
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
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[center][size=2]@Spooner Oh my god. It would be an HONOR for MANLY MCBRO to give this new MAN RECRUIT of mine a BROTASTIC REVIEW! I present to your MANLINESS these HELLA RIPPED BRO to train under your STRONG wing. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This MAN RECRUIT hails from the land of MANIMES and swords. He is our clan's [b]ULTIMATE BARA[/b]. Although his RIPPLING MUSCLES are what attract the ladies, his personality is more of a HUGE DORK. Not too manly, in my opinion. The payment of 20kt will be sent to you immediately after your honored reply. The sack of treasure is GUARANTEED to have been whisked gently by the fur of a MANLY BEAR. On second thought, your payment will be inside this bear. You must defeat it to retrieve your PRIZE. [/center]

Oh my god. It would be an HONOR for MANLY MCBRO to give this new MAN RECRUIT of mine a BROTASTIC REVIEW! I present to your MANLINESS these HELLA RIPPED BRO to train under your STRONG wing.


This MAN RECRUIT hails from the land of MANIMES and swords. He is our clan's ULTIMATE BARA. Although his RIPPLING MUSCLES are what attract the ladies, his personality is more of a HUGE DORK. Not too manly, in my opinion.

The payment of 20kt will be sent to you immediately after your honored reply. The sack of treasure is GUARANTEED to have been whisked gently by the fur of a MANLY BEAR. On second thought, your payment will be inside this bear. You must defeat it to retrieve your PRIZE.
@Cacogen - MANLY MCBRO is delighted (IN A REALLY MANLY WAY OF COURSE) to receive such a BROTASTIC invite. Were you to send the MANey, he would be most MANCITED to travel to your lair of MANLY MACHO MANIME MEN and their MANLY MANIME SWORDS OF PURE BRO. @tigercule - So think I finally got the joke with Han's and Indiana's names, that was so well played. Anyway, HERE WE BROOOOOO [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [quote] [url=ihateredtext][/url][center][b]INDIANA[/b] . [i](what a woman)[/i][/center] Few females take up such a MANCITING name, but Indiana is MORE THAN TOUGH ENOUGH TO [i]BEAR[/i] IT. In fact - not only does she REGULARLY WRESTLE BEARS, thus INCREASING HER BEAR CAPACITY, her hide is made of SUPER-TOUGH CRYSTAL, so she has to wear MAN-SHADES in order to handle the EXTREME MANLINESS of both herself and her MANTASTIC MATE, [url=]Han[/url]. When these two dragons GO INTO BATTLE, the opponent is usually either shocked or outright blinded - not surprising, since not do Indiana and Han BROTALLY SPARKLE, their hides are VIOLENT VIOLET and their wings MANLY [i]MAN[/i]GENTA. Brave and adventurous, Indiana BODILY DRAGS her sometimes less-than-manthusiastic mate into all kinds of trouble, though of course she ALWAYS HAS HIS BACK WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH. This BROCLAW (WO)MAN is headstrong to say the least, often LEAPING INTO BATTLE without concern, and ALWAYS TAKING RESPONSIBILITY. If she admits to causing trouble, YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT - Indiana is undoubtedly as honest as she is headstrong, though sometimes quite bluntly so. Her apparel is of course always stylish; Indiana has a MANCREDIBLE fashion sense, to say the least! Always on the lookout for EVER-MANLIER MANPPAREL, Indiana tends to force Han and the other members of her clan into as many new outfits as she forces him into sparring matches or adventures. When she goes on a SHOPPING CRAZE, flying off to some new marketplace or other with Han in tow, the entire clan declares a small holiday for those few days when she's gone - not that Indiana is painful to be around, she's just ALMOST TOO MANLY FOR HER MANLY MANGENTA FRIENDS TO HANDLE. Indiana may not have a TOUGH PET riding on her shoulder, but neither she nor Han have use for one - their EXTREME BRONESS is liable to partially blind anything that is NOT AS MANLY AS THEM. In their MOST WISE MANLINESS, Indiana and Han have decided that only they are BRO ENOUGH to BEAR EACH OTHER. The result is a TRUE BOND OF AWE-INSPIRING BRO, FORGED IN THE MOST MANLY ELEMENT, THE ONE THAT IS SO VERY MANLY WE MAY NOT SAY ITS NAME. LONG MAY IT LAST AND NEVER MAY IT END. [/quote] Please let me know if I should change up anything about this style for Han's man-bio!
@Cacogen - MANLY MCBRO is delighted (IN A REALLY MANLY WAY OF COURSE) to receive such a BROTASTIC invite. Were you to send the MANey, he would be most MANCITED to travel to your lair of MANLY MACHO MANIME MEN and their MANLY MANIME SWORDS OF PURE BRO.

@tigercule - So think I finally got the joke with Han's and Indiana's names, that was so well played. Anyway, HERE WE BROOOOOO

(what a woman)

Few females take up such a MANCITING name, but Indiana is MORE THAN TOUGH ENOUGH TO BEAR IT. In fact - not only does she REGULARLY WRESTLE BEARS, thus INCREASING HER BEAR CAPACITY, her hide is made of SUPER-TOUGH CRYSTAL, so she has to wear MAN-SHADES in order to handle the EXTREME MANLINESS of both herself and her MANTASTIC MATE, Han. When these two dragons GO INTO BATTLE, the opponent is usually either shocked or outright blinded - not surprising, since not do Indiana and Han BROTALLY SPARKLE, their hides are VIOLENT VIOLET and their wings MANLY MANGENTA.

Brave and adventurous, Indiana BODILY DRAGS her sometimes less-than-manthusiastic mate into all kinds of trouble, though of course she ALWAYS HAS HIS BACK WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH. This BROCLAW (WO)MAN is headstrong to say the least, often LEAPING INTO BATTLE without concern, and ALWAYS TAKING RESPONSIBILITY. If she admits to causing trouble, YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT - Indiana is undoubtedly as honest as she is headstrong, though sometimes quite bluntly so.

Her apparel is of course always stylish; Indiana has a MANCREDIBLE fashion sense, to say the least! Always on the lookout for EVER-MANLIER MANPPAREL, Indiana tends to force Han and the other members of her clan into as many new outfits as she forces him into sparring matches or adventures. When she goes on a SHOPPING CRAZE, flying off to some new marketplace or other with Han in tow, the entire clan declares a small holiday for those few days when she's gone - not that Indiana is painful to be around, she's just ALMOST TOO MANLY FOR HER MANLY MANGENTA FRIENDS TO HANDLE.

Indiana may not have a TOUGH PET riding on her shoulder, but neither she nor Han have use for one - their EXTREME BRONESS is liable to partially blind anything that is NOT AS MANLY AS THEM. In their MOST WISE MANLINESS, Indiana and Han have decided that only they are BRO ENOUGH to BEAR EACH OTHER. The result is a TRUE BOND OF AWE-INSPIRING BRO, FORGED IN THE MOST MANLY ELEMENT, THE ONE THAT IS SO VERY MANLY WE MAY NOT SAY ITS NAME. LONG MAY IT LAST AND NEVER MAY IT END.

Please let me know if I should change up anything about this style for Han's man-bio!
Dear IKTR: Fandragons are in my den! Sometimes there's a few stragglers in my lair.

@Spooner I'm glad someone got it. xD I was originally thinking of Chuck and Bruce (or maybe Jackie), but then was like NAWWW. Han and Indiana are the PINNACLES of MANLINESS. Chuck and Bruce just can't compare.

That is absolutely perfect and I think I almost died of laughter. Then you'd be guilty of MANSLAUGHTER. I can't wait to see the rest.
@Spooner I'm glad someone got it. xD I was originally thinking of Chuck and Bruce (or maybe Jackie), but then was like NAWWW. Han and Indiana are the PINNACLES of MANLINESS. Chuck and Bruce just can't compare.

That is absolutely perfect and I think I almost died of laughter. Then you'd be guilty of MANSLAUGHTER. I can't wait to see the rest.
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Occasionally on unannounced/unplanned hiatus. See profile for Discord to contact off-site if needed for art reasons.


@Spooner Do you have to lack the bears for us to be able to pay with them? (I love your MANLY style of writing.)
@Spooner Do you have to lack the bears for us to be able to pay with them? (I love your MANLY style of writing.)
@spooner I just want to say that you are a genius and these bios have me dying
Your "Man-Cave" thread is also great. When I MAN-age to become rich and famous I will definitely commission you to write my personal life story. (Not about my dragons. My biography.)
Please keep up the amazing work. You are my inspiration.
*twirls off sprinkling glitter everywhere*

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@spooner I just want to say that you are a genius and these bios have me dying
Your "Man-Cave" thread is also great. When I MAN-age to become rich and famous I will definitely commission you to write my personal life story. (Not about my dragons. My biography.)
Please keep up the amazing work. You are my inspiration.
*twirls off sprinkling glitter everywhere*

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The manly 40kT is sent!

The manly 40kT is sent!
@Spooner I'm just popping in to say this is the best freakin' shop I have ever laid my eyes on. Good show, friend.
@Spooner I'm just popping in to say this is the best freakin' shop I have ever laid my eyes on. Good show, friend.
CRrA7uh.png DMnq5qM.png
@Spooner I stumbled on this while browsing your MAN-CAVE. A-and I think I need a short bio *_* [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This is progenitor Idris, who just discovered the MANLINESS of MANGENTA facet today [s]and has yet to find clothes that don't dampen his brightness[/s]. If you've got slots open, I will shower you in treasure and bears!!
I stumbled on this while browsing your MAN-CAVE.

A-and I think I need a short bio *_*


This is progenitor Idris, who just discovered the MANLINESS of MANGENTA facet today and has yet to find clothes that don't dampen his brightness.

If you've got slots open, I will shower you in treasure and bears!!
OKAY, [b][i]HERE WE BRO[/i][/b]. Everyone's getting their stuff in this post and the next one, so this is going to PING THE MASSES. CAN YOU MAN-HANDLE ALL OF THIS? [center]------[b]REPLIES TO BROS[/b]------[/center] @Abucketofdragons - No, any bears are fine. In fact - a pay[i]men[/i]t in bears would be hilarious tbh. @annewy - Thanks, fellow manly man - you can BET YOUR VERY MANLIEST DOLLAR that I always MANPPRECIATE the support!(Also, what an ASCII - I'm not worthy in the presence of so many manly sparkles.) @crateshya - Yo, thanks for the support! I wasn't expecting as big a response for this thread as I got, but it seems that people really BECKON THE BRO. @Scream - Sure, I've got plenty of spaces open - I'm just finishing up the last few reviews now. If you want that bio, go right ahead. :D (Also, congrats on that gorgeous Nocturne! What a beauty.) [center]------[b]COMPLETED MAN-BIOS[/b]------[/center] @tigercule - One man-bio for Han! Also - I see Power's in another clan. Can you let me know which dragon to tackle for the fifth review? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [quote] [url=ihateredtext][/url][center][b]HAN[/b] . [i](what a bro)[/i][/center] Han's name is JUST ONE LETTER AWAY FROM [i]MAN[/i], and you can BET UPON YOUR HONOR THAT HE'S MAN ENOUGH TO HAVE IT. MANFITTED by his TOUGH LADY, the MIGHTY [url=]INDIANA[/url], when Han STORMS INTO A BAR, you BETTER BELIEVE that dragons HAVE TO LOOK AWAY FROM THE INTENSE MANLINESS. In fact - Han has to look away from his own INTENSE MANLINESS; he is of the opinion that the MAN-SHADES were invented JUST FOR HIM AND HIS TOUGH LADY. Han isn't usually much of one for trouble, being a TRUE AND HONORABLE MAN; whilst his mate WRESTLES BEARS, Han would greatly prefer to arrange to duel dragons at dawn in a HIGH AND MANLY FASHION. However, thanks to Indiana's habit of dragging him into everything, Han more often than not finds himself IN THE CENTRE OF THE ACTION. Not that he's an awful fighter - Han's hide is made of SUPER-TOUGH CRYSTAL, and the fact that he BROTALLY SPARKLES tends to BLIND MOST DRAGONS WITH THE PURE MANLINESS. PROUD of his colours (MANLY [i]MAN[/i]GENTA, VIOLET, and BITTER LEMON), Han is very talkative, and enjoys speaking about MANLY TOPICS FOR MANLY MEN ONLY. Always thinking before he opens his mouth, and using an almost archaic style of speech (coming in sharp contrast to Indiana's constant slang), when THIS MANLY MAN speaks, you BETTER BELIEVE that he has something to say! Indiana's always the first to TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY for whatever trouble she's started, but Han's always the first to BROPOLOGIZE - on her behalf or otherwise. He often finishes with a promise not to openly seek trouble next time - and since he is not only a TRUE AND HONEST MANLY MAN but a TRUE AND HONEST [i]SPARKLY[/i] MANLY MAN, Han's word is nothing less than A TRUE BROMISE of ULTI[i]MAN[/i]TE BRO. A good thing that is, too - for Han in recent days as PLEDGED HIMSELF to his WONDERFUL (WO)MAN, Indiana. With the TOTALLY MANLY blessing of the clan's leader, the two of them have FORGED A TRUE BOND OF AWE-INSPIRING BRO, CRAFTED IN THE MOST MANLY ELEMENT - THE ONE THAT IS SO VERY MANLY WE MAY NOT SAY ITS NAME. LONG MAY IT LAST AND NEVER MAY IT END. - Manly McBro [/quote] (Kept the ending somewhat similar to Indiana's, so they sort of match? As usual, if you need any edits I'll happily make some!) @Andorum - One man-bio for Devana! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [quote] [url=ihateredtext][/url][center][b]DEVANA[/b] . [i](mancredible)[/i][/center] Devana is a SPIRITED (WO)MAN to say the least. She has lived far longer than her own clan, and is NO STRANGER TO CHANGE. Hatched in a HOWLING GALE, this BRAVE BRODANCER traveled the world for many months before she came to LEAVE HER BRO-MARK upon the clan. As a result, she is not only a FINE AND HONORABLE LADY with MANY MANLY SKILLS, she is also a HIGHLY VICIOUS FIGHTER who will fight tooth and nail to defend her clan. When she was just a hatchling, Devana received a scar to her right eye from a BEAR she DARED TO WRESTLE; it's a story that has PASSED INTO MANGEND amongst the members of her clan, and a testa[i]men[/i]t to Devana's TRUE TOUGHNESS. Despite her age, Devana MANSISTS on patrolling the front of the lair, and she is EXTREMELY WATCHFUL - many a hapless visitor has had to talk their way past this PROUD BRODANCER. That's not easy - LOUD, BRAVE, AND ALL-ROUND MIGHTY, Devana is yet another example of a dragon that DOESN'T NEED [i]MAN[/i]GENTA TO [i]MAN THINGS UP[/i]. With OVER THE TOP OBSIDIAN setting off her BROTASTIC BLOOD and COURAGEOUS CRIMSON, it's no wonder that Devana is often chosen to represent her clan in negotiations - not only is she both MANXPERIENCED and DETER[i]MAN[/i]ED TO GET THE BEST FOR HER FELLOW MANS, she is also BROTALLY PLAGUE-COLOURS, DESPITE BEING A WIND DRAGON. Since Devana is often the first dragon most clans see, she's always DRESSED FOR THE [i]BROCCAISION.[/i] Bearing the SIGN OF HER MAN-CLAN upon her head, Devana cuts a MANPRESSIVE sight in her CAPE THAT CONSTANTLY BILLOWS IN A MANVISIBLE BREEZE and ROYAL WRAPS. Thanks to being very well-travelled, this BRODANCER has a good eye for clothes, after all of the newer dragons come to her for MANPPAREL ADVICE in her quieter mo[i]men[/i]ts - just another way in which this TRUE BRO is HIGHLY RESPECTED. - Manly McBro [/quote]
OKAY, HERE WE BRO. Everyone's getting their stuff in this post and the next one, so this is going to PING THE MASSES. CAN YOU MAN-HANDLE ALL OF THIS?


@Abucketofdragons - No, any bears are fine. In fact - a payment in bears would be hilarious tbh.

@annewy - Thanks, fellow manly man - you can BET YOUR VERY MANLIEST DOLLAR that I always MANPPRECIATE the support!(Also, what an ASCII - I'm not worthy in the presence of so many manly sparkles.)

@crateshya - Yo, thanks for the support! I wasn't expecting as big a response for this thread as I got, but it seems that people really BECKON THE BRO.

@Scream - Sure, I've got plenty of spaces open - I'm just finishing up the last few reviews now. If you want that bio, go right ahead. :D (Also, congrats on that gorgeous Nocturne! What a beauty.)


@tigercule - One man-bio for Han! Also - I see Power's in another clan. Can you let me know which dragon to tackle for the fifth review?

(what a bro)


Han isn't usually much of one for trouble, being a TRUE AND HONORABLE MAN; whilst his mate WRESTLES BEARS, Han would greatly prefer to arrange to duel dragons at dawn in a HIGH AND MANLY FASHION. However, thanks to Indiana's habit of dragging him into everything, Han more often than not finds himself IN THE CENTRE OF THE ACTION. Not that he's an awful fighter - Han's hide is made of SUPER-TOUGH CRYSTAL, and the fact that he BROTALLY SPARKLES tends to BLIND MOST DRAGONS WITH THE PURE MANLINESS.

PROUD of his colours (MANLY MANGENTA, VIOLET, and BITTER LEMON), Han is very talkative, and enjoys speaking about MANLY TOPICS FOR MANLY MEN ONLY. Always thinking before he opens his mouth, and using an almost archaic style of speech (coming in sharp contrast to Indiana's constant slang), when THIS MANLY MAN speaks, you BETTER BELIEVE that he has something to say! Indiana's always the first to TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY for whatever trouble she's started, but Han's always the first to BROPOLOGIZE - on her behalf or otherwise. He often finishes with a promise not to openly seek trouble next time - and since he is not only a TRUE AND HONEST MANLY MAN but a TRUE AND HONEST SPARKLY MANLY MAN, Han's word is nothing less than A TRUE BROMISE of ULTIMANTE BRO.

A good thing that is, too - for Han in recent days as PLEDGED HIMSELF to his WONDERFUL (WO)MAN, Indiana. With the TOTALLY MANLY blessing of the clan's leader, the two of them have FORGED A TRUE BOND OF AWE-INSPIRING BRO, CRAFTED IN THE MOST MANLY ELEMENT - THE ONE THAT IS SO VERY MANLY WE MAY NOT SAY ITS NAME. LONG MAY IT LAST AND NEVER MAY IT END.

- Manly McBro

(Kept the ending somewhat similar to Indiana's, so they sort of match? As usual, if you need any edits I'll happily make some!)

@Andorum - One man-bio for Devana!



Devana is a SPIRITED (WO)MAN to say the least. She has lived far longer than her own clan, and is NO STRANGER TO CHANGE. Hatched in a HOWLING GALE, this BRAVE BRODANCER traveled the world for many months before she came to LEAVE HER BRO-MARK upon the clan. As a result, she is not only a FINE AND HONORABLE LADY with MANY MANLY SKILLS, she is also a HIGHLY VICIOUS FIGHTER who will fight tooth and nail to defend her clan. When she was just a hatchling, Devana received a scar to her right eye from a BEAR she DARED TO WRESTLE; it's a story that has PASSED INTO MANGEND amongst the members of her clan, and a testament to Devana's TRUE TOUGHNESS.

Despite her age, Devana MANSISTS on patrolling the front of the lair, and she is EXTREMELY WATCHFUL - many a hapless visitor has had to talk their way past this PROUD BRODANCER. That's not easy - LOUD, BRAVE, AND ALL-ROUND MIGHTY, Devana is yet another example of a dragon that DOESN'T NEED MANGENTA TO MAN THINGS UP. With OVER THE TOP OBSIDIAN setting off her BROTASTIC BLOOD and COURAGEOUS CRIMSON, it's no wonder that Devana is often chosen to represent her clan in negotiations - not only is she both MANXPERIENCED and DETERMANED TO GET THE BEST FOR HER FELLOW MANS, she is also BROTALLY PLAGUE-COLOURS, DESPITE BEING A WIND DRAGON.

Since Devana is often the first dragon most clans see, she's always DRESSED FOR THE BROCCAISION. Bearing the SIGN OF HER MAN-CLAN upon her head, Devana cuts a MANPRESSIVE sight in her CAPE THAT CONSTANTLY BILLOWS IN A MANVISIBLE BREEZE and ROYAL WRAPS. Thanks to being very well-travelled, this BRODANCER has a good eye for clothes, after all of the newer dragons come to her for MANPPAREL ADVICE in her quieter moments - just another way in which this TRUE BRO is HIGHLY RESPECTED.

- Manly McBro
Dear IKTR: Fandragons are in my den! Sometimes there's a few stragglers in my lair.

(post removed, moving the reviews to the next page as they'll be more likely to be seen that way)
(post removed, moving the reviews to the next page as they'll be more likely to be seen that way)
Dear IKTR: Fandragons are in my den! Sometimes there's a few stragglers in my lair.

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