lore still has a max word count of 3,000 words (prose) or 30 bullet points (Gothic).
[*] Missed a slot? I've added some new [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/2102403#post_25230689]affiliates[/url] recently. Check them out!
[*] For those who are low on currency, I'm still accepting items. Please check my wishlists before offering: [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=24999387]projects and outfits[/url], [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=25197371]general-use items[/url], and [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2360145]familiars[/url].[/list]
[nextcol][center][b][size=6]Taken slots:[/size]
[size=4][s]LORE: 2/2[/s] FULL
OTHER: 1/2[/size][/b]
[b]Other updates:[/b][list]
[*] The [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/2102403/1#post_25230696]FAQ[/url] has been updated with Q&A about dragons with pre-made art and lore.
[*] As stated in "Queue Update" [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/2102403/373#post_45099159]here[/url], waiting time will be decreased from 48 hours to 24. This means that if you're pinged for the queue, you'll have 24 hours to reply and there will be no reminder ping. Afterwards, you'll be moved to the bottom of the list.
[*] Along with the queue update, I also ran a survey to determine if I should change the shop's t:g ratio. The majority of customers voted to keep it at 1g:1000t, so it'll stay that way for now. If the ratio keeps changing, I'll put up another poll to get more feedback. Thanks again for your responses![/list]
[size=2]1g:1000t should actually be 44.44%, since one player responded twice.
"No strong preference" should actually be 37.04%, since one of those was a test response from me.[/size]
Welcome back, everybody! I hope everyone's 2021 has started out well and that you're all doing OK.

First shop opening of the year is a free-for-all. All services are available again!
- Make sure to PING ME correctly when making reservations or orders.
- Lore still has a max word count of 3,000 words (prose) or 30 bullet points (Gothic).
- Missed a slot? I've added some new affiliates recently. Check them out!
- For those who are low on currency, I'm still accepting items. Please check my wishlists before offering: projects and outfits, general-use items, and familiars.
Taken slots:
OTHER: 1/2
Other updates:
- The FAQ has been updated with Q&A about dragons with pre-made art and lore.
- As stated in "Queue Update" here, waiting time will be decreased from 48 hours to 24. This means that if you're pinged for the queue, you'll have 24 hours to reply and there will be no reminder ping. Afterwards, you'll be moved to the bottom of the list.
- Along with the queue update, I also ran a survey to determine if I should change the shop's t:g ratio. The majority of customers voted to keep it at 1g:1000t, so it'll stay that way for now. If the ratio keeps changing, I'll put up another poll to get more feedback. Thanks again for your responses!
1g:1000t should actually be 44.44%, since one player responded twice.
"No strong preference" should actually be 37.04%, since one of those was a test response from me.
Disillusionist I'd like a lore slot please! :3
Welcome back and Happy New Year! [emoji=wildclaw happy size=1]
Welcome back and Happy New Year!