XXY double G1s (gold, fuchsia, peach)
Scream's Clan
wth why are all the dragons beautiful
Clan Info
Hopeless poverty due to G1 addiction.
Exchange rate for anything I have listed for sale is 1g:1000t.
My AH prices aren't final. Dragons get discounted when they expire.
Can hold my AH stuff up to a week for you if you ask!
If I bought your dragon from AH, you can ask to buy it back for sale price.
You can block me if you never want me to buy anything from you again.
If you harass me over a dragon, my offer to trade back is void.
If you bought my dragon, you can do whatever you want with it.
I love seeing complete makeovers!
Daily searches:
carrot/x/sable (7)
coal/caribbean/x (4)
x/coal/tomato (4)
Recent Comments
thanks for buying
Thank you again for helping me!! <3 <3
Ganon is so Awesome! Good job on him!
Dude, I saw Ganon in your post for the theme week and I am in love! <3 Well done!
Ah, alright! Sorry about that.
Thank you for buying my 3 baby dragons!
I love how your Pairs tab looks!
Good news! The breeding project pair might have been a wegg but it was a success in the color combo and gender I aimed for! ^o^
It's ok! It happens sometimes! Thanks for letting me know!
Found Lucent when looking at ancestors. He looks very elegant.
Geomancy and Milada’s opposite vibes are so cool
Hello Scream, I really like the dragon with the number 96778112. I was wonder if you could hold on to it for me for a day. I can pay you tomorrow
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